Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 238 - Episode 238: Brother And Sister-in Arms.

We are all standing on the side of the Oasis and everyone is waiting for Ivonna's command while they're preparing their equipment. Ivonna is looking at her inventory and she's a bit confused because she has so many sets of equipment and she doesn't know which one she wants to you in this situation, and when everyone is ready, Ivonna grabs the equipment that she sees fits for the situation and then she stands on the edge.

Ivonna looks at everyone and nods.

"Let's go."

We are all dive down into the water and swim to the middle of the Oasis. The current is sucking us and we are getting sucked into the water tunnel.

I get out from the water and put back on my equipment and the others as well. Kingstar and Queenstar with his commanders are walking toward Alessandro and Sigryd, he looks at the others as well.

"I think before we go, we should introduce all the players to each other first because from now on we will be attempting any dungeon together and I want them to know each other. Do you all agree?"

All of them are nodding in agreement, and then one by one is introducing themselves to each other. I already know about Kingstar's commanders, but not the others and even though I have seen some of them so many times, I didn't have the chance to talk to them so I don't know much about them. I'm listening to their introduction and making sure that I remember every single one of them.

[From the Palacetasia Clan (Boschwell's) (Aarus Empire Faction):

1. Wilberger (Male) (Battle Axe) (Vice)

2. Carvendish (Male) (Sword and Shield) (1st Commander)

3. Marthianne (Female) (Bow and Dagger) (2nd Commander)

4. Edwinar (Male) (Broadsword) (3rd Commander)]

[From the Infernal Chaos Clan (Jade Liu's) (Aarus Empire Faction):

1. Xiao (Male) (Dual Short Swords) (Vice)

2. Jin (Male) (Halberd) (1st Commander)

3. Xinyue (Female) (Dual Hand Blades) (2nd Commander)]

[From the S.E.A Clan (Aeris Gulliver's) (Aarus Empire Faction):

1. Stephan (Male) (Double Voulge) (Vice)

2. Valeri (Female) (Curved Sword) (1st Commander)

3. Shushan (Female) (Javelin) (2nd Commander)

4. Rouben (Male) (Staff and Spellbook) (3rd Commander)]

[From the FlameGuard Clan (Madhan Seyer's) (Aarus Empire Faction):

1. Zachary (Male) (Axe and Shield) (Vice)

2. Nikoloz (Male) (Crossbow and Hand Blade) (1st Commander)

3. Keeysan (Male) (Dual Rapiers) (2nd Commander)]

[From the Uninvited Clan (Edmondo Sani's) (Aarus Empire Faction):

1. Raulex (Male) (Sword and Spear) (Vice)

2. Valenzuela (Male) (Iron Fist and Sabaton) (1st Commander)

3. Zebaztian (Male) (Iron Fist and Sabaton) (2nd Commander)]

[From the Diamond Clan (Seven Diamond's) (Eluna Empire Faction):

1. Jessen (Female) (Spell Rod and Spellbook) (Vice)

2. Alvares (Male) (Flail and Shield) (1st Commander)

3. Ezekiel (Male) (Long Bow and Spear) (2nd Commander)

4. Maximillian (Male) (Dual Greatswords) (3rd Commander)]

[From the Cloud Veil (Lothair Ermes') (Eluna Empire Faction):

1. Adrid (Male) (Shield and Iron Fist) (Vice)

2. Brimmir (Male) (Staff and Spellbook) (1st Commander)

3. Gunnsteinn (Male) (Dual Bearded Axes) (2nd Commander)

4. Pandamonium (Male) (Battle Rod) (3rd Commander)]

[From the Black Shadow Clan (Ken's) (Eluna Empire Faction):

1. Teke (Female) (Scythe) (Vice)

2. Anzai (Male) (Katana) (1st Commander)

3. Kami-sama (Male) (Dual Katana) (2nd Commander)

4. Saburo (Male) (Naginata) (3rd Commander)]

[From the Sunheung Clan (Cho Ahn's) (Eluna Empire Faction):

1. Hyun-soo (Male) (Sabre) (Vice)

2. RaMi (Female) (Bow and Short Sword) (1st Commander)

3. Yujin (Male) (Sword and Shield) (2nd Commander)]

[From the Valkyrie's Wings Clan (Sigryd's) (Alliance Kingdoms Faction):

1. Isvildar (Male) (Javelin and Shield) (Vice)

2. Derasmus (Male) (Claw and Dagger) (1st Commander)

3. Oyster (Male) (Spear and Sword) (2nd Commander)]

[From the Demeanour Clan (Alessandro's) (Alliance Kingdoms):

1. Antoniette (Female) (Glaive) (Vice)

2. Andrija (Female) (Crossbow and Daggers) (1st Commander)

3. Salvantine (Female) (Staff and Bow) (2nd Commander)]

After everyone is done introducing themselves, Francesca approaches Cho Ahn and she's jokingly asking about the woman that was with us when he and Ken had a conflict, but then Cho Ahn replies that she left the clan and she joined another clan because of that. He says that Yoona is still mad at him and Ken, also she seems to be busy recruiting new players and badmouthing both of them so the new players are also going to hate them. Francesca and Emma are chuckling when they hear that. 

