Legend of Ling Tian

: Finally crazy

This crisp and sweet voice, the sounding dialogue, listened to in the eyes of Nangong Tianlong, but at this moment it was like the call of a demon! I never imagined that this seemingly weak girl's acting style is exactly the same as her master Ling Tian! The same cruel and malicious, the same smile hides the knife! The same vengeance is waiting for revenge! But this revenge is too poisonous?

Nangong Tianlong already scolded the sky! At the moment when your Ling family prevailed, let our Nangong family less than two hundred people fight for the Yang Family's three-thousand-day sword soldier! Does this mean that we are going to die? It ’s because of you that it ’s so awe-inspiring that we can avenge ourselves! He also said that he would attack all forces outside the Yang family for us now! What does this say? Does Chengtian still have any forces standing with the Yang family? At this time, it really fought with the Yang family. I am afraid that these people have not revenge for their son. They must first lie on the ground and wait for others to avenge themselves.

But Nangong Tianlong must inevitably agree to it, and he can't help but stand up! He led the Nangong family elite to Chengtian. The original purpose was to get revenge. Why can't it be justified, let his allies work hard for himself, but his own people are sitting on the side and enjoying their success? If it is passed, the Nangong family will no longer need to be a man, and who dares to be with it. Originally, if he was not so "smart", he honestly adhered to his allies to help Ling Jia, even if he didn't engage in such a snowfall, he wouldn't come to join in the fun. Although he will be blamed by Ling Jia afterwards, there is Ling at this moment. The masters have managed to deal with the Yang family, even if there is a loss, it will not be too big there.

But precisely because of Nangong Tianlong's self-intelligence, he forced himself to this step! Forced early morning to make this decision, at the moment when the enemy had rushed up, the Nangong family was suddenly pushed out! There is no escape route!

This practice in the early morning is actually punishing the Nangong family in disguised warning: do n’t think you are smart. I can't tell the trick! Drink your own bitter wine, drink it first!

If it is a normal time, Nangong Tianlong University can retreat backward, introduce the enemy into the Ling family, create chaos, and even take the opportunity to take advantage of it. But the current situation is determined not to allow that kind of chaos. If Nangong Tianlong really dared to do so, I am afraid that it will attract the devastating blow of the Ling family in the first time. At that time, I am afraid that the Yang family will die faster!

Now that we are advancing nine dead and one life at the moment, and retreating is ten dead and no life, we have to face it!

What's more, there is no time for regret and melancholy at this moment, because the strongest force of the Yang family, the Heavenly Sword Divine Soldier, has already rushed up! The Lingjia soldiers on the outer side resisted a few times in a pretense manner, and then let out a mouth under the hint of the commander in the early morning. Let Sky Sword Artillery rush in! Suddenly he made a battle with the elite masters of the Nangong family!

Only under the first photo contact. Convenience has already had a lot of casualties! The family swordsmanship of the Nangong family, "Jian Shen Jue", is an extremely overbearing lore. It has always been said that there is a sword that can't return without blood. Very fierce! However, the Yang Family's Sky Sword Artillery already knows that tonight is also a period of annihilation for the Yang Family, and the trend is gone! Everyone already has the dying ambition in his heart. If he can still be buried with the enemy before he dies, that is also a very cost-effective thing! At least it will not lose money, so everyone is brave to die, and fights for life! In terms of the momentum of seeking death first, it is far better than the Nangong family!

The battle situation can be described as tragic! Although everyone in the Nangong family is strong in martial arts. The average level is far superior to the Heavenly Sword Artillery, and the Nangong Tianlong Nangong Tianhu is the master of the master, but in such large-scale melee, there is not much use! If they want to get out, it is extremely easy; but if they want to fight hard for the Yang Family Three Thousand Sky Sword Divine Soldiers, then I am afraid that Ling Tian himself can't do anything!

But Nangong Tianlong and Nangong Tianhu can never escape! Not even retreat! He has nothing but death! Once he escaped. It created chaos. For centuries, the foundation of the Nangong family is bound to be uprooted by Ling Tian! Nangong Tianlong sees this clearly. Ling Tian rescued his father Ling Xiao. No matter what happens or not, Chengdu is a later story. But at least now the entire Chengtian has now been determined to fall into the hands of Ling Jiadi. This is beyond doubt! The Ling family has gained such great strength. How can we not continue to expand? My family in the Nangong family can't leave him any handle at this time! I'm afraid even if it's okay. Ling Tian has to do everything possible to find excuses for business. What's more, it's because of what is wrong?

At this time, Nangong Tianlong. A long piece of intestines has already been regretted by my previous decision! Why be smart. I intend to meet every source. It is really self-inflicted. Don't live! The ancients never bullied me!

