Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 15: 3 Lord visits

The three people watching Ling Tian were stunned at the same time! Seeing the two sleeping, they could not help crying and laughing! How to judge this victory or defeat? ! And Yu Bingyan and the two jade people in the early morning already laughed while holding their stomachs!

What a great event it was that the three-father Yu family visited Ling House in person! As early as the door guards reported, Mrs. Ling Tinger greeted herself.

"Oh, I don't want the three grandpas of the Yu family to come in person, Ling Peng Xunshenghui. Please! Please serve tea in the grand hall of the three grand masters." Chu Ting'er smiled with a smile.

The third master Jade didn't seem to hear Chu Ting'er's greetings at all. In fact, since Yu Mantian came to Ling House, his murderous and angry look disappeared in an instant, and there was a hint of sparkle on the corner of his mouth ...

Mrs. Chu Ting'er secretly slandered: "This is the so-called No. 3 character of the Yu family, which is too tasteless! Too shameful? Is it pretending to be?"

Just as soon as I entered the gate, our three-father Yu family had already smelled a strong smell of wine! The scent is strong, the mellow, it is extremely tempting, can not resist! Irresistible! How can I resist? ! What's more, this kind of strange wine aroma is actually a good wine that has never been smelled before! For the reckless man such as Yu Sanye, who has such good wine as his life, this fragrance will almost seduce all the greedy insects in his belly. As soon as I entered the gate, I kept shaking my nose and snorted; where could I still answer Chu Ting'er's question? A heart has already flown to where the wine comes!

"Uh, dare to ask my wife; where did this wine from your house come from? It's really a peerless wine!" Yu Sanyu finally recovered, narrowed his eyes, and followed the fragrance Take a sip. Turning his head intoxicated, he asked Chu Ting'er.

It is shocking that under the temptation of peerless wine, the jade man who has always been extremely rude, Yu Tiantian, was even exported. Bite words, be polite and polite! A demure attitude, like a Daoist man full of poems and books, with a steel needle like a furry mouth moving furryly, with a thoughtful and amiable expression, asked with the most gentle tone.

If someone familiar with the Jade Jade promises to touch his forehead, the old problem of the Jade Jade, "alcohol addiction," has recurred, and there must be extremely excellent wines here. Otherwise, the face of San Yu Yu Tian Tian Yu, ordinary people can be seen!

Mrs. Chu Ting'er shivered with a tremor, so she went through her wife's experience, and Huarong was almost discolored! It's not because of fear, but it was really brought to the thunder by this Jade Master! All of a sudden I felt goose bumps all over the floor!

No matter who it is, if you suddenly see a chimpanzee in the zoo. The suit and leather walked towards you, and then opened his mouth to be a Tang poetry ...... It is estimated that it will have the same expression as Chu Ting'er at the moment!

"Uh, it might be the guests who are being hosted by the dog ..." Chu Ting'er did not know what kind of valuable guests Ling Tian would entertain. It is worth using such a good wine. . In fact, since Ling Tian was five years old, she has won the promise of Mrs. Ling. No one dared to control the family at Lingjiahe. As long as he spoke a little bit, he would immediately be held accountable by the old lady. Even Mr. Ling Zhan had been educated many times by the old lady. The lady knew that her son had brewed a few wines with great fanfare. This is not a rare thing, but Chu Ting'er has never liked the wine, and he doesn't know what the wine is. In the second place, I was a little afraid of this man, and I was going to flash people after finishing these two scenes.

Looking at the appearance of this Sanyu, it is clear that the alcohol addiction has happened, so let Ling Tian entertain, as it is also the scourge of this kid. I was really struck by myself, and this third jade grandfather was too ... what's wrong, the third character of the jade family is virtuous? !

I don't know if I have finished talking. Seeing that Yu Mantian suddenly turned around. To Wei Xuanxuan: "Hurry! Take me to the little king and bastard! In case the good wine is ruined ... Hurry!"

Seeing Yu Mantian urging Wei Xuanxuan, he pushed and shoved towards Lingtian's small courtyard in a hurry. Chu Ting'er held his breath in his throat and almost fainted. It took a long time to come back and scolded with extreme anger: "You ... you are the little bastard! No, the old bastard! Your whole family is bastard! How are you going to do it?" Scolding his son as a bastard, what has he become? Chu Ting is angry at the bull fight! Angrily turned into the inner court and sulked.

Yumantian has already gone far, and ca n’t hear the curse anymore. Even if I really heard Sanyu Yu, he would n’t care. The wine is present, and judging by the taste revealed, it ’s clear that someone is guzzling. , "Waste" this fine wine! Grandpa Jade was already so anxious, hoping for three steps and two steps, he jumped over.

Seeing that Wei Xuanxuan is still leading the way slowly, er, in fact, Wei Xuanxuan has already reached the limit of his speed. But in the eyes of masters such as Yu Sanye, it is certainly slower than the snail! Anxiously scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, he wished to hug the niece and hurry up.

