Legend of Ling Tian

: Behind the carduelis

It was a man in heaven. "Yumanlou suddenly opened his mouth, and his voice was cold: People were clearly one of the top five masters of the heavens. The one with the lesser strength should be the dream unintentional, which is inseparable from the dream. The sect that inherited from the millennium is really extraordinary! It's gone, but the fighting power of these people is pretty good. "

"Homeowner, if this battle continues, although the enemy will eventually be wiped out, we will pay more and more. Will the subordinates and others work together to solve this struggle of the beast as soon as possible?"

"Resolve this battle of trapped beasts as soon as possible?" Yu Manlou seemed to hear a joke and a smile appeared on his face, but the smile was cold and full of other indescribable meaning: "Dreamless It is obvious that there are still spares with the two people around him. If you take action in advance, it will inevitably cause their full counterattack, or they will be consumed first and then said. "Then, Yuman Lou paused and said gently : "What is really strange to me right now is, why are people in heaven in the third house? Who can give me an answer?"

In this sentence, the tone of the question was so light, and the clouds were light and windy, but the two people around him were familiar with the character of the owner of the house, and at the same time, they realized what they were, trembling, and bowed their heads.

Yumanlou sneered and said, "It seems that my sons really gave me a big surprise."

Unable to bear this depressed atmosphere, a man in black whispered: "Perhaps, the three sons do not know the identity of the other party ..."

"Haha, without knowing the identity of the other party, let the other party live in the place where they are leaning against Hongcuicui?" Yu Manlou said with a smile: "Hei Da, you say this sentence, do you believe it yourself?" "

Cold sweat erupted on their faces at the same time. Although Yu Manlou was smiling at the moment, but the two had followed Yu Manlou for a long time. How could they not see the strong anger that was almost uncontrollable in the heart of the owner?

Below, there are two consecutive screams. Two white jade masters of the Yu family were laid on the ground under the attack of the other party. In a blink of an eye, the body stepped on the body, and it was slammed by a master from reinforcements. The kicks flew out, which saved two muddy "whole corpses".

"Suddenly there was such a sudden movement tonight, which was really beyond the expectation of the old man." Yu Manlou's mouth was cold with a hint of coldness, and he didn't seem to find the death of his subordinates below, and said to himself: "This matter, there should be the shadow of the second son behind? The two of them are really brotherly."

The two men in black were chilling, and their vests only felt cool, and the cold sweat had completely soaked their clothes.

"Also. This matter of great worship should be informed." Yu Manlou looked coldly at the scene of the **** and venerable big sacrifice in the field. Faintly said: "Maybe he is the chief ambassador; but the old man, the father, didn't know it until now !! If it weren't for Ling Tian's kid, he wouldn't come out and see such a lively drama! I also want to thank Ling Tian for it! "The last sentence. The tone suddenly became extremely fierce. Murderous!

The two couldn't help but look at each other. The two of them worked together for many years beside Yumanlou. Perfect teamwork. The mind is faintly connected. The two thought at the same time. How did the owner bring this matter to Ling Tian again? It ’s not that the house owner hates the two sons. Have you lost your mind for a while? ! The two also felt that their thoughts were too nonsense. It's just that Ling Tian is really capable. It seems that no matter what. Just go deep into it. There must be a shadow behind him. This is also a very capable guy! The two secretly admired in their hearts.

Yu Manlou was suddenly shocked in his heart. Was reminded by my own words: Ling Tian! Ling Tian! Will this be a conspiracy of Ling Tiandi? The purpose is obvious. It is to make the Yu family and the Xiao family completely opposite. End the unresolved death feud. To facilitate his profitability? otherwise. The second child's brain alone. How can such a detailed plan be arranged?

suddenly. Yumanlou was taken aback by his own thoughts: Is it his two sons. One colluded with heaven. This is okay. And the other actually colluded with Ling Tian?

If there is no inside story about this matter. The first one in Yumanlou is not to believe! Everything has a cause and a result. This incident. It is absolutely impossible that it can happen wherever you like; otherwise why you could have been together before. And as soon as Ling Tian arrived, so many things happened one after another?

only. If it were really Ling Tian who manipulated this matter with one hand. Presumably, there should be others behind! The thought of here. Yu Manlou's heart sank first. With another hi. You should know that most of the elite Yu family is concentrated here. As long as Ling Tian appears. Or something is abnormal. You can beat it head-on. Even remove this big trouble!

Yumanlou narrowed his eyes slightly, but his eyes no longer glanced into the battle, but instead carefully paid attention to the movement around him.

Ling Tian, ​​should you watch all this in secret? There was a trace of sarcasm in the corner of Yumanlou's mouth! Want to see the drama I sang in Yumanlou? Then maybe you have to come out and perform yourself!

