Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 95: Riding a tiger

If it's more, it won't be a supplement. Only see if it can be supplemented today. >

The sound of the ticking footsteps sounded slowly. Presumably it was the elder brother who was pacing slowly. After a while, he said: "Now the Yujia Xueyu back to Tiandan is the last hope of Primary Six, We can only wait. Primary six, they ca n’t afford it, but Yuliu Shui is even more so, we can only bet on it. So, this is the only way at present. However, we can find a way to deal with Yuliu Increase some pressure and let him speed up his actions. "

"Is there no other way? Maybe we can try some famous doctors in the city ..." another person said.

"Famous doctor? Xiaoliu, they have three of the eight classic meridians, and Dantian is damaged. Which famous doctor in the world can cure this kind of injury?" The elder brother said heavily: "Even if you go back to this gate, the master with the highest medical skills There is no way to deal with this kind of injury! There is only one person who can cure this kind of injury in the world, that is, to send Jun Tianli, is it possible that he will help! There are others, only the heavy treasure of the Yu family, Xueyu Huitian, can heal ! Except for these two roads, I believe that there is no third road feasible! "

Everyone was silent.

Only the big brother sighed and said, "Is there no Lingtian news right now?"

Three or four people shook their heads together.

The elder brother sighed: "Maybe we are really upside down this time. We should have killed Ling Tian first, and then sent Jun Tianli. But now that we have such a field, we have lost our soldiers, and our strength has been damaged by more than half, but until now. I haven't seen Ling Tian's shadow yet.

The main responsibility for this matter lies with me. After going back, the old man will take the initiative to ask the gatekeeper to punish him. "

Meng Juchen comforted: "Big Brother doesn't have to be too blameful. After all, when our lineup like that was used to deal with Jun Tianli, we all felt too strong. We all felt that there was a feeling of lifting Taishan and smashing eggs, especially we also Arrange the three masters to secretly attack, confident that the preparations have reached the point of perfection, but why did you think that the martial arts to send Jun Tianli would be so high? This matter, including the gatekeeper and the two elders, are wrongly calculated. This was originally the instructions of the door owner. If it was not the door owner who concealed the death of Elder Meng Ruoxu, how could we be so careless, and what the **** is the brother? "

The elder brother sneered and said, "There is always something unlucky to take responsibility for something wrong. Or how to explain to the Xiao family? It is obviously not enough for you to take responsibility, if I don't stand up, Could it be that the door owner is not responsible? The scapegoat is already destined to be me and cannot escape. "

Sighed. Tao said: "When it comes to sending Jun Tianli. We must mention that childish Ling Tian. We originally thought. We have sent out 18 masters in the first place. We want to deal with sending Jun Tianli again. Or Ling Tian. It should be all in your hand. It ’s effortless. It ’s even bringing these two people together to annihilate them. It ’s also a piece of cake. ”Everyone responded awkwardly. I don't know how to interface. At the beginning. Everyone really thinks so. There is a feeling of killing the chicken with a knife. Just didn't expect it. Compare yourself to reality. Actually so far away! One side is hitting the stone with eggs at all. Send Jun Tianli the same way. Another goal. Ling Tian. Will it be so terrible? !

He is here. The voice was low: "Single is only for one to send Jun Tianli. We have lost ten masters! And have not been able to kill or stay the other side. If he is not afraid of the injury getting worse. I think all of us may not be able to escape Passing him to kill; this point. It is worth our attention. He is really an unmatched opponent. "He increased his voice. Said: "And Ling Tian was able to circulate for so many months under the martial arts of sending Jun Tianli so arbitrarily. So far he has not been killed by Jun Tianli! What does this mean?"

He looked at everyone's complexion. Grunted. There was an inexplicable coldness in the voice. There is also a trace of fear: "This shows that Lingtiandi's martial arts are not as good as sending Juntianli. But the difference is definitely not too much! With our current strength of only half. Can we really handle Lingtian? This. Old man Now skeptical! Another point is. Where did Lingtiandi martial arts come from? A teenage teenager. But he has such terrifying martial arts. Some people even suspected that his martial arts came from heaven. But now it seems It certainly wo n’t be like that. It ’s really a lot of thought. It ’s not that he ’s a martial art that he brought out of his mother ’s womb, right? ”

"This question. Everyone seems to have ignored it intentionally or unintentionally before; or Ling Tiandi is hiding too well. Or that is because Ling Tian is too sharp. It attracts the attention of the whole world. Let people focus all their attention on his land. . Instead, it neglected Ling Tiandi. Something will exist. But this matter. Once uncovered, it must be moving all the world! "

He gasped. All re-examined this problem. Everyone ^ L \\ (Get this thing. Sure enough, it is extremely simple.

