Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 327: In full bloom

Before Graham and others returned to the battlefield, the situation on the defensive line became more and more tense.

Although due to the shrinking of the front line and the strong support of the heavens and humans, the loss rate of one's own ships has been greatly suppressed, but the enemy's strength has become more and more powerful.

It has swallowed many Baikal-class and even Volga-class ELS, not only reproduces the devoured ship, but also spontaneously merges, constructing more mobile suits and ships!

Gradually, it is not so much that humans are fighting against ELS, but it is more like facing oneself, who is counted hundreds or tens of thousands of times in number——

"Disperse! Let the MS troops disperse! Don't be rubbed by the naval gun!" A captain screamed, wanting to stay away from the MS surrounded by him.

Before such a dense formation, there are only ships without protective devices such as GN positions. It is already difficult to guarantee that it will not be hit, or even if it is hit, it can still operate unaffected, if at this time, the MS in the front line does not disperse. Then the MS, whose sight and avoidance route are restricted, will undoubtedly suffer huge casualties.

As far as the Federal Army is absolutely inferior in number, this loss at any point is probably a major matter.

As the two planes guarding the front line, except for the Phoenix constellation, which has a dense array of close defenses, Ptolemy's situation is not optimistic.

Although the GN position was deployed to resist the incoming beams and missiles, the ships on the front line would still come into contact with the entities of ELS-as a result, Ptolemy's epidermis suffered little damage.

"Mirena. The pollution of the ship—"

"The lower compartment of the central area was damaged, with an erosion rate of 13.2%..."

The ELS remaining on the ship has already begun its offensive.

"If we continue like this, we won't be able to hold on for long." Huang's expression was very serious, and it was obvious that the situation was indeed very pessimistic.

"Fett, how are their conditions?" Huang thought for a while and asked like this.

"Mr. Graham and Miss Nina are taking the lead, and the MS team has already begun to return!"

"It seems that the situation over there is pretty good." While he was lightly relieved, Huang turned to give the next instruction, "Then, all Ptolemy's muzzles and missile launch ports are opened, and there is no need to consider ammunition. When it's consumed, you can hold on for as long as you can! At least knock back the ELS on the side of the ship!"

On the other side, on the Celestial Ship at the back, Katie Manegin suppressed the emotions in his heart and stared closely at the screen of the huge command center.

The fleet’s overall attrition rate has exceeded 3%, and more and more ELS have changed from their original form without much attack power to mobile suits, battleships and other forms. The subsequent increase in attrition rate will obviously increase at a more terrifying speed... …

At this moment, the communication through the private line came in.

At present, there is only one person who can connect her to a private line on such a battlefield.

"Patrick!" Before even the dialog was fully expanded, Katie blurted out anxiously.

The man in the picture scratched his head with embarrassment and sat in the MS cockpit. On both sides of his field of vision, he could see small crystal-like shiny metal spikes. Is "growing" out.

"Oh, it seems to be so happy, the luck of the "phoenix" disappeared—"

"Stop talking nonsense, get out of it--" Caty was nervous and didn't notice the crystal clusters formed by the small and imperceptible metal, and shouted so eagerly. However, there was still no sense of urgency. On the contrary, it seemed to be a big mistake. The embarrassing and embarrassing voice was interrupted.

"This seems impossible," Patrick shrugged with a wry smile, "but! I won't just die like that! At least I have to bring this one—"

As his voice fell, his fingers gently moved the hidden paddle on the joystick, and then pressed the red button on the small panel that popped up.

GN-X, which was originally painted in dark green, was dyed red with the release of a large number of GN particles, and it is still getting brighter. Seeing that it is about to break through the limit and explode-

In the next moment, a beam of light penetrated the body and the ELS fused with it, and the figure wearing the EFF blue driving suit shouted in panic as if it had been thrown out, tumbling and flying farther and farther.

It was a Phoenix sniper who fired, but he obviously didn't have much time to spit, instead he slightly deflected the muzzle and prepared for the next shot.

The beam rifle of the reconnaissance type and sniper type, compared with the rapid-fire enhancement of the close-range model and the balance of the rate of fire and the power at the mid-range, more attention is paid to the penetration and range-in other words, the capital It is a weapon with a high beam yield, and its accuracy is better than the former two.

With the aid of the powerful airborne sensors of the reconnaissance type airframe, it is also feasible to temporarily use the reconnaissance aircraft as a sniper—this is what Wellington is doing at this time.

