Legend of Ling Tian

: Water crisis

First, second and third. >

The six elders sighed in unison, and this incident will inevitably inspire the biggest contradiction in the Shui family in decades! Perhaps, Tian Feng Shui home will face a complete maximum reshuffle, maybe! However, the most important thing in the current situation is not the life and death of the three people in Shuiqianhu, but to rob them before Shuiqianrou and inform Tianfeng of the second and third princes there. Relevant; if the owner of the house Shui Mankong first learned about this, God knows what will happen? At that time, I am afraid that even if there is no water and no wave to suppress it, it will not help!

Elderly widowed, and still the only one! What a huge blow? Even if the water can't bear it anymore, it can't stand it!

A black Harrier eagle fluttered out of the air at the moment Shui Qianrou entered the room, with a clear voice, and skimmed into the air.

Shui Qianrou stared blankly, but his soul was not kept.

Ling Chi slowly explained: "I have informed the elder sister about this matter and asked her to find a good Langzhong as soon as possible. Even if I can't save the life of the water boy, at least it will make him suffer less."

Shui Qianrou sat on the chair very tired, tears shed, and choked with tears: "I'm in a mess now, I can't care about anything, everything, I'll bother you, thank you."

Ling Chi sighed.

At this moment, Shui Qianrou was sitting on a chair like a walking dead, disheartened, and despairing. Suddenly felt deep tiredness and sorrow.

family! For these two words, Shui Qianrou suddenly felt extremely resentful at this moment! This is the "family"? This is the family you would rather sacrifice everything to maintain? This is the Millennium Family Shui Family, which is glorious in the eyes of the world? ? ! ! !

Trance. Ling Tian seemed to be standing in front of her again. Pointing at the nose. Scolded himself harshly. Shui Qianrou suddenly covered her face with her hands. The grief was crying out loudly. The sound is not loud. Even weak. But there are various emotions in it. But it is so strong!

As a water princess. Innate masters of the world. All the big things and small things in my life are smooth and soft. At this moment, suddenly felt the vast world. Seems to be left alone. I used to rely on myself. So rely on everything for the earth. at this moment. It's all gone! From now on. I feel helpless again. Alone!

"Ling Chi. Use your skills. How could someone hurt my brother in front of your ground? I need a reason. Give me a reason!" Shui Qianrou cried suddenly and cried. There was a silence. Finally finally asked this sentence. Until now. Her thoughts returned to normal. And return to normal water Qianrou. Almost immediately discovered this great question.

This is the proudest girl of heaven. This is her only question. She couldn't help but ask this question. Even if it loses its only and last help. She also asked. She has lost too much. All thoughts are gray. She is no longer afraid of losing this last ally!

Ling Chi gave her a cold look. Stand up. Without a word. Walked out coldly. at this time. Any defense will only increase Shui Qianrou's suspicion. Without any excuse. Instead, Shui Qianrou's suspicion will be lowered.

"Stop!" Shui Qianrou whispered softly. Still not turned. Said in a low voice: "In their argument. The three people of Shui Qianhu once insulted Sister Chenchen. At that time. Why didn't you say anything? As Ling Tiandi's men. Sister Chenchen's men. You may not have any reflection. Is it normal? All this. Is it your arrangement? Use a dying person to divide our water house ?! That's right. My brother is also obsessed with Sister Chen Chen. What a good idea is one stone and two birds. Is this your reason? "Shui Qianrou's voice was unusually calm at the moment. But it was full of repressive anger. Like a volcano about to erupt. And this. Also in Shui Qianrou's view. The biggest loophole in Ling Chi! If Ling Chi could not explain. And it must be the most reasonable explanation! Then. Shui Qianrou can be identified. this matter. It is simply the place where Ling Chi came out! even. Conspiracy among others in the morning!

Ling Chi at this moment, can you make an explanation and make Shui Qianrou convinced by a reasonable explanation?

A faint killing suddenly lingered in the room. Die'er's worried and frightened eyes didn't live around the two of them. She deliberately resolved them, but she didn't really know what to say. In her heart, she really didn't want to see the young lady dispute with him.

Ling Chi had already reached the door at the moment, suddenly stood still, turned around, and looked at Shui Qianrou, still calm and calm, even mocking: "If I said that I was not angry at that moment, I was not angry at all, but I do n’t know if Water Girl believed it or not ?! "

"Not angry ?! One is not angry, what you said, since you are not angry, there is no need to arrange anything. Is it a strong reason! Do you think I will believe it ?!" Shui Qianrou Sneered.