Fortunately, although he was a rough man, he was also fine-grained and fine-grained. He also knew that humanity was a big gift. The niece in front of him was not Yu Bingyan, or someone he could hold. Finally came to the Lingtiandi small courtyard, and Yu Sanye's big hairy face was already anxiously black!

As early as Yu Mantian walked halfway, his series of full-hearted "quickly quick" has reminded Ling Tian, ​​to find out what is sacred, and could not help but smile secretly. Yumantian, if you were n’t injured yesterday, you can even tie with me when you are full of fighting power, but I will be able to kill you today! Even if you can't do it in seconds, you can be discouraged within ten moves!

Yu Mantian rushed in like a whirlwind, and the door of the small courtyard almost broke apart with a bang! Surprisingly, after Yu San, who came to find trouble, came in, the first thing turned out not to be: "That king **** is Ling Tian?" He even asked another sentence that everyone did not expect: "He Damn! Where is the good wine? Give it to Sanye! "

Then they saw the brothers Xue Leng and Xue Fei each holding a small wine jar under the grape shelf, lying drunk and lying down on the ground and sleeping. These are nothing, and the most unbearable to Yu San is: With the snoring of the brothers, some of the two wine jars overflowed from time to time, and some wine that had to be cleaned spilled into it bit by bit. Underground, and above ground. It has long been a big beach of wine stains ...

With a loud roar, Sanyu Yu threw himself over with great force. At this moment, he exhibited the fastest leaping speed in his life. Almost there was no movement in his body. The man had appeared under the grapevine. This speed . Even the Dragon Nine Heavyweights that Ling Tian has just trained can't help but slap it! Did n’t the jade boy still do his best, but it did n’t look like it!

One by one, the two wine jars were snatched out of the arms of the two brothers with lightning, and the force was stable and accurate, and the heart shook his wine jar to the extreme, and found that there was little wine left! But it can't even cover the bottom of the altar. Adding the two altars, I am afraid that there is only one rice bowl!

Yu Mantian suddenly showed a very angry expression on his face, and it was a pity that he squeaked his teeth and looked at the two large beach wine stains on the ground. Yu San's arrogantly kicked a few feet on Xue Leng and Xue Fei brothers! So good wine. I quickly hurried over, and even these two guys have been ruined! How can Jade Jade be angry? These two **** minions!

At this time, Ms. Wei Xuan Xuan, who was supposed to lead the way before her head, walked in and panted all the way in, and her forehead was covered with fine sweat beads, panting! Without further ado, I moved a bamboo chair first. Sit down, the first thing is to raise the calf very unsightly, rubbing the sore feet constantly! Just like being urged by Sanyu Jade, I hurried for a while, which really made the pampered young lady suffer a lot! Don't look at these few steps, it has greatly exceeded Miss Wei's sports limit!

Grandpa Jade did n’t care whether it was clean or not, and it was just leftover wine left by his servants. He directly lifted the two wine jars into the air, and cherished the remaining little bit of wine into his mouth. Suck mouth. Can not help but sigh. Really good wine! Unfortunately, too few! The Sanyu, who was greatly overwhelmed by the alcohol addiction caused by this residual wine, became more and more depressed, and looked at the two Xue Leng and Xue Fei brothers lying on the ground, and his eyes became even worse!

These two guys. Clearly knowing that he is a good wine, and knowing that he is in the sky, not only does not leave a little more for himself, but pours the wine on the ground! It is unbearable! Uncle can't bear it! Look at the two empty wine jars around, and Yu Sanye is more angry! I even got to the point where I kicked my feet without response! ! It can be seen how much has been drunk! Four altars, even if one is left for Lao Tzu! These two **** things! I can't bear it anymore!

I was about to lift my leg and kick my feet again ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suddenly I heard someone coughing twice. Yu Mantian only remembered his purpose when he came here. In an extremely bad mood, he could not help but asked with his mouth wide and gruff: "Which king and **** is Ling Tian?" Asked, in the entire yard, except for Yu Yu and the twin brothers who were drunk on the ground, there was only one man. This is Ling Tian ’s small courtyard. Is n’t that Ling Tian still the one?

I seem to feel a little impolite in my tone. Besides, the other party was able to spoil such a good wine on Xue Leng and it seems that there must be stock! At this thought, the expression on the face of Sanyu Yu suddenly eased: "Uh, you are Ling Tian? Your boy is good!" When Sanyu said this, he even forced himself to squeeze out on his face A smile of "brilliant" and "kind". Although looking at it is actually quite terrible, but if you carefully distinguish it, it is indeed a smile, and it is a kind of smile!

After finishing this sentence, he looked up and down at the young man in front of him. The figure of the other party couldn't help but make him more familiar, and now he could not help crying like a ghost: "My day! How could it be you Is it your kid ?! Your kid is Ling Tian? Ling Tian is your kid ?! "The tone was full of incredible shock!

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