Kingstar looks at everyone and he nods.

"Is everyone ready?"

Everyone nods and looks down at the Lost Dynasty, Mauron Empire. Kingstar and the others are amazed by the city that's buried under the sand, they look at the huge castle on the far back and Kingstar looks at Ivonna while pointing at the castle just to make sure that she was there back then, Ivonna nods and she tells them that there are a few monsters that are lurking around the city and there are a few more inside the castle that she saw.

We all walk down to the city and everyone is checking every single building just to make sure if there's loot for them to take or anything useful. We keep walking and we encounter a few monsters but Kingstar and the others are the ones who will deal with them since they need to know what kind of enemy they're going to go against. They easily kill the monsters and get the gist of the monster's ability and skill.

We have been walking for an hour now and we haven't even reached the castle yet, we still have to walk another hour to go there, so we are resting inside one of the buildings because we are not in a hurry and we are here to get some information, not to attempt to clear the dungeon. Jade Liu and Ken with their commanders are exploring the buildings around our resting place to find any information.

I'm sitting at the table while looking at the Sahuurn Book to find anything useful, but then Ivonna sits next to me and she's offering me a cup of hot chocolate, I grab it and she just smiles at me. She looks at the book and tilts her head.

"What did you find?"

I shake my head.

"Nothing yet, I'm still a bit confused with this book since this is like a puzzle. The information is there, but it's kind of confusing so I need to keep reading it until I can see the pieces of the puzzle and put them together."

Kingstar and Queenstar are walking toward me while holding a cup as well. Kingstar is pointing his hand at both of us with a smile on his face.

"You two looks different from the usual."

We both look at him and raise our eyebrows. I shake my head and furrow my forehead while flipping the page.

"What do you mean?"

Kingstar shrugs while taking a sip.

"I don't know. You both look like a couple."

Francesca scoffs and leans to look at us.

"Because they are dating."

Every single one of them is looking at Francesca and then they're looking at both of us for quite a while. Diamond's mouth is wide open frowning and his eyes are not blinking, not even once, Lothair looks at Diamond's expression and he's wheezing because his face looks so stupid. Kingstar immediately sits down and he's smiling at us.


Queenstar sits next to Kingstar and looks at Ivonna.

"I'm not going to lie, I have a feeling that you both look good together, and Kingstar also thought the same thing."

We both just smile.


Diamond, Lothair, Sigryd, and Alessandro walk toward the table and sit with us to join the conversation, then they're asking about it and it feels like we are being interrogated by them, especially Diamond, he asks so many things and the more we answer the more sad he is. He looks so devastated but he can hide his expression.

Liu and Ken come back and they tell us that they don't think they found anything, but there are a few books of fairytales since the cover of the books look like it, and other books that they can't understand since it's written in an ancient language that they brought with them. After everyone is done resting, we continue our exploration and keep looking around.

We finally reach the front gate of the castle, and as Ivonna said earlier there are monsters lurking inside the castle, but she didn't get in because the huge fence gate looks like it might trigger something. Kingstar is peeking at the fence to see what's inside the front yard of the castle, he looks up and squints his eyes.

"That castle is the biggest we have seen so far."

Everyone is nodding in agreement, he then grabs the gate and looks at us.

"Shall we get inside?"

They all nod and as soon as he pulls the gate, a notification appears.

[You who dare to enter my territory shall not go unpunished!]

[The Lost Dynasty: Mauron Empire [Sunny] gate is closed!]

[The Lost Dynasty: Mauron Empire [Sunny] will begin in: 30secs]

[64 Players are currently inside the dungeon with the average level is 300]

[The Lost Dynasty: Mauron Empire [Sunny] is generating...]

[The Lost Dynasty: Mauron Empire [Sunny] is generated]

[The Keeper of Time is watching]

The gate is closed again and Kingstar is surprised because the gate won't budge, but then we can hear groans, screams, and cries coming from the city. We all look back and we can see that there are so many black figures that appear from nowhere and they're all slowly walking toward us. Another notification then appears.

[First Stage: Game of Tag!]

[The Cursed Souls have been forcefully awakened by the Keeper of Time!]

[The Cursed Souls will try and drag anything that alive down to the place where they have been suffering in their entire life!]

[The Cursed Soul's ability is to corrupt the living souls, beware of their touches!]

[The Cursed Souls will be wandering around the city and they can smell the living souls! Don't try to hide and keep running! You can kill the Cursed Souls but it is better to avoid them!]

[You have 3 chances to not get touched by The Cursed Soul! Once you get touched for the 4th time, you will be teleported outside the dungeon and cannot re-enter!]

[The Cursed Souls cannot wander in the living world for a long time, they will go back to the world where they belong. You have 1 hour to run and avoid the Cursed Souls, but be aware, the longer they smell the living souls, the faster and stronger they are!]

[Objective: Survive!]

[May the Betelgeuse Bless you!]

Kingstar is raising his eyebrow and scoffing.

"What the hell is this? A child play?"

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