Legend of Ling Tian

: Heart of the Moon

First! >

Ling Tian flew against the night breeze, the expression on his face was unsurprised, indifferent.

Shui Qianxian is dead. Ling Tian has always only paid attention to Shui Qianxian, but it was not until the moment when Shui Qianxian was dying that Ling Tian regarded this dying man as an opponent. Otherwise, Ling Tian will not use the Sword of Heaven to send off for Water Thousand Illusions.

This is a comfort.

At that time, Shui Qianxian's ice magic had failed in the early morning, and there was no true energy in his body that he could control, but he still endured the intense pain! With the body of a dying ordinary person, resisted the pain of a master's mortal work and broken bones! This perseverance alone is enough to move anyone!

At that moment, Ling Tian respected Shui Qianhuan. Because there are too few people who can do this! Shui Qianxian until his death, after all, still retains his share of pride!

So Ling Tian draws his sword! Sky Sword!

Although the Heavenly Sword is just a sword, in this world, it is the symbol of the pinnacle of power. To die under the Heavenly Sword, it should be a comfort for Shui Qianxian, who must die.

The world that has broken the sky sword! In the eyes of Ling Tian, ​​this sentence is just a joke. In the eyes of some people of insight, it is just a gimmick, a peerless weapon that causes disputes in the world. But helplessly, in this world, there are too many ignorant blind followers, after all, it doesn't matter if one person says so, but everyone says so, that is a powerful public opinion force!

No one can ignore this power, including Ling Tian, ​​nor can it! Although that is just the power of blind obedience. But even if blindly obeying, when it is brewing to the extreme, it can still be used, and it has great power! Just because such people occupy at least 90% of the world!

The sky suddenly thought of a little. Why did Jun Tianli give the Split Sky Sword to himself? Half a year to chase the gambling contract. Said lifting was also lifted. But after canceling the gambling contract. He gave himself this sword! This sword symbolizing the meaning of the Lord of the world! Is it true that sending Jun Tianli's real purpose is ...

The sky gasped. If this is the case. If you don't know how to use it. Use the momentum. Then he is a fool!

Split sword in this era. this world. But it is directly equivalent to the feudal era, which symbolizes the existence of the jade seal, which is passed down to the highest imperial power!

Sure enough, it was a big gift!

Ling Tian stopped. It also stopped the rolling waves in my mind. Ling Fu is in front! I grew up for seventeen years: Fang!

Seeing the words "Ling House" still glowing in the night. Ling Tian took a deep breath. months ago. Leave yourself. Come back this time. Actually, there is a subtle feeling of being close to hometown. Shook. Waving away this inexplicable idea. Ling Tian was in a vertical position. Flying lightly into the compound. Familiar with this to the extreme home. If Ling Tian does not want to disturb anyone. Then. Ling Tian will be sure even if Jun Tian is in it. I will never find out how I came in.

When passing by his small courtyard, Ling Tian suddenly and unexpectedly found that there was a light shining brightly in it. I vaguely remember that the house with the light on was his original local bedroom. Can't help but be surprised.

After leaving by himself, Chen Chen and Yu Bingyan also moved to the Lingfu Bieyuan, where it was already empty, how could there be anyone living?

Under a moment of curiosity, Ling Tian's body folded in the air and quickly swept past, but for half a breathing time, it had been gently and skillfully attached to it, silently!

Inside, there was a faint sigh. A soft voice whispered: "Brother Tian, ​​you haven't come back after such a long time, don't you know how worried others are? There are rumors in the world that no one can escape the death of the Supreme Lord of the Rivers, I do n’t believe it. You can return safely. I just want to know the news of your safety, nothing more! "

Ling Tian was shocked, this was Princess Jiaoyue's voice. Why is she here? Ling Tian reached out with some saliva, gently touched the window paper, pierced a small hole silently, put his eyes together and looked in.

In the room, Princess Jiaoyue rested on the lower jaw with one hand, sitting lazily on the chair that Ling Tian often sat on, looking at the lights in front of her, and a pretty face full of worry and aftertaste.

"Small enemy, why did you just leave, and you didn't leave a sentence to explain. What do you do with the family? The whole Chengtian knows, I'm Jiaoyue is the wife given to you by the father emperor, but you, but you can Ever thought of me as a wife? "Princess Jiaoyue in the room sighed quietly, looking at her expression, as if Ling Tian was sitting opposite, listening to her quietly.

"Are you still worried that my mother and I will blame you? Although the Ling family will exterminate the royal family of Chengtian and change the kingdom of the Chengtian kingdom, it is always the father and emperor who can't bear the Ling family first. Both my mother and I understand this. Now that he has come to this end, the Ling family has not rushed to kill it. It can be said that it is very kind. Although I am a child of the Dragon family, I am also a nephew of the Ling family. Can I have the situation now, I am very satisfied. Do you know? "


Should it be easy here? But do you know that I am caught between the Long family and the Ling family? The Ling family fought back and it was understandable, but my father and emperor did nothing wrong, but they were always my father ... Alas, if you become a husband and wife in the future, will you neglect me? Princess Jiaoyue looked at the flashing and jumping lights dimly, and her face was flushed with red.

