Legend Forever

Chapter 1289: Corruption

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"The following is very lively, don't you join them? As far as I know, the tribes here are quite enthusiastic towards outsiders."

Looking at each other in silence for a while, the huge figure changed the subject and asked.

"Outsider?" Yi Xunyu raised an eyebrow.

"People from other tribes, this is not the only Homo sapiens tribe on this planet."

"That's it, but I won't go anymore. It's not interesting to watch too much of such a thing. Moreover, I don't understand what they say at all, and it's boring to look for it when they go."

Yi Xun Yu leaned gently against the tree with his shoulders, glanced at the primitive tribe whose average height below his eyes was 2.5 meters, even an eight-year-old child who was several heads taller than her, rolled his eyes and said.


The huge head in front of him seemed to be skewed, revealing some doubts and calmly said: "It's a pity, I think these things are quite interesting."

"Then, the strong who came from the Origin Star. Introduce myself, my name is the Sealed Snake, temporarily the guardian of this planet."

"Snake of the Seal?"

Yi Xunyu raised his eyebrows, turned his gaze to the side of the opponent, and said, if pointedly, "I thought your name was Xiangshe."

"Xiang Snake? I did have that name, but I haven't experienced the feeling of flying for a long time."

The huge figure silently looked backwards, and looked on his folded wings for a while, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly: "It's been a long time since the dust has fallen. Of course, it's okay if you want to call me a snake."

"Well, I'll call you Xiangzi, you can call me Yi Xunyu."

Yi Xun Yu shrugged and said casually.

The words "Snake of Seal" and "Xiang Snake" are obviously called the latter.

"It seems to be an allegorical name."

Xiangshe thought for a moment, and then his body slowly moved in another direction. The surrounding trees collided with the huge body, but trembling like a water wave passed through.

There was no trace left on the ground.

"If it's you, it would be too rude to meet with this avatar. Come with me, my body is not far away, but it's temporarily unable to move."


Yi Xunyu turned around and glanced at the primitive tribe that was still immersed in the carnival. After turning around, he jumped off the tree and followed Xiang Snake forward.

Xiangshe's strength is a demigod, a level that she can't beat once a conflict occurs, but she can definitely escape.

As for the incarnation at this time, in Yi Xunyu's eyes, it was like a perspective view of a little golden snake floating in the air, with a huge leather case on the outside.

The leather case is condensed by the power of faith, transparent and pure.

Without going too far, the incarnation of Xiang Snake stopped in front of a stone mountain outside the tribe, turned into a golden light, sank into the ground and disappeared.

Ahead was a columnar stone mountain. As the golden light sank into the ground, the earth suddenly trembled and trembled. A thick figure larger than a tall building broke through the earth and drilled out from it, bringing up gusts of howling wind...

I saw the body spiraling upwards around the columnar stone mountain, only three or five times before reaching the apex. The unclear head was raised high towards the sky, straightly submerged in the clouds, and then drawn a curved arc downwards, finally Stopped far in front of Yi Xun Yu, so that his head could be taken into sight by Yi Xun Yu as a whole, and at the same time it didn't look too scary.

Dark gold diamond-shaped scales, vertical pupils with black stripes on a gold background.


As the snake's letter spit out, a harsh hum of air suddenly sounded around.

"Your body is a little smaller than I thought."

Yixun Yu raised his hand in surprise and compared it, and found that Xiang Snake's body didn't seem to be exaggerated and huge like other cosmic beings.

"The body that can change with needs is the most suitable, but I'm sorry, my body cannot be transformed for the time being." Xiang Snake said with a little apologetic tone.

"oh I saw it."

Yi Xunyu shifted his gaze to the side, looking at the looming huge stones on the tail of Xiang Snake and said.

"A bunch of seals, bulky and heavy things, what are you doing with these things?"

There are eight stones in total, which are in the shape of droplets, oval and rectangles. The appearance is reddish brown, dark gold, dark green and other colors, and the size is about one-tenth the size of the Xiang snake's body.

Because of this, in addition to half of Xiang Snake's body on the mountain, a considerable part of it was awkwardly attached to the ground to maintain the position of the sealing stones.

However, in Yi Xunyu's view, if Xiang Snake wanted to, he could completely break free of these constraints.

