Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 66: Tragic war

"Later, the martial arts people in the endless fighting, their respective losses have reached an unbearable point, and finally came up with a way to unite. At that time, the various schools of the Tianfeng mainland were called Tianwaitian. Led by the martial arts, and first formed a large alliance, all the martial arts people of the Tianfeng mainland belonged to it, and the momentum was strong, and it was like a single martial art against the other two continents. "

"When the other two continents saw this situation, they naturally did not want to be outdone, and they followed suit. The martial arts of the Tianyang Continent mainly consisted of the heavens and came together; while the Star Continent used the supreme heaven at the time as the leader. Therefore, all martial arts figures from the three continents have gathered together, and even some hermits are no exception. So, a grand and unprecedented storm of blood and blood has officially begun! "

At this point, Ye Qingchen felt a little sighed, but couldn't help but stretched out his hand to grab the wine jar, and even poured two glasses, all in one drink. Opposite, Ling Tian lowered his head and listened quietly. Knowing the critical moment is probably the time when the three continent martial arts battle.

"The three parties are constantly fighting, and there are people constantly dying, and the hatred is getting deeper and deeper, and there is no possibility of resolving it. At the same time, the battle between the three continents is becoming more and more intense. When things happen, they are now completely independent. After repeated battles, the population of the people has decreased sharply, and many of the originally prosperous land has become vast in a few years. There are no people visible in the hundreds! Finally, three The leaders of the continents realized that if they continued to fight like this, the whole world would be destroyed as a result, so they communicated with each other, reached a consensus, and agreed to rush out of their nests and fight for the last battle at sea! King. The loser surrenders! "

"The news came out, and the world was shaken! But at this time, the hatred between the three mainland martial arts figures has reached the point of endless death! All the weaker characters have almost died already. Even some top experts, More than half of them have died in constant battles! Just after the news of the decisive battle between the three continents, the martial arts people were not willing to show their weakness, and they also put forward an endless decisive battle! The decisive battle time of the three continents is the same, but the victory and defeat are different. The winner survives, the loser leaves his life! The decisive battle between life and death will never end! "

Two long sighs emanated from the mouths of Ling Tian and Ye Qingchen at the same time. In a flash, both of them were fascinated, and they felt extremely sad and **** for the battle of life and death of their predecessors! Can't help but raise a glass to touch and drink together.

"On that day. The only remaining martial arts figures on the three continents totaled more than 20,000 people. None of them even escaped and gathered together on the Mokong Mountain! At the end, the 20,000 martial arts characters driven by hatred saw their enemies, and then each of them turned their eyes red, and then came the earth-shattering **** killing! "

"In that unprecedented battle, no one flinched. Everyone was fighting in the end! Everyone on the Mokong Mountain was suddenly sorrowful and misty, covering the world. Seven days and seven nights, the tragedy was slashed! More than a thousand people have no life! Including the heavenly heavenly master who has reached the extraordinary state of sacred and broke through the congenital peak realm, everyone is buried in the bones! "

"Hush ..." Ling Tian gasped. I guessed this war was terribly tragic. It never occurred to me that I had reached such a point! None of the martial arts characters of a continent survived! Even the martial arts master who broke through the congenital peak could not escape his life! This is unbelievable and incredible!

Ye Qingchen looked bleak, and continued: "When we arrived, the remaining two sides were unable to fight anymore. All the people alive had only one breath left, and it was very difficult to lift a finger. For the time being, the two sides had to fight. , But by that time, all the surviving martial arts characters, the two continents combined, were actually less than a thousand people! More than half of them were injured in the middle, and many more have returned to the sky! Others are slightly stronger Everyone is also injured! The first school of Tianfeng Mainland is the Tiantai Tianmen Gate School. Only the Tianwei Tianmen Master and two guardians are left. The others are only a few hundred characters from various schools; I go to the mainland Martial figures. As the leader of the supreme heaven, including the master Sun Zhengyang, there are only nine people left, and everyone is seriously injured! Wu Gong is no longer the old concept. "

"In the face of the terrible **** of Manshan after the war. Two unprecedented masters of martial arts burst into tears! They broke their chests and stomped their feet! The two vowed to face the bones of Manshan, and they will no longer participate in any world disputes. Strictly order the remaining martial arts characters to no longer seek revenge. If all martial arts characters have nothing to do, no one can walk on the rivers and lakes! Tianfeng mainland Mokong Mountain, renamed Wuwu Mountain from now on, means that all martial arts characters who have descended from this mountain There is no more hatred in my heart! "

Ling Tian took a long sigh of relief. It turned out that the world did not see the existence of high-level martial arts at the beginning, but the cause was thousands of years ago! There is still such a tragic story!

