Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 64: Wipe out the enemy

"A good ice magic skill! What a superb skill!" Ling Tian applauded loudly: "Li Xue, you really have lived up to the snow word in your name! It's a girl film from the mountain!" The sound of Jintie symphony rang out loudly, and he had a hard fight with the enemy in front of him!

Li Xue was almost arguing with him in one sentence. The first half of the sentence was barely like a human word, but what is "a girl film coming out of the mountain"? Is my Ice God skill good or not, and what does it have to do with this? It's really annoying! This person has been reincarnated twice or the dog ca n’t change the way to eat shit, just one sentence can make the popularity break the belly! See me for a while and don't pinch your soft meat a thousand and eighty degrees!

But now in a fierce battle, how can there be time to trouble Ling Tian? Li Xue squeezed her lips tightly, and her eyes were cold and unprovoked. Under the unreasonable depression, she simply vented her anger to the six killers in front of her! The internal force instantly swelled to a very high height, the delicate and delicate body interspersed with the sharp sword light, the fog around the body became thicker and thicker, and a thick layer of hoarfrost had formed on the ground !

With a bang !, a Tsing Yi killer fell out of his head, and a layer of glacial mop suddenly condensed on the face of the middle palm, and it was already dead without saying a word! The other killer could not see his feet in front of him in the thick fog. He stepped on the top of the dead killer's head and only clicked under his feet. Then he stepped on the soles of his feet smoothly, condensing his eyes and looked down. Eye-opening!

It turned out that the dead killer's face had Li Xue's ice frantically, and the entire head and brain were frozen into a ball. But it also became particularly vulnerable, under his foot full of inner strength. Suddenly cracked apart, there was no blood flowing out of the broken head. Only one by one, the red, white and white solidified into a solid flesh and brain brain, and the watermelon that was smashed apart was generally scattered around in disorder ...

As a killer, I was already used to the blood of killing, and it was difficult to shake the mind of a killer even in a tragic scene, but this moment ...

The killer roared with grief and was about to rush up again. Suddenly the figure flashed in front of him, and he felt his shoulders icy cold. A small, bright white hand has been quickly retracted from his shoulder, but he has felt that his entire right hand and half of his body have been stiff in place! Can't move even one step!

A long sword came as a thorn in the chest, and he watched. I wanted to shout "I am!" But suddenly found that I couldn't even move my mouth. I stared at my brother's sword through his chest ...

At this time he actually felt clearly: Um, stabbed my heart. Then he felt nothing ... closed his eyes. Die!

Ling Tian danced his long sword around his body. Brought an unusually powerful sword gas, rising into the sky. The fierce and violent land of the sword broke through the blockade of the nine-handed sword above his head, and he stood up to five feet high. The long sword was raised above the head and skyward! The long swords of the nine people below each other, and in the sound of the sound, the nine people withdrew each other, their long swords slanted their fingers, nine pairs of falcon-like eyes were staring at Ling Tian on the sky at the same time. There is no expression. I do n’t seem to care about the death of my companion not far away. I do n’t care about it at all! Not even blinking your eyes!

Sure enough, it's a top-notch killer! So indifferent to life and death!

Ling Tian finally rose to a height of six feet. The momentum has been exhausted. A long sword in the sky. The whole body is under the sword. Hovering rapidly in mid-air. A clear voice asked: "Blood Killing Pavilion?"

The nine people below looked at Ling Tian in the air. No one actually answered!

Ling Tian laughed suddenly in midair. Han Sensen said: "However, I don't know how many killers can kill me to practice the sword?" Suddenly there was a long roar. The rotation accelerated again. Circling down. When it reaches the height of three feet. A sword net has been formed around the body. It is like a huge shiny silver plate. Suddenly fell from midair!

At this time, if Li Xue had time to see. Surely he will exclaimed: "UFO?"

unfortunately. Li Xue is fighting with several other killers at this time. I did not see it. And such a spectacle only lasted for a moment. With a barrel of sword light suddenly lit up. The white light suddenly came to the earth!

Ling Tian's entire body has been concealed in the light of the extinct bright pole, just like a shining river of light and earth with a mighty power, as if to destroy all the sudden fall of the world!

When one of his killer battle swords just rushed up, he suddenly fell out when he touched, and fell out of three feet. The sword marks on the body were scattered, dense and dense, and the flesh turned over. Although his eyes are wide open, he has lost his earlier brilliance!

Such eyes usually only appear on the dead! Ling Tian has always called it "fisheye"! Just because, as everyone knows, fish's eyeballs won't turn! Just like the eyes of a dead man ...

