Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 92 - Episode 92: A Surprise.

e(At Ivonna's house.)

Ivonna is peeking at someone's room.

"Chessi, I'm about to leave now. Are you sure you're okay in the house on your own? I can call auntie to stay with you here for a month."

A white-haired girl is playing a game on her computer while eating chocolate. She turns her head and nods.

"I'm fine sis, I'm not a kid anymore. I'm already 25!"

Ivonna is worried but then she nods.

"Okay then. I already transferred some money to your bank account. It should be more than enough for you to spend it for a whole month. You can use my pod if you want to play. If you run out of money just tell me, okay?"

Chessi nods and grins happily.

"Okay, sis! Have a nice and safe vacation! Don't forget to buy me some souvenirs and gifts!"

Ivonna chuckles and smiles.

"Okay, bye, Chessi. Don't forget to lock the door and close the windows before you go to bed, okay?"

Chessi nods and waves at Ivonna.

"Bye, sis!"

(At the airport.)

We are at the international airport waiting for their arrival. Michael should be the first one to be here since he's from Canada and he should be here any minutes now, then Francesca and Grisell should be here soon as well since she took an early flight. Ivonna, Hans, and Leonardo will be here last since they're the furthest from the rest of them. since my car is a luxury car and I don't think it's enough for them all to fit in there, so I rent a minivan car so they all can fit in there and put their stuff in without worries.

We all are waiting outside the terminal inside the car, Emma and William are enjoying the cups of coffee that they bought earlier. Since it's going to take a while, I go to the mini-market and buy a pack of cigarettes. It's been a while since the last time I smoke, but somehow I have the urge to smoke now.

I go back to the parking lot and stand in front of the car. Emma is surprised when she sees me lighting a cigarette.

"You're smoking again?"

I tilt my head and nod.

"I just feel like it."

William is looking at me and then I offer him one.

"Do you smoke?"

Emma smacks my hand away and then looks at William.

"If you smoke, I'll beat you up."

I chuckle and shake my head while William is panicking and shaking his head.

My phone is ringing and I look who's calling me and it's Michael. I pick it up and tell him where we are at and he then hangs up the phone. I tell Emma and William that Michael is here and on his way to the parking lot.

We are staring at his profile picture and we look around if he's one of the crowds that are coming to the parking lot. Then we all can see a yellow-haired guy with brown eyes with a backpack and a bag in his right hand. We look back and forth at his picture and it's a match. We all are waving at him and he notices. He waves at us and runs towards us.

Michael is looking at us from top to bottom. He then looks at me.

"Holy sh*t dude, you're f*cking tall!"

Michael then looks at Emma and he's surprised as well because Emma is the same height as him. We all laugh and then I open the minivan rear door and help him put his belongings in there.

I'm smoking my cigarette and checking my phone while Michael, Emma, and William are talking with each other. Then Emma's phone is vibrating. She checks her phone and it's Francesca who is messaging her. Francesca is about to landing and it will take around 15 minutes.

Emma is on the phone with Francesca and she's on her way to pick Francesca up. Michael is looking at my car.

"Sheesh, is this your car for driving a customer? This car is around 400 to 500 thousand dollars, right?"

I nod.

"Yeah, A Royce."

Michael is whistling in awe.

We are talking about the car and then we see Emma with a red-haired woman with blue eyes. Besides them, there's a young woman with a light yellow-haired woman and blue eyes. It's Francesca and Grisell. They all are waving at us while walking toward us. Francesca and Grisell are looking up at my face for quite a while. Emma is chuckling while elbowing Francesa gently.

"See, what did I tell you. He's the real deal. He's handsome, right?"

Francesca is nodding while raising her eyebrows in agreement. Grisell is looking at Michael.

"You looks like a gremlin compared to Trevor, Mike."

Everyone is laughing so hard while I'm holding my laughter. Michael is sighing and scratches his head.

"Oh shut up, dwarf."

Grisell is gasping and then they both are arguing against each other while the rest of us are putting Francesca and Grisell's belongings in the minivan and laughing at them.

We are enjoying the afternoon while eating snacks and ice creams that we bought in the mini-market while waiting for Ivonna and the rest's arrival. They should be here in an hour or less. We all haven't had lunch and we are planning to eat lunch together after everyone is here.

My phone is vibrating and it's a message from Ivonna. She said that she's already at the arrival gate. I reply to her message and say that I will be waiting for her in front of the terminal. I tell Emma and the others that Ivonna is here and I'm going to pick her up, everyone nods and continues enjoying their snacks.