"During the return journey, dozens of martial arts masters who had broken their hands and returned to the Star Continent for half a month, the news of the decisive battle at sea, the three continents who participated in the war nearly one million people died together! The generals who participated in the battle, the commander-in-chief, and none of them survived! The blood dyed the entire sea area red, and the color did not decrease for a few months; the corpses piled on the seabed, and no one asked anymore. After that, the decisive sea area was renamed the Blood Continent Sea. At the same time, it was all helpless! "

Ye Qingchen silently picked up the wine glass and drank three more glasses, sighing. Ling Tian listened to the gods, thinking about the scenes of the former heroes of the three continents, the gold horse, and the struggle for hegemony, could not help but bleed a little in his eyes! Can you fight vigorously for a lifetime, what regrets this life? What is the joy of life? Why is it hard to die?

At the moment, Ye Qingchen didn't notice the blood in Ling Tian's eyes, and his voice was low and said slowly: "In the decades since, all continents have been quiet and rested; however, there are talents and leaders in the mountains and rivers. Decades of rumors; after more than a hundred years, the continents have resurrected. A new round of shuffling has restarted. However, this time, all the land has only the martial arts, but no one is involved. It ’s just confined to each continent and spread to the world.

"All martial arts characters who have returned from Wuhu Mountain return to their hometowns, the first thing is to set up ancestral training, all future generations, eternal life and eternal life shall not participate in the struggle of the country, shall not participate in the political struggle! Seclusion in the forest, indifferent life; if If there is a violation, the world will punish! "

Ling Tian nodded silently, thinking that these surviving old guys are really all wise generations. Although this ancestor's training is a bit harsher, he can guarantee the inheritance of his family!

"But among all these martial arts clan families, there are two most powerful families. Because the important people in the family are almost killed and injured in the other party's hands, Qiu is like a sea, and there is no room for compromise. It is Tianfeng. The two main factions of the heavens, the heavens, and the heavenly stars of the heavenly stars have come forward to mediate at the same time, and it still does not help! "

"Unfortunately, the two great martial arts set a warning at the same time: the two of them will never allow private battles. Every other child, each of the ten representatives will have a decisive battle, and the loser will be in the sixty years after the decisive battle. In the middle, the winner needs to perform the ceremonies of the younger generation, the decisive battle representative, the death or injury! The life and death are all destiny, and no one can seek revenge for any reason! The two razed to the ground and disappeared between heaven and earth! In the past millennium, the two have followed this agreement, but it has been a lot calmer! "

"Dare to ask seniors, these two, which two?" Ling Tian gently turned the glass, seemingly asked casually. He has almost determined that these two must be the Northern Wei Yu family that he has been paying attention to and the so-called sky wind water. Ling Tian thought of what Xue Leng said that night, the ancestor's millennium covenant. , Three generations of Jiazi's fight! Wouldn't it just correspond to this matter?

Sure enough, Ye Qingchen said: "These two, one is the Jade Family of the Star Continent in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the other is the millennium martial arts family of the Tianfeng Continent, and the Shui Family, which is known as the sky and the water. Stars have jade, water and jade meet each other, and there is no life on earth! This sentence resounded for a while, really no one knew, no one knew! "

Ling Tian secretly said: Sure enough! I could n’t help asking: “I know that Mr. Martial Arts has reached the ultimate state of extraordinary sacredness. I dare to ask Mr. How do you think about the martial arts in the world? How to evaluate? Can it be divided into series?”

Ye Qingchen sighed, "Awesome? Extraordinary?" How many people dared to evaluate this? Although the old man never refused to be inferior, he also asked himself not to reach this level. Recalling the fierce battle thousands of years ago, the three continents were all great. Hurt the spirit, seven out of ten super martial arts martial arts are passed on, and can no longer reproduce the world.

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