Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 95 - Dragon's Lair Part 1

"Never again. We are never doing this again" all three of his passengers looked a little green and gave him a glare which amused him a little. These were the 'divine beasts', the best, most dangerous of the bunch.

Scared by a fast-paced boat ride.

Mark was not feeling the effect himself since he was the one driving. Since he was mainly focused ahead of them, he felt marginally better than everyone currently present.

"If you are going to vomit then go behind the bushes. I have no desire to see any more vomit than I have in my carrier" and he had seen a lot, being a vet and all. Animals could get disgusting when they felt sick.

It was really a wonder that he still liked them. There were so many people in his profession who came to hate the animals because of the things they saw in their careers.

"My stomach is not that weak but mark my words, I will take vengeance for this1" the snake's voice almost seethed but Mark could tell it was nothing serious. The eyes told him that the other likely thought it was a prank.

The female had already straightened herself up and gave him an unimpressed look which he felt guilty for. She had not really done anything to warrant his ire till now so he should have really given her a warning about what was to come.

Then again, he himself did not know that this would end up happening. This was his first time operating the boat as well.

"I'm sorry, it was my first time. I'll try not to do this when we go back" he saw the flinch the snake gave. He had to be playing his reaction up at this point but it was amusing nonetheless.

"No, no more. Please Vodi, save me from this mystery" his voice really played up the part of a tortured soul but the female just rolled her eyes at the act. She had seen this pulled up too many times to have any effect at all.

"Get up, you're wasting oxygen as well as time" even as she said that, she did not give the other any time to righten himself before she pulled him up by the back of his T-shirt. 

Mark looked away from them and at Kuro who seemed genuinely grumpy at getting wet. Maybe he needed to make an apology elsewhere.

"Sorry Kuro but it was necessary" she swiped at his incoming hand, her claws not really out. It did not hurt but she did convey that she was not happy.

"Fine, fine, I'll give you the fish you wanted" instantly she looked happier which made Mark suspect that it had all been an act to get her way. Damn, she was getting smarter by the day now.

"Alright, enough of this playing around. We really should get going inside soon" the other two had resolved their issue without any physical harm to each other. The playful atmosphere changed with those words.

"Yes, let's enter. Do you know where the thing we need is located?" Mark asked because he was not sure himself. It would be great if the other knew of the exact location of the treasure but there was a likely chance the other did not know that themselves.

After all, it's not the map that told him where treasures were buried inside anyway. Only the locations of routes were marked.

"Location? Who needs a location for an answer this simple. It is more than clear where such a treasure would be don't you think. Obviously, it's behind the boss" it was? The system did not tell Mark this at all.

As soon as they crossed the gates, his system pinged with a message which gave him hope that the other might be right. After all, the other sounded so confident that it made even him doubt his own knowledge.


Current status update: Bases found 1/2. Communication fixed - 0/2 (In progress)

Mission update: Find the energy source inside the base


No real progress on that front at all, just a general perimeter update. It really made him doubt what the other was saying but it would not be so bad if he did go along with them.

Best case - they find the energy source, worst case - he gets the boss drop.

Any way he saw it, it was a win for him. Besides, this was the strongest companion he could get for a while so he would take advantage of it.

Their inhuman capabilities made themselves known as soon as they were near the first checkpoint. They both jumped from platform to platform, their bodies not even showing a hint of exhaustion.

In comparison, Mark had to rely on Kuro's to get him across those platforms. It was a silent ride across the other side of the room. The landing was soft and silent as well.

"Well, let's head inside. Does anyone need to make any detours along the way?" the snake asked, his voice back to cheerful. Everyone else shook their heads in a negative way and finally moved along.

As soon as they entered the first room, Mark tensed. He was ready to call upon his weapon anytime but there occurred no need for such a thing at all. Going a little further in, he could see the obvious effect their party was having on this place.

"There are no monsters present here" the observation came almost unconsciously. He had left them all alive last time, their number too many for him to deal with alone.

This time around, there was not even one of those pesky creatures present.

"Of course those small fries would not show themselves once they sensed us. They are just too afraid" the soft laugh in the snake's voice made Mark realise that the other had heard him loud and clear.

Immediately, Mark felt his face go hot and he did his best to keep it down. This was not embarrassing at all so why did he feel embarrassed all of a sudden.

Things made sense once the other let out this comment. Kuro did not have her aura yet but the other two were older and had theirs. Mark's inability to sense them was a hindrance as well as a gift.

"You really cannot feel it at all. I thought you were faking it all along" The snake looked at him with wide eyes while the female's expression did not change. This was the first time Mark felt like the snake had a genuinely shocked expression.

"Is it really that surprising? Maybe it's too weak for me to feel" Mark taunted, trying to lighten the tension inside the room. He did not like the atmosphere that had descended among them at that realisation.

By now they had crossed all the room with small fries and only one remained with the big monster. He had dealt with them before so he could not be sure if they would be replaced.

Would they be the same monster or another one of the same species?

"Give me a moment and I'll deal with the idiot inside" the female sped up and entered to perform them. The snake was still looking at Mark like a curious specimen and even Kuro seemed to be getting uncomfortable.

Her small growls acted as a warning but were ultimately ignored by the snake.

"I can't seem to figure you out at all. You are a weird creature, an abomination" the eyes were cold as they looked at him. They screamed that he was prey and the other a predator.

He was sure the other was doing something with his aura because Kuro seemed to go wild. Her growls increased in intensity, her body pulled tight and her ears back in a threatening manner.

"So are you" Mark shot back, angling himself behind Kuro. He needed to survive the first hit if he wanted to help Kuro out should they fight. But his words seemed to hit a nerve in the other who relaxed at those words, his lazy smile back at that face.

His eyes almost had a recognising light to them which creeped him out.

"I see. Maybe I am an abomination too. We can be abominations together then" the other was spouting weird words once again. But if it eased the mood then it did not matter much to Mark at all.

"Sure, whatever you want to do is fine'' at this point the female finally came back, her body tense and clean.

"I cleaned the path ahead. We can move forward now" she called and the party finally entered. The earlier conversation was dropped but not forgotten.

Currently, they had a bigger problem on their hands - the monster inside the final chamber. Mark had not gotten a chance to see it yet. But he had an idea the other two knew what it was.

However, their grave expressions told him that he would not appreciate the answer he would get from them. Still, he was curious and he did not have to wait long at all.

"The failed dragon, Oractus. So we meet again"

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