Two more muscular figures came from a distance, and they quickly joined the battle circle as soon as they landed. The situation changed again in the field. Although the survivors in the sky were all equal, Masters, but the masters gathered by the Yu family are not inferior to them. They are far superior in all aspects, especially the last one who joined the war group is the top master of the Yujia ’s cabinet level. Everyone ’s strength is almost Not under that dreamless and dreamless brother, the pressure suddenly increased a lot, and even the stronger combative dreamless and dreamless were all on the defensive, and the remaining weaker ones were even more disappointed.

Almost in an instant, two heavenly masters fell under the sword, and the blood was splashing, and a small protective belt composed of six people suddenly appeared a gap. If you do n’t try your best, you wo n’t have a chance, and the two will growl at the same time, and the two will be separated from the left and the right, and two barrels of sword light will fly up and bring out. A flurry of blood rain, several jade masters who couldn't dodge were dismembered in an instant, and the big offering was originally on the front line. When these two bleak sword lights flew, they retreated at high speed, only to feel a cold head, Then there was a sharp pain, and the scalp was cut off.

"Go!" Meng relentlessly shouted, and the brothers blocked all the masters of the Yu family from the left and the right, and there was an empty space in the middle; the remaining two heavenly masters dreamed of nothing and nothing Regret flew up at the same time and took the opportunity to skim towards the roof; both of them knew that if they could not get out of danger first, I am afraid that the two people, Dream Ruthless and Dream Unintentional, would never go away. .

I have to admit that nobody in the sky is really united, so dangerous, that no one shrank from the enemy first!

Meng Wu regrets this is the best master of the same series as Meng Wu Qing, but with

After World War I, the internal injury has not healed, but now it has become a drag, and the T3 pole is in my heart. At the moment, I caught the opportunity and quickly flashed out, so as not to be dragged; he has made up his mind that if he cannot escape with this last opportunity, Then he himself fought here, and he also had to create a chance for the two brothers to escape. They must never stay beside them and drag them down.

Several silhouettes watching from one side quickly flew up and intercepted at the same time. Below, Dream Ruthless and Dream Unintentional both roared at the same time, Yu Jian flew up, Bai Mang went through the sky, towards the Yu Family who intercepted Dreams and Dreams The cabinet master stabbed viciously.

The enshrined jade Chaoran screamed, shy and rage rose, the sword light was like snow, and the flying thorn dream was unintended. On the ground, almost all the masters of the Yu family who had responded rose up and chased.

"Hei Da, you said, should I leave them, let them go, or kill them directly?" Yu Man Lou's ruthless gaze looked at the only four people left in the sky who were about to escape, and his mouth was faint. The way.

"Uh ... I don't know." Hei Da bowed, his face sweating more.

This matter is very obvious. He has already involved the two sons of the family owner. How dare he express his opinion easily?

Yumanlou closed his eyes tiredly, then opened it again, and said tiredly: "That's it, if they are lucky, let them go, if they are not lucky, they will all be killed; even if they are caught Do n’t let him have any chance to speak when he is alive. "

"Yes. The head of the family is wise." Hei Daying said with a sigh. Letting go naturally has another meaning of Yumanlou. Although he still does not know what Yumanlou means, he must have his own plan. As for killing, naturally I would not hear anything I do n’t want to hear, but it ’s hard to say alive.

These people are in the courtyard of the third son, why? What is their relationship with the three sons? Why did the second son and the big worship plan this action? How many hidden feelings are there? The two of them neither dare to ask these questions nor want to know them, just because they dare not know!

Yumanlou guessed all of the above, but he really doesn't want to know now. I have just lost one of my best sons, even though the other two sons can no longer be treated as organs, they are still their own blood, and now this is the way to deal with the other two sons, even if they are so unworthy!

However, if you catch a living mouth, Yumanlou will have to face it all justly. Therefore, letting out the living people may still be valuable, but the living mouth cannot be caught!

Hei Da and the two whispered in their hearts that these people had killed so many people in the Yu family, and several of their people were killed in the hands of the Yu family masters. The hatred of each other is believed to be insolvable, but the owner said if they With luck, let them escape, what does that mean? Did these brothers die in vain?

At this moment, the dreamless man who had already climbed onto the roof discovered the crisis situation of his two brothers. His eyes flashed with decisiveness. Suddenly, the body that had just swept to the roof suddenly flew away, and a few blood colors He shot from the body, but the two patriarchs of the Yu family took the opportunity to stab a sword, but he did not realize it, screaming past the two elder brothers, a bright blood spewed out of his mouth, the sword The intensity of the light has doubled in an instant, the majestic power of the extreme, the splattering shooting sword, all the enemies chasing from below are circled together, and with their own strength, The desperation prevented these martial arts from being inferior to their masters in Yujia!

