Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 218 - Episode 218: Assassination.

The bells are ringing and people of the Eluna Empire are gathering in front of the palace. Millions of people are standing still and cheering while looking up to the Palace's balcony where Emperor Lerst Eogura will show himself and give his speech. All the players are also gathering on the backside and they can't wait to go to war since this will be their first experience for the 2nd Generation players. Diamond and Lothair with their clan members are guarding the front of the Palace and making players barricade so nobody can enter or get through. They both look so nervous and anxious, and not just them but all their high-rank clan members are feeling the same since they all know the truth and they're keeping the truth to themselves.

The people start cheering so loudly, Diamond and Lothair turn around and lift their heads. They see the door to the balcony is opening, then they see Emperor Lerst Eougra wearing his crown with his cape and fancy robe while waving his hand to his people with a big smile on his face. Emperor Lerst Eogura with his 2 royal guards is standing behind him and protecting the entrance of the balcony while he walks toward the edge of the balcony to greet his people.

Everyone is still cheering for him, but then he raises his hand. Everyone stops cheering and staring at him with admiration and respect. He clears his throat and looks at the city that's crowded with the people of the Eluna Empire.

"People of the Eluna Empire! It is time for us to finally make a move and expand our territory and show our superiority toward those two sovereignties!"

Emperor Lerst is grinning and spreading his arms.

"The son that you proud of, the daughter that you treasure, the father that you admire, and the mother that you love who joined the army will bring glory to the Eluna Empire!"

Everyone is cheering and they're thrilled when they hear those words. Emperor Lerst is smiling and nodding with understanding, then he lifts his hand to calm the people.

"We all have been waiting for this moment, and we will finally march into the battle to show who is the best sovereignty in Orion!"

Emperor Lerst is chuckling mischievously.

"I guess it is already proven that we are the best sovereignty in the Orion. Right now, the Aarus Empire and the Alliance Kingdoms are scared when they heard we are waging war with them. They are currently fighting within themselves, they are too scared to face us, and some of them acknowledge that it is impossible to win against us so they are fighting to show their support to us!"

Everyone is cheering and some of their faces turn red because they're so excited and thrilled. Emperor is calming them down again, and then he puts his hands on the parapet and grabs it so tightly.

"I promise you all that we will bring glory to the Eluna Empire and there will be nobody who can stop us!"

Emperor Lerst Eogura backs off and spins around while spreading his arms.

"Tomorrow! My people! We will change the history and we will become the only sovereignty in the Orion!"

Emperor Lerst Eogura walks toward the parapet and smiles.

"We will destroy the Aarus Empire and the Alliance Kingdoms with 400.000 of our strongest soldiers and another 417.000 of our elite soldiers that will bring them down. We will go with our full power and there will be no walls, storms, and mountains that can stop us from conquering the Orion!"

Everyone is cheering and shouting his name while looking at the balcony. They're shouting for quite a while and something isn't right, and one by one they realize that Emperor Lerst hasn't calmed them down. Diamond and Lothair are looking at each other while breathing heavily and nervously looking up. They can't see the Emperor, but they know he's still up there. The people see Emperor Lerst is standing on the balcony but he's not moving.

Emperor Lerst's eyes are widened and he's slowly looking down and seeing his stomach. 2 spears pierced through his stomach, then the spears are pulling from his stomach so slowly. He turns around while gulping, he looks at his 2 royal guards who just stabbed him from behind, they're wiping their spear's blade with a piece of cloth. Emperor Lerst notices that the blades have been covered with poison. He's slowly backing away to the parapet while holding his wounds, but then a woman and a man appear from behind the balcony door, and his royal guards are opening the door for them.

Emperor Lerst looks at her with disbelief.


Avriel is smiling sinisterly and unsheathes both of her daggers from the back of her waist. She spins her daggers while walking towards him and glaring at him.

"Long time no see, Your Majesty..."

Emperor Lerst can't move back anymore since he's already at the edge of the balcony and the parapet is behind him.

"What is the meaning of this?!"

Emperor Lerst screams.


Avriel chuckles mischievously.

"There's nobody else who will help you here, Your Majesty... we already took care of all the guards on this floor, and the Moon has fallen under my hands."

Emperor Lerst is shaking his head with disbelief.

"Impossible! Where are all the others that I have ordered to protect me?!"

The man who's standing next to Avriel is smirking.

"You mean all the subjects that you have placed on this floor? I have killed all of them."

Emperor Lerst is looking at them both in fear.

"No... impossible..."

Emperor Lerst turns around and looks at the people, and before he can say a word, the guy is grabbing his head so tightly that he can't do anything but to feel the pain as if his head is being crushed by the guy's grip, and the crown falls to the ground. Everyone is looking at the crown is rolling down the Palace and they're looking at it for quite a while, then they look up while covering their mouths.

The guy is smiling at him.

"Thanks to you, my plan is ruined and you will take responsibility with your life."

Emperor Lerst is screaming in pain while trying his best to remove the guy's hand from his head, but then two daggers are placed in front of his neck, and he immediately stops resisting while trying to look back from the corner of his eyes. Everyone can see what's happening on the balcony and they're gasping with disbelief.

Avriel is leaning toward his right ear and she whispers.

"Jariel sends his regards..."

Avriel cuts his throat and decapitates him while the guy keeps holding his head still. Emperor Lerst's body is leaning and hanging on the parapet, his blood is squirting out and falling down to the ground like a waterfall. The guy is lifting his head while looking down at the millions of people in the city. Everyone is screaming with disbelief and they're shocked from what just happened. 

Avriel is standing next to him and smiles at the people down there with their faces written in fear. She turns around and looks at her men.

"Buy us some time."

They both bow and then get inside the Palace.

Avriel looks at him and nods. They both jump down from the balcony and land on the ground gracefully. They both stand up, and Avriel looks at them with a grin.

"My name is Avriel Scarlettblood, and I am the one who took the Emperor's life. Remember me and fear me, because I will hunt you all down if you are seeking revenge. The Emperor is dead, and the Eluna Empire will go down with him."

The guy opens a portal behind them, and Avriel is slowly backing away toward the portal.

"Find me, and you will be dead..."

Avriel enters the portal and disappears. The guy is still holding Emperor Lerst's head, then he removes his robe and scarf. He smiles and throws the Emperor's head toward them, and they're all screaming in fear. All the players recognize his face and they're fuming with anger while holding their weapons so tightly, they're all screaming.

"Trevor! You will pay for this!"

Trevor scoffs and spreads his arms with chained sickles wrapped on his arms and a scythe in his right hand.

"Come and try."

All the players including Diamond and Lothair are surrounding him, and not just them, but all the Eluna Empire's army and all the subjects are approaching him from the distance while running through the crowds. All the citizens are running away from the road so they can let the soldiers walk to the Palace.

Trevor is surrounded by millions of players and soldiers. Diamond is pointing his sword at him.

"Trevor, you will be punished for your action. You will not be able to leave this place alive this time because you're against all the people of the Eluna Empire."

Trevor scoffs.

"But I'm not alone this time."

A guy comes out from the portal with a staff in his right hand and a spellbook in his left arm. Trevor looks at him and nods up.

"You know what to do, Krestan."

Krestan is cracking his neck while smirking.

"Oh, I know and I have been waiting for this moment all my life. Let us show them that 2 people are enough to make an empire fall."

Aspen is sitting inside one of the buildings and he's smiling while enjoying his tea.

"Let see if you can keep your arrogance any longer, Trevor."

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