"This is the origin of my new name, Sealed Snake, if you want to hear it, I don't mind talking about it for a while."

"Let's talk about it, it happened that I had nothing to do recently."

"Okay, but before that, can I ask what you are here for?"

"Purpose? This is a long story." Yi Xunyu raised an eyebrow.

"It doesn't matter, you can start from the beginning, I am a snake who likes to listen very much." Xiang Snake said with a listening action.


This sentence is really easy to understand,

Yi Xunyu's so-called boredom is just that she has nothing to do for the last one or two days, and wants to listen to a story to relieve her boredom.

As for Xiang Snake's so-called ‘good at listening’, Yi Xunyu felt that even if he talked about it from the time he was born, even in the last twenty years, Xiang Snake would listen with gusto.

The time concept of the two is completely different from the same channel.

"Let me make a long story short. Our spacecraft had an accident and could not return normally. Now we can only wait for the rescue team to discover our disappearance and send someone to bring us back. During this time, because there is nothing to do, resources In a state of considerable scarcity, so I can only find a planet nearby to rest and add some food and fresh water."

Yi Xunyu touched his chin, thinking, "As you can see, then we are here."

"It turned out to be so."

Xiang Snake thoughtfully vomited a snake letter, and then asked again: "Then how do you see through the barriers outside the planet? As far as I know, even if it is a **** level, it will be completely subconscious without careful observation. Ignore it here."

"Are you saying that the enchantment is not visible? We didn't notice it. At that time, the spacecraft didn't have much energy left, so we could only find a direction to fly with the help of inertia. It was only when it was about to hit, that there was a planet here. The spacecraft’s operator was in a hurry to stop the spacecraft. Your enchantment is good. Our spacecraft’s detectors hadn’t scanned the planet at all before. I think if it’s not for luck, most other spacecraft will not find it here. Right."

As he said, Yixunyu sighed helplessly: "These people are only lord level. Although they can walk in space, they can't support long-term high-speed advances. And I am the only strongest among these people. , And because of the severe injuries in the previous battle, it was also impossible to carry so many people and cargo forward together. It’s okay to be slower. If you run into a cosmic monster, you can’t run away."


After Yi Xunyu finished saying this, Xiang Snake was silent for a moment before slowly saying, "That's really dangerous. However, how much should I believe in what you said, and how much should I not believe, is more appropriate? "

"Of course it's all, do I need to lie to you?"

Yi Xunyu said sincerely and familiarly.

Xiang Snake did not answer positively, but instead told a story:

"Perhaps... In the universe, there is a kind of creature that I call a rotten beast. They have no ability to move and can only float aimlessly. Normally they present a state of being dead and rotten, and at the same time let the body The energy continues to dissipate and attract other creatures to feed forward. In this case, most creatures will choose to take a bite or two. After all, maintaining physical strength in the universe is a very important thing, UU看书www. Only in this way can uukanshu.com face all possible dangers at any time. However, this is precisely the hunting method of the rotten beasts. Once the prey comes forward, it will instantly burst out extremely strong attack power, and use the sharp teeth hidden in the body. The opponent pierces until it loses the ability to move, and waits for the next hunt after eating."

"The world is so great, isn't it."

Upon hearing this, Yi Xunyu blinked his eyes and said.

"In a long time, I have seen so many strange things. But now, I have a feeling of facing a rotten beast."

With that, Xiang Snake looked at Yi Xun Yu earnestly and said: "Your words have been leading yourself to the weaker side, attracting me to hide here, or because of the dignity of the strong, and what you call The goods, choose to leave you forever. If it is another existence, maybe you will put it into action after you say the first sentence."

"Ah, I seem to have overlooked this."

Yi Xunyu gave a fake cry, looking scared, then looked at Xiang She's huge eyes and said, "So, what about you?"

"I won't do this, meaningless killings are meaningless to me, and windfalls are useless to me. You can camp here normally, and you can leave at any time if you want. This is just my long journey. A resting place in the middle, let me observe some interesting things by the way. They are far from the level of'secret'.

So, are you satisfied with my answer? "

"If you are satisfied or not, I can't do anything to you."

Yixunyu waved his hand, yawned and became lazy again: "You, a guy who lives longer than fossils, are really sleek and thorough in your work, but it's a pity that this gentle look is really inspiring. "

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