Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 108 - Episode 108: Chaotic. (1)

Queen Arachne starts screeching. Everyone is running away from the area to avoid the AoE damage. Aksevel is already far away from the battlefield since he's using his minions to attack Queen Arachne. Kingstar and Queenstar look around and seeing everyone is fighting with each other are bothering them, but they both are prioritizing something way more important.

There are so many players that don't know the mechanics of Queen Arachne's skills, and so they all are dead with just a single blow. Kingstar and Queenstar immediately run toward Hecatomb Arachnes and continue attacking one of them while Aksevel is attacking Queen Arachne with his minions. But then a woman is running towards Aksevel's minions with hundreds of players behind her and attacking them. It surprises Aksevel and immediately changes his minions' target to those players.

Ivonna is squinting her eyes.

"Who's that woman?"

Jake is humming.

"That's Yoona. Cho Ahn's ally. It seems that she wants to sabotage Aksevel from getting the MVP."

Hans is shaking his head.

"Man, there are so many strong players that we don't even know they exist..."

Jacob is chuckling.

"It's the same as them. They might have not known you guys if it's not because of your achievement from winning the Skirmish Event. This game is like the real world. You need so much intel to know who you're against or with whom you don't want to mess with."

Aspen is nodding in agreement.

"Since your clan is disbanded and announced it to the world, so many things are going on since then. You might be surprised by most of them, but truthfully, you guys don't have to worry about it. As far as I know, you guys are still on the top of the hill in the game."

We all humming with understanding. Then William is pointing at the woman that is helping Ken.

"How about that girl over there? Do you guys know her?"

Aspen is squinting his eyes.

"If I'm correct, that woman is Hachi-chan. Ken's junior in kendo. She's amazingly good with swords. I heard she got a unique skill from an NPC."

Ivonna looks at Aspen.

"I'm amazed that you know a lot of things."

Aspen smirks and shakes his head.

"I only know what I know, that's all."

Ivonna smiles and then looks at Queen Arachne. Michael is nodding at Aspen.

"You're not going to join them defeating Queen Arachne?"

Aspen is looking at me.

"I'm waiting for him since he's the boss, right? To be honest, I don't want to get dragged into that mess. We might attract some attention and in the end, they will start sabotaging us as well. Like I said earlier, I'm more interested in killing those players who made this mess in the first place. This world boss will spawn again later anyway, so no need to hurry."

Francesca is humming in agreement.

"Aspen is right. We don't want to pour gasoline on a raging fire. We already defeated her once, and I guess it's the right thing to do to let someone else get the reward. So right now, I prefer to watch and observe and if they failed to defeat her on the last day, we can take care of it."

A group of players is running toward us. It seems that they're been chasing by other players. They all are waving at us as if they're hoping for us to help them. Ivonna is surprised and immediately grabs her shield and lance. Ivonna turns around and looks at me.

"Trevor! They're Cecilia and her friends!"

I lift my head and look at them. It's true that the group of players is Cecilia and his friends. I stand up and use [Moonsteps] since we are inside the forest with no sunlight. I appear outside the forest and hook one of the players who is chasing them and pull him toward me. It only takes me 2 hits to kill that player. I'm a bit late because Kyle is dead on the ground. The rest of them are looking at me and startled. They all turn around and run away. I chase them and throw my scythe at them. They're dead just from that. I walk toward them and grab my scythe.

I turn around and Ivonna and the others are already protecting them. Ivonna then looks at me and the players from Aksevel's clan member. Someone is tapping my shoulder from behind. I turn around and it's Aspen with Jake and Jacob behind him. Aspen is smiling and raising his eyebrow.

"Is it time?"

I approach Kyle's dead body and resurrecting him. He stands up and looks at me.

"Thank you! Trevor!"

I smirk and shake my head.

"No need to mention it. Go there, and stay with Ivonna and her friends."

Kyle nods and runs towards Cecilian and his friends. I'm looking at them from afar with Aspen, Jake, and Jacob. Ivonna is talking with them at the moment and then she walks toward us with a blank expression. Aspen is clearing his throat and tilts his head.

"Someone is really mad..."

Ivonna is standing in front of me.