The atmosphere is getting tougher, almost impending!

Ling Chi seemed to ignore Shui Qianrou's sneer and slowly said: "Shui Mai, are you interested in knowing why I am not angry?"

"Say." Shui Qianrou said coldly, her fists clenched, and at this moment, she was full of anger and ... murderous attitude towards Ling Chi.

Ling Chi smiled and said mercilessly: "Do you know? From the first sentence they insulted Chen sister, the three of them are already three corpses in my eyes! Even if your water family can't protect it, it will be useless Yes, the three of them are doomed to leave Chengtian alive! This is my reason. I do n’t deserve to be angry with the three dead. "

Ling Chi smiled coldly, and said: "This matter today, only to bring the death of the three of them closer."

Shui Qianrou's voice is still cold as before: "My brother, is he also a dead person in your eyes ?! He is also an admirer of Chen Sister!"

Ling Chi's eyes flickered: "Miss Water, it's not good to say that Ling Xiong is already a seriously injured person. I have the intention, but I don't have to do it so obviously, so difficult to stand up to scrutiny? What's more, this It does n’t have anything to do with Chen Mu ’s love! Within Chengtian ’s scope, there are n’t many people who admire Chen ’s admiration, can I kill them all? Can I kill them all? It is delusion, but there is no way to take death, but it is different from the three people; besides, the face of the water girl is here, even if the brother has the way to take death, it should be decided by my son in person, it is not my turn Ling Chiyue acts as a substitute. Besides, differentiate Shuijia? "

Ling Chi smiled sarcastically: "Now Shui's situation, does Shui Gu

know? Are we still using it to deliberately differentiate? All that is said, please consider! "

"If I want to kill Brother Ling, does the water girl think that he can still leave this breath till now?"

After the last sentence, people have disappeared.

Shui Qianrou still turned her back to the door, and even when Ling Chi was talking, she did not turn around, her slender back, full of loneliness and loneliness. For a long time, Shui Qianrou suddenly said: "Die'er, come here and repeat the situation carefully at that time, including where each of you is located, and say everything without details!"

Along with Die'er's narration, a clear picture appeared in front of Shui Qianrou. The location of Shui Qianhuan, the location of Shuiqi, the location of Shuiqianjiang, the location of the windows, the position of the window, the position of Lingchi, Die'er's own position ... Qianrou finally let go of her heart: Ling Chi's position at that time was just covered by Die Er, and she could not see what was happening here! But Die'erdi's location, but she walked past, according to her, after she walked past, Ling Chi did not move. In fact, this incident was really too sudden and too unexpected. That was not an accident that should have happened, but this accident happened. Is it a brother of heaven? !

"It seems that this matter should not have been intentionally arranged by Ling Chi, then ..." Shui Qianrou loosed his body weakly, and somehow suddenly felt relieved in his heart ... If this matter is really the Ling family's strategy, Shui Qianrou really didn't know what would happen ...

You can trust and depend on your only and only ally! There is even a trace of unclear and unclear girl feelings ...

"Little Princess, the early morning girl is here.

"With the news of the report, in the early morning, with a faint fragrance, he walked into the room.

"Sister is here." Shui Qianrou stood up hurriedly. Since it was determined that Ling Chi could not arrange it, Shui Qianrou looked much better than before.

"En." Nodded in the early morning, he walked to Shui Qianxian and carefully checked the injury for him. For a long time, he couldn't help but sighed, looked up at Shui Qianrou, and some words stopped. "Sister Rou, please forgive me for speaking bluntly ... Brother Ling's injury ... Alas, I'm afraid ... it's not saved ..."

Although Shui Qianrou had been prepared for a long time, she always held the idea in case she hoped that there would be a rare magician who came suddenly and could save her brother's life. Now I hear this fact in the morning, but still Shocked, leaning on the table, weeping silently.

Ling Chen accompanied her with a sigh, showing a pity on her face, and said softly: "Sister Rou, to make your brother's injury, if ... it just increases pain, do you want ..."

"No!" Shui Qianrou shouted wildly and excitedly said: "In any case, my brother can't die! Can't die!"

Sighing early in the morning, he looked at her gently, but didn't speak.