Everyone in the Yangjiadi Sky Sword God Soldier seems to regard his life as inferior. Even a life of one's own life can only be replaced by a shallow scar on the enemy. Will rush past without hesitation. Let your throat meet the icy blade! Even if you can only hinder the speed of the opponent's sword. It is also fearless to use your own chest to lock the enemy's long sword! This fighting method. Almost crazy. Or this is crazy in despair!

Although the swordsman of the Nangong family land is strong in martial arts. But Yangjiadi Sky Sword Divine Soldier is not an easy generation. Say again. People would rather have five people change your arm. Replace your head with ten human lives. This bloodiest way to play. It was already a naked land that committed suicide first and then begged for murder. Under the offensive so crazy. The swordsman of the Nangong family fell to nearly a hundred people in less than a quarter of an hour!

All teams of the Ling family watched this fight without expression. It's like watching a movie. Others did not dare to relax and stared at the ground guards and the rest of the Yang family. Like an enemy. Strictly wait.

"Sister Chen." Lingdian quietly leaned over to Chenchen. "It wouldn't be a problem to drag on like this. It would be better to take the dog emperor earlier and watch the play quietly. Isn't it better? Lest there is more night dreams.

The cold eyes in the early morning stared lightly at the battlefield of the Nangong family, and slowly shook his head: "Wait a little while, there are still many masters of the Nangong family. If Huo Ran now works, the strength of the Nangong family will rely on chaos. So I kept it. Then my previous layout was in vain, and I could n’t do it for Shan Jiucheng, but I ’m not doing enough! As for Long Xiang, do you still have to worry about it?

Lingdian suddenly felt an inexplicable cold in his heart! At this moment, he suddenly had an illusion that he was talking to himself not in the early morning, but in Ling Tian's tone! The most standard Lingtian way of doing things! Then there was another shock in my heart. When did Sister Chen become so similar to your son? Or so close! Is this still the elder sister Chen Chen who usually can't see the blood?

No one knows that before Ling Tian went to the Black Pine Forest to chase Shui Qianrou, he already felt the crisis here, and gave all the available power to the early morning in advance! And emphasized the follow-up matters of Nangong family.

In fact, Ling Tian went to the battlefield, and with Ling Tian's overall view, he was not completely relieved of his own rear. Although he was confident that the power he left could cope with any changes, the only thing he was worried about The Nangong family that is about to move, but what Ling Tian is most worried about is that the Nangong family will always meet in the outside world, and it will be really bad. If Ling Tian would know that Nangong Tianlong was hitting the wall of grass, maybe he would let him go in the early morning.

Ling Chen's cleverness, wits, ingenuity and other aspects are in fact not weaker than Ling Tian, ​​but the kindness of the mind is something that Ling Tian has always been cherishing, lest she suffer a big loss because of this, and it is difficult to delegate heavy tasks. Therefore, we reminded the morning before and after more than once. If there is an unexpected situation, we do n’t have to do it in person, just give the order! As for the completion of the following, you do n’t have to worry about it, and do n’t worry!

Ling Tian's approach is tailor-made for early morning!

So what happened today, before the order in the early morning, never thought in my heart that it would be so tragic! Seeing that all eyes were bloody, he calmed down more and more in the early morning! Now that I have been forced to do this, I can't help but not face it because of my soft heart! If you take a step back at this time, wouldn't all the efforts of the entire Ling family and son have been destroyed in your own hands? Can I be sorry for my favorite person because of my soft heart?

So at this moment in the morning, he straightened his weak back even more!

At this moment ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ling Chen's heart clearly floated what Ling Tian said: "Be brutal against the enemy, cut the grass and remove the roots; men, women and children, no one is left!" Perhaps, let Ling Chen personally at this moment Going to kill someone, she may not kill anyone but let go. However, if you just use your mouth to give orders, the early morning is absolutely unambiguous!

Although it seems a bit self-deceiving, but as the saying goes, it's invisible! Since the power of the other courts has gradually grown, there are more than a hundred such orders issued from the hands of early morning?

Between thoughts, the situation of the Nangong family became more and more difficult. Nangong Yu had a knife on his right arm, and half of his body had been stained with blood. The Nangong Tianhu and Nangong Tianlong also had blood stains on their bodies, and their breathing became heavy. As for the other Nangong family swordsmen, there are only thirty or forty people fighting desperately in the **** battle!

But until now, I haven't seen the Nongong Tianlong exit pleading! The master of the family, after all, still has the pride and dignity of a generation of masters! At this point, even the people who were watching the battle could not help admiring his toughness!

During the battle, the Yang Family's Heavenly Sword Divine Soldier rushed out and tried to attack the Ling Family's camp, but without exception, they fell to the ground screaming a few feet away.

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