Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 84: uninvited guest

Ling Chen and Ling Tian had reached a transparent state of mind and spirit, she knew instantly that there must be something abnormal, and besides she had n’t killed anyone before, Chen Wuxi ’s martial arts practice was just to stay on top of Ling Ling, But I saw that Chen Chen moved slightly; the petite figure slipped out of Ling Tian ’s arms like a fish, and Ling Tian listened for a while, then he laughed, but there was no smile in his voice: "Chen Er, it seems that we Ling House has a great expert. "

Ling Chen asked: "Great connoisseur? Great connoisseur in that respect, but this person is not good at all. Chen'er was not aware of it just now, and he was searching wholeheartedly at this moment to get a little gain!"

Ling Tian smiled: "It's a big expert who is a thief! Chen'er doesn't need to be pretentious. This person is really smart, and he is only inferior to Mr. Zhu Ye, but other skills are far worse. Haha. Clouds, steal the wind, not the moon, or the rain, or the snow. This guy is quite cruel to himself, and he does n’t care about his body. Such a heavy rain, it was chosen at this time. It ’s fun and interesting. "

Standing up, he instantly put on a black night-walker and a black scarf on his face; the sound beside him sounded. Ling Tian looked back and saw that Chen Chen was dressed up like himself. Only a big pair of twinkling eyes were exposed. Can't help laughing, scolded: "What are you doing, girl? Waiting in the room, not allowed to follow."

Ling Chen stubbornly said: "When the son arrives, I will follow the son. The son also said that the man's skill is not as good as that of Chen'er? Chen'er can handle it!"

Ling Tian smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Chener Kung Fu is progressing at a swift speed. If it is usual, I will let you go; but aren't you inconvenient these days? How can I let you out with such heavy rain? Obediently wait at home. "

Suddenly shouted in the morning, he covered his face with his hands: "How do you know? Bad guy!"

Ling Tian smiled. Close to her small ears: "How can I not know? The fragrance of my body will suddenly become stronger for a few days every month, how can I remember the fragrance of the lily flower, my son?"

In the morning, Chen Chen covered her face with her hands, and she was too ashamed to lift her head. It's just stomping on the foot, not stubborn.

Ling Tian only heard a low smile, and then it seemed that there was a slight burst of clothing. Ling Tian suddenly lost his breath in the room. Opening his eyes and looking at it, Ling Tian was nowhere to be seen, and there was a bit of water stains at the window. Apparently, in this short time like electro-optic stone fire, Ling Tian opened the window and closed the window. In one go; even without the slightest sound, Qinggong has obviously reached the highest level.

Walked slowly to the window in the early morning. With a gentle smile on his face, Jade's hand gently stroked the faint water stains, and the corners of his lips were slightly bent, muttering: "So careful, son, so considerate Lang Jun." Just said this, then Feeling happy with a fever on my face; ah, why did I just blurt out, but fortunately no one was around ...

Ling Tian's body floated on the roof like a ghost, with a little more toes. It quickly floated on a large tree four feet away. Hidden in the dense foliage, the heavy rain kept falling. The whole world seemed to be covered with a dense pearl curtain. Ling Tianfu came out of the room and his clothes were soaked; but he did not care. This little rainwater compared with the brutal training that Ling Tian had received In fact, it is too pediatric.

There was a hazy mist between the sky and the earth. Ling Tiangong gathered his eyes and patrolled around through the heavy water curtain.

The big tree where Ling Tian is located is the highest point in Ling Mansion. Looking out from here, Ling Mansion is within sight. This is also one of the means that Ling Tian has arranged specially. But today it is clear that the majestic heavy rain has somewhat obstructed the view.

Ling Tian searched for a long time, only to find a vague black shadow on the roof of Xiao's house where he stayed, quietly lying there, this child was really light, since he was noticed by Ling Tian, ​​now he has to blink and work hard. He has been sneaked over to the Xiao family.

Although Ling Tianshicai was laughing with the early morning, his mind was still Shen Ning. He could hear the sound of foreign objects flying on the roof vaguely. Although the heavy rain was pouring down, the sound was almost undetectable, but Ling Tian still sensitively caught the peculiar sound different from the sound of rain.

You must know that the most inimitable thing between heaven and earth is the subtle sounds from heaven and earth, such as wind, rain, thunder and snow, because it is a kind of natural sound without any carving, which is full of strange rhythms between heaven and earth! However, the artificial voice is ingenious no matter how clever and skillful it is.

