Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 88 - Episode 88: Closing Party. (End Of Volume.1)

We are on our way back to the clan base. Everyone is walking without saying anything. There's no sound other than our footsteps and the NPCs talking on the streets. Emma and Williams are looking at me frequently and hoping for me to break the ice.

Francesa is walking beside Ivonna at the front then she clears her throat.

"Honestly, I was planning to leave the clan today because of the same reason like you said back there. But I guess I'm not the only one who feels that way."

Ivonna smiles and keeps looking at the distance in front of her.

"Is that the reason why you're being weird since the end of the match?"

Francesca is humming in agreement. Francesca then looks back at Michael and the others.

"You guys are not complaining about Ivonna's decision?"

Michael is shaking his head.

"If that what she wants, then I can't say anything. Even though we did a lot of things for the clan, but I also felt burdened since it's hard to maintain a lot of members, especially handling their demands. I'm not saying that I hate it, we had a lot of fun with them and achieved a lot together even though we were not planning to make a huge clan like this. So I guess it's the right time for us to break free and just enjoy the game without thinking about other players for a moment."

Leonardo nods in agreement.

"We were making this clan just for fun and was planning to make a chill and casual clan. So yeah, it was unexpected for us to have this many players. It's a shame that we have to disband the clan, but I'm also not ready with this super-fast growth."

Hans is humming with understanding.

"For me, I don't feel burdened at all. But again, if one of us feels burdened by this then it's better to disband the clan. We all here to enjoy the game, not to feel stressed."

Grisell is frowning and pouting.

"I don't mind if we disband the clan, but my sanctuary... I'm going to lose my sanctuary..."

Ivonna and the others look at Grisell with concern. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looks at me. I smile and pointing at the buildings.

"Don't forget this game allows you to build your own house. You can build your own house anywhere in this game. You just need permission from the King or Chief of the city, town, or village. So don't be sad, we will help you make your own sanctuary."

Francesca approaches Grisell then wraps her hands around her neck.

"That's right. Let's make our own sanctuary. We can make a house and make it a place to gather for all of us, and you will be the owner since you're pretty much staying inside to forge equipment."

Grisell is oohing and nods in an agreement.

"Yes, let's do that!"

Everyone nods in agreement. I clear my throat and look at them.

"Anyway, I have to log out now and get more rest. I will log in again for the closing party event. I'll see you all later."

Everyone nods and waves at me. Then I log out of the game.

I get out from the pod and the time barely past an hour. I'm still having a headache, so I go back to my bedroom and try to get some sleep.

My alarm on my phone is ringing. I get up and go downstairs. I look at the time and it's still 2 P.M. I still have 2 hours before the closing party event begins. I make lunch for myself since Emma and William are still in the game. I also don't have the energy to make lunch for them.

After I'm done eating my lunch and do the dishes, I take my medicine and lay down on the couch while watching TV. I check the forum if is there something interesting to read, but all the threads are about me and I'm too lazy to read them. Then I go to the basement and play because I'm too bored since there's nothing else I can do.

I'm on my way to the Maelstrom of Abyss to see how many players are there since I told Kingstar about it a few hours ago. But it surprises me when I see Kingstar and his members are standing on the cliff doing nothing. I approach them and a player notices that I'm walking toward them. Kingstar and Queenstar turn around and look at me. Kingstar immediately walks towards me.

I lift my hand to greet him. Kingstar nods and stands in front of me.

"What are you doing here?"

I look at him and then look at the players near the cliff behind him. I raise my eyebrows and look at him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you already inside the dungeon. What's wrong?"

Kingstar turns around and looks at his men.

"That's the problem, we have spent days to find a way to go down there to enter the dungeon, but we couldn't find it."

I raise my eyebrow with confusion.

"Aren't you supposed to jump and dive into the whirlpool from the cliff?"

Kingstar is raising his eyebrows with surprise.

"What? That's ridiculous."

I walk toward the cliff and Kingstar is following me from behind. The players are staring at me in awe because this is the first time they can see me up close without being scared of dying. Queenstar and the commanders are looking at Kingstar, Kingstar just shrugs and just follows me.

I look down the cliff and see the whirlpool is exactly below the cliff. I turn around and look at Kingstar.

"You can jump from here and you will be inside the whirlpool."

Kingstar is standing beside me while looking down the cliff. He's humming with understanding then he looks at Alec.

"Do you want to give it a try, Alec?"

Alec walks towards us. He looks down the cliff and he's immediately gulping when he looks at the whirlpool. Kingstar looks at him while raising his eyebrows. Alec clears his throat.

"Okay. Do I have to do it alone?"

Kingstar is pointing his thumb on his own chest.

"You want me to go with you?"

Queenstar immediately interfere.

"Don't! Trevor might be tricking you to do that so something bad will happen to you!"

Kingstar turns around and looks at me. I sigh and walk to the edge. I turn around and look at them while smirking and raising my eyebrow.

"If you don't want to, I'll take this dungeon for myself then."

Alec suddenly runs and jumps off the cliff. I turn around and look at him diving into the whirlpool. All of them immediately walk toward the edge and see him falling. Alec enters the whirlpool without a problem. Everyone is sighing with relief. Then Kingstar looks at his screen, he smiles and laughs.

"He successfully enters the dungeon."

Of course, he is, because that's how it works and the only way to enter the dungeon. I look at them and raise my eyebrows.

"So? What are you guys waiting for? Hurry up and enter the dungeon."

I walk away from the cliff and bump the back of my hand on Kingstar's shoulder.

"Good luck. Remember the closing party will begin in 2 days in-game time."

Kingstar looks at me while raising his eyebrows and then nods. Then I leave and hunt some monsters to waste the time until the closing party event begins.

