Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 69: Deep night

"What's the matter? You're not happy to make you pretend." The elder brother spread his hands and looked helpless. Seeing that my sister was about to get up again, she hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, we finally got to the city. We'll find a hotel to stay first. After working these days, I finally feel like I'm back in human society. A good night ’s sleep! Poor, my old bones are so tired

The girl laughed, and asked, "Then let's find a hotel nearby and let you rest well. As soon as you get older, your legs and feet will be unfavorable, you don't need to explain, I All understand! Then go to the inn! "

"Not busy, go forward. Not far away is the mansion of the jade family. We always have to get closer to the jade family. Whatever is the case, is it a relative? Is there a sense of security in my heart?"

"Are you feeling safe before you kill someone else?" The younger sister tricked off a water sac from her waist and raised her head on the street without a lady's manner.

"Bullshit, Lao Kun has always swept the ground and feared the lives of ants, cherished the moth veil, saved lives, and won the seven-level float! Kindness and kindness." It's a pity that broom brows are equipped with triangular eyes, how to look and how disgusting!

"Poof!" That brother's face watered. Can not help but wipe the sleeves in disarray.

"Cough cough cough ..." My sister coughed repeatedly, like asthma.

"Just this one." The two looked up, and the four big characters of the huge Rugui Inn were in front of them. The siblings smiled at each other and walked in.

Across the street from here, it covers a wide area, and the pavilion is the picturesque family of the first family of stars, Jade!

At this time, it was the first time when Huadeng started. The lights of the Wanjia were extinguished, and the sky above the entire Mingyu City was strangely blurred.

It was late at night.

Ling Jian sat alone in the room. In front of him was an extremely detailed map. Ling Jianmu's face was expressionless. A pair of eyes faintly showed a feverish glow. It was a martyrdom of believers. His eyes glanced over the map little by little. He looked very carefully. Very carefully.

Main room. main hall. garden. backyard. Yan Wutang. Then refer to Jiangshan Pavilion. Pan Yue Picking Star Tower. Elders' home. No return to the pavilion. Shadowless Pavilion. Chongxiao Pavilion. Downstairs. Soul Dream Shadow Pavilion. As for other places such as Bai Yutang. Ziyutang and so on. Then the logo is clear. In addition, it is nothing more than everyone's residence. Including the three brothers of the Yu family in their courtyards. The entire building of the Yu family. You can see at a glance on this small map.

The cold light flashed in Ling Jian's eyes. Contemplatively. The main hall of the main room can be ignored. But I heard that Yumanlou handled official business. Always in his private office location-Panyue picking star tower. relatively. Dealing with secret events and major events is instructing Jiangshan Pavilion. These two places. Ling Jian has already decided. Must go to the ground. As for the other elders. No return to the pavilion. Shadowless Pavilion. Chongxiao Pavilion. Downstairs. Wraith Dream Shadow Pavilion and so on. No one knows what these places are. Even inside the Yu family. It ’s not that much to know about these places. Only the three brothers of the Yu family and a few people who entered the core of power can know. It's not even clear that the sky is relatively large. This confidential work cannot be described as rigorous.

As the name suggests, the Elders Pavilion. It must have been a place where the masters of Yujia lived. This place. It ’s better not to touch this time. But what are the pavilions in other places? Ling Jian knew clearly. Although I don't understand the intention. But every pavilion must be a mysterious force in Yujiadi. Since it is side by side. That means that the strength of Bai's stocks is roughly equivalent. Just find out any of them. For other geographies, it ’s a little bit

However, the span between several pavilions is relatively large. They are too far apart. Ling Jian thought of giving himself an hour and a hour in the early morning. Can't help but smile bitterly. Is it too worthy of me? Not even one person who stopped me. I want to go through these few pavilions not just in one hour! Yujia covers an area of ​​more than 200 mu. Even if you ride in a horse-drawn carriage round the clock. It's almost all morning!

Start with the neighbors first! Ling Jian made up his mind secretly. Jade house. Six years ago, I once let myself be in a terrible place. Just do not know this time. What is the first family in the world? Or is it the number one killer in the world?

In Ling Jiandi's eyes, the fire was burning like a fire!

Outside the window, on the silent long street, there was a sudden "dangang" drumbeat, and a desolate throat shouted weakly: "The wind is dry and dry, be careful of the fire candle--" The voice was long, followed by There were two bangs, shouting all the way, and the voice gradually went away.

Ling Jian let out a long breath, and sat cross-legged, standing silently, reaching out and patting the long sword on his waist, with a confident and cruel smile on his face, wearing a masked black towel leisurely. , Seemed to laugh lightly and pushed out the door.

