Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 70 - Episode 70: Preparation.

Grisell is walking back slowly and sits on the chair. She's holding her head while staring at those items in my hands. She takes a deep breath and then walks towards me. Her hands are reaching the items with her shaky hands. She's putting her hands on those items and then looks at me. I chuckle and nod. She gulps and grabs those items from my hands.

She's holding those items in her hands while staring at them.

"I can't make it now... I need to max all my forging skills so I can make a masterpiece from these."

I smirk and nod.

"Take your time. I'm not in a hurry since I have this one."

I show her Ezira's Sickle and give it to her so she can see the description. When she looks at the description, she falls to the ground and her hands are trembling while she's holding it. She's admiring it for quite a while and gives it back to me.

Grisell clears her throat and looks at me.

"I promise you that I will make the best legendary weapon that everyone has ever seen!"

I nod. Then a notification appears in front of me.

[5 minutes before you are in [Madness] state]

I lift my hand and cut my palm. Blood is running down to my finger and I suck the blood. The reason why I did that is that I found out when I was farming Betelgeuse's Coin. I was experimenting on how to reset the timer and I cut my arm and drank the blood to test if the timer would reset, and it actually worked. So I don't have to hold Lazy Luck Dagger anymore and all I need is to suck my own blood.

Grisell is looking at me weirdly.

"What are you doing?"

I lift my hand and pointing the ring with my thumb.

"Because of this ring. I need to drink blood to keep me sane. It's a drawback from a cursed item."

Grisell is humming with understanding.

"I see. That's quite terrifying."

I scoff and nod in an agreement. Grisell then sits on the chair.

"Hey, try to use the set of armor I gave you. I want to see if it looks good on you."

I open my inventory and equip the set of armor Grisell gave me. Grisell is looking at me and gives me a thumbs up.

"It looks great on you! No, it looks perfect!"

I look at my arms, my hands, my thighs, my legs, and my feet. A set of armor with black leather and dark silver color. I move around to try the flexibility of the armor. I'm amazed at how light it is even though they're made from a combination of steel and leather. I love it very much.

I chuckle and nod.

"This is unbelievably light. I love it."

Grisell is grinning and giggling proudly.

"I made it dark because it will match with the robe and mask you have. Of course, it will match with the scythe as well. Try it."

I grab the Moon's Series from my inventory and equip them. I open my arms and look at Grisell.

"How do I look?"

Grisell is nodding aggressively.

"Holy sh*t you look terrifying. Both in good and bad ways."

I remove all of them and put them in my inventory. I sigh and sit next to Grisell. She's furrowing her forehead.

"What's wrong?"

I rest my head on my fist.

"It's just if I equipped those as Azrael, they would notice me immediately when I equipped them as myself since this is a one-of-a-kind armor."

Grisell is humming with understanding while nodding.

"You're right. But it's not a problem at all! Since you gave me a lot of materials, I can make you another set of armor! I can make it similar but different at the same time. The materials you gave me are also very good quality. I can make it with better stats!"

I look at her while raising my eyebrow.

"Are you sure you want to make another one for me? Aren't you tired?"

Grisell shakes her head.

"This is my passion! I will be very happy to make you another set of armor. I also need to forge 2000 to 3000 pieces of equipment, remember? So this is a win-win situation for both of us!"

I scoff and nod.

"I'll buy it for 50.000 gold this time."

Grisell is choked from her saliva. She lifts her hand for a handshake.


I grab her hand and shake her hand. Then a message notification appears. It's from William and he wants me to meet his friend and his friend's clan. I stand up and stretch my body.

"I have to go, William is waiting for me. Thanks for everything, Grisell. I'll see you later."

Grisell nods.

"Okay, I'll see you later! Bye!"

I left Forsaken- Clan base and used the teleportation device and went to Serdien town to meet with his friend. I went to the coordinate that William gave me. I entered a pub and I immediately saw them. A light yellow-haired man and a dark brown-haired guy are sitting in front of William. William waved at me when he saw me. I walked toward them and sat beside William.

William is pointing his arms at me.

"This is him. He will join your clan. He's my master and he's unbelievably good!"

