Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 20: Jin Ye Bai Fei

The man in white was shocked by the words and turned around like a whirlwind. The sword like snow was already in his hands. The expression on his face fluctuated. This person was able to find his own track, and even appeared silently behind him! This alone, I have lost a while! I accidentally found this person to be extremely wonderful, so I started to track it, but I never imagined that this tracker was silently behind his body by his target person! When did Chengtian come out with such characters? !

Gazing at the gaze, there was a black masked man standing in front of him, with a long figure, and a pair of cold eyes like a star in the sky, looking on his face. Standing lightly on the opposite ridge, the body was motionless, but it gave people an illusory illusory feeling, and even an ethereal feeling like a dream rose, as if the black-faced masked man in front of him was a Unreal, will disappear with the wind at any time.

Ling Tian looked at the white man in front of her, and the lips under the mask could not help but flick gently. A white sloppy face seems to be able to scrape a layer of floating powder from above, but his eyes are bloodthirsty and crazy, and the murderous weight seems to be not under Ling Jian! The two eyes are like nine ghost ghost fires, and they are extinguished in the night. White linen scarf, white linen robe, white linen boots, white linen sword spikes, but a blood-red belt around his waist! Although it was nighttime, Ling Tian's beyond ordinary people's gaze distinguished the color exactly. This is the amazing vision brought into the realm of microcosm.

Such a dress even learns to be a night pedestrian? Ling Tian was cautious in his heart. It can be a fool to dress up as a night pedestrian. Or it is absolute confidence in their own strength. And the white man in front of him doesn't look like a fool, it obviously belongs to the latter. The opponent's martial arts is already quite impressive, at least the light skills are quite brilliant! Not under Ling Jian, Ling Chi, etc., but in addition to his own door, this kind of light work can only be compared with Gu Xiyan, who has met before, and can track himself quickly. Although I did not go all out.

"Who are you? Take off your veil!" The man in white said, but he didn't answer Ling Tian's question; an exit was actually a commanded tone!

Ling Tian sighed with a smile: "It's you? Do you think you are qualified?"

"Is not qualified enough, you will know immediately!" The first word of the sentence "match" is exported. The sword in the hands of the white man has been pierced. By the end of the last word "dao", it has been pierced As many as seventeen swords! Ling Jianjianguang seems to cut the air into pieces one by one, constantly attacking around Ling Tian!

Ling Tian's body fluttered in the wind, dodges lightly, and the white man's dense sword like a shower could not pierce him. He didn't even touch his coat.

The white man's long sword was received, and he suddenly jumped out in the face of Ling Tian. In the eyes is the unabashed color of appreciation: "Good martial arts, good body skills, light skills are especially good! Are you a person on the first floor? Really good!"

There was a smile in Ling Tian's eyes. Gently shook his head: "No. I'm not the first floor man! Jian Jianfengyun. Jinye Baifei; I am Ye Baifei!"

The man in white was startled. Suddenly laughed. The tablet's cold face seemed to haven't laughed in a long time. This laugh turned out to be quite some people. "It turns out that you have seen my origin! Yes. I am Ye Baifei! Ye Baifei can kill anyone!"

Ling Tian had already heard Ling Jian mention it. In recent years. A mysterious killer emerged from the rivers and lakes. Lonely. Cold-hearted. After every killing. Always leave a piece of gold to create a leaf on the face of the dead; and the name of this killer is called Ye Baifei! Seeing this person today. Ling Tian contrasted with what Ling Jian said. He recognized him immediately.

"Kill anyone? Brother Ye seems not qualified to say this?" Ling Tianzhuo stood on the roof. Asked with a smile.

"What do you say!" Ye Baifei's eyes are full of violent colors!

"Six months ago. Brother Ye took over a deal. The goal was the world's first hidden sect. Yujiadi's head-Yumanlou. I really had to admire Brother Ye in the next!" It's very common. But the content is amazing.

"What else do you know!" The violent look in Ye Baifei's eyes was even stronger! "It's nothing. Yuman's third character, Yu Mantian, made an interception. The final result was that he hit you with seven swords. Although you failed to assassinate successfully, you also retreated ..." Seemingly endless,

"You know a lot!" Ye Baifei's violent look converged a little!

"It's not counted, I also know that the real victory-Yu Mantian did hit your seven swords, but they were all wounds, but you suffered serious internal injuries because of his three swords. Can be considered a defeat, right? Ha ha! "Ling Tian smiled!

