Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 28: 4 sides

The extremely cruel training of that year, the insane training technique of Ling Jian instructor, now seems to me, it seems to have become extremely sweet memories! That is a huge spiritual wealth!

Fifty brothers, except for a few people, the others started from Ling Wu and reached Ling Siwu! Three years ago, somehow, all the brothers fell apart overnight! Everyone didn't know where the other brothers went; when they opened their eyes, they saw only three brothers who were sleeping in the tent behind them: Ling 20, Ling 21, Ling 22; Feng Gong The life of the son, invested in General Ling, the duty is to secretly protect the life of General Ling!

I wonder where the other brothers are now? Are they well?

During these few days of fighting, Ling Xiuying noticed something wrong! The battle is really smooth! When Ling Xiao arrived, the two sides had indeed fought a few tough battles, and the casualties were not small; but none of them hurt each other's bones!

But ... the blind defeat of the Northern Wei Dynasty has even shown signs of retreating! This seems to have too many unusual marks!

How many 200,000 soldiers from the Northern Wei Dynasty could easily repel? Although Ling Xiao has great nerves, he still has a veteran's unique vision to grasp the battle situation! I just wanted to fight steadily and defend Yanjun, and I was already satisfied. However, several of the newly recruited soldiers were the emperor's servants, but they all advocated sending troops and expanding the results! Ling Xiao did not tire of his troubles and had no choice but to let their headquarters fight, if they were allowed to touch the wall, or they would stop.

Unexpectedly, what happened is contrary to expectations. These people really have two brushes, and they even succeeded. It also expelled the Northern Wei army from a hundred miles away, so the morale of the three armies was even stronger.

It's just that, even with the generals of the camps, it's still hard to breathe, yeah, the ready-made great merit is before you. As long as he defeated the Northern Wei in one go, Feng Hou worshiped the general, and the opportunity to seal his wife Moezi was at his fingertips. The future of life is almost the Golden Mile, who is not greedy? In the end, even a few generals who were old and clinging were also noisy.

Ling Xiao repeatedly sent spies to check, and found nothing abnormal; in desperation, he had to comply with the opinions of everyone. "Ling nineteen lowered his head. He wiped the white scarf in his hands again on the knife. He said in a low voice:" There is always an ominous feeling. It seems very dull. Prelude to the rain. "

"I'm not talking about more than that." Ling Er's face was heavy. "I doubt. Our army has entered a huge and thorough trap. Nineteen brothers. I don't know if you found out, we have issued this time. Have three homing pigeons contacted with the son? Again and again. But it should not be repeated, but there is still no one back! I suspect that our homing pigeons have been intercepted! If so, the trap is definitely certain. Now! "

"It should be like this." Ling nineteen looked calm and put the wiped long knife into the scabbard. Patted lovingly, saying: "Fortunately, our message is all secret words passed by the son, don't need to consider the possibility of leaking. Otherwise, it will be even more difficult."

"But even so, the son can't receive our news, it must be very anxious." Ling Er Er said: "Nineteen brother, this situation in front of me is really too passive. Since we can intercept our pigeons, then return home There must be another heavy ambush on the way! In case the son of the wise man thinks about it, he will attract the soldiers to help him, I am afraid that he will be ambushed by the enemy! But what else do our four brothers live in this world again? Should we separate one person and report to the son? "

Ling 19 thought for a long time and shook his head, saying: "The task given to us by the son is always to protect the safety of General Ling! We must take this premise as our first task at all times. We are clearly in danger now, The power can never be dispersed anymore! Now I can only find a way to contact my brother and their people. It is best for them to do this. "

Ling Erji stood up impatiently: "What if the son comes in case ..."

Ling Nineteen smiled and was full of confidence: "Brother, do you think that in this world, can anyone really succeed in ambushing the son?"

Ling Erji stunned, and suddenly smiled, said: "Also! The son is so magical, how could it be calculated by these little ghost tricks?"

Ling nineteen was about to speak. Suddenly his face was correct, and he suddenly became alert and raised his ears: "What sound?" Ling Er's face changed, and his whole body suddenly touched the ground, only to feel the ground floor trembling slightly.

"Enemy attack!" Ling Erji jumped up, his face ugly: "Everywhere!"

"Inform the big camp immediately!"


Inside the tent. There were two swishes, and two figures escaped quickly. The four looked at each other and no longer answered. Each person was separated in a single direction. Suddenly, Zhentian's gong sounded. The Chengtian soldier immersed in his sleep woke up in shock! At a loss!

"An enemy is attacking! The battalions are preparing for war!" The clear cry instantly spread throughout the barracks. Everyone immediately looked heavy and completely awake.

The hoofs were thundering in all directions. It was like a landslide and tsunami, and it was rushed toward the Chengtian military camp with the pressure of Taishan Mountain! There were loud shouts. Deafening!

Ling Jiu quickly jumped on the flagpole and raised his eyes to see that there were enemy soldiers everywhere, densely packed, far away, and from time to time there were long lines of fire dragons approaching quickly. Joined the attacking team. Ling Jiu looked at one glance and could not help but take a breath!

Doesn't the information say that the Northern Wei Dynasty gathered only 200,000 soldiers? But look at this posture today, not to mention 200,000. Even 400,000 is unstoppable! Where do they gather their superior strength? Falling from the sky? ! Even if it fell from the sky, there should be a sound, then it can be said that more than 200,000 troops, not 20 people, 200 people!

Ling Xiao's armor steadily walked out of the handsome tent. This is his habit in the army. Even if it is peaceful, he will fall asleep wearing the armor, although he is tired. But it never fails. Tiger's eyes glared and shouted, "What are you panicking for? They finally came to wait, just kill them!" Strangely, Ling Xiao's seemingly arrogant and boundless words once exited, the soldiers around felt suddenly felt Set down, the mood quickly stabilized! Looking at the coach's burly and mountainous body, his eyes were as sharp as electricity; suddenly all the guards shouted, "Kill them!"

The voice spread far and wide, and responses came from all directions: "Kill them! Kill them! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Suddenly, the barracks that were chaotic because of the enemy's attack stabilized. All of the soldiers present were also battle-hardened. Veteran who has fought between life and death? After the first panic. Only a moment later came clear.

Ling Xiao turned his horse and suddenly stood tall on the horseback. Shouted loudly: "I'm Ling Xiao! The whole army listens to my orders! Fight to kill the enemy! Don't take a step back! Grandma, kill them for the old man! Our army will win! My invincible!" Domineering self-confidence and immortality!

"Destination! Our army will win! I am invincible!" The landslide-like voice roared! All the soldiers were immediately fighting! The coach's calmness and fighting intentions infect everyone instantly! The enemy is near! The latest ~ www.readwn.com ~ is only a stone's throw away!

The people of Ling Xiansi and Yang Xing were surrounded by Ling Xiao at this time, and they were all relieved. At this moment, as long as the military's heart does not disperse, Chengtian is still a hundred thousand people! Although it is impossible to win, if you want to protect Ling Xiao from breaking out, it is not difficult at all!

It was at this time that things went wrong!

"The enemy is coming! Run away!"

There was a mutiny in the front battalion. The army was the outpost, and the two horses on the left and right wings, each with 10,000 troops, were led by the three petty officials of the emperor Longxiang. At this moment, there was a loud clatter, the knife cut was generally separated on both sides, and then it was like the tide of the sea, and it retreated towards both sides. It was even the most tense moment in this war situation, fighting to escape!

In this way, Ling Xiao's Chinese army was completely exposed to the enemy's impact!

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