Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 72: Eavesdrop on secrets

The first thing the sword does next is not to listen to what is said below, but) lying on your back so that you can adjust your inner breath first! It was just such a light show that Ling Jian was already pale, and the loss of internal force was too great. If you don't adjust your interest rate, you may find out that you will not be able to hear anything because you have too much breath.

Quietly for a week, Ling Jiancai gently put his ear on the tile surface!

Below, a faint voice came up.

"... This time, we are calling everyone to come at this time, but there is an important matter to discuss." A gentle and quiet voice with no hint of fireworks said quietly: "Ling Tian came all the way from West Korea, yesterday Sixty miles away in the west of the city, the sixteen first-level killers of the Blood Killing Pavilion were killed and the whole body retreated. It is more likely that they are now in the Mingyu City. Therefore, everyone is called to think of a way, how to deal with it, how to do it Is it complete?

There was a neat breathing below. Blood Killer Level 1 Killer! Everyone knows what these seven words mean and what they stand for, but 16 people were annihilated by Ling Tian in one fell swoop, or even undone in one fell swoop! Was Ling Tian ’s martial arts already unimaginably high? How to deal with such characters? Who can handle it? !

"Ling Tian came here, and it might not have dared to appear in Mingyu City blatantly, but it must have been refitted." After some silence, a voice that seemed to be an old dragon slowly analyzed: "If we can Before Ling Tian found out that we noticed him and found where Ling Tian was, then we had every assurance that he would be beheaded in Mingyu City. As long as he died, everything would be fine. "

As soon as this sentence was said, the rest of the people rolled their eyes together. This old and undead word is undoubtedly very reasonable, but it is also full of nonsense! The biggest headache now is in what identity and status did Ling Tian enter Mingyu City, and where are he now? If these two points are all clear, what will the owner call us here to discuss? Wouldn't it be done just by killing it directly?

"Homeowner, there is a stupid way to get old, and it may not be possible to find out Ling Tian." The old-fashioned voice continued unhurriedly: "From now on, the four gates of Mingyu City will be closed, and the army will be dispatched to conduct a detailed search. First, you can respond to the assassination on the first floor some time ago, and calm people's hearts; second, the Shuijia must have a large number of people sneaking into the secret master of Mingyu City in order to seek chaos for profit, we can take this opportunity, Catch this little man out; three times, and the most important point, we can excuse the chaotic party to find Ling Tian. "He laughed coughingly, and said slyly:" We are finally in nominal terms now The Ling family is the family of the children, even if we know that the main purpose is Ling Tian, ​​but we also need to find a citizenship. "

"If you do this, I'm afraid it won't work ..."

"Homeowners, stupid methods have the advantages of stupid methods. We can take this opportunity to control all unidentified foreign population, or kill them in one fell swoop! If Ling Tian and others are in it, they will naturally resist. Then we can find out his whereabouts without any effort. "

"Isn't it right? In this way, doesn't it mean that the sky is angry and resentful? Even in terms of the influence of the people's hearts in the world, it is not worth the loss. Is it because of the innocent killing of innocent people?" Another person said in opposition.

"Otherwise. And don't say it. The big deal. No matter the details. There must be no women's benevolence. Furthermore. Since the first few days. The first floor of this group of slaughtered land repeatedly assassinated. Panic; the aftermath is still there. There is even an intensifying trend; and we have already determined that among the officials who will be added to the land. Many of them are the members of the water family land. Our extinction operation has not yet begun. Two things Although the tactics are different. The effect is similar. Therefore, the first thing we need to do now is to immediately begin the extinction action that was planned before! All these people were assassinated in the same way. . Mingyu City must be in chaos as the end of the day! By then, we will send troops and blockade the whole city in the name of chaos. Search and kill the murderer. Even if the action is a little too aggressive. It is understandable. This truth. Everyone understands Right? "

The old man's voice is unpleasant. With unspeakably nasty. There is also the spicy taste of life. It's really chilling. The old man laughed grimly again. Tao: "If you want to become a big event. You need to use people's hearts. People's hearts are available. Use them; people's hearts are unavailable. It's exciting. If neither of the first two are available, then destroy them!"

Yumanlou showed his applause in his eyes. People's hearts are available. Use it. unavailable. Exciting. None. Then destroy it! These few words coincide with what he thought.

Everyone said nothing. It was still the man who spoke again. Quite dissatisfiedly, "Is it too much to enshrine this statement? Even for Ling Tian. It is not worth burying thousands or even more people together? If so. What else do we have to kill innocent bandits respectively?"

The great enshrined voice yawned and said: "Master Huangge. You must know. If the little thief Ling Tian is immortal. In the future, he will become the enemy of my jade family to dominate the world!

