Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 75 - The Bomb In The Storage Part 2







Before it could reach 0 or even 1, Mark did the only sensible thing he could think of - to throw it into his system storage and hope it works.

He waited for the timer to pass, counting down inside his head and then waited for a few more minutes just to make sure it was actually safe. The ticking sound was no longer audible but that did not mean anything for their safety.

His hand still had that burning sensation to it but it was not burned. It didn't even have a mark or anything close to that nature which was not a surprise. If Mark had to compare, he would say that it felt like touching the stabilising core that Kuro had to swallow.

But even that had not felt this dangerous which was a testament to just how much raw power was contained in this stone.

Once he was really sure that it was safe, Mark could finally make his way outside. The four people who had been dismissed outside looked over to him with eager eyes, awaiting the news he had brought.

"It was a bomb. It's in my system storage but I can't let it out right now. It would blow up in about 3 more seconds" the eager faces fell and some even paled in fright. 

No one had expected such a situation to occur and even Liam looked a little shook at that.

"Another useless piece of trash. Do you have any idea what it could be?" Liam asked and got a glare from Alan as a result. The child did not look happy with the other for putting Mark in danger but he did seem to keep himself in check somehow.

It was likely Luna's influence.

Rika looked shook too but she chose not to comment. Her standing was more neutral than anyone present in such a situation.

"It made up of energy" Mark started but then stopped himself from going further. Even if everyone here was trustworthy, it did not mean he could just reveal everything he did know.

Most importantly, he could not allow anyone to know it was similar to a divine beast's stabilising core because no one knew such a thing existed. 

"It's an energy? That doesn't seem to be too useful for us right now. I would genuinely like to examine it more but if it is as you say then it might turn out to be too dangerous. We need to get rid of that thing as soon as possible" Rika was clearly conflicted in her opinions but the logic won in the end.

Her research was important but not if it cost people their lives. 

"Let him hold onto it for now. If it is as dangerous as he says then we will surely get an opportunity to use it in the future" the opportunistic words came from Luna, his eyes going hazy and being lost in memories.

There was no doubt in Mark's mind that there might come numerous situations in the future where such an explosive energy might become useful but for now it was useless.

"Are you all crazy? You're just willing to gamble his life like that?" Alan could not contain himself and finally exploded but no one actually looked shocked at that outburst. It was almost expected by everyone present on the scene.

The concern bleed freely on the child's face.

"It is the best course of action we currently have" the teen fell silent at that proclamation, clearly realising that it was a lost cause. Mark did not mind holding onto a potential time bomb which could kill him.

Please note the sarcasm there.

"If I'm not needed for anything else then I'll be going to examine the new specimen being brought in" it made Mark a little sick how she could talk like that about former humans. But her mindset was correct for a scientist in her position so he could not fault her for it.

If she began to feel sympathy for those monsters, and began to see them as human then she would not be able to do what she was meant to do and that was a commendable quality she possessed.

"I'll return to the office too. I'll keep you updated on the vial search in the lower parts as well. Luna, you should accompany me for now since your next mission is coming up soon" Liam stood up to leave too.

Luna, who was staring at Mark for a reaction finally looked away at the leaving man before sighting and following. Alan looked torn between following his older brother or staying with Mark.

Made gestured for him to leave which was followed through rather reluctantly but he did leave nonetheless.

Mark was alone in the corridor once again and he felt his heart rate spike up in a late response. He had been so close to being blown up and it was not good for his heart at all.

Or his body for that matter.

"Need to calm down," Mark muttered to himself as he began moving. His line of sight faded in and out of focus which was difficult for him to maintain. All he could do was to take a deep breath to calm himself down.

Even if the energy was inside his system, he could still feel it working itself all around him. It was feeling him out and testing him.

He tried to ignore the small wisps of energy that tried to mingle with his senses and take over him but they were persistent. They were overwhelming in a way he did not like and they gathered around his mind.

It looked like it would be a battle for his sanity.

He could not see where he was headed, his vision going in and out of focus which was really bad for him. 

"That's a lot of energy you got there. I thought humans could not harness such energy inside them for long? Now, why don't I do you a favour and take it away from you?" That voice was very familiar, its tone getting on Mark's nerves.

He really wanted his vision to stop blurring and actually allow him to see who was in front of him. 

It was not any of the divine beasts for sure since they felt different to him. Their energy was strong enough to be felt even in such a state which definitely eliminated them from this equation.

This one felt far too muted for it to make any mark on him but still, he had to be careful.

He aimed a shot in the general direction, somehow grabbing the right weapon and it could only be due to the system upgrade which linked it with his mind.

From the lack of any painful voice, Mark could conclude that he had missed that shot. 

He needed to get away from the other at any cost if he wanted this base to survive. So he did what felt right to him, he fled the scene.

He could not even be sure if the other was behind him or if the chase had ended already. The power from the core was too much for him to handle on top of everything else.

The more he ran, the more his vision seemed to be clearing which should have been his first clue that something was happening way beyond his control. But when you were running for your life, you had no time for such things to be taken into account.

The second clue should have been the way his body was behaving. Mark felt lighter, faster and overall better in a matter of seconds and it was noticeable.

But the most important factor was the fact that he actually shook off the person behind him. 

Now that the influence of the core seemed to be lessening, he tried to feel the person following him but he was no longer there at all. Mark could not feel that person too which meant that he was not anywhere near him any longer.

Just to make sure, he opened his system. His map would be a really useful feature right about now but he was faced with something completely different from his map once he opened it.

He was faced with a single line.


Core absorption: 40% complete 

(Note: conditions for player upgrade met, upgrade started. Not voluntary for the player) 


Now, what had he landed himself into? Why was his system like this? Was it controlled by an AI who hated him? 

And this was something he could not stop from happening either which was not great at all. 

Who was absorbing all this energy? His system? Or was it all going into him? What was it about to do to him and should he be scared? He just wanted to be normal for one day, one peaceful day where he would not have to face such problematic bullshit.

Was it too much to ask?

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