The yellow-haired guy looks at me and nods.

"Good morning. I'm William's friend, my name is Dennis. Nice to meet you."

The brown-haired guy nods as well.

"I'm the clan leader of Horizon. My name is Oscar. Nice to meet you."

I nod and smile.

"My name is Trevor. Nice to meet you too, Dennis, Oscar."

They both smile and nod. Dennis and Oscar then add me as a friend. I accept both of their friend requests.

[Oscario (Lv. 191)]

[Dennisel (Lv. 182)]

They both are surprised. Oscar is bowing down at me.

"I'm so happy that you want to help us!"

Oscar nods in an agreement. I'm confused because of their reaction. I look at William and raise my eyebrows. William laughs.

"They must be surprised for a rank 7 player to join their clan."

Both of them nod in an agreement. I'm humming with understanding.

"It's just level. I'm not that good compared to the other 9."

William is snoring and looking away. Oscar shakes his head.

"It's okay! We are very grateful to have you here with us."

Dennis looks at Oscar.

"Let's introduce him to the clan members. I bet everyone will be thrilled when they see him."

Oscar nods.

"Yes, let's go to our clan base."

William and I nod.

We all went to the capital city of Eluna Empire, Naria. This place always reminds me of Avriel and what surprised me was there are a lot of knights patrolling the city. I asked Oscar and Dennis about it, and they said it's because the emperor made a precaution about a rebellion that might occur soon, but none of the players from the Eluna Empire's faction knows anything about it and there is no quest related to it as far as they know. I believe this is about Jariel's plan to overthrow the empire.

We have arrived at Horizon Clan base, and compared to Forsaken- Clan base, this is much smaller and a lot of facilities are still not available since their clan's level is still low. I might as well donate some of my gold and contribute some EXP for their clan later. Then we enter the hall and a lot of players are gathering here. They all are staring at me and whispering to each other. Oscar walks to the front while William and I are standing at the side.

Oscar clears his throat.

"We have found another player that will join our clan. Even if it's just temporary, he will help us in the skirmish event."

A notification appears in front of me.

[Oscario has invited you to join [Horizon] Clan]

[Accept] [Decline]



Everyone is gasping and looks at me in awe. I smile and wave at them. They're smiling so brightly and they all seem excited just because I joined their clan. Oscar then continues.

"As you all can see. This is Trevor, one of the top 10 players in the world. I was surprised as well and I feel fortunate for him to join our clan and help in the skirmish event. Remember guys, even though he joined our clan, we still have to do our best and don't depend on him too much! We must win the game with our own strength!"

Everyone nods and smiles excitedly.

A notification appears in front of everyone's screens.

[Skirmish Event: Destroy the Crystal! (Open Qualifier)]

[Destroy the Crystal: Each Clan has to destroy the enemy's Crystal. The Crystal has 1000 Health Point. Each hit towards the Crystal will be count as 1. Crystal cannot regenerate and cannot be healed. Once one of the Crystal is destroyed, the other clan will win the game. You have 30 minutes to destroy the Crystal in the Open Qualifier game, if the times ran out and both of the teams did not manage to destroy the Crystal, the team's Crystal with the higher Health Point will win the game. If both of the crystals have the same amount of Health Point, an extra 10 minutes is given.]

[Rules: Cannot use [Betelgeuse's Dust Particles] inside the game and cannot respawn. The players that are dead can be resurrected by the other player. The player that did not get resurrected will stay dead until someone is resurrecting them. The Clan Leader can forfeit and admit their defeat by saying "Good Game" or "GG" and the game will immediately end in 10 seconds.]

[May the Betelgeuse Bless You]

Oscar claps his hands.

"Okay, we still have two days in-game time before our match begins. So please prepare yourself and might as well try to gain some level. Anyone that wants to join me to farm Betelgeuse's Coin in Steefil Lake just come here and I'll add you to the party. Everyone dismissed."

Everyone nods and some of them immediately leave the hall and start to prepare themselves. The others are joining Oscar to farm Betelgeuse's Coin. William and I leave the hall, William goes back to his base after he says goodbye to prepare his members while I go hunt monsters to farm Betelgeuse's Coin on my own.

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