Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 78 - Joining The Rebellion Part 2

Mark blinked at the message and the doubt began to fester once he had already sent it. Perhaps he could have worded it better? Or approached it in a better manner?

Once he read it, Mark was sure he could have done better overall. The wording sounded not good and the timing was not amazing either.


The rebellion? Is it starting already?


Liam waited for the reply back. As a station head, he had far too much to look after. From the worker well being to the research department - everything needed him. Honestly, at this point it was clear that the base would collapse should he go to extra sleep.

The rebellion was not something that had actively crossed his mind for some time now which was not ideal. That plot point had a huge impact on the story and he still had no information about it at all.

He had concerns about how to handle this situation but it felt like his prayers were about to be answered. Perhaps Mark could be allowed to handle it all.


Not yet but soon but I think we can delay it if we have a mole inside there. I think I should be the one to do this


If the other was volunteering then there was nothing much to be considered. Mark might never be his best pawn, but he was reliable at least. He had no reason to betray him and they could plan ahead if they had the necessary information.

There was no doubt inside his mind that the other had personal reasons for bringing it up but Liam could allow that leeway to the other. He was not that stingy and he did not need Mark for most of the future progress.

Should things really come to demand a sacrifice, he had Luna's younger brother always present. He was sure he could make the other agree to anything if he worded his request right.

So yes, he could spare Mark for now.


If you want to keep an eye on them, then it's your own responsibility. Keep me posted on your progress though


With that message sent, he checked for anything else he might have potentially missed. His screen showed unopened messages from the real world base he ignored in favour of planning around the food fields. 

Whatever they wanted to tell him could wait but the progress could not. He was really counting on this attempt to succeed as it would be his last one. 

It would be everyone's last one because his world would no longer be able to support itself.


Got it


Mark could not say he felt better with that confirmation from the other but it did ease his psyche.

His room was silent and dark, just as he had left it in the morning. Kuro still slept away on his bed, her body not having moved an inch. 

The thought of moving her did cross his mind but then he did not. It did not even matter if she occupied his bed in this form or not since she was too small to really make a difference. He could easily manoeuvre himself around her.

And then it was too quiet which was unnerving. The ticking noise and the festering energy from the day were absent now which made him feel listless now.

He had somehow gotten used to them and their absence felt gawking toward his senses.


Core absorption: 100 % complete 

Result: Access to higher power gained.

Reward: Key acquired (2/3)


He checked his inventory next and it was as he had featured 1 - the core was gone. The most logical conclusion was that his system had somehow absorbed that core without his knowledge or permission.

He did not feel different at all

Which meant that it was the system that had changed. But that was not true since he could not see any changes in its interface. 

If so, then what had upgraded? It either had to be him or the system? Was the update still going on?

He decided to think more on it tomorrow after his refreshing sleep but his alarm had other ideas which blasted off at the highest volume. Just as the sweet embrace of sleep into her arms, it was taken away from him.

All he could do was groan and look at the alarm. Why had he set it up?

The text 'SHOP TAKEOVER' met his eyes which caused a moan of discontent to leave his lips. Why? Why did he think it was a good idea to take on so much? Sleep was a necessity he could no longer enjoy since work always became an obstacle.

He did consider skipping the work but it would be unfair to the other person on the duty. The other shopkeeper was old and needed his rest too which was a shame too. Mark could not skip his work and show himself to be ungrateful in this regard.

He dragged his body out of the bed and into the hall. 

There was a tense silence that caused people to avert their eyes from each other. The recent check had caused a huge wave of whispers and discontent to flow all over the base and it had not only been the lower class that had been affected.

The crowd in the shop was no less than before but it was considerably quieter. People did not stop to chatter, they just picked what they needed and left.

"Oho Mark. Here to replace me? Right on time as always" the older said as he stood up to walk toward him. Mark looked toward the still quiet line with a raised eyebrow. 

Had it been a  normal day, the complaints would have started by now but not today. Today, it was all quiet and tense. 

"I'm here to replace you" Mark confirmed, even if it was not needed and took his seat at the shop counter. This was the fastest the line had ever shrunk ever since he had been here and it was clear it was due to no small talks.

Mark was thankful even when he should not be. His eyes had closed on themselves so many times that he had lost count and there was nothing that would keep him alert.

Since the area was empty, he allowed himself to fall victim to the demons of sleep and he was out like a light. Thankfully, the anti-theft program inside the base was too strong for anyone to overcome and the shop was secure.

When he woke up later his shift had only a few minutes left which was a weird coincidence. The nap had done wonders and he felt much more oriented now.

Perhaps that was the reason Mark felt as if there was weird energy inside him. He felt much more awake and aware of his surroundings, even to the point of being able to hear into the nearby dining hall.

Perhaps he was becoming far too familiar with unknown voices because that was the only reason he could think of which explained the conversations his mind was making him hear. But why think about the food of all things?

His mind came up with more conversations that he would never be caught having and Mark was sure his ears were red. Those conversations were really not for polite company and he didn't want to think about those whatsoever.

When the elderly came to replace him, Mark found those footsteps to be far too loud. Had they always been this way or was it because of the quiet and empty hall that made them echo like this?

At this point, Mark could not help but feel as if he was still in a dream. Most things did not make sense, especially the thoughts inside his brain. He was sure that he was still sleep deprived but that thought flew out of his mind once he hit the counter with his toe.

The pain was real and so was everything else.

The plan was to go to his room and rest before his meeting with the rebellion leader but they changed due to his system warning. 


System warning (continued mission): danger detected - abnormalities in the lower living quarters

Danger level: Easy (lv5)

Action to take: eliminate the risk factor (reward)  or ignore (chances of being attacked)

The reward for eliminating the target: a clue to the present mystery.


And Mark hurried toward those parts. No matter how easy, these monsters were not something normal humans could entertain. Had it been these parts, he would have likely not been this tense but lower parts was a different thing.

Should someone see that then the problems would be immense and get out of control?

Not to mention, he had been somewhat sure that those vials had not been present in that part anyway. The leader had even suggested that it was not there but maybe he had been fooled by that act.

Mark saw that shadow before he saw himself and then he readied the gun.. The chase was on.

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