After this blow, Ling Tian's body in the air made a very strange posture: a bend in the waist, two legs under the hook, his hands kept down, the whole person became bow-shaped, like a windmill in the air The rotation did not fall to the ground, and stood up again. This time, the height is even higher than that of my own jump!

On one side, Yu Bingyan keenly saw that at this moment, Ling Tian's two palms and two toes were facing the same direction, and the whole person seemed to become an irregular circle. After the bounce, it was like a sharp arrow, rushing straight up. A turning point in mid-air suddenly restored the shape of the previous blow: the tip of the toe was pointed straight at the sky, the palms were flat against the ground, and the unbending vigorous strength was like a meteor flying over the sky. Yu Mantian attacked!

The move of this blow is exactly the same as the previous one, the only difference is that the strength drops by the help of the air and increases by 10% out of thin air!

Yumantian mustaches are all open, and in both eyes, they are full of enthusiasm, shouted, and headed to fly again; the palms violently once again shake Ling Tian ’s earth-shattering blow! Even there is no change in moves, it is still holding hands! Just because of Ling Tian's move, it still narrows down all the movable positions of Yu Mantian. In addition to holding the three palms in a hard-wired way that does not change, there is no better way to deal with it!

Of course, if you don't care about your identity, you can directly use the lazy donkey to roll out, and you can get out all the way, or you can avoid hard work. But with the instinct of Sanyu Yu and the dignity of the innate master, how can he make such a shameful move?

"Boom!" There was a loud noise generally. The wall of Lingtian's courtyard was like a grass in a gust of wind, swinging left and right twice, and a small piece of collapsed. The dust on the ground was almost half a day high, just like a tornado was forming. The bright sunny weather suddenly turned gray!

Yu Mantian's burly body fell to the ground faster than last time, and his feet landed first. It still fell into the two big pits last time, unbiased! With a puff, Yu Sanye cut his body into the soil halfway and even reached the waist! What a domineering approach! What an amazing power!

Shout angrily! Yu Mantian's two palms suddenly slapped to the side of the ground. With the help of anti-seismic force, the whole body was like the earth suddenly burrowing out of the ground. After struggling with this blow, Yu Mantian knew that he was down, and he was anxious to adapt, but unfortunately he just jumped out. Before jumping to the ground, I felt that the wind was blowing again, and Ling Tian's third attack was already coming! In the feeling of Yu Mantian, it seems that the entire Qingtian also smashed down to himself with the condensed palms of Ling Tian!

This time, there is still no room for conversion, even if you want to use lazy **** to roll regardless of your identity, after all, it has not yet landed. Yu Mantian was so shocked that he condensed his body's strength to suckle milk, and made a strange squeak in his throat, and the two palms greeted lifelessly the third time!

This time the attack. The strength and momentum seem to be comparable to the sum of the previous two! The two haven't touched yet, and Yu Mantian already feels a pain in his rough face being blown by the strong wind! After three attacks, Ling Tian's body never landed! Bento is really like a goshawk, spread its wings, free gliding in the air, free attack!

This is after Ling Tian broke through the Dragon Nine. Create your own moves: Nine Turns Eagle Fight! Hold your breath. Stand up. Conquered. Attack the enemy in midair. Each attack is to use your own strange way of mind and body. In a desperate struggle with the enemy. With the help of the enemy's counterattack. Take off again and start attacking! Because every time it borrows the power of the enemy. So every attack. Are much stronger than the last attack! If it is the ninth strike. The ground force attacked can be five times as high as the first attack!

But this set of martial arts has a major disadvantage. It can only be used when the opponent is about the same as his skill or the enemy is slightly higher than himself. If the gap with the enemy's skill is too large. There is no second chance to attack this trick! Just because of this effortless move. The decision cannot go all out. The enemy's skill has already surpassed himself. If you no longer try your best. I'm afraid you will get injured in one blow. How can I make use of my strength?

"Boom!" There was another bang! Ling Tian is like a fluffy catkin. Come down gently. The robe sleeve waved. The dust has been swept away by him. Look at the Jade Three Masters disappeared!

Ling Tian smiled slightly. Carefully touched his nose. Take a step. Go to your room.

"How about my third uncle? Why is it gone?" Yu Bing panicked. What's the reason for fighting there? It is clear that the two wild cows are slamming in the wild! I still haven't seen what is going on. Ling Tian had already beaten Yu Mantian to the ground and disappeared! What exactly is going on?

"Oh." Ling Tian's footsteps stopped a little bit: "Yu Sanye really admirable. Even with such seventy-two changes in magical powers! Now it has become a pangolin. Traveling in the underground world."

"Your little **** is a pangolin!" There was a furious voice below the ground; it was vaguely the voice of Sanyu Yu, but it seemed a little suffocating.

Only then did Yu Bingyan discover that in the middle of the yard, when there was a round hole, it seemed like a well, and it seemed to be a cave ...

Is the third uncle here? But why did he dig a hole and drill in? Could it be that his old man could not succeed in such a leisurely fight in such a fierce fight?