Kingstar is looking at me and then he looks at Queenstar.

"I wonder why he's suddenly being nice to us."

Queenstar is shrugging and then looks at the whirlpool.

"I don't know. If he has a motive, it must be because of this dungeon. Maybe he will need our help in the future when he needs something from us?"

Kingstar is humming with understanding.

"You might be right, but he said that he did this as an apology. Even if what you said is right, why is he need our help when he's way stronger than us?"

Queenstar shrugs and shakes her head.

"Don't know. Let's forget about it for now. We have something more important to do."

Kingstar nods and then he orders everyone to enter the whirlpool with him.

(2 days later in-game time.)

A notification appears in front of me.

[Closing Party Event is now live!]

[All the players can enter the Wonderland by opening the event tab. We already prepared a lot of stuff for you to enjoy during the party, and you will know when you enter the Wonderland!]

[So what are you waiting for? Come and enjoy the party with us! May the Betelgeuse bless you!]

I immediately enter the Wonderland. It's a beautiful place where the vast land is surrounded by forest, a cliff with a waterfall, and mountains. It's nighttime and the sky is so bright with millions of stars lighten up this place. There are so many stalls that look like an exhibition stall. Turns out those are mini-games stalls and merchants NPCs selling limited items. In the middle of this land, there's a huge temple with winners podiums in front of it. Sev with her white super-long dress floating above the podium. She's flying left and right to interact with players.

I see Ivonna and the others on the other side. I approach them and Emma is waving at me happily with a snack in her other hand. We are exploring the Wonderland and we see so many interesting stalls. Sev then goes down and stands in front of the podium. She lifts her arms and everyone is paying attention to her.

"Good evening, players. I see you all are enjoying your time here. Without further ado, let me announce the winners of the celebration event!"

Sev smiles and snaps her fingers. A massive screen appears behind her. Sev then continues.

"The winners of hide and seek events are... Rushcheller won first place, Maine Cassair won second place, and Aksevel won third place. Please go to the podium the three of you!"

Everyone is clapping their hands to congratulate them. Emma, William, and Axel are standing on the podium. Sev then snaps her fingers and a light appears above them and screens on above their heads.

[First place: Ruscheller]

[5.000 Betelgeuse's Coins]

[Title [Master of Seeker]]

[Optional Mythical Weapon box (1)]

[Optional Mythical Series Armor box (1)]

[Second place: Maine Cassair]

[3.000 Betelgeuse's Coins]

[Title [Apprentice of Seeker]]

[Optional Mythical Equipment box (1)]

[Third place: Aksevel]

[1.000 Betelgeuse's Coins]

[Title [Apprentice of Seeker]]

[Random Mythical Equipment box (1)]

Sev then walks towards the next podium and another screen appears above it. Sev then smiles and announces the winners for the Cooking and Forging event. Grisell walks to the podium and won the same prize as Emma but the title is [Master of Forger]. Then Sev announces the winners for the PvP event. The rewards are the same but the winners for the first place get [Duelist Master] title.

Now is the moment that all the players have been waiting for. The winners of the Skirmish regional Event. Ivonna, Kingstar, Boschwell, Diamond, Lothair, Sigryd, Ken, and the other clans leaders walk on the podium. Everyone is cheering at them while clapping their hands.

[First place prize (All members)]

[10.000 Betelgeuse's Coin]

[Title exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Master of Strategist]]

[Exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Optional Mythical Series Armor box (1)]

[Exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Optional Mythical Weapon box (1)]

[Title for All Members [Greatest Contenders]]

[Optional High-Quality Equipment Box]

[Second place prize (All members)]

[5.000 Betelgeuse's Coins]

[Title exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Apprentice of Strategist]]

[Exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Optional Mythical Equipment box (1)]

[Title for All Members [Strongest Contenders]]

[Random High-Quality Equipment Box]

[Third place prize (All members)]

[3.000 Betelgeuse's Coins]

[Title exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Apprentice of Strategist]]

[Exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Random Mythical Equipment box (1)]

[Title for All Members [Strongest Contenders]]

[Random High-Quality Equipment Box]

Sev is calming the players who are cheering so excitedly. Sev then clears her throat.

"Now, for the winners for the Skirmish Main Event are... The Forsaken- Clan won first place, The Supremacist Clan won second place, and The Palacetasia Clan won third place. The leaders of those clan please get to the podium."

Ivonna, Kingstar, and Boschwell walk to another podium and everyone is cheering for them. A screen then appears above them.

[First place prize (All members)]

[20.000 Betelgeuse's Coin]

[Exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Optional Mythical Series Armor box (1)]

[Exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Optional Mythical Weapon box (1)]

[Title [Champion of Orion]]

[Optional High-Quality Equipment Box]

[Second place prize (All members)]

[10.000 Betelgeuse's Coins]

[Exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Optional Mythical Equipment box (1)]

[Title [Warrior of Orion]]

[Optional High-Quality Equipment Box]

[Third place prize (All members)]

[5.000 Betelgeuse's Coins]

[Exclusive for Clan Leader & Commanders [Random Mythical Equipment box (1)]

[Title [Challenger of Orion]]

[Optional High-Quality Equipment Box]

Sev then flies and floats in the air. She spins and fireworks are shooting at the sky and explode. It's so beautiful.

"The announcement is done! Let's enjoy the party until the event ends! I will be here for anyone who wants to ask questions related to the game."

Sev then flies up high to the sky with her super-long dress hanging. She looks down and spreads her arms.

"As always, May the Betelgeuse bless you!"

We all scream.

"May the Betelgeuse bless you!"

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