"Target is locked, parameters are collected. Impact prediction, deviation correction...75...Shooting!"

As if chanting a spell at high speed, while reciting the steps of aiming and shooting along with the thoughts, the trigger was pulled down again, and the high speed was released from the barrel close to the height of most of the mobile suit. The beam of light rushed towards the next space.

Almost within ten minutes, the intensity of the attack was not on the same level as before.

The beams of ships and MS from ELS's "fleet" can be seen in almost every space. The ships first began to rout quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye...

34%, 46%, 63%...the numbers that were originally slowly increasing. It soared by more than half in just five minutes.

However, anyone who is a member of the highest command post, whether it is a member of the Celestial or the Celestial Command Center, has invisibly determined in his heart that this battle must be impossible to win...

In line with the commander's duties, Katie wanted to order the organization to retreat, but it was clear that there was no retreat here.

She opened her mouth, but finally she didn't say anything.

"Even if you invest in Gundams, is it still too reluctant to change this situation..." Mina, who was standing next to Billy, seemed to have little hope.

However, at this moment, the communication from Telles in the Phoenix constellation to Ptolemy caused Phoenix to change this pessimistic state.

then. She dialed Katie.


"Katie, please, let the defense line hold on for a while—"

"You have a chance?!" Katie asked in surprise.

There is no time to think about why there is a chance of winning, and whether this means that Huang is better than her. It's just the shock of seeing hope that is almost beyond common sense in such a predicament.

"No, but we still have hope!"


"...Trust me, Katie, believe in ‘Gundam Meisters’..."

At this time. Katie finally stopped arguing as if thinking of something.

As a tactical forecaster for the heavens and humans, Huang must have known some information before asking her with such persistence. But at this time, he didn't want to speak directly. Obviously, he was not sure enough, and he had great hopes.

Now that they have already moved out the title of "Gundam Messenger", it is obviously because the team that went to the "Dialogue" has made a breakthrough. Thinking this way, Katie finally softened his attitude.

"I don't know how long it will last. You have to be prepared."

The preparation here is not only prepared for the worst situation, but also includes the lives that will be sacrificed during this period of time, whether it brings a worthy result to the balance, and the sacrifice of more soldiers against it. Consciousness.

"I understand." Huang's tone was firm, as if something was burning in his heart, full of strength and temperature.

Such an answer made Katie want to believe that there is still a turning point in this battle.

She was a soldier. Both reason and intuition have told her that it is difficult to turn around at this moment-the so-called "I can kill" illusion when ordinary people play games. After experiencing countless training and even battles, they can keep calm at any time to judge the situation. For him, it almost doesn't exist anymore.

But this illusion-like hope at this moment made her yearn for her like never before, wanting to believe it is true.

She finally pressed the button at hand and issued the instructions.

at this time. The unit survival rate of the "Absolute Defense Line" is only about 3%.

Ptolemy's situation has also taken a sharp turn as the erosion rate has increased almost exponentially.

"The erosion rate has exceeded 44%! If this continues, the key functional compartments will also be affected, and the ship may fall into an unstable state at any time!" Fett's tone was a little nervous, and his voice could be heard trembling slightly.

It was followed by sudden loud noises and vibrations.

The people on the bridge immediately grabbed the console in front of them, or the armrests of the seats, and barely survived the impact.

Mirena, who raised her head from the shock, could only see the warning displayed on the light curtain in front of her, and she could hardly even make a sound--

The ship's GN stand generator was destroyed!

Just as the bad news came, the fleet tried to counterattack in an unpredictable manner, and fell into a more miserable high-speed evaporation moment, not long after the start, the abnormal change occurred.

Patrick is probably the person who has experienced this phenomenon most clearly.

Through the transparent visor of the driving suit helmet, you can see the rushing ELS clusters that are generally passing around. At this moment, they suddenly turned a 90-degree bend and rushed towards somewhere.

"Wh, what's the matter?" Seeing such a weird phenomenon for an instant, Patrick failed to understand its meaning and could only ask questions without knowing why.

Andrei Schminov, who was still driving the GN-X, who had lost a hand and a foot, was fighting with ELS. The enemy in front of him suddenly stopped fighting and flew towards some place at full speed.

In his vision, countless ELS are converging into a river, gathering together.

And the objects formed in the place where the rivers gather are beyond his comprehension--or, common sense.

"this is……"

A cosmos blooming in this starry sky

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