Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 49 - Episode 49: Forging.

I'm driving the customer to his destination right now. As soon as I woke up, an order came out from my phone. He's a young man with light blue hair and yellow eyes, I believe he has the same age as Becker. How many rich kids these days? They spent a lot of money just on transportation.

"Can you stop by the building over there?"

I look at the mirror and the kid is resting his jaw on his hand while looking outside the window.

"Yes, sir."

I stop the car in front of a tall building. It's a finance company. I heard this company has loaned more than hundreds of billions to some of the big companies.

I look at the kid and he walks out of the car. He looks at me.

"Wait here for an hour or so."

I force my smile.

"Of course, sir."

I'm playing with my phone and check the forum. A thread piques my interest.

[Forging Guide by: Grisell D'Aca.]

[Grisell here. After a few months of experimenting with forging, I can now officially share some of my knowledge with all of you who are interested in forging!

1. Forging without knowledge on how to make equipment will heavily affect the equipment you are making! So, please learn how to forge a weapon or armor from Utube or ask people who made a living from making equipment. For those who want to learn to forge, I have a few people who are the best in their field. I swear in my life that they are the best!

[email protected] (He will charge around $300/session)

[email protected] (He will charge around $500/session)

[email protected] (She will charge around $1000/session)




2. After forging for more than thousands of pieces of equipment. I can officially say that LUK plays a huge part in forging. I made 3 equipment that has unbelievably high stats because of that.


I was forging them and then suddenly a screen appeared in front of me that I made unworldly equipment!

Those 3 types of equipment will be auctioned with the [Betelgeuse's Legacy Box] in few weeks!

3. Last but not least. Forging equipment will increase your ranking in Forging System (FS). The higher your rank, the stronger the equipment you are making! And I'm officially the Rank 1 in the forging system! Those who want to use my service can contact me! I will make the best equipment for you :3

That is it for now. I will see you all around!]

The kid is leaving the building with a huge briefcase in his hand. He enters the car.

"Okay, we can go now."

I smile.

"Yes, sir."

We arrived at a tall apartment. The most expensive and one of the famous apartments in the world. The cheapest one is cost a million dollars, and the penthouse costs stupidly expensive almost a billion dollars. Then he left the car without saying a single word and walked inside the apartment. I left and went home.

As soon as I'm home, I washed my face and changed my clothes. Then I went to the gaming room to complete Krestan's quest. I still have around 15 to 14 days of in-game time before the quest failed, so I'm not in a hurry.

I'm still at Forsaken-Clan base. I look around and nobody is here, so I leave the roundtable room. I bump into a girl with yellow hair and yellow eyes. She's smaller than Emma, her height is around my chest. She's surprised and looks at me.

"Ohh? Hello? Who are you? Did you just come out from the roundtable room? Are you Ivonna's friend?"

I nod.

"Yeah, and the others' friends as well."

The yellow hair girl is tilting her head while staring at me.

"Really? If you are their friends, I should have known or heard about you. What is your name?"

I lift my hand for a handshake. She looks at my hand and then looks at me. I smile.

"My name Trevor. I don't know if they have talked about me to you."

She's gasping and covering her mouth with disbelief.

"You are that guy! Wow, it is nice to finally meet you, Trevor! My name is Grisell D'Aca. Nice to meet you!"

I'm surprised because I just read a thread made by her about forging.

"Ah! I read your thread an hour ago about forging. That was nice of you sharing your experience and knowledge about forging to everyone for free."

Grisell is smiling and nods.

"Because I love forging! My father is a blacksmith, he used to work making medieval movie weapons, armors, and props! So I know a lot about forging. You should share what you love with everyone!"

I thought that Grisell's writing was an act, but after listening to her talking I'm convinced that she's an energetic kind of person.

"I couldn't agree more."

Grisell is grinning and giggling.

"So, are you going to leave?"

I'm looking at the quest tab and check Krestan's quest. I still have 14 days. I was planning to get some levels before I go meet Krestan, but I'm fortunate to meet her.

"Actually... I might have a favor to ask you."

Grisell's eyes are wide open. She's excited.

"What is it?! Are you going to ask me to make something for you?!"

I smirk and nod.

"Yeah, that's right. Can you help me?"

I actually know how to forge equipment because I was experimenting with forging back then with Becker as well. The only problem is to get the proper tools for forging, since this time I don't have any of those tools, I'm too occupied with other things that are more important compared to forging.

Grisell is nodding repeatedly.

"Yes! I will gladly help you! Follow me to my sanctuary!"

Grisell is walking past me and I follow her from behind. She's humming a song while walking to her sanctuary. I smile and shake my head because of how energetic she is. Then she stops in front of a big door, she turns around.

"Welcome to my sanctuary!"

Grisell opens the door and the heat is hitting my face immediately. She walks in and inhales deeply then she's checking the blacksmith forge and sits beside it. She looks at me and tilts her head.

"So! What are we making today?"

