Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 90 - Episode 90: Exciting Plan.

At the end of the auction. Everyone is satisfied with the items they bid on. Ivonna then walks forward.

"There is something I would like to announce."

Everyone is looking at Ivonna in silence. Ivonna then looks at every single one of them and nods.

"I, Ivonna Ivon. The Leader of the Forsaken- Clan, will announce our farewell. The Forsaken- Clan will be disbanded today. For the reason behind it, we sadly can't tell it to you all, but one thing that I can say is that we have achieved something beyond our expectation."

Everyone is shocked by Ivonna's announcement and they're looking at each other while whispering. Kingstar and Queenstar are looking at each other. Ivonna smiles and continues.

"We are not going to stop playing, we are just disbanding the clan. For the Supremacist Clan, the Palacetasia Clan, the Black Shadow Clan, the Valkyrie's Wings Clan, the Diamond Clan, the Cloud Veil Clan, and the other clans. All we want to say is, good luck and we hope for your success in the future and for you all to keep forward. We wish you all the best. Thank you."

Ivonna claps her hands and smiles.

"I think this is it. Thank you for coming and for participating in the auction!"

Ivonna looks at Leonardo and he nods. Leonardo opens a portal and Ivonna and the others enter the portal. Leonardo looks at Emma, William, and me.

"Get in."

We immediately get inside the portal.

We are inside the house in Loslan Village. Since this is the first time for William, he's running around and looks at the scenery excitedly. We are sitting on the chair and bed. Ivonna is clicking something on her screen for quite a while and then she looks at Emma.

"Can I have your bank information? I need it to transfer the money."

Emma then messages Ivonna with her bank information. Ivonna then looks at me.

"Can I have yours as well? So I can transfer it to everyone at the same time."

I smile and raise my eyebrows.

"I don't need it. You can give my share to Emma."

They all are surprised. Ivonna raises her eyebrows.

"Are you sure? It's five point six million dollars we are talking about."

I nod and chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm serious."

They all looking at Emma. Emma scratching her head and looks at me.

"Maybe we can just split it?"

Ivonna shrugs.

"It's up to you, Emma. This money is yours."

Emma looks at me nervously then looks at them.

"Yeah, let's just split it."

Ivonna nods and then she's focusing on the screen in front of her. Then everyone is checking their own screen. Ivonna claps her hands.

"Okay, I have transferred the money to everyone. The money should be in your bank account now."

Then they all are cheering happily while staring at the screens in front of them. Michael and Hans are hugging each other so tightly. Francesca is giggling happily with Emma, and Leonardo is biting his finger and laying on the bed.

They're enjoying the moment for quite a while and then Michael clears his throat.

"So, what are you guys planning to do since we are rich now?"

Francesca stands up and then stands in between me and Emma. She wraps her arms on our neck then grinning at them.

"I already have a plan with these two. I'm going to spend a long time with them in the US."

Michael is oohing and snaps his fingers.

"Oh, then I'll join you! Since I'm in Canada, I can come and visit you guys."

Francesca is excited and nods in an agreement. Hans and Leonardo are looking at each other and then nod.

"Yo, we want to tag along as well! When are you going to the US, Francesca?"

Francesca is grinning happily while raising two fingers.

"In two days."

Michael, Hans, and Leonardo check the flight to the US and then immediately book a flight. Francesca is looking at Ivonna while smiling. Ivonna is raising her eyebrows. Francesca removes her arms from us and then walks toward Ivonna. Francesca is elbowing Ivonna's arm gently.

"Come and join us. It's going to be fun!"

Michael and the others are nodding in an agreement. Ivonna is looking at them for quite a while and then sighs.

"Okay, I'll book a flight as well."

They're cheering happily. Emma then looks at me with worries.

"But, Trev. Your house doesn't have enough room for all of them."

I raise my eyebrow and scoff.

"Don't worry, I have an idea."

They're looking at me with curiosity. I stand up and stretch my body.

"You guys will be here in 2 days, right? Then I should get going and prepare everything."

Emma looks at me.

"Do you need my help?"

I'm humming and then shake my head.

