Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 90 - The Other Humans Part 3

"Leader, I've brought the guests with me" their guide stopped right in front of a man who could only be described as old. Even sitting down, Mark could tell that the other was much taller than him and fitter too.

But he could also see the face covered in wrinkles which were a result of age and stress. The person could very well be in his sixties but he had retained a fit body which was commendable.

"Thank you, John. Please leave us alone for now. There are things I wish to talk about with them alone" the other looked uncomfortable to leave their leader with such dangerous people who had a monster with them but it was a direct order from his superior.

For a few seconds, concern and duty clashed inside his mind before his duty won over and he left with a sigh. Now it was only Mark and his party with the old leader.

Still, something about the other seemed far too calm, as if this did not affect him much but he could see the small widening of the other's eyes when he looked at Kuro almost as if he recognised her. Then he saw Rika and Alan and it confirmed it or Mark.

It made Mark wonder if this 'leader' was who he said he was.

"Alan, Rika, can you take Kuro and wait outside? I think it would go much better if I talked with the other alone for a few seconds'' Mark whispered to his party who did not look impressed at his suggestion. 

"I don't think it is not a good idea. You don't even know any details about our base at all" the female was right and it caused Mark to redden a bit in the face. Why was she bringing up that point now of all times?

"I do not trust that old man. He seems far too knowing and would likely take advantage of you as Liam does. I'll like to stay back here" the teen replied, adding his two cents to the conversation and Mark almost groaned.

Why were they so rebellious now of all times? He knew the old man would not talk freely with them around so he needed to send them away.

"You should take this opportunity to talk with the locals and get a field check in the meantime. Besides, I think I can handle myself" the others still did not look convince and Mark wanted to yell so badly.

What had he done to make them doubt him like this? As far as he knew, he had always been alright when doing stuff and had even pulled them back from danger. What was there to doubt him on?

"Fine. Looks like we're not needed here kid so let's go and check their labs" the female finally caught on to what Mark was suggesting and dragged the protesting kid behind her. Kuro gave him a last look with a small lick before she followed.

Really, maybe Kuro was the best-behaved one among their group.

Once the group was out of the way, Mark finally came back to the old man and looked him in the eye. He had some words for him but before he could say anything, the other did.

"What is a divine beast and Rika doing here? Were they not supposed to be back in your base Liam? And what are you doing here in that form? I thought the higher-ups chose a different body, not that one. And why are you alive even in this form?" the older man broke out, his voice accusing.

Gone was the character he had put up and now complaints erupted without stop. Mark felt his head hurt at those words which almost vomited out of the other's mouth at a fast pace.

"WAIT, Slow down. I'm not Liam or anyone from your side but I do know what is going on here. You are from outside of this 'game' aren't you?" Mark asked and the other froze before cursed began falling out of that mind.

"He told you? What is that idiot doing? He's breaking the rules so bad. Even I had to sacrifice most of the base for the greater good but that person. I knew he was trouble" it was not Mark's turn to free at those words.

He had thought that they had no idea that the base was safe till now but looking back at it, this person likely knew about the bases being safe spots. Had he sent people to their death still? What kind of leader was this?

"You knew this base was safe and yet you still killed your people off. What's wrong with you?" Mark had the other in his grasp before the other could say anything more. The rage burned bright in his veins and the force was enough to make the other go purple in the face.

Those veiny yet powerful hands landed on his arms and they twisted his own which caused him to let go in a hurry. 

"Do you think it is easy to lead such a base? I'm in an old body with limited resources and so many people to look after. Of course, I need to prioritise who will be useful in the future and who will be a liability. Don't give me that look, I'm doing this for my own world" the rage was evident on Mark's face.

It did make him realise that Lim had said something similar once before but he had never paid attention before.

Maybe this time he could get answers.

"Your world? What's wrong with it? Isn't this just a game for you?" Mark asked, now aiming his gun at the other who seemed to not be that afraid.

"Go ahead and shoot me but it will not matter much. I will just go back to my real body in the other world anyway. As for your question, the virus is not only a problem for you but for us too. The game server used for this world's design is very powerful and is connected to our central computer with the user accounts. The central computer is responsible for our survival and if that goes down, everything would end. You do the maths next" 

The other looked as if this was none of his business but Mark could hear the underneath worried tone. This sounded much worse when it was not only his world and he could now see why Liam and this person were so driven.


"It does not give you any right to treat these people as such" Mark replied back when the other shrugged.

"They're all data anyway so it's not like they'll die. At worse, they will be stored in the archive once again. Though they do seem a little weird recently, that should be no problem. Now let's get down to business, why are you here?" the other person asked, his voice curious.

While Mark was not happy with the other, he could understand some of these reasons. 

"Liam send me here because we heard nothing from this or any other base. He asked us to set up a communication array here" the other jolted as if those words had shocked him.

"It's not time yet, it couldn't be. Is he joking with me?" Mark watched the other panic a little and instantly felt better. The other deserved this for the suffering he put other's through. Data or not, all these people had a conscience to them.

There was a beep in his system which made him aware that he had a message and he should check it out.


System mission: Finding the other rays of hope.

Perimeter: Find and fix the communication to other bases (Mim 2) to have a better chance of human survival. The location is pinned on the map.

Current status update: Bases found 1/2. Communication fixed - 0/2


Now he was almost done with the first part of this trip. 

"Anyway, I'll let you meet our engineer. He's the only one left in his team but he's a reliable source of information and would help you out. Once you are done, inform me so that I can have a talk with Liam as well" the other did not change his tone, the irritation still present.

And yet he seemed content to dump everything on this new recruit he had whom he knew nothing about. For all he knew, Mark could be tricking him but he seemed unconcerned.

It was evident that he was not a good leader, much less a caring leader and was doing his bare minimum to get by. Mark did not like such a character at all who only cared about themselves.

But this was a hand he was dealt with here and nothing was going to change it all. Although, the other did not grill him for much information which was a surprise. 

But then again, the other could grill Liam all he wants and Mark would be alright with that. At least it would no longer be his responsibility at that point.

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