Leave The Monster Alone

Chapter 99 - The Way Back

"Are you still not done? I'm bored" Mark really wanted to deck the snake hard. Not only was he creating more problems for him but he was also a constant source of irritation and annoyance.

After the first mistake, he should have learned not to touch anything else. The snake had behaved for all of 10 minutes before he had started to complain. Then he had tried to help Mark once again and had broken an important tube.

In the end, Vodi had taken him away from that room, allowing Mark free time to pack. The allotted two hours were already over and Mark was sure there was plenty for them to explore here anyway.

But the pair had returned far too early for his liking, the female's expression telling him that she was fed up with the snake. 

At least that was one thing they had in common. 

"It's almost done. Most of this is just a backup precaution. I don't want to miss anything here" Mark did not want to make another trip here if it was not required. The trip had only been this easy because of those two in front of him and he would be a fool to think otherwise.

"You humans and your weak bodies. This is such an easy place to navigate. I wonder how you would survive in the court" from the expression that followed on the snake's face it was not something he wanted to say but had said anyway in the heat of the moment.

The court was the place where divine beasts met, the final war ground even. That was a thing far away and Mark was not even sure he would survive that long anyway.

"I'm sure I will never have the pleasure of visiting that place. Now let's get moving" he ignored the soft 'we'll see' the female let out. This far she had been nothing but understanding and agreeable. She was a complete opposite to her partner, an enigma.

She unnerved Mark a lot with her mere presence.

They followed the route they had taken coming here, Kuro leading them back to the common corridor. From there it was easy to get to the first checkpoint. Kuro once again helped him across, her body having ample energy left.

The relief Mark felt as he exited this place was immense. Although this was an easy task this time, it would not be so every time. This palace was one that should be avoided if it could be and he marked it as such.

Then they went back to the river, it's calm waters once again greeting them. He took out his boat once again and gave the other two a searching look.

They looked a little green in the face, even Kuro who protested softly. The snake had no problem voicing his thoughts though.

"No, just no. We are not using this abomination to cross the water. I refuse to get anywhere near that thing at all" the hiss in his voice was very prominent. His features had shafted a little too, his eyes going snake-like.

Clearly this idea was not going to go well with the other. Even the female looked tense at the back, her eyes losing their human-like quality at seeing that object too. Had Mark really given them trauman with his ride?

Maybe Rika had been better at driving than him after all.

"Then how do we get across this river? Do you have any other plans?" Mark did not mind having a detour at all. They had finished this journey much earlier than he had initially thought they would.

"There are plenty of other ways to get across. Plenty of other safer ways. Come follow us" Mark sighed but also stored the boat away. Then he followed the other two who were walking at a moderate pace. The forest around them was far too quiet but for a good reason.

With those two divine beasts, there was no monetr who was willing to come out and attack in the open. This was the quietest walk ever but also the most relaxing.

They walked along the river, it's water sparkling as the sun fell onto it. The thing about the world was, it was beautiful now. Even the cities were beginning to have their greenness back to them, the growth of the plants uncontrollable.

Without any human interference they were rapidly taking over the world and expanding. The forest was a good example of this change.

"We're here. The bridge is solid enough to retain our weight" the bride did not look solid enough to retain their weight at all. In fact, the boards looked like they would break apart by even a small gust of wind. 

Kuro took an experimental step on the first plank, her small body making a squeaking sound as it met the board. The plank bent but did not break but it did cause the feline to jump back in fright.

Any more weight and the plank would have broken apart. Did they really expect Mark and Kuro to be able to make it all the way to the other side?

"Don't worry it's safe. We have tested it and for assurance Fidi will go before you and I will go after" the female saw his tense expression and added. Mark did not feel reassured but he had no other choice.

Since they had walked quite a bit, the river here was not as deep as before. The boat would not work and walking back was a danger. 

The only option left to him was to cross this bridge and hope it would not break. Although the other two were confident in it not breaking, recent experiences have humbled Mark enough to take everything they said with a grain of salt.

"Fine, but you'll be responsible for me and Kuro" Mark finally gave in, seeing no other way out. They were not going to change their mind and it could not be any worse than breaking bones right? 

After all, it was only water down there and it would break his fall.

The snake quickly made his way across the bridge, not even wasting a minute while doing so. Kuro was next, her small body aiding her in crossing across. She did take a few minutes thorough, getting spooked every time the bridge made any unnecessary noise.

However, she was safe and sound on the other side. Then it was Mark's turn and he took an almost hesitant step across.

The plank bent as soon as he stepped on it, the arch much deeper then he had expected it to be. The fear of falling was a huge deal, visible in every soft step he took. His arms held the side rails tightly, not waking to heaven unfortunate experience.

"You can be faster. Don't worry, it won't fail right now" this was easy for him to say since he did not fear this type of bridge at all but Mark did fear it a lot. It was in human nature to be afraid of the unknown and this was the biggest unknown that could happen.

Step by step, Mark finally made his way across. His face was covered in light sweat, his eyes unfocused and afraid but he had finally made it across. His legs shook and he did his best to hide the fact.

"Finally, it's been ages since you got on that bridge. Let Vodi come across and then we'll head back to the base" the other gave him a not so impressed look which Mark totally ignored. This was not something he could handle in his present state.

His heart was still breathing loudly with fear and Kuro licked his face to calm him down. How weird, he fought so many monsters and had been in so many situations and yet this is the situation that finally forced him to relent like this.

This situation was many times easier than any of the ones he had been but there had been an unnatural fear of falling down the broken plank that would not allow him to take a single step further.

"Do you need to rest for a little bit?" the female voice asked him, making Mark realise that Vodi had likely already crossed. That time had been much faster than him and it made him go a little red.

How embarrassing for him to be the only one so deadly afraid.

"I'm alright. Let's continue back to the base" Mark could not allow any more of his weakness to show through. Already he had shown enough to the other two and any more would make him vulnerable.

The other two did not say anything, thankfully allowing him this solace which he was grateful for. He was not sure how he would be able to hide this fact should they try and probe him about it.

But by the time the base came into their vision, Mark had gathered himself and he was back to his usual self. His beating heart had also calmed down but the fear remained in the back if his mind.

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