In his mouth, he spit out a few words resolutely and firmly: "If you don't want me to sacrifice in vain, just go away!" After saying this, his body was drowned in a sword and sword.

The dreamless and ruthless two screamed, filled with grief and indignation; but he never hesitated, did not look back at his third brother again, and rushed to the roof like a gust of wind. He rose without a word and jumped out into the distance.

They knew that their brother-in-law used self-destructive methods to forcibly improve his own strength to save the two of them, and had only a last-minute life. In any case, it was already a mortal death, but there was no way to save it!

Around him, arrows were flying like locusts, and Dangdang's voice kept ringing, snorting, and Mengwu had an arrow on his left shoulder, a stagger, almost fell off the roof. Dreaming mercilessly with his sword to resist the arrow rain, he grabbed his arm and rushed him forward.

At this moment, the wind rang behind him, and several masters of Yujia Pavilion Master Rufei caught up. The two brothers glanced at each other, and they both saw deep sorrow in the other's eyes. The third brother was left to stop these people, and now these people are chasing them up unharmed, which can only show one result, that is, the third brother has been poisoned! Although he knew that the younger brother had imposed a ban on the law and his life was about to die, it was one thing to know, and it was another thing to become a fact.

There were interceptions in the front and chasing soldiers in the rear. They were all in close proximity, and there were still heavy rain arrows on the top of their heads. This was the home side of the other party. Two of the three remaining people had been injured. And the other party has no less than seven or eight special masters staring at them; for a time, the feeling of despair rises in the hearts of all three.

There was a desperate roar in Meng Juchen's mouth, just like a beast that fell into the trap and hopelessly escaped. Suddenly turned around, he rushed back with his sword and teeth clenched in his teeth. The life of a brother? He knew that the reason why Meng Juchen rushed back was to use his life for the two to get a chance to escape, and to fight for a little escape time!

But at this moment, Dream Ruthless does not want to run away. All the brothers have almost lost their lives. What does he mean even if he runs back? What's more, waiting for yourself after going back will inevitably be a punishment of the martial arts. It would be better to be here and set foot on Huangquan Road with your brother! It is not a blessing for a brother to go together with a brother!

The two brothers had the general idea, they didn't even look at each other, but they turned around in unison and rushed back; their eyes were full of determination to die!

Break the cauldron and fight back! Even if you are going to die, the Yu family will have a few more drops of blood!

The three of them rushed back frantically at the same time, showing the appearance of a full-fledged death fight. This move was greatly unexpected by everyone, especially the deputy master of the Jiangshan Pavilion of the Yu family, beheaded. After he had no regrets, he was proud of himself and pursued the poor courageously, trying to expand the results and rushed to the forefront. When he thought that the other three did not escape in the blink of an eye, they rushed face-to-face and stunned. , The three have arrived. At this time, the deputy patriarch's body was still flying in the air, his body fluttering in the wind, very chic.

So he died very chic!

"Be careful!" Several people were shocked and exclaimed. Hastened to speed up.

But what kind of characters are dreams, emotions, and dreams? Since seeing this is not easy

How come the opportunity to kill the enemy is easy to let go? Besides, his brother T (in his hands, even if he trades his life for the enemy's life, the two are willing.

As if the meteor flew, the four people had collided in a blink of an eye. Dream had no intention of speeding up one step, blocking the front of the dreamless body, and directly greeted the long sword attacked by the deputy cabinet. The body twisted, and the long sword came from his right His shoulders passed through, but at the same time, his long sword had also penetrated into the enemy's abdomen fiercely; his left hand clenched his fist and hit a fierce punch on the enemy's nasal bone, blood suddenly splashed away Out!

Meng Ruqing's eyes were even more grim, and at the same time, the two swords of Meng Juechen took advantage of this opportunity to pierce into the body of this enemy, a small belly, and Meng Juechen's long sword was worn towards the neck. Go in. He wanted to cut off the head of the enemy who killed his brother alive!

To this end, he also paid the price of two palms, one foot and one sword, but as his sword shook, a big head with a horrified color on his face, he flew away from his neck suddenly. , Go straight to heaven! The blood flowed from Meng Juchen's mouth, but he was very happy, with a grinning face, Ling Kong flew a foot, kicked the head again, and flew high and far away.

If the members of the national team are here, they must bow their heads to apprentice; if they master this foot, let alone the quarter-finals, I am afraid that the world championship is also stable ...

As for the deputy patriarch of the Jiangshan Pavilion who was shot "ball", he naturally died so smartly that he couldn't die anymore!