I'm leaning on the pillar and look at my phone. A notification appears on my phone. It's Ivonna and it says that she's at the terminal. I look around the gate and I can see her with a big suitcase beside her. I walk toward her but she's still not noticed and keeps staring at her phone.

I'm standing in front of her, and she looks up and startled.

"Oh, Trevor?"

I smirk and nod.

"Yeah, I don't have to ask who you are, right? You're that famous streamer that I watched."

Ivonna chuckles and shakes her head. I grab her suitcase and it surprises her, but she just smiles and thanks me. We are on our way to the parking lot. Ivonna takes a glimpse of my face and I notice that. Ivonna slightly smiles.

"So you're really using your real face."

I look at her and raise my eyebrow.

"I am, what do you think?"

Ivonna is surprised by the question and looks at me speechlessly. I laugh and shake my head.

"I'm just joking, you don't have to answer it."

Ivonna suddenly stops walking. I turn around and tilt my head. Ivonna looks at me and smiles.

"I think you're handsome."

Ivonna then is rushing to walk past me. I look at her with surprise and scoff. Then I chase her and meet with everyone. William and Emma are staring at Ivonna's face with admiration as if they're looking at celebrities or something. Francesca then hugs her so tightly and kisses her cheeks over and over.

Ivonna is putting her suitcase on the back of the minivan, but it's already full, so I open the trunk and put her suitcase in there. After that, she's calling someone. I can hear her calling a person's name, Chessi. It's the same name she was calling when she was mumbling in her sleep. Turns out it's her younger sister by the way she talks to her. I don't speak french but I know some words. This is the first time I hear Ivonna speaking french and somehow it makes me a bit interested in her.

Hans and Leonardo are outside the terminal, Michael is picking them up. When Emma is looking at Leonardo, she raises her eyebrows. She notices that I'm staring at her and she's immediately glaring at me with her eyes wide open. I scoff and she then pinches my side. Leonardo and Hans are surprised when they see Emma's height and my height as well.

Francesca claps her hands.

"Okay, since everyone is here, we should get lunch now. I'm starving..."

Everyone nods in an agreement. But Grisell is looking at the cars.

"Who's going to drive the minivan?"

Emma is raising her hand.

"I will."

Francesca nods.

"Alright. Emma, William, Hans, Leo, Mike, Grisell, and I will be in the minivan. Let's go!"

Ivonna is confused.

"Why is everyone in the minivan? Trev's car still has so many seats left."

They're looking at each other and then Michael tilts his head.

"Well, we want to be in the same car. It's more fun."

They all nod in agreement then hurriedly walk toward the minivan. Ivonna is standing beside me while looking at them entering the minivan and chuckling at each other. I walk past her and stand in front of the driver's seat.

"Shall we get going?"

Ivonna looks at me then nods. She gets inside the car and sits on the passenger seat beside me. Emma rolls down the window and looks at me. Ivonna then rolls down her window. Emma peeks her head out the window.

"Where are we going, Trev? Should we go to that all-you-can-eat buffet?"

I nod.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. You lead the way, Em."

Emma nods and gives me a thumbs up. She then starts driving and I follow them from behind.

We all eat at the buffet and we are enjoying the food while laughing and chuckling. It's so noisy that the people that are sitting near our table keep staring at us, but looking at how silly we are, they all just smile.

We are done eating our food and just lazing on the sofa. Everyone is staring at their own phone. Francesca then sits straight and leans toward me.

"So! Where are we going to stay for the next few weeks?"

I smirk and look at her.

"Shall we get going and check it out?"

Everyone immediately jolts from their seats and nods. I chuckle while shaking my head.

I'm at the front while Emma and the others are following me from behind since she doesn't know where Becker's mansion is at. I'm curious why Ivonna is being quiet since we left the buffet. When I look at her, she's sleeping so comfortable with her hair covering her eyes. I drive carefully so she won't wake up.

At the last turn, Ivonna is awake and looks at the view. From left to right is filled with huge mansions. She then looks at me.

"Where are we?"

I smile and pointing at Becker's mansion.

"We are here."

I stop the car in front of the mansion's huge gate, the security opens the gate and he waves at me. My hand is outside the window and waving at him. Ivonna's mouth is open and I chuckle when I see her expression. I park the car near the entrance and Emma park the minivan behind me. We all get out of the cars and they all are looking at the mansion with their mouths wide open.

I chuckle and look at them.

"Welcome to the mansion!"

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