Legend Forever

Chapter 363: Aoki

In the end, Yi Xunyu slipped back to sleep in his realm. As for the igloo, stay in place as a return coordinate.

First move the igloo to the side of the hut, a little farther away from the bamboo forest. The properties of Sycamore bamboo are pro-fire, and the existence of cold spring is not conducive to its growth.

Condensed a cup with ice, Yi Xunyu took a sip of cold spring water. A icy cold flowed into the stomach along the esophagus, and the light sweetness was refreshing.

"It tastes good." Throwing the cup aside, Yi Xunyu nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems that this temperature can be used to freeze cream?" Casa looked at the side and suggested thoughtfully.

"Good idea, but it's a bit wasteful to do that." Yi Xunyu yawned and took a bottle of milk from the space ring and threw it into the cold spring. "This is used to ice milk. Move in a few cold springs. "

Next, took out several small bottles for bathing from the space installation, carrying a white towel, and Ixunwa walked towards the hot spring in the field.

Take a hot bath to drive off the cold, and then have a glass of ice milk to refresh your mind, this is definitely a rare enjoyment. Go to the extreme cold forest to see tomorrow. It is said that there are edelweiss living in it. I do n’t know how it tastes.

In anticipation, Yi Xunyu covered the quilt and closed his eyes.

Sufficient sleep can contribute to physical and mental health. From a scientific point of view, the active thinking operation of the brain will be reduced during sleep, and the extra power can be handed over to the subconscious to adjust the body, such as detoxification and whitening, which is also the scientific basis for beauty perception.

Even if Yi Xunyu's physical qualities can support him to sleep for several months, but if it is not necessary, Yi Xunyu is still willing to take a nap, just like the habit of eating.

This is also the choice that most extraordinary people will make, to maintain what they would have done to remind themselves that even if they have powerful power, they are still human in nature.

Otherwise, lose yourself, and it seems cool to yell out of life. But there is a very interesting question, you are no longer a person, then what are you going to do?

At eight o'clock in the morning, Yi Xunyu opened his eyes on time with the biological clock and stretched lazily while watching the unchanging scene outside the window.

This is the advantage of the lord. You can take a home with you wherever you go. If you want to take a break, you can just go in. From this point of view, this meets most people's dreams.

Although snails inherently possess this ability, it is because they have excellent talents and cannot envy them.

After washing, eat some white bread with milk for breakfast. Then a cup of cold springs came into the water, completely awake.

The feeling is that all the words are blowing a cool breeze.

Weared leather clothes, tied the ropes of the boots, and put on the felt hat. Yi Xunyu sighed and tightened the clothes unconsciously, then lifted his feet across the light door, and once again came to an ice and snow.

The igloo was buried in the snow as expected, it seems that the extreme cold stars will snow more at night, and now Ixunyu finds that a wooden board that used to be a door has been frozen to death with the surrounding snow unless the wooden board is broken , Or you ca n’t get out at all.

"Okay." Yi Xunyu kicked the board and sighed, then chopped it on the ground.


The huge ice cone rose up from the ground and directly broke through the igloo to the sky, and then turned into broken ice in the air and dissipated in the wind together with the snow.

Looked along the exit of the ice cone. Ixunyu's current position was about three meters from the ground, and he jumped up with a slight jump.

"Extreme cold star ..."

"Aren't you curious about a question?" Casa jumped behind Ixunyu onto the snow, laughing as if thinking of something: "You said that the snow has been falling all the time, the snow on the ground keeps rising, the extreme cold star's Will it keep getting bigger? "

"... how did you come up with such a miraculous question?" Yi Xunyu listened silently.

"Just suddenly thought of it."

"Okay, what you said makes sense. If you can continue to grow your weight by eating your own meat, the extreme cold star may also be able to increase quality out of thin air."

At least respect the theory of conservation of matter, the water of the extreme cold star snow comes from the extreme cold star itself, in this case, how to increase the mass?

"In this case, it is inferred from environmental factors that the rate of sublimation of snow should be slower than that of snowfall, so that the snow will always stop for a day, but the state of the polar cold star has been maintained for thousands of years, you say this Why? "Casa continued.

"Are you talking about external interference? No, the Adventurer's Guild quickly turned the entire Arctic Star over with the probe and found no obvious traces. There was no gain except for the largest cold spring secret in the historical record, so it's not too may."

Ixunyu thought for a while and then turned to look at Casa: "Did you find something?"

"No, just a little curious. As far as I know this extreme climate is caused by most external forces, otherwise it is impossible to maintain balance."

"The same is true, but if there is really a huge heat source, it will be destroyed directly once it is taken away?"

"No, at most one species extinction, the environment has completely changed, and the extreme cold star itself will not have too many problems. You know, the vitality of the planet itself is stronger than anyone imagines."

"Then pay attention to it, anyway, it does not matter if I condense a fire attribute field in advance."

Because someone (?) Accompanied the chat, I did n’t feel bored on the way to the road. I also found five or six small cold springs on the road. Yi Xunyu chose two of the right size and looked into the eye and moved into the field. Three The eye cold springs are put together as a town object to reconcile the fire properties of the field.

The realm of life was finally named by Yi Xunyu as the leader of the heart. The image is born from the heart, and the direction of the heart is the origin of the image, which implies the beginning of life.

Waiting for the extremely cold forest, Yi Xunyu exhaled gently while looking at the forest with no end in sight.

The tree is more than ten meters high on average. The trunk is covered with a crystal shell that seems to be resin, which can effectively reduce the probability of snow falling on it. The branches are flat, and you can see that the curved shape is full of elasticity. The leaves of the tree are thin and long, and the side is like a growth, and the color is light green and blue.

"Well, look like this, are these trees resisting assimilation by the extreme cold star?"

Looking at the traces of icing on the resin crystal shell of the tree in front of me, as well as the tree trunks that can be clearly seen, the thinner the crystal shell is, the more indeterminate the conclusion is. .com ~ In order to make a better judgment, Yi Xunyu's eyes glowed with blue light.


Classification: plants, trees, life-class extraordinary species

Source: Transformed species, made from the fusion of the main materials of four kinds of plants, such as single cedar, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus sylvestris var. It is famous for adaptive evolution ability, vitality, survivability and reproduction ability.

Origin: Forest of Mori

Transformer: Druid professional tree demon (the transformation component contains some special sap as a catalyst, the source is the tree demon himself, but it is difficult to detect because it is too thin)

Status: During ice melting (3.06%), the growth progress is 0.002% per 100 years

"Sure enough, the extremely cold star has a certain assimilation ability." After receiving the desired information, Yi Xunyu said with a frown, and then turned to look at Casa: "Do you have a feeling that there is less and less hair on your body?" "

"No, what's wrong?"

"I will ask if there is nothing."

Izun Yu's own Cangxing Stalker's passive: "Star Glory", the effect is that no planet will be malicious to her. In the Edla continent, the action is smooth, the road is smooth, and the rain will never be exposed to rain when going out. When using the power of the element, the speed of the element converging to itself will be 10% faster ...

Therefore, at this time, there was no abnormality in her perception, and the so-called ice melting was naturally impossible to talk about. As for Casa, Yi Xunyu didn't believe it could really turn into an ice sculpture.

"It seems that it is no wonder that there will be a three-eyed cat, a fierce beast with ice ability."

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