Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 88: I am not a hero

Meng Lige chewed carefully, and suddenly looked up and asked, "What if the son does something? What will the people in the world have in the heart of the son?"

"Tools too!" Ling Tian didn't hesitate. He raised his eyebrows and said: "If it's a matter of doing things, fight the world; then, the people are the sharpest tools in my hands! I can take their money and raise my soldiers; Zi Ding, a **** for me; agitating public opinion and creating momentum for me; inciting public indignation and giving me justice! Therefore, if I start something, the people of the world are tools! "

Meng Lige's brows were tighter: "If the son is the lord of the world? What will happen? The people of the world, how to deal with it?"

"Children!" Ling Tian finally no longer rotates the glass, raised his head, and said: "If I am the Lord of the world, the people of the world, for my people! I will do my utmost to benefit the world, and I will be alive! Raise up, have a baby, and have a long history, this will not change! "

"With the current strength of the son, it may not be able to benefit the world and Ze was born; but now the people are miserable, and some places are even hungry, but Meng did not see any action taken by the son. I don't know why? How does the son get the letter and the song? ! "Meng Lige chased unusually sharply.

"Hahaha ..." Ling Tian laughed: "Now Ling Tian is neither the lord of the world nor the **** of creation. I am now only the son of the Ling family, and the money and money of the Ling family are also working hard. What I earn is just right! The people of the world are in dire straits, starving and dying in the wild, what do I do? What I save is humanity, and it is my duty not to save! My husband asked me this, but I had no intention! "Ling Tian asked.

"This world is not the world of the Ling family, the people, not the people of the Ling family! Even if the flood is torrential and the death is clean, what then?" Ling Tian's eyes are full of ridicule: "As long as my Ling family is rich in food and clothing, glorious and rich; He Fear of the sorrows and sorrows in the world? Even if the world is turbulent! There is nothing to do with Lingtian with me! "

Meng Lige's face was cold, and he said angrily: "Ling Gongzi said this. It's too ruthless and innocent! How to spread the world ?!"

Ling Tian sneered and said, "If the Ling family has no intention of being in the world, then only ruthlessness and injustice can exist! If the Ling family has no ambitions, but is waiting for the relief of the victims here, then there is only the disaster of destroying the door. Coming. There is no other possibility! Sir, I can say that Ling Tian has no intentions and virtues; but Sir, he knows, even if Ling ’s family wo n’t pay a penny, how many people will have to feed the entire world? The people will be destroyed ?! "

Meng Lige said coldly: "This Lige is unknowing, and I would like to hear the details."

Ling Tian snorted. To put it bluntly: "Mr. knows that the Lingjia industry has gained so much power in recent years. It has long been not limited to Chengtian one country? Lingjia industry is tens of millions. It is distributed throughout the continent. Even Tianfeng mainland and Tianyang mainland have many Local semicolon exists; every year because of these industries. At least half a million people work for the Ling family. Together with these people, the family is old and young. Every year, a minimum of two million people eat and eat with the help of the Ling family! People are eating themselves at the same time. Helping or not helping others. At least hundreds of thousands of people are not going to starve to death! It is not good to say. If the Ling family suddenly disappears. These millions of people are likely to be in the middle of the month The family is ruined. Sir, does it make sense for me to speak ?! "

to here. Ling Tian stood up: "But if the Ling family is doing good deeds everywhere. Relieve the victims everywhere. One year. It can save millions or even more lives! But at that time. The Ling family's prestige is bound to be in the sky. Become a million Buddhas. Exist in the same way! But the Ling family will be taboo! If there is still no heart for hegemony in the world. Then it will be slaughtered! "Ling Tian's eyes shone coldly. Looking at Meng Lige: "No monarch can tolerate this kind of existence! The Ling family will inevitably become good people in the hearts of people in all countries. But it will become the biggest enemy in the eyes of monarchs in all countries!"

Meng Lige was shocked. He already knew what Ling Tian had to say. Can not help but sigh.

"By then. Why should the Ling family feel at home?" Ling Tian said slowly. The voice was low: "There is a Ling family. The people have misery. They can help. But if the Ling family is in trouble. Even if the people of the world are doing their best, how can they save the thousands of lives of the Ling family?"

"That's it. The hearts of the people in the world. For me. What's the use? My son treats them as ants. But he can guarantee their livelihoods for more than a million people! If they are treated as brothers at this time, they will treat them instead. Great harm! Therefore, the hands and feet and the Ling family will die! But the Ling family will die. The industry will be divided. The millions of laborers living on the Ling family live on it. It is the same as the previous disaster victims! Although the Ling family did Good thing. But in fact it did the biggest wrong thing. Causal cause and effect. There is cause and effect. The cause comes from the cause. The sir thought. No?

Meng Lige shook his head abruptly. Sighing sadly: "The son said good things. The words are all facts. It is true to know everything. The words are endless! However. You are the son. You can be a hero. These practices are not the heroes!"