This truth is actually very easy to understand. For example, the most outstanding musicians and pianists in the world can't play the same way as the wind. At most, it can be said to be very similar, and no one has ever dared to say that he can be similar, let alone exactly the same. Is it possible for human beings to intentionally or unintentionally collide between the sounds of heaven and earth?

The Ling family of the previous life has specialized training content in this respect. At the end of the training, it is necessary to knock on dozens of drums at the same time, blindfolded, completely rely on the hearing of the ear, and listen to the wind. The correct orientation of the silver needle landing! Ling Tian's super hearing is so exercised! At this point, Ling Tian is no worse than the world's first-class hidden weapon master, even better!

Seeing the man in black came to spy on the Xiao family, Ling Tian let go of most of his thoughts; no wonder the Ling family, which was rarely visited by people in the past, but today the people of the Xiao family have just moved into the Ling family, they already have masters Come here, it turned out to be the Xiao family!

Whether the Xiao family has any grievances with this person, Ling Tian does not want to care at all. The only thing that interests him is his identity! Who is this person?

First, this person is obviously a person in Chengtian City, who can get news when the Xiao family has just entered the city. Obviously there is a powerful intelligence system! And this is impossible without years of accumulation!

Secondly, since this person has such a clever light body, the martial arts are not weak if he wants to come;

Third, Gan Yu came to spy on such heavy rain. Whether the relationship between this person and the Xiao family is pro-enemy or not, I am afraid it is extraordinary!

Based on the above three reasons, Ling Tian is greatly interested in this person's identity! Such a master lay dormant in Chengtian, with his huge intelligence network, he did not receive any news! This cannot be said to be a big anomaly; since this person is so tolerant and has not been discovered, it is very likely that there is another identity in the city that is completely unsuspecting or even unobtrusive!

Ling Tiansi did not dare to stare at the man in black lying on the roof of the Xiao's accommodation, and did not let go of any of his subtle movements, even how often this person breathed and changed air, according to A slight fluctuation in his body was calculated! At the same time, nervous analysis of the brain made several hypothetical situations in an instant.

The heavy rain was still endless, Ling Tian's whole body fell on the tree motionlessly, and it was as if it was integrated with this big tree. With such patience lurking, if Ling Tianruo said that he was the second in the world, then, I am afraid no one would dare to say that it was the first! Whether it is a past life or this life, Ling Tian has this confidence!

Able to stand on the top of the heavily guarded Shaolin Temple hall, braving the severe cold of more than minus twenty degrees and the unstoppable heavy snow, the three days of uninterrupted cold wind, and the immobility of three days and three nights, almost completely frozen his patience, Is it possible that ordinary people can compare?

Suddenly, Ling Tian sensitively saw that the body of the man in black seemed to tremble. Presumably, what the Xiao family below said was something that shocked the man in black. Something went wrong! Lost state of mind means ...

Whereabouts exposed!

Then I saw the man in black standing up, and the meteor flew out like a fly, but it was still able to make a decisive decision.

At this moment, only a sharp drink came: "Who is it ?!" Then three black shadows appeared on the roof. Ling Tian looked far away, and only recognized the middle person as Xiao Fengyang. The three of them did not hesitate, chasing them in the direction of the men in black.

Ling Tian couldn't help but appreciate it; this man in black knew that he had been exposed when his body trembled; he did not hesitate at all and chose to run away! It seemed that there was no fluke in my heart!

Can afford it, put it down, and break it when it breaks! This person ~ www.readwn.com ~ is also a personal thing! Ling Tian nodded secretly! ,

The Xiao family ’s quick response also made Ling Tian very appreciative. It was such a small movement that even three first-rate masters popped up in a flash! This vigilance is not high!

Ling Tian did not know that the reason why the Xiao family was so alert was all thanks to their own gifts!

Before Xiao Fengyang came, Xiao Fenghan had asked thousands of times, be sure to be careful Ling Tian, ​​this means is extremely clever! Although Xiao Fengyang was quite disappointed in his heart, Xiao Yanxue was also disdainful, but the two who had always convinced Xiao Fenghan chose to strengthen their alertness.

After all, in Ling Mansion, if this dude had any sly eyes on Xiao Yanxue, that was also an unavoidable thing. Unexpectedly, such a careful guard against Ling Tian, ​​but he was straight, and even found a gentleman Liang Shang on the first day of coming to Ling House.

If Ling Tian knew this was the reason, I'm afraid he would immediately go to the kitchen and grab a piece of tofu and pat it on his face! What is your reputation! ?

If the discovered man in black knew that it was because of this reason that his whereabouts were exposed, it is estimated that his first thought was to castrate Ling Tian first and then investigate the news!

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