The Jade family could finally win. Do you know how many good jade boys will be? Among them, it will not include you and our lives! The Northern Wei Dynasty was a battle. Ling Tian was alone among the 400,000 troops. Only those in and out. Almost ten thousand people died in his hands! Such a character. How can we wait for it? There are thousands of people buried with them. Would n’t it be better to die? You said that Ling Tian was dead. Or do you want to sacrifice your life to your heart? ! "

"I didn't say I didn't target Ling Tian, ​​but the people are innocent ..."

"Innocent people are dying too much! How can they be generalized? Just ask about the years of war and endless wars, hundreds of thousands of people who die in wars every year, and which one is not innocent? If you take care of innocents, what can you say? Domination of the world, unification of the country? If you die and need to be ignorant and foolish, but you ca n’t keep my jade family good boy, why not do it ?! "

"Great enlightenment is right!" Yumanlou said: "If you want to make a big event, there must be sacrifices, and some sacrifices must be sacrificed. It is better than sacrificing my good brother. This is how it is decided, no need to discuss it again. Tomorrow will be Carry out the plan of extinction and close the city at night; the city will search for and chase the chaotic party, rather kill the wrong one than let it go! "

After a pause, Yuman Lou said: "This time Ling Tian was not alone in coming to Mingyu City. There was also a mysterious woman with him."

"Mysterious woman?" Everyone in the room could not help secretly guessing, what kind of woman could I be called "mysterious" in the eyes of the owner?

"Ling Tian left alone. Chengtian City, but during this time, there was suddenly a woman beside him. This woman heard that she was young, at most 17 or 8 years old. She looked very beautiful, but she was extremely beautiful. Cruel. The sixteen first-level killers in the Blood Killing Pavilion, this woman has cooked six of them alone, and it is also intact. The strength is strong. Even if it is not as good as Ling Tian, ​​I believe that the difference will be limited. It must be the top master! "Yuman Lou faintly said.

Everyone here. There was another stupefied speechless. Although everyone is a super master, but they are confident and able to independently deal with the strong first-level killers of the six blood killing clubs, but there are not many. As for saying nothing, it is even more difficult. At this time, I suddenly heard that a young woman was able to do this.

"Did Chenya come too?" Ling Jian upstairs thought secretly. "However, Yu Manlou said that" the means are fierce "is different. But if it weren't for her, would that woman have such strength? And it shouldn't be such a strong girl, Chen?

Only the following Yu Manlou said: "According to the surviving servants' return, the woman's martial arts are very weird. With a single blow, the sky is full of ice and snow, and the frost is everywhere. … "

"Sure enough, it was Chen girl. Did her martial arts enter the country again ?!" Ling Jian felt no doubt in her heart as soon as she heard the words "Ice and snow, and frost everywhere", and immediately affirmed it. There was a moment of excitement in my heart, and the movement was a little bit bigger, and a tile was pressed by the palm of the hand, and the sound almost almost inaudible.

Ling Jian secretly called bad. The following are all first-class masters, especially the strength of Yumanlou is unfathomable. Although the sound is subtle, is there no doubt? Ling Jian was on the spot, pulled up instantly, and flew out like a meteor at high speed.

At this time, no hidden traces have been taken into account, this swoop has already used all his strength! The speed is amazing!



"Get me down!"



A series of drinking sounds, almost at the moment when Ling Jianfei flew out, the tile surface where he was hiding has been blown out of a big hole by a palm, and then a whizzing voice sounded, and more than a dozen figures came from there. Jumping into the tile noodle in the hole, chasing it with light power!

The Yuman floor is sinking like water, above the Zhuoli tile surface, and the lower jaws are long and windless without wind automatically. Obviously it is already extremely angry!

All the elite figures of the Yu family get together to discuss things, but they can still be overheard! This is even more uncomfortable than slapping Yumanlou in the face, which is a shame!

Do not let this person leave the jade family!

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ who would have such a high degree of light skills, could actually eavesdrop without being noticed under the eyes of so many masters, if it wasn't for the slight movements just now, this time "latent "Almost perfect! Out of anger, Yumanlou also became extremely interested in this night pedestrian!

Ling Jian's black figure is like a black lightning passing by, flying towards the tall wall of the jade family of thirty feet away!

Behind, dozens of people are hotly chasing!

There were ringing bells throughout the Yu family, and countless Zhuang Ding guards came from all directions. The sound of clothes lining whizzed steadily.

A low voice sounded like the dull rolling thunder in the sky: "Raise the sky! All the guards stood on the wall to intercept it!" It was the voice of the Yu family's owner Yu Manlou!

Ling Jian's heart sank!

Yumanlou's trick just hit his dead hole! (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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