Ling Tian's sword with destruction, with death, with soaring murderousness, the wind generally rushed into the camp of the other eight killers! The long depression and depression finally broke out at this moment!

Hearty! At this moment, Ling Tian has only this feeling!

kill! Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill! ! !

Body sword! The real look of despair and decisive look is like a moth slamming the fire and greeted it brazenly! The eight-handed swords punctured the rounded sword light at the same time!

Faced with such a sword, avoiding is inevitable, only fighting! But in battle, there is no life! Can such swordsmanship be resisted by manpower? Even if your nine people work together, it won't help! But the mission failed, and as a killer, there is no retreat! What's more, they are facing a generation of killing God, Ling

How could Ling Tian allow them to escape from birth ... "The fine sound of the sound continued uninterrupted, just like a sudden explosion of thousands of pounds of explosives, and the splendidness of the time was enough to compare with the Wanlihua lantern on the night of the Lantern Festival before Lingtian ’s previous Lantern Festival. !

A piece of broken sword was scattered in a ten-foot radius with a crackling sound, and a ray of bright red was continuously sprayed around, but the blood in the human body was flowing! The broken fragments of broken limbs with hair, and even the residual temperature of the human body, were blasted in all directions!

Among the eight killers, only one trick was needed, and no one could leave the whole body! Only the fine flesh and blood left behind, the largest is the size of the slap!

Only the person who died the earliest is the lucky one, after all he has left the whole body!

Not far away, four or fifty people vomited wildly! What kind of swordsmanship is this? Even if Ling Chi breaks up, should he leave a bone shelf? This is good, even the belt and bones and flesh and blood are scattered all over the world. Perhaps, there is only one word to describe it: that is: bones and bones!

The barrel-like sword light suddenly converged, Ling Tian gasped for a long time, and his hair was standing in place, his face was pale, his body was white, and there were countless fine scratches, each of which was flowing out of the blood The whole person is stained like blood!

But Ling Tian's body is still quite straight! Ling Tian's eyes are still cold and cold, and he is murderous! The long sword leaned on the ground, and there was still a warm blood flowing down the sword body slowly ...

Not far away, in a thick cold fog, the sound of slaps continued to sound, dull and moving, several screams rang out in succession, and then, the thick fog suddenly turbulent, It seemed to have been hit by a gust of wind, and it instantly disappeared, revealing the situation in the field.

Li Xue stood quietly in the field, his left shoulder and left chest white robe were crimson, his face was calm, and to Ling Tian, ​​around her feet, six bodies were covered in white frost, lying quietly on the ground ... …

The sixteen first-rate killers in the Blood Killing Pavilion, the whole army was wiped out after World War I!

This is also their bad luck. All information shows that Ling Tian has only one person, and Ling Tian is the only one to worry about. So all their plans are made for the purpose of Ling Tian! This is a fundamentally unforgivable mistake!

Originally, sixteen super killers intercepted Ling Tian, ​​and the plan was first. Even if it was not good, it would not be wiped out by the whole army. There was even great hope of winning. However, no one thought that Ling Tian ’s side was Suddenly a Li Xue appeared, and Li Xue's martial arts were also at the peak. The most important thing is that this girl's fierceness is not inferior to Ling Tian!

So the destruction of the Blood Killing Pavilion is beyond their own expectation ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it is also taken for granted!

Looking at the scattered flesh and blood around, Ling Tianhan Sensen smiled! Even if the blood-killing club has strong strength, after the loss of Chengtian, it has lost 16 first-class killers here, I am afraid that it will also be in stagnation! This is good, remove a worries!

Ling Tian smiled evilly, raised his hand slowly and gracefully, and the **** long sword pointed straight at the forty or fifty people. This action suddenly caused a series of panic screams. Everyone thought Ling Tian They are about to give them poisonous hands, panic scatter to avoid, there is a riot at the scene, and a few others, who have been scared by the **** scene here, and then stimulated by Ling Tian, ​​they were scared by the stimulation of Ling Tian, ​​and the yellow bile flowed from the corner of the mouth. , His face became extremely sallow, and his body was so soft that he was scared to death

Ling Tian smiled coldly, with a thick contempt and a pity of sympathy, and said clearly and slowly: "Go back and tell Yuman Lou, let him prepare for the next action, the best, it takes more time Mindfulness! The manpower to send the top is more detailed. If it is all such miscellaneous pieces, you do n’t need to come out again.

After a pause, he whispered: "Go!" (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in om, more chapters,

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