Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 93 - Problematic Causes Part 2

"What can I do for you Mr Mark?" the captain asked, his tone even and even happy. Personally, Mark would never be happy to see those two but whatever floats the other's boat.

But the bigger question was, did the other even know who those two were? Or was there another reason for the captain to look this happy?

"The energy source for the communication device, I think we know where we can find one" Mark saw the other's eyes narrow at him and then looked behind him where the others had left and then back at him.

"You too, huh? Those people who were just here offered the same deal as you and I accepted" that was odd to trust someone just like that. Did the other even know who those people were? Mark could only give the other a searching look for the trouble.

"Don't give me that look. Even I'm not that stupid but we are in a bind currently. Also, it's not like we can cross the river ourselves anyway and they are not asking for much more than a little food we can spare. Besides, it's a side base with little to no information so who's to say it's not a part of the original story" the other made some good points.

But not good enough for Mark to overlook this negligence. It was really clear that the other had no personal attachment to anything here and was just doing things that progressed the story.

What would have Mark done in this situation? 

"Still, you do not even know those people and you allowed them access to the innermost parts just like this?" Mark felt his temper rise just a little at the other but the captain remained calm.

"Mr Mark, do not forget they are humans seeking shelter as well and we cannot discriminate. Also, you do not get to tell me if we can allow unknown people inside or not. After all, it's not like we even know you fully" Mark did not speak after that.

After all, the other was right in a way. Mark and his team could be lying too in the other's eyes and since there was no real background information on how the communication got fixed, they had to take the chance.

"We have Rika with us, does it not verify us?" This was Mark's final defence and he felt the other sigh.

"That is your only saving grace here. Also, I'm not a fool and I have already contacted the head writer for the story who confirmed that these people are supposed to be here. Despite my looks, I'm not a fool. I have managed to keep this sinking base up float this long after all" so maybe there was a little truth to those words.

That did not mean Mark had to like it.

"So they will be going to retrieve the energy source alone?" That would not be a good idea given the identity of those two and Mark had to wonder what angle they were playing at here. Why would someone like them make their way to this base?

"I wish they would but no. They requested two of our people to go with them but I do not have anyone to spare. Do you want to go with them?" The other tried to sound uninterested and neutral but Mark could hear the underlying interest.

This old man was really gunning for him to take this case off of his hands wasn't he? But Mark would have to if he wanted to get the things done.

Looks like Alan would have to stay behind and he could hear the angry shouts that would come his way from the other. Could he possibly leave Kuro behind?

But that would not work either because the other two were divine beasts and Alan was not ready to learn that right now. He would babble too easily and then things would become bad.

Bad for him.

"I'll join them along with one of my companions" Mark agreed and he saw the trump in the other's eyes.

"Of course, of course. I'll inform them then and you can arrange when to leave on your own.  I'll direct them your way so don't worry" the talk was clearly over from the other's words but Mark had more questions.

Well, looks like they'll have to wait longer after all.

When he stood in front of the professor's lab, he took a few seconds to think how he would break this news to Alan. Even though he knew he was procrastinating at this point, he couldn't make himself step inside.

He hated the lecture that much.

"So when do we leave?" Alan asked as soon as he entered and Mark could tell he was ready. Rika sat huffing at the other side, a computer in her hand which had vague figures marked on it. Whatever it was, only she could tell.

"Sorry kiddo, you're not coming with me this time. The captain doesn't trust us enough so he's sending two of his people with us. Since the limit to enter is 4 people, you'll have to stay behind" Mark waited for the outburst to come his way.

He could even see Rika's trump expression from the side and any second now the child would start his scolding but even after a minute it did not come.

When his gaze moved to the child, he seemed almost shook, his eyes having a terrifying look to them. Even Rika looked a little scared as she looked at him.

No, not at him but behind him.

Even Kuro seemed to be growling at something behind him which made him suspicious. Finally, he turned back too and met a very familiar pair of eyes.

"Yo, It's nice to meet Mr Mark again. I'm sure you remember us from the captain's office?" The smiling face of the snake greeted him and he felt Alan tremble just a little as he clutched his clothes.

Even Rika was shaking visibly but Mark could not tell why. It was not that cold after all.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" There was no way Mark would admit he knew these people right in front of his part who looked almost scared of them. 

"Ah, I'm sorry. We met in the captain's office did we not? We were told that you and one of your companions would be accompanying us on our mission. I take it it's this little black cutie" the said cutie almost bit the offended hand when it ventured too close to her.

"Bad kitty. She's a bad kitty isn't she Vodi?" Those calm words carried a hint of danger now and the shaking of the hand on his back just got worse.

"Are we leaving in a few hours? I'm afraid you would need to give a notice beforehand so that I can prepare" while he talked, Mark made sure his body covered Alan's. Even though the teenager was taller than him, he could still hide him when the other was sitting down.

The snake's eyes moved over his part just for a few seconds and Mark felt tense. Then something seemed to go through that expression and suddenly the shaking behind him got better.

"It's alright since we need to make preparations as well. We'll meet you at the gate in approximately 2 hours. Don't worry we will message you when the time comes" they did not wait for Mark to reply back before they left.

And as soon as they did, everything seemed to go back to normal and he was met with two pairs of terrified eyes.

"W-Who were those people? That aura, it was too dangerous and I could not move at all. Are they really humans? Are you really going on a mission with such dangerous people? Back out Mark" the kid had a death grip on Mark, his expression almost begging.

Rika seemed tense too and her expression seemed to be agreeing.

"Don't be ridiculous here. They are perfectly alright humans and nothing would happen on the mission anyway. Besides, are you sure you felt something? I did not seem to feel anything and neither did the captain" not that it amounted to much.

After all, both of them were abnormalities while Rika and Alan were not. Was he really supposed to feel anything here?

"I guess but I guess it's for the best that I do not join you for this mission after all since I'll be useless anyway. I'm sure Kuro would take care of you anyway" the kitty purred in agreement and the teen seemed to untense a little.

Mark wanted to say that the other was not useless but this was a topic he would need to tackle some other day. Right now, it did seem to help and the kid would forget this talk pretty soon.

Kids had a short attention span anyway for such things.

"Stop worrying so much and help Rika out in the meantime. I can see that she is getting angsty being the only one working here" Mark got a glare in return for his comment and finally, a small smile broke out in the party.

Still, things seemed to be developing in a direction no one saw coming.

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