Standing in front of the door, Ling Jian hesitated a little, and seemed to want to see a few little brothers. After all, if he went one accidentally, one was careless. Yujia, even though it is not the Longtan Tiger Cave, but it is more dangerous than the real Longtan Tiger Cave!

Ling Jian sighed and did not go after all. Wouldn't it be too self-confident? Brothers, I will come back alive. Ling Jian can't live without Ling Jian!

The sky is full of clouds and there are no stars and no moon, which is a great time for pedestrians at night! The gentle wind blows gently, just like the hand of a lover.

In the black robe, Ling Jian's body did not carry a little wind, just like a bat gliding in the night sky. The ghosts had generally stood on the roof. The thin body and the night of splashing ink were perfectly integrated into one, dark Among them, only a pair of cold binoculars is like a shining starlight, glancing at the small courtyard for a week, it seems to be slightly nostalgic.

Ling Jian finally stood up, soaring into the sky, his thin body flashed in mid-air, and disappeared.

After he left, the two doors opened at the same time, and six young boys in black walked out of the room. The six murders were not counted in the ordinary days. The cold-hearted and ruthless killer is now in tears in everyone's eyes. The expression on the face is even more complicated! Looking at the wall where Ling Jian finally dwelled, everyone's eyes were filled with deep feelings and respect from the heart! It seems there. Ling Jian's javelin-like figure still exists!

Brother Sword!

Must come back!

Brothers are waiting for you!

Yuman floor is sinking like water. No expression at all; fingers tapped on the table gently, making a clear sound, slow but rhythmic. Behind him, two men in black stood quietly, and under the shadow of the light, the figures of these two men in black seemed to merge into the vagueness of the void, and they clearly existed in front of them, but they seemed These two people simply don't exist in general. This absolute impact of vision and sensation is unusually strange

In front of him, a great man knelt down on the ground in distress. The sweat on his forehead could not stop dripping, and he had soaked the ground.

"The sixteen first-level killers in the Blood Kill Pavilion were wiped out by the whole army? None of them survived? Didn't cause any damage to Ling Tian ?!" Yu Manlou frowned slightly, as if talking to himself. , It seems to be asking questions. The big man kneeling in front of him already had no idea whether he should answer or not. Unsure of his mind, he shook his head tremblingly.

"There is another mysterious young woman beside Ling Tian? The martial arts are extremely strong? Killed six first-level killers with one person's strength? The same is intact!? Should he be younger than Ling Tian? "Yumanlou pondered:" It's the frost in the sky? It's like a cold winter moon? Such a weird supreme Yin Gong. But which martial art of the world is it? "Said, frowning. Think hard.

"Yuzhu, there seems to be no such thing as pure Yin Gong." Yumanlou was behind him. A man in black said quietly: "Throughout the millennia of the martial arts schools of various factions over the millennia, there is no such kind of practice, even if it is said that there is no such thing in the world! "

"Are you sure?" Yumanlou slowly stood up and turned around to ask, a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.


"Detailed !?"


"You mean they are lying, but how do you explain those dead bodies ?! Are such useless slaves doing tricks? Or, they dare to lie and deceive?" Yu Manlou's face sank again!

"This is obviously impossible, and the subordinates have not questioned such layman's words, but since the millennium, there really is no such kind of practice, especially with a similar age to Ling Tian, ​​only 16 seven seven places The powerful exercises that women can have, this is a miracle that is more unimaginable than Ling Tian ’s superhuman strength! "The man in black said in a deep voice!

"Sure enough, it's a miracle." Yu Manlou paced slowly. Although he didn't seem to be on the surface, there was a turmoil in his heart. Weird characters? Even Ling Tian ’s own practice is very strange, and it is very different from the martial arts practice known in this world.

Does this world really have any exercises that you do n’t know? Or, what is this ancient legacy, the secret of the lost ancestors thousands of years ago? Apart from this reason, there seems to be no other reason to explain this matter.

"Since Ling Tian has killed the sixteen first-level killers by himself, even without any damage, how did you come back? Can you be stronger than those first-level killers, and actually get out of the hand of the killing god, even No injuries! "Yu Manlou asked coldly.

The most feared thing is that the owner asked this question, but I didn't expect to finally come.

The man's face was cold and sweating, trembling: "Dare not conceal the head of the house, the subordinates at that time were so low that they couldn't get in their hands, then Ling Tian ... After he killed those people, he suddenly let us go … And asked us to bring a word to the house owner ……. ”

"What's the matter?"

(To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in om, more chapters,

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