Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 84 - The Second Test Part 2

Once he was inside his room, Mark opened his screen and scanned the letter. Kuro was still asleep, her timer still having a few minutes left to it which served as enough time for Mark to digest the new information.


If you read this then know the second part of your test - get us the defence and research data. The amount you get would decide if you get in or not. Do not disclose it to anyone.

Also, try and get an energy sample from the main core of the base if you can. If you get enough, we'll automatically let you in.

~from the chosen one


Mark found it funny that the other referred to himself as such but he debated what to do next. What was being demanded sounded far too much for testing a mere member who wanted to join.

This mission sounded as if it was for someone deeply loyal to their cause which surprised Mark. 

The vial mission sounded like a given since Mark had easy access to them but this thing sounded like a desperate attempt for information. 

What should he do next?

One thing was for sure, Liam should know about this. If those people did not know about his prior arrangement with the other then it was likely that they would not know about this one either. 

It made it seem like their powers to monitor him had a certain limitation to it and he needed to find much more about it.


I made contact with the rebels but they have some requests of me before I can join. Can you have a look?


Mark sent the information and then waited for a reply. It did not take long for it to come which meant that the other was not that busy.


The upper request is understandable but the core energy sample? What would one need with such a useless thing? Isn't it better to ask for code data or that type of thing? As far as we know, that thing is useless


It gave Mark a pause. 

If that thing was as useless as the other said it was then what had he felt that long ago? That energy and the feeling that passed over him. What had those things been?

Should he tell the other that it was not as useless as it seems? Or was Mark the only one who felt like this when he touched it? He did not think Kuro or any of the others reacted in the same way.

As much as he wanted to share this information, it felt dangerous to do so. He did not want to end up on the experiment table after all.


So we are providing that data?


Mark asked to make sure. The next reply was a little delayed which suited him fine. It gave him enough time to observe Kuro who seemed to be awakening.


I'll sort the data out. Since we will provide them with energy the data will not be anything too useful. I'll send it to you in a few hours


That signalled the end of that conversation which felt fine to Mark. It covered all the necessary bases and he did not need to do anything extra.

He could now pay attention to Kuro who was waking up from her nap and her senses seemed to seek him out. They felt like an invisible hand which he allowed to touch his own senses.

The Kitten purred, her eyes meeting his own and they felt older and intelligent. The air around her seemed to have changed and then small symbols appeared on her body.

For a second it felt as if she was transforming into her bigger form, her energy interacting with him the same way but then the shape seemed distinctive human-like but far younger than him.

In the palace of the kitten stood a human child almost 10 years old. The body was still not mature enough to tell any distinctive gender and the short hair just made it seem even mysterious but the feeling they gave off was the same.

"Kuro" Mark called out, hesitant and the other gave off a small 'meow.'

The sound of that call was inhuman, clearly, no human can produce it and he was sure this was Kuro.

That form lasted a few seconds before it collapsed back into the small kitten who seemed tired.


Upgrade complete: New pet form unlocked. Pet limit exceeded from one to 2 (Please complete the hidden quest to up the number


Was Mark surprised? What he felt did not feel like it at all. It felt like happiness and satisfaction. It made him want to say - 'Look, I raised this child. Isn't she magnificent?'

He felt like a father and he was not even married yet but Kuro was like his child while Alan was like a brother. Did that mean he had a family once again?

The thought kept him up that night but he did not feel tired in the morning at all. 

Once the information came, Mark was ready to embark on the journey ahead of him. Since Kuro was awake, he decided to take her with him. Her mere presence was enough to make people notice and he was sure that the resistance would notice that too.

Kuro's aura was powerful, no doubt due to her divine blood but now it seemed even stronger than before and she felt complete to him.

When he arrived at the back base, he did not need anyone to guide him toward the secret location. He had chosen one of the busiest times of the day so that no one stopped him uselessly and it worked.

With the help of his discretion and the last of his invisibility potions, he finally made it to the staircase and started walking down.

The room was still as he had seen yesterday, nothing changing in the course of time he had spent outside. There were people around who looked at him curiously but they did not stop him from going even deeper.

The final hall was once again reached by him and he put Kuro down before he opened the door.

"Welcome back. I knew you were good but to be able to get everything so fast? My, my, fallen for my charms have you? That reminds me, you are not the only one who wanted to join our ranks. Another blessed one had appeared before us" now what was this person harping on about?

The advisor on his right gave out a tired sigh and bowed to him in an apologetic motion. Even he knew how odd their boss was.

It was clear that Mark needed to ignore most of that bullshit and that he should get information from other members afterwards.

"I see. Are you not going to check the information?" Mark asked as he passed off the container.

"There will be no need. I can feel the core's energy coming off of you which means you have it. Now I and the other blessed one can upgrade ourselves further" he gestured toward his right where another figure sat cloaked in a thick and dark fabric.

Her skin seemed white and non-human but her violet eyes were intelligent. Her white hair complemented her skin but there was something inhuman about her looks. Maybe it was the scales on her face? Or those eyes?

Looking at her, Mark had a feeling he had seen her before but he had that feeling about this fool too so it did not mean much at all.

Still, she seemed far too familiar and was glaring at him? What was her problem anyway?

"So I'm in then?" he asked, facing the leader now who seemed far too happy to calm down.

"You bet you are in. You are one of my best subordinates now and -" Kuro did not allow him to finish before she was growling in her bigger form. Everyone was tense except the boss.

"What's this? Another servant and a monster at that. Wow, it's a lucky day for me. Someone briefed him on our operations while I go do stuff" he did not tense at all and just went about his way.

Mark looked at everyone else who was far too scared now and he leaned into Kuro to make a statement. She allowed him to, purring in agreement and he enjoyed the slight shock everyone else must be feeling.

She was his and listened to him.

"I'll brief you about what you need to know but can you keep your pet under leash? She's scaring everyone else off" the white-haired female came forward, her tone cold and not friendly at all. Mark thought about it and then decided he had enough fun already.

So he gestured to Kuro to go back which she did but not before causing several finches with her growl. The female at his side did not respond much to the threat.

She needed to bind her time and get close to them anyway. After all, she remembered that voice - keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.

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