The elder brother said solemnly: "Master Ling Tiandi can teach such an apprentice. He can still spend a few months with Send Jun Tianli and still stay away. No one can control it; then. Can we think. At least. Should it be the level of giving Jun Tianli? Even. It is very likely. The strength of Ling Tiandi ’s mysterious master. Beyond giving him the power of sending Jun Tianli? . Can also think about it. Come to think. If martial arts is better than sending Jun Tianli. How is that alone? "

"We can't kill Ling Ling, but if we kill Ling Tian successfully, what will be the consequences?" He glanced coldly at everyone: "If Ling Tian's master What happens if you come to the door after revenge for the apprentice? Who in our door can resist this earth-shattering figure? It is conceivable that if that happens, our entire martial arts is bound to bury Ling Tian!

Hearing the last sentence, this terrifying conclusion, everyone seemed to be knocked hard at the same time by a big hammer! Everyone thought of this terrible consequence.

Ling Tian is a genius, no one dares to deny this. But what is the ability to teach geniuses to be such a strong person? It is difficult for the talented masters to ask famous teachers for guidance, but it is even more difficult for a generation of famous teachers to find a suitable apprentice! Maxima happened to encounter Bole, after all, very few. But Ling Tian and his masters are clearly within this few categories. Comparing your heart with your heart, if you are easy to adjust | Teach such a genius apprentice, but was killed, how should you react?

Even a worldly survivor who is detached from the world of red dust may not be able to endure such a cruel reality!

Although the master of the No. 1 apprentice may not be the No. 1 champion, do you dare to fight this dangerous possibility? ! In particular, this is on top of martial arts, not just the bitter words that are so coquettish!

The hearts of these people suddenly felt like a heavy heavy stone, and they felt that it was difficult to breathe. But Ling Tian, ​​who was invisible on the roof, almost laughed at his belly, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud. It tasted uncomfortable.

The first sentence of the elder brother pointed out the origin of his martial arts, but he himself apparently regarded it as a joke. ‘It ’s not something he brought out of his mother ’s womb.’ This sentence is obviously a cold joke, but can anyone know that it is precisely this joke that just points out the biggest fact! Ling Tian's martial arts are indeed brought out of his mother's womb!

This may be that the "truth" is often found inadvertently? !

As for the so-called "Master of Ling Tian" who scares the people below almost to the point of urging, it is completely a fool's person. Even if he is connected to the previous life, no one is qualified to be the master of Ling Tian. Ling Tian frowned, secretly whispering, if he used the name of this fictitious master to pull the banner as a tiger skin, it might not be a good move.

The following analysis continues: "What's more, Ling Tian's not simple is not just manifested in this aspect. Now we know, and the Yu family also know that Ling Tian has come to Mingyu City, just in Yu In the home base of the family, it was under the eyelids of Yumanlou. Too many people knew about this matter. However, Yumanlou almost turned over the entire Mingyu City, but no trace of Ling Tian was found. Hey, I know that Ling Tian is here to conspire and destroy, but he has no way to take him ~ www.readwn.com ~ I believe that Yumanlou should be more helpless than us now. "

Ling Tian chuckled a few times in his heart, and the Dao Ben naturally came to conspiracy. There is nothing wrong with your analysis; but the object and purpose of the conspiracy are that you and the Yujia dog bite the dog ’s mouth. Absolutely unexpected. If you can guess this, and think about what you said today, I am afraid you will be more depressed than Yumanlou. But this person can analyze so thoroughly, but it is not a mediocre generation.

Although most of his analysis is scaring himself.

"So, if you want to kill Ling Tian, ​​you can only start secretly! You can't let anyone transcend, it's our hands in the world!" Inside the room, the voice of the big brother suddenly became ruthless and violent. The heavy tone is more like a conclusion like Taishan! "Once the news spreads, the old man doesn't think there is any force in this world that can bear the terrible consequences! There is no force willing to bear such consequences!"

After he finished speaking, he often sighed.

It is difficult to ride a tiger. At this moment, everyone here feels the true meaning of this sentence. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit wwwm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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