"Brother can't die, can't die ... can't die ..." Shui Qianrou muttered, his eyes blank, and suddenly burst into tears. As a warrior familiar with the structure of the human body, she did not know that Shui Qianxian's injury was already immortal? It would only be painful day after day, only to be tortured more unnecessarily; but in her heart, emotionally, she was determined to be unable and unwilling to accept such a result! Seeing his brother dying, he couldn't do anything, not even reduce the pain for him! Shui Qianrou's heart twisted like a knife.

"I heard that Qianhuan Brother still has a wish," Chen Chen pondered, saying carefully: "If it is possible, I have a way to keep his seven days of Yangshou even during these seven days. , And will not feel any pain. This matter requires your consent. "

"What way?" Shui Qianrou was overjoyed, as if he caught a life-saving straw, rolled over, grabbed his hands in the early morning, and shook again and again: "Good sister, as long as you can save my brother's life, I can do whatever I want." , My family will cherish the big grace of my sister. "

In the morning, Shaking slightly shook his head, and there was a frustration on his face: "This kind of injury, I want to save my life, I am afraid it is already impossible! However, I can use my unique cold ice to penetrate into his body. , And then freeze the fracture of his chest bone with extreme yin. The advantage of this is that all the pain in the wound will not be felt again, but it can only last up to seven days. After seven days, the wound It has been completely transformed into dead meat, with all the internal organs and six organs abolished, but the brother is mortal ... Doing so, you can only suffer seven days of pain, but it can be said to drink thrush to quench your thirst!

"Drinking thirst to quench your thirst! Decapitating the poison!" Shui Qianrou exclaimed, letting go of her hands blankly in the early morning, staggering back two steps, and could not help but the Six Gods. The meaning of early morning is very clear, these seven days can make Shui Qianxian feel no pain, but when the seven days arrive, the internal force of the ice fails, and he immediately dies, and there is no room for turning n!

I stepped forward in the early morning, and my voice hurriedly said: "Sister Rou, you're just afraid that you can't hesitate anymore, your brother's injury can't be delayed anymore, your life is just in between that moment, don't you rather Seeing that Brother Ling died in front of you because of extreme pain? The situation is critical at this moment, all with the breath he sent into his body before Ling Chi hanged his last vitality, if you decide to be a little late, I am afraid that even these seven days and also……"

"If not, wouldn't even be able to survive these seven days?" Shui Qianrou raised her head softly and looked at the tears in tears.

Ling Chen sighed and nodded silently: "But not these seven days, not even tonight ..."

Shui Qianrou suddenly stunned, stood in a daze for a long time, and finally finally recovered, over there, Shui Qianhuan's breath is indeed getting weaker and weaker. Shui Qianrou glanced at him, turned his head back quickly, and realized that his nose was sour again. He took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "Then trouble Chen Sister." After that, Then he was pumped out of strength, only to feel a trance in front of his eyes.

Seven days! The biological brother who grew up with himself has only the last seven days left! Even if it is broken and broken, there are only eighty-four hours! How is this enough? How is this enough? !

After Shui Qianrou's consciousness was clear, Shui Qianyong's breath seemed to be much smoother, and there was no more painful expression on his face. Even with a hint of relaxation, he slept with his eyes closed. But close to his side, I suddenly felt a cold deep into the bone marrow! Especially his chest part is more like a piece of mysterious black ice! But, breathe

Steady and heavy, the heartbeat is also strong, the early morning of the ice magic has reached the point of fascinating!

Shui Qianrou's eyes looked at the early morning, and there was a look of inquiry in his eyes.

In the morning, his face was tired, and the output of the power exerted by the limit was indeed making her feel a little overwhelmed. She nodded silently to Shui Qianrou, and she adjusted nervously.

The figure flashed and Ling Chi walked into the door. Opening his eyes early in the morning, he asked quietly, "Did you find it?"

Ling Chi shook his head, a little tired in his expression: "Shui Qianhu and other three people should have been hidden somewhere by the six elders of the Shui family. Although they were not found, I expected that they would not go out of this big courtyard. After all, this is not their place. Apart from this, they have no place to hide people! And here is also the place where the Shui people have the most and the strongest. "

Ling Chenxiu raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Except for the temporary allocation to them, I am afraid that they will not have the courage to go elsewhere."

"Yes, none of the brothers outside really found that these three had ever gone out." Ling Chi smiled.

On the side, Shui Qianrou listened to what the two said, a pretty face was already white! She had never imagined that the elders had said "considering from the elders" that they had covered up the three. Although he knew that the elders had colluded with the three brothers for a long time, and they had already prepared in their hearts, but when he really heard this sentence at this time, he could hardly catch his breath.

