Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 42: Appease Lingjia

The old lady ’s voice sounded: “In any case, please ask the queen ’s lady for a moment. If you delay the drug abuse, the consequences will be unimaginable! Dare to ask the queen ’s lady, if Queen Ling has a length and a length of two, will this responsibility be borne by the queen. "!" Mrs. Ling's words already hinted at warning! The consequences are unbearable. Imagine that these six words are particularly important!

"The old lady said a lot, and this palace didn't know what to do with drugs. Going in and seeing how tight it is? I and Sister Ling Guifei have always had a deep affection for my sister. Isn't Mrs. Ling even wanting to meet my sister? Yeah? "

A voice sounded a little tired: "Teen Queen Mother Hong Fu, my aunt is alive and dead, and there is no big deal." With the words, Ling Tianjunlang's face had a chilling smile, Stepped out of the room. There was a part of sweaty hair clinging tightly to the face, which seemed a little tired between expressions, but there was a divine light in the eyes, which made people dare not look at it, and revealed a hint of sensation.

Queen Yang Xue and Ling Tian had a pair of eyes. As a nation, they were already accustomed to scorning their subjects, but today only Ling Tian had a pair of eyes, and even felt a palpitation for no reason. It seems that deep, Sen Han's eyes have seen through all his secrets! I couldn't help but panicked, but the original rumor that I was planning to send out was not even asked.

"Tian'er, how is your aunt? Is the child in her belly safe?" Long Xiang rushed up and looked into the room.

"It's not a big deal, mother and child are safe." Ling Tian's eyes glanced at the queen Yang Xue, and replied lightly. "However, my aunt is still very weak. The most important thing now is to take good care of yourself. It is only suitable to be supplemented with gentle tonics, not the big tonics. In addition, today's things are definitely not an accident, but a Meticulously planned, well-deployed murder! Uncle Emperor. Someone dared to murder your concubine so publicly in the palace, and it is a concubine with dragons ... Ha ha ha. This thing, our Ling family feels very incredible! "

"Good! The emperor, although she is your concubine, she is still the daughter of our Ling family; even encountering such things in the palace, it really makes the old mind and body tremble." Mrs. Ling heard The daughter was unharmed, and a stone suddenly fell to the ground: "Emperor, our Ling family has always been loyal to the emperor. Unexpectedly, her daughter was almost framed and killed in the palace! Ask the emperor to be the master, you must give us a statement!" With that, Mrs. Ling leaned down and knelt tremblingly, her face full of tears.

Long Xiang said with anger: "The old lady invites you, this matter is completely unconcerned, causing this disaster; but please be assured that the old lady, I have issued a sea arrest document, the national arrest of Su Huairen and Gongju Xiaoju, must Give the old lady an account! "

Mrs. Ling stood up, and she displeasedly said: "The emperor is just a joke. How can a little emperor and a little maid of the palace be able to murder the concubine in the palace? Behind this matter, there must be another leader! And this leader must have a considerable position in the palace! If you ca n’t find the mastermind, these things may be repeated again and again in the future. The endless emergence, everyone in the imperial palace is bound to be self-defeating! And the impassion of the imperial palace will inevitably cause turmoil in the world, and the emperor must not wait for idleness! "Mrs. Ling is so old-fashioned. The daughter died. She was a little flustered. After all, she was the real person of the Ling family. After hearing that the emperor seemed to have the intention of protecting the principal, how could she not speak.

These few words of Mrs. Ling almost pointed the spear at the head of the queen Yang Xue! Yang Xue and Ling Ran have always been at odds. The open fight between the two has long been known to everyone, and has caused Long Xiang a headache. Yang Xue was small and envious. How did Long Xiang not know? Moreover, this matter is the biggest suspect, if Ling Ran really had an accident. The biggest beneficiary is undoubtedly the queen Yang Xue! The Ling family and the Yang family are two opposing families; now that their daughter is in an accident, regardless of the size of the injury. Is there any reason not to take this opportunity to crack down on the Yang family?

Long Xiang also knew in his heart. This is the tenth of Yang Xue's envoy. But now these two Big Mac families are immobile!

Nowadays Cheng Tianfeng is rising. There are so many heroes all over the world here; if anyone is mischievous. It's unpredictable! I must use the strength of the Ling family and the Yang family to check and balance the major forces. Only the two big families joined forces with the royal family. In order to form a powerful deterrent to the major forces in Chengtiandi. They dared not act rashly.