"This is getting out of control. They took this opportunity to PK the players who are here to watch and hoping to get something from them. Cecilia said that her friends are already dead and they couldn't do anything to help them. As far as they know, there are more than hundreds of players that got PK'ed by them since they came here."

I'm humming with understanding.

"Is that so..."

I look at Aspen, Jake, and Jacob.

"I guess it's time. I will give you plenty of rewards for helping me."

Aspen, Jake, and Jacob are smiling with excitement. Aspen smirks and nods.

"Oh! Let's do it then. Not only we can have some fun, but we are actually getting a reward from doing so? We will gladly help you."

I nod and the four of us are walking towards Boschwell, Diamond, and Lothair. I'm pointing at the forest.

"Can you guys take care of those players who PK'ed the players that Ivonna told us?"

Aspen smirks and nods.

"With pleasure..."

Aspen, Jake, and Jacob immediately go their separate ways and get into the forest.

Those players really going to make the game looks bad. The game that Becker made with his sweat and his life getting ruined by them is really pissing me off. If Becker sees this, I'm sure he's going to be pissed as well. I look at Aksevel who doesn't even care what's going on around him is really making me want to kill him so badly, but I don't think he's part of this mess.

(At the battlefield.)

Diamond is pointing at Aksevel's clan member.

"Don't let them kill our men! We must exterminate them before things got worse!"

A footstep is coming from behind Diamond and he turns around. It surprises him that it's Trevor with a scythe in his hands and his chained sickles are wrapped on his arms. Trevor smiles while closing his eyes. Diamond doesn't like where this is going, and he hopes he's not Trevor's target.

Trevor stops in front of Diamond and looks at him in the eyes.

"Tell your men to stand down. This is already out of control."

Diamond furrows his forehead and points at those bastards.

"They're the ones who started this."

Trevor smirks.

"I know. That's why I tell you to stand down. I will take care of this now."

Diamond looks at Trevor and nods.

"Oh... okay."

Diamond shouts.

"Stand down, guys! Let's regroup!"

Diamond's clan members turn their heads and look at Diamond with disbelief, but then when they see Trevor is standing beside him, it makes them realize that things are going to get messy. They are immediately regrouping. Lothair and Boschwell are surprised when they see Diamond's men are retreating. They both are looking at Diamond but they're showing the same expression when they see Trevor glaring at the battlefield.

Lothair is staring at Diamond from the distance. Diamond then looks at Lothair and nods. Lothair then orders his men to stand down as well. Boschwell knows what is going on then orders his men to stand down as well. Aksevel's clan members are chasing them with thrilling expressions.

Diamond looks at their expression and it disgusts him. A black shadow just passed by him. He's startled, and turns out it's Trevor's scythe. Trevor teleports to where his scythe is landed and starts to kill them without hesitation. He swings his scythe mercilessly towards those players. Boschwell, Diamond, and Lothair with their members are watching Trevor massacring the players from the distance. A battle that has been going on for almost an hour without any progress now it's almost ended by just a single player.

Aksevel looks at Trevor and starts summoning all of the minions that he has left, then starts to approaching Trevor. Trevor notices and he smirks at Aksevel as if he just made a very bad decision. Trevor unwraps his scythe and 3 afterimages appear on him. Trevor swings and slashes his chained sickles on the players and the minions around him.

Slowly but surely, Trevor is getting closer to Aksevel and his men by killing those minions and players who are blocking his way. Boschwell, Diamond, and Lothair are smiling happily when they see Trevor approaching Aksevel. They know that this is the end for Aksevel and his damn members.

Trevor wraps his chained sickles and grabs his scythe. Something is happening around him. All the players that are surrounding him suddenly fall on their knees. Trevor slashes their heads off one by one. Then as soon as he gets close to Aksevel a notification appears in from of him.

[You are under the dominion. A presence of a being that is higher than you, a ruler that will rule over you and take control of everything has arrived.]

[You are Yielded.]

[Your status values are reduced by half until you leave the dominion]

Aksevel is looking at the notification with confusion. All his minions that were attacking Queen Arachne and Yoona suddenly getting weakened and immediately get killed by them. Aksevel lifts his head and to looks at Trevor's face, but a scythe just cuts off his head and rolls over the ground.

Trevor sighs and stabs the scythe on the ground.

"One is down..."

Trevor then looks at the distance where Ken is at.

"One more to go..."

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