Ling Tian laughed: "Mr. or ask for some reason ?! It should be known that since ancient times, it has become a hero of the world! Heroes, hehe ... heroes can be the heroes; the battle is invincible! Can be handsome! To be an official, ask for the people's lives and benefit the party! However, heroes must never be kings, emperors, emperors, and even no more respectable! Otherwise, there will only be dead heroes' corpses, not living heroes! "

Ling Tian's mouth showed a grinning smile: "Heroes can only do for Xiongxiong, otherwise, they will die!"

"Xiaoxiong's greatest advantage is his fierce heart, and his six parents don't recognize it. He can do whatever he wants to achieve his goal! Therefore, Xiaoxiong only recognizes people who hope to rise in the chaotic world and achieve great achievements! The characteristic is that it is empathetic and righteous, one promise is great, and there is no regret until death, and righteousness is everywhere first; big husband does something but does not do it! , And can even be remembered forever! But it will never achieve the immortal cause! Just because of these shortcomings of heroes, there are countless ways to kill heroes! So, I am not a hero! I am not willing to be a hero . "

Ling Tian smiled slightly, so he said. "I am Xiao Xiong, Ling Tian Zhi Xiong Xiong!"

In a word, everyone was silent! Each lowered their heads in contemplation, and their faces were heavy, if they understood.

"Slap, crack, crack," Meng Lige's face sank like water, but he applauded: "What a great hero! What a great owl! The son's comments made Meng Lige's eye-opener! Also! Sure enough, you know everything, and you can't stop talking! "

Ling Tian smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Ling's question has already been answered. Dare to ask Mr. Can you be satisfied?"

Meng Li singer twisted his beard and said in a deep voice: "The son said, sincerity is the reason for the troubled world, the demon's words for governing the world! Now the troubled world will rise, and it is natural to have reason!"

"Then, Ling Tian's previous question, my husband hasn't answered me yet." Ling Tian Hao took the wine glass in his spare time, paid a respect, and touched Yu Bingyan around him, drank his head.

When Yu Bingyan and Jiao Yanhong were red, they saw that the three people's wine glasses were empty, and they got up and filled the three people with wine. Just because Ling Tian had already retired from the service of Mingyan Lou, and Chen Chen was not around, Yu Bingyan, the young lady of the Yu family, had to make a cameo once to call the girl. But Yu Bingyan not only thought that it was sweet, but she was sweet in her heart, and could not say the words that Ling Tian had just said so comfortably. If you are so dear to you, how can you hear them.

What kind of confidential things the three Ling Tian talked about! But Ling Tian still has no intention of letting himself escape, and this dedication alone is enough to make Yu Bingyan's feelings of stimulating the girl excited. Just because Ling Tian has explained everything with action: you are my woman!

Although Ling Tian never said it out of her mouth, Yu Bingyan had already heard it in her heart!

"If I could stay with Tian Ge for life and be a little woman in the arms of Tian Ge for life, what a happy and happy thing it should be!" Yu Bingyan thought of this, but couldn't help but evoke her own thoughts and couldn't help but look aside , Sobbing. I ... me, will there be such a blessing?

Not to mention that Yu Bingyan was caught in the feelings of her little daughter, and she was worried and happy, and she was in a trance. Only Meng Lige followed Ling Tian's words and said, "If today's situation prevails, the young man must have a fixed number in his heart. Since he doesn't want to talk about the song, he will express his opinions a bit below."

He stood up and took a few teacups from a tea case on one side, and he laid out a situation. Ling Tian and Mr. Qin Da stood up and watched.

Meng Lige's imaginary hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ said eloquently: "For example, the next three continents are all in troubled times! It is the heroic heroes, the heroes, and the elder husband's merits. Let ’s say that Da Ke can be put aside first. The Star Continent, the seven nations stand side by side, the nine major families! The Jade Family, Nangong, Ximen, Dongfang, Beiming, Ling Family, Yang Family, Lei Family; At present, on the surface, well water does not violate river water, does not infringe on each other, and is safe for each other. But in the dark, it is omnipotent. No one is spared if it wants to monopolize the stars! "

Meng Lige paused, took a cup of tea from Ling Tian, ​​and drank half a cup. He continued: "The Kingdom of the Moon God is located in a remote area with poor national strength. If anyone can win the world, only a piece of paper can be passed on, and the king and the prince can be included in the territory. Therefore, it can be ignored for the time being!" Said Meng Li. Song took the cup off the table and set it aside.

"Western Korea and the Simon family lost a natural risk because of a dramatic battle last year. Since then, there is no danger to defend. The national strength is not weak, but it is no longer a strong competitor. Therefore, Western Korea can also be temporarily released! Chengtian, Right in the middle, you can attack from all sides! But you can also attack from all sides. This is the most dangerous place, but as long as any family has obtained the land of heaven, it is equal to the right to full initiative. Therefore, it is now as stable as Mount Tai. Only the Chengtian royal family is not limited to this, and the safest place is the most dangerous for him. Unfortunately, the royal family is still ignorant, pitiful, and sad! Come back to the Chengtian royal family, because of the existence of the Ling family, it is basically already It's just a name! So, the Ling family can replace it. "Meng Lige's mouth twitched a smile.

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