Especially among the three major forces of Chengtian. The royal family, the Yang family, and the Ling family have always regarded the Yang family as the strongest. Chengtian Emperor Longxiang adopted the joint Lingjia to check and balance the Yang family. Spoiled with the concubine Ling Ran. Even the third generation of the Ling family's only land, Ling Tian, ​​had many shelters. Ling Tian has been arrogant and arrogant for many years. It is really the first small bully of Chengtian. Except for Ling Tian acting very well. Thanks also to the emperor Chengtian's shelter. This is the emperor's heart technique. In order to make Lingjiadi absolutely loyal. Keep the situation balanced.

However, current affairs change. The situation is changing. Ling Xiao of the Ling family has thwarted the enemy of West Korea several times in recent years. Repeated achievements. Very popular with the military. Hidden as the general "God of War". Ling Ting's wife Chu Ting'er is even a woman. Rising in the business world. Gathered great wealth. It is not an exaggeration to say that Chengtian is "the **** of wealth". Recently, it has been rumored that the Lings do not know how to have a relationship with the exalted Sect of Heaven. Such information really makes Chengtian Emperor Longxiang have to be afraid.

These are not bad. If the Ling family forces only stop here. But it is not enough. Just at this time. The alliance between the Yang family and the Nangong family. The sudden disintegration. Even turned against each other. The Yang family's power is suddenly weak. The three can no longer maintain the same balance as before. Emperor Long Xiang was also worried about this.

Unexpectedly, these things happened again! The Ling family should be the pacified party. But Yang Xue is the only connection between the royal family and Yang Jiadi. In any case, it cannot be dealt with now. It can't even mean the slightest disposition. Otherwise, once the Yang family is dissatisfied. What's wrong with it. In today's sensitive situation. How can the royal family of Chengtian bear it?

But if it is not dealt with, how can it explain the Ling family? With the Ling family's current power, would they silently eat a dumb character? For a time, Emperor Long Xiang couldn't help but be as big as a fight.

The queen Yang Xue on the side changed her face and sneered: "The old lady said that this palace is the person in charge?"

Mrs. Ling smiled, "How dare you dare to say that the empress queen is the murderer, and the emperor who purges herself is clear, so why bother to justify?"

Yang Xue's words suddenly stopped, and Mrs. Ling's statement made it clear that she was guilty of being a thief, and she couldn't help but panic. She said arrogantly: "But no matter what the old lady said, the words just made were not for the courtiers. It is very wrong. How does the emperor practice the emperor's own sacred decision, but Mrs. Ling's words just meant to intimidate the emperor. As a courtier, to despise the emperor is a great sin! What kind of crime is this changed? "

Ling Tian sneered: "Grandma Shicai made a speech to the Emperor for the benefit of Li Min's life and the world's righteousness. No matter whether it is reasonable or not, it is always a national event. The emperor has not yet spoken. Although you are a country, you export counterarguments and intervene without permission. National politics, where do you put the emperor? It is clear that you do not look at the emperor in your eyes! The queen ’s mother-in-law said that the crime is so evil, who should it be? "

Ling Tian II was a man, so clever, he instantly raised the royal family affairs to the height of national affairs, and buckled a big hat of "Harem Governance" to Yang Xue. When it comes to sophistry, how Yang Xue is Ling Tian Hands and feet, stupefied, speechless for a while!

Seeing these two lip guns and swords, they quarreled in front of themselves, and Long Xiang couldn't help but feel helpless for a while. Suddenly I saw Ling Tian froze Yang Xue with words, and I suddenly had an idea in my heart. Perhaps this could temporarily maintain the balance of the two places and resolve the grievances of Ling's family?

A cough ~ www.readwn.com ~ said: "This matter has not yet been investigated clearly, which is right or wrong, or wait for the suspect to be caught before you say it. It's a god, you make me feel very uncomfortable, Even the secret concubine did n’t let her uncle know that it hurt me that I did n’t even grab a cup of wedding wine, so I should be punished. ”

Everyone was stunned. I don't know why the emperor changed his words and turned to this topic, but why? It's too far-fetched to turn, but he is the emperor, how to say his geography!

Mrs. Ling is very clever and knows that the emperor does not want to do more entanglement on this issue. Fortunately, her daughter is already safe, and the argument has just prevailed. Open up! However, this tone must be given anyway! Ling family, there is no habit of letting people take advantage of it!

Seeing her grandmother die, Ling Tian understood the meaning of her grandmother and grinned, saying: "The emperor's uncle is entangled in the state affairs. How dare Ling Tian alarm the Holy Drive with such trivial matters?"

Long Xiang chuckled and said: "But he didn't get married, he was concubine first, but it was unreasonable, so, old lady, look," Long Xiang turned his head to look at Mrs. Ling, with a face on his face. Dear smile: "It is up to me to assign Jiaoyue Xu to Ling Tian and be Ling Tian's wife, I wonder what the old lady intended?"

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