What now? If you forcibly break in and find three people to settle the account, as soon as the other party is crowded, several elder martial arts are in no way inferior to oneself, oneself alone is difficult to cry, it is bound to be not the opponent of the other party; Do you really want to fight against the National People's Congress in your family today?

Seeing Shui Qianrou's pale face, he sighed in the morning. Although Shui Qianrou is completely disappointed with the family, the ideological concepts that have been ingrained from a young age to a big one in the past ten years cannot be reversed for a while. Ling Chen believes that if he encounters this situation, if the injured person is Ling Jian or any of the five primary schools, I am afraid that he will revenge before the first time, and there will never be any hesitation!

If the enemy is not dead, how can this hatred end! But at this moment, although Shui Qianrou was angry, she reached the apex, but after hearing about family interference, she thought of family interests for the first time.

Although Shui Qianrou has decided to kill Shui Qianhu and other three people, if she looks ahead like this and looks back, don't say revenge on Shui Qianhuan, I'm afraid she will even take it in herself.

"What is a family?" Early morning whispered, it seemed to be talking to himself, not to anyone. But in a quiet room, her natural voice resounded naturally: "I remember my son once said, family, what? The son said, family is a group of people with the same or similar blood, for a common The goals are put together to fight for their own future; it is called the family. The son also said that if a person in a family is full of intrigues and full of interests, at that time, it can not be regarded as a family, but only It can be regarded as a piece of sand! Because they have centrifuged away from Germany, they are worse than the ordinary forces of the rivers and lakes! If that time comes, no matter how brilliant this family was, it has already entered the end. "

"The son once said that in today's world, there are only three real families; one is the Jade family, the other is the Ling family, and the third is the Beiming family. Only because of these three families, the family owner has absolute power to control! Dongfang, Ximen, Xiao family ... Every family is full of hidden dangers, their faces and hearts are different, and they are not worthy to be called a family! This includes your water family, the once glorious water family. "

"Under these circumstances, there are only two ways to solve it. One is that the family has fallen and fell apart, and it has become a yellow flower yesterday. Or, there is a stunning genius figure in this family, which quickly integrated the family by thunder. Suffering from the pain of bone digging, poisoning, killing, and discarding, and then sheltering a country or a more powerful force to protect yourself, after a long period of rest and recuperation, rises again. In addition to these two roads, again There is no third article. "

"The moment when the situation of your water house spread to Chengtian, the young man only said a word after reading it." In the early morning, the eyes looking up at the void suddenly looked at Shui Qianrou with lightning: "The young man said, the water house is finished!"

Shui Qianrou listened quietly, his face constantly changing, and his expression was extremely complicated.

"Today, the water family has reached the trend of slavery and bullying, and this situation is still deteriorating. Although Lingzun Shuikong can be regarded as a hero, he is subject to the first elder Shui Wubo; and Shui Wubo Although the martial arts are high, he is a fool in dealing with people, but what he does is to take it for the sake of the family, and he has no concern for the family. Such a person, as a master, is used by his opponents. The situation of the Shui family, as long as Shui Wubo is killed, everything can be solved, but Ling Zun is reluctant. Because he also knows that Shui Wubo is only loyal to the family, but there is absolutely no maliciousness! "

"For so long ~ www.readwn.com ~ Shuijia has already been in danger! Even if Zingzhen is willing to let the water go without waves, it will not change the overall situation. Shuijia is already ill and has no cure! Even if the civil strife is settled Since the incident is still too large, it will be left with the power of ordinary second-class families at most, but that is not bad. "Chen Chen sighed:" A family rises and relies on the world. It should be the joint efforts of everyone in the family. A martial art genius or peerless master is certainly important, but if such a person is regarded too high, it will only be harmful, and will not have any benefits!

"The time to give up the land is constant, the time to break is constant, and the time to kill is not to kill; now it has reached the most serious moment, but it is still hesitating, but I don't know that it has passed and moved back to the sky! Shuijia, destined It can only become a piece of history. Even if there is a thousand years of glory, it is just a yellow flower in the past! "The early morning calmly and coldly analyzed, it was clear!

In the early hours of this morning, there are countless hints of water and water waves like Shui Qianrou! But the expression in the early morning was natural and straightforward, and he spoke so outspokenly. It depends on how much Shui Qianrou can understand.

Shui Qianrou's face was heavy, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Her mouth gradually squeezed, and a sharp light appeared in her eyes, as if she had made up her mind. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in mm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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