Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 289 - Episode 289: There Is Nowhere To Run.

Kingstar looks at Jessica with a smile of relief.

"You finally came!"

Jessica nods with understanding.

"Yes, thank you for giving us the coordinate, we are able to go here in time. I brought everyone with me so we should be able to help you all now."

Kingstar is pointing at the frontline and tells her the situation, Jessica is listening to him so seriously and then nods with understanding. Jessica and her clan members with her allies are running past us and helping the players at the frontline. Ivonna looks at her for a brief moment because she's surprised to see her here while the other girls are glaring at her weirdly. Ivonna decides and orders the others to fall back and reunite with me, they all nod with understanding and run to the back.

Ivonna approaches me and raises her eyebrows.

"What's our plan?"

I'm readying my sickles and looking at Alucard.

"Well, we need to defeat this guy and that's our only objective. I will be honest with you guys if we are stalling too much time, there will be no chance at all for us to defeat him. Thankfully, I think I kind of know how to make him a bit weak since he's a vampire, the sunlight is enough to weaken him but as you all can see that the sun is covered by dark clouds."

Leo is raising his eyebrow while pointing at the sky.

"You want us to blow away the dark clouds in the sky? I don't think any spellcasters can do that, so how are we going to let the sunlight reach the ground with those thick dark clouds in the sky?"

I shake my head and smirk.

"No, it's not our job to do so, I will ask Krestan to do it for us. Now, all we have to do is to wait for him to clear up the sky, and at the same time, we have to deal with him. Since Leo is the only spellcaster here, I want you to back us up and just annoy him with your spell. If you need stamina potion, just tell us and we will provide them for you."

Everyone looks at Leo and nods in agreement, Leo is humming with understanding. I look around to find Krestan and it's easy to find him since he's the most chaotic person around here, I look at Kingstar and the others while nodding. We are forming a group so we won't take damage from each other on accident.

"Alright, I will ask Krestan to light up the sky, and then we need to buy time for him."

Everyone nods with understanding and immediately charges toward Alucard. I use [Moonsteps] and approach Krestan, he's surprised to see me there and lands on the ground. I ask him to clear up the sky since the dark sky is the only thing that made Alucard and his gargoyles strong, he nods with understanding and immediately flies up to the sky. Alucard isn't aware of his surroundings since Kingstar and the others are doing their jobs on making him busy.

I'm stealthily run toward Alucard while everyone is busy defending his attacks, Ivonna takes a quick glimpse at me and she immediately holds her shield up and tanks the attacks even though it takes a huge toll on her. Everyone notices that I'm coming toward him and they're all slowly taking a step back so Alucard won't be suspicious about what's going on. I swing my sickles and leap toward him, I whip my sickles at his collar bones from behind and it cuts deep into his skin. Alucard is surprised and before he can react to it, I pull my sickles as hard as I can and cut open his flesh.

His wounds immediately heal, and he turns around while whipping his wing at me but I dodge it easily by ducking down. I keep running toward him and Kingstar and the others use the opportunity to attack his back with everything they have. Kingstar is the first one to strike his greatsword into his back but his legendary weapon breaks because of Alucard's thick skin. He's surprised but he doesn't think about anything else and just keeps pushing his broken sword into his back. Thanks to his effort, the rest of them manage to stab Alucard because his skin couldn't bear so many weapons at the same time and at the same spot.

Alucard is screaming in pain but his wound immediately heals again, and at the same time, I strike my sickles into his ribs cag. I slide down and past through his crotch then run as far as possible while pulling my sickles, I can hear the bone-cracking from his chest, and I believe I just break open his chest. Alucard's screams are getting louder and louder while the rest of us keep striking from all directions. Alucard is very pissed right now and decides to fly away but before he can leave and heal his wound, Leo is throwing a massive boulder of rocks toward him and it's enough to make him fall to the ground again.

The moment Alucard is regenerating his body, the sunlight is hitting him and significantly reduces his regeneration. We all look up to the sky and see the dark clouds are disappearing thanks to Krestan but then we all realize something else is coming down from where he's at. We all run away from Alucard and a huge meteorite strikes right onto Alucard's back and blows up immediately and enough to push and throw us away because of the blast.

Krestan keeps casting the same spell over and over toward Alucard, it's like he's bombarding him with a TNT. I know that Krestan has a grudge against the subject since it was Krestan's original goal to eradicate the subjects since he knew about the trouble and power these subjects are capable of. I thought Krestan was a bad guy until I find out the reason behind his madness in this second gameplay.

We all stand up and look at the damage that Krestan did, and to be honest, I don't think anyone would be able to survive those but Alucard is different and we don't have a high hope that Alucard will be defeated easily like that. The smoke is blocking our vision but we see a shadow or a silhouette of Alucard and his massive wing is spread open with holes on it. I look at Kingstar who's holding a broken sword and then I grab Kalitzar's sword and toss it toward Kingstar. The sword is stuck on the ground in front of him and he looks at me with confusion, I smirk and nod up.

"I know that you know who's sword is that, and I want you to use that since I kind of feel bad to see you holding a broken sword. I guess that sword belongs to you know."

Kingstar looks at the massive broadsword and scoffs.

"Thanks, Trev. I will use this."

Kingstar grabs the massive broadsword with both of his hands, he's surprised how heavy the sword is but he can still handle it, it's just that he needs to get used to the weight. I grab my scythe and without hesitation run toward him, the others are following me without me asking them to do so. I swing my scythe and throw it at him and land right in front of the silhouette, [Shadow of Death's Wrath] is activated. I can see the reaper is butchering him but at the same time, Alucard can do nothing about it since the reaper is just a ghost that can deal damage but at the same time can't be damaged.

Alucard tries to fly away but the reaper strikes him down to the ground again, and before Alucard can try again, we are all already inside the circle and ready to attack him. Kingstar is taking a huge leap and slashes his sword at him, Alucard blocks the attack but he's shocked that the sword is capable of slicing his wing. Kingstar lands and looks at the sword for a moment while smirking, he immediately runs toward him knowing that he's now able to hurt him. Liu and Ken run next to each other and swing their weapons toward his open wound, and they both alternately attack him. They both have the same wavelength and it looks so clean and effective.

I unwrap my sickles and swing them at Alucard's neck wrapping his neck with my sickle. I grab my scythe on the ground and pull myself onto him while readying my scythe to cut off his neck. I swing my scythe as hard as I can and hit his neck, but my scythe breaks into pieces. I click my tongue in annoyance but immediately remove the scythe in my hands and grab the thread while pulling them to make Alucard immobilize.

Alucard is screaming in pain while everyone relentlessly attacking him, he tries to free himself from the thread around his neck but it's not possible for him to break free from this. I keep holding them tight while slowly pulling the thread so Alucard will fall on his knees. Alucard is choking but his wing is really annoying and preventing me from putting him down, Kingstar looks at the wing and tries to cut it off with the broadsword. Queenstar and Michael are also thinking the same thing, the three of them are running toward Alucard's wing, and then...


The wing falls to the ground and Alucard is staring at his wing from the corner of his eyes with disbelief. He tries to scream but no voice is coming out from his throat since I'm choking him, I now can continue pulling the thread and trying to push him down onto his knees. I'm standing behind him and he looks up to see my face, I smirk while keeping my hands holding the thread so tightly.

"There's nowhere to run, Alucard...."

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