In the battle between Shicai Lingtian and Yumantian, Yu Bingyan only saw the first blow, and then the sky was covered with dust, covering the sky and the sky, and only the strong wind could not hold the scream, the two bombarded There was no sound at all. Ling Tian was able to see every time he soared to the ground, but Yu Mantian didn't jump up at all, surrounded by so dense knowledge and dust, Yu Bingyan was naturally invisible. Even in the early morning, I only saw it.

Yu Bingyan walked swiftly to the "well" ground. Leaned down and looked down. Suddenly, he found that a hairy head was creeping upwards, and he could not help but startle.

With a puff, Yu Mantian was covered in yellow mud and jumped out of embarrassment. With a mouthful of mouth, he spit out a yellow mud. Looking around with a crooked mouth and squinting eyes, looking for Ling Tian's figure.

Yu Bingyan took a look at the deep hole where Uncle Yu climbed, and could not help but take a breath! The small mouth opened wide, and he couldn't close.

This pothole smashed out with "people". How deep is it? At the bottom, it was already very damp, and it seemed to mean water! Lied at the entrance of the cave, there was a damp airy face. I believe that as long as I dig a few shovel deep, there will be clear well water popping out.

These two people fought out a well!

Yu Bingyan was surprised and funny again!

In fact, after this incident, Ling Tian once turned around this hole several times. The more and more, I feel that it is really wonderful to have a well here. Therefore, a few artisans were called up, and they actually hit a well and named it "Sanye Well"; this also caused Yu Mantian to be furious every time he saw this well ...

As we all know, a layer of dry ground on the ground is at most a meter or so, so the first time Yu San was smashed, but only to the knee. But the second time the two held their palms, they had not reached the waist; these two palms had already penetrated the hardest layer of the ground. So for the third time, a more fierce fight. Grandpa Jade slipped and drilled, but was not injured ...

"What about that little white face?" Sanyu Yu was still full of energy; asked with a black face. "Small white face! You come out to the third man! The victory or defeat, you even want to run ?!"

Unbeaten? Both Yu Bingyan and Wee Chen are somewhat enduring. You are all smashed to the ground. There is still a face that says there is no difference between victory and defeat?

In fact, it's no wonder that Yu Mantian, if he is more competitive, Yu Mantian naturally loses the trick, but Ling Tian's third attack attack timing is excellent. It is precisely when Yu Sanye divides his strength into two places. One force is used to get rid of the embarrassment of being half buried, and the other force is used to fight Ling Tian's killing tricks. Naturally, it is invincible, and it is awkward. If it is a life-and-death battle, on the second stroke, Yu Yutian is extremely old-fashioned, and he will inevitably choose to circumvent it with martial arts such as "Yan Qing Eighteen Turns", instead of bumping into it. The three-strike is embarrassed, that is, the theory of the world full of jade skills, although it is really not as good as Ling Tian, ​​but there is no reason for three defeats!

Yu Mantian shouted. Noisy, coupled with the earth-shattering vibration above, Mrs. Ling quickly hurried over. Finally, he advised Yu San to drink tea. Before leaving, Grandpa Jade still roared with a loud voice: "Little jerk, dare to tease Grandpa's niece, Grandpa will come back again! Just a moment of care, now Grandpa is ready to wait for you kid good looking!"

He finally found a reason to fight Ling Tian, ​​how could he easily let go? But he didn't realize that his niece had already been ashamed of his words because he had no place to let himself ...

Ling Tianshen walked into the study room refreshingly. The battle of the right talent is really happy! Although there are only three palms. But it is a real fighting method for men! Including Yu Mantian, it is also extremely enjoyable.

Open the jade box sent by Oriental Thunder. Ling Tian was another surprise. It's really a blood-red ginseng ~ ~ It has all the roots and needs, it has all its hands and feet, and it looks as if it is a brow. It turned out to be a millennial blood ginseng that has become humanoid!

Blood ginseng is a treasure of the spirit of heaven and earth. It is probably that there are more ginseng growing in a place, and it will be possible to grow blood ginseng slowly. Within a thousand years, ginseng grows in the form of seven-leaf evergreen grass without roots; although it can also be used in medicine, it has mediocre effects. But it will be different after thousands of years. At that time, the ground seven leaves will wither and underground rhizomes will be formed. The initial stage is dark red, and after decades, it turns to blood red, and it is blood ginseng! The blood ginseng at this moment can already be regarded as a heaven and earth elixir. As in the jade box, this has grown into a human-shaped blood ginseng. According to Ling Tian's estimation, it may have been at least 3,000 or 4,000 years, otherwise there will be no such situation! Ling Tian originally planned to be able to refine Dahuandan, which has been used for five years, and it is already very satisfying; but now with this ice crystal fire lotus and human-shaped blood ginseng, these two kinds of heaven and earth are in hand. If it is refined Every one of the best products of Dahuan Dan can't grow for 20 years, Ling Tian will feel that she is purely arrogant.

With a smile of pride, Ling Tian held up the baby and generally took the blood ginseng. He gave an explanation in the early morning and ordered that no matter what anyone did, he would not be allowed to bother. After solemnly explaining the matter, Ling Tian smitted into the secret room.

All the elixir has been prepared, Ling Tian can't wait for a moment. Da Huan Dan, coming soon!

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