"You really know a lot, but I don't know if you know, who am I going to kill now?" Ye Baifei's violent look converged again.

"Brother Ye, who is going to kill? The younger brother is quite interested," Ling Tiandao said.

"Oh, what I want to kill now is of course ... you!" Ye Baifei's eyes were full of violent colors, and the coldness was completely restored. Suddenly, his feet were hard, his body rose into the air, and he was straight up in the air. With the sword leading to the sky, he suddenly stabs straight down!

This sword is shining brightly, it seems to lead the galaxy in the sky, and the stars are gathered on the long sword! The white man Ye Baifei was covered with sword light all over him, and the whole body contained thousands of long swords above and below, shining dazzlingly! Sword style seems to be virtual and real, locking Ling Tian.

"Sure enough, there is no emptiness under the prestigious name!" Ling Tian's eyes shrank after the face mask, and the color of appreciation appeared on his face. This should be Ye Baifei's most powerful sword, "Cut the wind and smash the cloud", right? !

"Let's talk nonsense, next year is today your birthday, take your life!" Ye Baifei's sword will rise!

The color of appreciation on Ling Tian's face was condensed: "I still have something important, I can't stay with Brother Ye for a long time, I can only go with Brother Ye on Sanhe." Fate, wealth and wealth are in the sky! "Ling Tian looks humble, but the meaning in the words is unequivocal, saying that the three strokes will definitely defeat Ye Baifei.

Ye Baifei smiled coldly: "Well, see if you win me with three strokes, or kill you with three strokes!" If you don't answer again, you will launch the sword style and attack Ling Tian.

Ling Tian is not indifferent, leaning forward to meet, already has a small dagger in his hand. Like a moth throwing fire, it rushed straight into Ye Baifei's sword light!

The subtle sound of "Ding Ding Ding" in mid-air suddenly sounded like a ball. Although there were only two people fighting, there were countless figures tumbling into a ball!

"Qiao!" With a soft sound, the two retreated far apart, and Ye Baifei's original pale face suddenly rose to red. After seven steps back, he received a somersault and fell on the roof; when he looked up at Ling Tian, ​​he saw him. After fluttering, he withdrew from Liuqi Zhang, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Three strokes have passed. Brother Ye's battle is very happy today. The younger brother still has important things, so he will not be accompanied, and there will be a period! Hahaha ..." said The body swayed like a meteor and walked away.

Ye Baifei snorted coldly: "Today's battle, never die! Let's go there!" He had to chase himself, and suddenly his face changed and stopped, a zombie-like white grits face suddenly turned red with his waist The cloth is red!

Just right after taking a step, the waist was loose and the pants fell straight. If the response was fast enough, use your hands to catch it in time. I am afraid that this night, a streak will be staged on the roof of Chengtian City!

If Ling Tian did not leave at this time, and saw the embarrassment of Ye Baifei's pants slipping, then the two of them would inevitably form a grudge that will never be resolved! The so-called men and women, can not be humiliated! So Ling Tian chose to go!

Ye Baifei froze!

Even his belt was cut off by Ling Tian! If Ling Tian was cutting off his belt at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ to make up a sword in his own Dantian ...

Ling Tian went all the way, imagined the big killer streaking, almost laughing out loud. To be fair, Ye Baifei's martial arts are really not weak, even if they are not as good as Ling Jian, they are almost the same! It's a pity that his luck is too bad, he even met Ling Tian, ​​the master of Ling Jian! Is it unreasonable? Who are we, who has won his jade sky, but our men are defeated, but his own skills are only afraid that he is still above Ling Jian, and he has received his three swords of eight strengths, but he has not vomited blood. Did n’t the three swords in the sky get seriously injured? It seems a bit strange, the truth seems to be unreasonable, or he has recently entered the state of skill relatively quickly!

In the independent courtyard of Ling Tian, ​​sitting alone under the grapevine in the early morning, in white dress and white dress, with a beautiful face, under the reflection of the moonlight, dyed a heavy holiness. The night wind gently blew up her white skirt, really as graceful as grace, elegant and immortal.

A turquoise jade flute was gently placed between his lips, and it seemed that effortlessly, a beautiful flute sounded melodiously, fluttering and fluttering, like the sound of nature; it was Ling Tian that was the morning score The song "Three Plum Blossoms", the lingering affection and the unforgettable lovesick in the middle, have been vividly played.

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