I grab the materials I got from monsters that I've killed since I started playing. Grisell is choking and surprised when she sees all the materials I've gathered. Except for the items I got from Queen Arachne and the Crescent Moon Blade that Avriel gave me.


Grisell approaches me and looks at them carefully. I smile and shrug.

"You can have those, I don't need them at the moment."

Grisell's mouth is wide open.

"Are you serious? You can't take your words back!"

I chuckle and nod.

"Yeah, help yourself."

Grisell immediately grabs all of them and then looks at me.

"You know what. Because you gave me so many precious materials, I will make you one weapon for you... no, I will make you a weapon with the best stats for you! What kind of weapons are you using?"

I show my two chained sickles and the scythe to Grisell. She's putting her hand on her chin while humming with understanding.

"Interesting... I can make the best scythe for you in a week, sadly I don't think I can make a sickle for now for some reasons."

Grisell is thinking while looking around.

"I will start working on it now! First, I will make the design, you can tell me if you like it or not. You can sit over there and watch me."

I nod and sit on the chair.

Grisell starts to make a scratch on the screen in front of her. It's like a blank canvas to draw something with drawing tools. I look around and she has everything that is needed to forge equipment. From blacksmithing tools, shaping tools, steel finishing tools, woodworking tools, etc. Then she approaches me.

"What preferences do you want for the scythe? I can work on it."

I'm humming.

"I want my scythe with a spearhead on top. It's like a halberd? But, I want a scythe blade on the other side of the halberd's blade."

Grisell is humming while drawing the design. Then she shows it to me.

"Like this?"

I nod with agreement.

"Yes, exactly like that."

Grisell nods and smiles happily.

"This is just the concept, so I will make it way cooler than the concept! Just you wait!"

I smirk and chuckle. Then Grisell is looking at her screen, it seems that someone is messaging her. She then hurriedly walks towards the door.

"Uhh, I have to go! I have something important to do. I might be back in few days in-game time. You can go and do what you were planning to do, or you can use the room if you are interested in making a weapon on your own. You are free to use everything in this room!"

I nod.

"Alright. I'll see you later."

Grisell nods and then hurriedly leaves the room.

I can no longer hear her footsteps. I stand up and grab the Crescent Moon Blade from my inventory. Then use the tools to make a sickle from it.




6 hours have passed.

[You just made a legendary weapon!]

[Unworldly power has been imbued to the weapon]

[Betelgeuse gave [Sacred] power to the weapon you just made!]

I chuckle mischievously. Thanks to my LUK, the legendary weapon I made got extra stats from Betelgeuse, and it's Sacred which is the highest rank for making equipment. There are 4 ranks when Betelgeuse giving power to the equipment that the player made.

1. Sacred gives 50% extra stats on the equipment and adds one unique passive skill.

2. Blessed gives 25% extra stats on the equipment and adds one passive skill.

3. Damned gives 50% extra stats on the equipment, but with a drawback.

4. Cursed gives 100% extra stats on the equipment, but with a drawback.

I look at the sickle I just made.

[Sacred Ezira's Sickle (Trevor's) obtained!]

[Ezira's Sickle: A black silver sickle with a cold blade once used and made by Ezira herself, the one who defeat all. She was once the Empress who ruled the whole Orion. People worshipped her as their Goddess. Then a catastrophe happened around the Orion, a legendary creature [Ardor] was the one who brought the catastrophe. She, herself protected her people and died for them. The sickle defeated [Ardor] and was destroyed along with her body.

Rarity: Legendary (R40)

Base ATK: 750 (+250)

Bonus Status: STR+60 (+30)

Requirements (Sacred): Level 200 (100), STR AGI DEX 200 (STR AGI DEX 100)

Passive skill: When hit, affect Frost-bound (reduce enemy's MS and ASPD by 15% (Can be stacked up to 3 times)) for 2 seconds. A 20% chance to break the enemy's armor.

Mighty II (Sacred): A 30% chance to deals fixed (That cannot be reduced) damage.

Tradeable and Marketable. Cannot be sold.]

"Nice... because it's a Sacred weapon, it reduced the requirements to equip the sickle."

I open my inventory and I still have 7 [Diamond Mysterious Box] from Mini-Bosses. I grab them all and open them.

[Stone of Wrath I obtained!]

[Stone of Prudence I obtained!]

[Stone of Pride I obtained!]

[Stone of Hope I obtained!]

[Stone of Sloth I obtained!]

[Stone of Hope I obtained!]

[Stone of Prudence I obtained!]

I also have 1 [Unique Mysterious Box] from defeating Queen Arachne.

[Stone of Fortune obtained!]

[Stone of Fortune: A enhancement stone that Increases LUK by +50 when enhanced to the equipment]

"Heh, how lucky."

[Enchancing [Stone of Fortune] to [Sacred Ezira's Sickle (Trevor's)]]

[Enhancement success!]

[Sacred Ezira's Sickle of Fortune (Trevor's) obtained!]

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