"No, it's fine. I believe you guys are going to have a farewell party or something with the members right? I can handle it on my own, don't worry."

Francesca is humming in agreement. Then she looks at Ivonna.

"Yeah, let's go back to our base. We have been gone for quite a while."

Ivonna nods.

"Yeah, let's go."

Leonardo then opens a portal and everyone gets inside it. Then I log out from the game to prepare a place for them to stay.

I go upstairs and grab my phone. I believe they gave me their contact back then. I take a deep breath and give him a call. Then he picks it up immediately.

"Oh, Trevor. It has been a while."


"Sir Sylvester, it is been a while."


"What can I do for you, Trevor?"


"Yes, are you in the US, right now, sir?"


"Ah, we are currently not, what's wrong?"


"Oh, then can I ask if the mansion is available? I'm planning to rent it for a month because my friends are coming to visit if you allow it?"


"Yes, it's available. It's not ours in the first place, it's Becker's mansion. You can use it whenever you want and you don't have to pay for it."

"Oh, since you're calling me. There's a letter for you."




"Yes, it's a letter that Becker wrote and said to give it to you when you visit the mansion. The butler will give it to you when you visit the mansion."

"I will tell them to prepare the mansion for you. How many people are going to stay in the mansion?"


"With me, there will be 8 people."


"I see, I will inform Ernes after this then.

We then talk about other things for quite a while. After that, I changed my clothes and went to the mansion to read the letter that Sylvester told me earlier.

I'm at the entrance of the mansion, the security is taking a peek at my car. I get out of the car and wave at him. He's surprised and waves back at me then open the gate. The security approaches me.

"What are you doing here, Trev?"

I'm pointing at the mansion.

"I'm going to stay here for a month with my friends. Sir Sylvester already gave me the permission."

He is humming with understanding.

"Ahh, so that's why they are so busy so suddenly. I thought Sir Sylvester and Madam Andrea will be coming here. Anyway, come inside."

I nod and enter the car and then park it near the fountain.

I walk up the stairs and then ring the bell on the door. Someone is opening the door and he's surprised to see me.

"Trev? I thought you're going to come here the day after tomorrow."

I smile and nod.

"Yeah, but I came here to see Ernes."

He's confused and tilts his head.

"Mister Ernes is currently on the second floor observing the maids and the servants cleaning the rooms. You want me to take you there?"

I shake my head.

"It's okay, I can find him by myself. Thanks for telling me."

He nods and closes the door then goes back to what he was doing.

I go upstairs and look around. It's been a while since the last time I came here, but I still remember clearly every corner of this mansion. I want to go and check Becker's room, but I'm holding myself from doing that. I go to the other side of the mansion because there is where all the guest rooms are at.

I see Ernes and then call him. He turns around and is surprised to see me. He approaches me and bows.

"Mister Trevor, what can I help you?"

I just smile weakly at him. Ernes immediately understands the reason why I came here. He then nods.

"Please follow me, Mister Trevor."

I'm following him, but I'm confused because we are not going to the other building where his room is at. We are walking toward Becker's room and then he stops in front of the door. He's pointing at the door with his hand.

"The letter is inside the drawer beside master's bed. If there's anything you need from me, I will be waiting in here."

I shake my head.

"Ahh, it's okay. You can go back to do your job, Ernes. I think I will be in there for a while."

Ernes nods.

"Would you like to have lunch in here, Mister Trevor? Master's friend is my master as well."

I laugh nervously and scratch my head.

"I'm good. Maybe a cup of hot coffee is enough."

Ernes smiles and nods.

"Hot coffee it is then. I will excuse myself, Mister Trevor."

I nod and he leaves and goes back to work.

I take a deep breath and open the door. The view of his room reminds me of him and all the fun things we did together. From messing around to discussing the game together. We were pretty much completed the game in this room. I exhale deeply and then walk toward his bed. I sit on it and look at the drawer. I slide it open and there's a letter in it. I grab it and open it.

[To, Trevor.

This is so awkward to write a letter. This is the first time ever I'm writing a letter so bear with me. So anyway, the reason I wrote this message is there are a lot of things that I wanted you to know, so don't read this without a cup of coffee because this will be boring!]

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