Although the biggest enemy was killed, the three of them also fell into the circle of death again, especially now that the three of them have been seriously injured, more dangerous than before.

But the three of them no longer have any hope of life. Instead, they are fighting like a rainbow, fighting loudly and fighting, the more courageous and more courageous. , But they were shocked!

Ling Tian hid in the far shadow, shook her head and smiled bitterly. These three people are like fools, and they don't even know how to escape. You are willing to send your life down, but you died here in obscurity. When will the Yu family and Xiao family really break?

It seems that I still have to take this boy's shot. Not to mention, God has the virtue of a good life, this son will be a living Lei Feng again!

Seeing that these three people were going to die on the spot, the look in the eyes of Yu Manlou who watched the battle from afar was suddenly a ghost fire burning up, and his body actually showed a stern fighting intention! The two men in black on the side immediately noticed that their hearts were strangely strange. At this time, the winner was already in control. Why did the owner show his shot at this time?

In the battle situation, the dreamless and ruthless three are already in jeopardy! Failure is only in an instant.

Yumanlou really is Ling Tianshen ’s long-time confidant. He looked on with cold eyes, and he had already calculated that if Ling Tian was here, it was the best time for him to take action; just a little delay, I ’m afraid that Ling Tian ’s action To no avail!

If you don't shoot at this time, Ling Tian will definitely not be here. It is meaningless to wait with so many family masters.

Actually Ling Tian didn't want to shoot? It was just when he just wanted to do something, but he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart! It seems that a highly venomous snake is staring at himself in secret! The feeling that the vest is cold makes Ling Tian's heart tremble!

Could someone else pay attention to me in secret?

With such a big movement, where is Yumanlou, the head of the Yu family? This matter is very strange, the mantis catches the cicada, and the cardinal is behind, is there still an eagle behind this cardinal?

Ling Tian was in a cold sweat!

However, the situation in the field is getting more and more critical. If you don't take action anymore, wouldn't this arrangement be completely in vain and be exhausted? With the strength of the Jade family in Mingyu City, it is entirely possible to close the news of the deaths of these people in heaven and heaven. If the news cannot be spread, how can the relationship between the two be provoked?

Ling Tian finally decided to shoot, even though he was very clear in his heart, perhaps Yu Manlou was secretly waiting for his shot, but he had no choice!

For Shan Jiu Ren, how can you fail?

Ling Tian shrank, slowly sliding in the shadows ...

Seeing the masters of the Yu family pushing forward, dreaming coldly and smirking coldly, is it finally time to die? Then come! See if the old man can pull a few more funerals!

With a roar, all the masters around the jade family rushed up at the same time; the dreamless and dreamless brothers looked at each other, smiled at each other; they were about to step forward, and suddenly felt the golden light flashing and the silver light flashing in front of them. It was actually a few hidden objects such as large golden needles and silver needles, which suddenly flashed like a peacock in front of the two, with a dreamy color, but with a murderous force. The masters of the Yu family who came up spread them all over the sky!

Seeing that victory is in sight, the enemy has no strength to fight back. The masters of the Yu family rushed up with excitement, but knowing that at this critical point, the overwhelming hidden weapon completely enveloped these people! The golden needles and silver needles of the sky with a strong penetrating power, made a hissing sound of splitting air, and brought out a string of fine blood beads!

It is Le Ji that is sad!

The screams and mumbles kept ringing, and many people suddenly threw away the swords in their hands, clutching their eyes with thin bloodshot eyes in agony, and the bones rolled down the roof. Those who did not roll off were also jumping higher and lowering, and dreadfully dodge this sudden weapon, and they all scolded!

The encircling circle showed a huge gap.

No one is guarding in this direction!

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I know there must be help from someone in secret, but is this a moment of greeting?

As long as there is still hope for living, who really wants to die? !

Dreaming mercilessly pulled the hands of two brothers, Fengchi Dianhua generally played the highest speed, breaking out of this gap. Yi Feng Zhenfeng, is already four or five feet away!

The archers of the Yu family had just drawn the arrow again and were about to shoot it. With a sudden buzz, a copper coin flew in a circle, and under the fly, the bowstring of more than twenty long bows was worn by the surrounding The sharp copper coins were cut off, and some of them were suddenly bounced back by the straightened bow body and hit their chins. For a time, there was a lot of inhalation in the field!

"Boy dare!" Yumanlou screamed, and his body swept out of his hiding place. Everyone had to blink his eyes in the future. Yumanlou had crossed a dozen feet and came to the grass beside the wall. The hairs are all open, as if inviting the power of Nine Heavens Thunder, and they are chopped down in a panic!

Cleave the grass! Cleave towards the shadow! (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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