Ling Tian was shocked, Long Xiang was deserved of sin, but Princess Jiaoyue was really a fire in the city gate, and the pond fish was completely innocent. Especially before that, she was also told the world that she was married. After Ling Tian, ​​now the two are at this point, Jiao Yue's identity is indeed the most embarrassing.

To be honest, Ling Tian did not put Princess Jiaoyue in her heart too much, or put her in the position of her own woman; although she was Ling Tian ’s sister-in-law ’s cousin, her status in Ling Tian ’s mind was different. Compared with Lingchen, even Yu Yuyan and Xiao Yanxue's daughters can't be compared. During the time of escape, Ling Tian was the only one who didn't remember, or only her! But at the moment Ling Tian felt so heavy in his heart that he had a strange smell that he couldn't say.

Ling Tian is a warm, almost comfortable feeling for sisters and brothers. Together with Jiao Yue, Ling Tian will feel very relaxed, but this feeling has nothing to do with the love of men and women.

Here, her gentle and cousin has loved herself since she was a child. Even when she was carrying the notoriety of Cheng Tian ’s first dude, she was as always tolerant of herself and grew up deep in her childhood. She in the inner courtyard of the palace is exceptionally simple. Originally she was almost unable to survive in the inner courtyard of the palace, but she is the only daughter of Princess Ling Ran and the long princess of Longxiang Emperor, precisely because of her kindness. , Simply won the favor of Emperor Long Xiang for her, but there are not many scheming like her. There is the power of Queen Yang in the palace. Her life is actually not comfortable. The only place where she can relax is perhaps Ling This grandma's home has only a few childhood funs, and it is also when playing with Ling Tian. Unfortunately, Ling Tian is a person of the two worlds, and there is almost no child's hobby, so there is very little communication between them!

However, it is such a simple and kind girl, only because of an irreparable fault of the elders, but now reached such a desolate and bleak state. Ling Tian understood that Jiaoyue was an extremely traditional woman who never knew obedience but never rebelled; she only knew her destiny was in the hands of her father, and her marriage must be a tool for enveloping ministers. But never thought about what to fight for in the past. Long Xiang gave her marriage to Ling Tian, ​​and she also obeyed, even very happy. Although Ling Tian bears a bad reputation, he is still a person who knows the roots of Jiaoyue after all, and is more familiar than other unknown husbands.

And Ling Tian's later step-by-step, Jiao Yue's heart was also a little bit happy, just because, since being married to Ling Tian, ​​in her heart, Ling Tian has been her husband, a lifetime of life Huojun, Huojun's little change, Jiaoyue sees it in his eyes, and he is happy in his heart, especially after Mingyanlou Yawen, Ling Tian's reputation is even more famous, and Princess Jiaoyue's heart is naturally as sweet as usual.

But at this moment, it only lasted for a few days. Fang collused to calculate Ling Xiao and wanted to destroy the Ling family, but the father of these three parties was still the most important party!

Then came the sudden change of the situation, Ling Dajun was besieged and endangered; Ling Tian was flying thousands of miles, and the millions of troops were madly killed to achieve the name of the world ’s killing god, and the world of Willing; and in Chengtian City, early morning and Meng Lige worked together ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is a conspiracy to smash Long Xiang and Yang's overturning Ling's family in one fell swoop. Not only will Chengtian be changed into a new generation, but also the Yang's family will be uprooted. After Long Xiang's defeat, he was turned into a lunatic by the Ling family and lost his mind.

The ungratefulness of the pro, turned against the husband's family, and the girl's dream of perfection was broken. At this point in life, how can a girl in a flower season love it!

The matter of love has not been sorted out yet. Princess Jiaoyue was in a moment of extreme confusion, but suddenly Ling Tian was killed by the world's top master Jiang Shan, who sent Jun Tianli to death. Jiaoyue's heart was raised again, and he suddenly forgot a little bit of resentment in his heart. He was worried and prayed for Ling Tian wholeheartedly, and even woke up in several dreams. His psychic was desperate, but then, the jade family of the two big families in the world Actually Jiang Zun gave you a home visit to raise relatives, and the Ling family agreed to come down. This makes Princess Jiaoyue, who now feels almost helpless and helpless, almost desperate!

After several heavy blows in three consecutive places, Jiao Yue finally fell ill. Mrs. Ling originally loved this niece very much. She personally visited, Zhang Luo saw a doctor, Jiao Yue took the opportunity to propose that she should go to the small courtyard where Ling Tian once lived. Go to recuperate. Mrs. Ling naturally understood her granddaughter ’s intentions and pityed her infatuation. Besides, Ling Tian ’s small courtyard was no big deal. Even if Ling Tian came back, I am afraid that he would not return to the small courtyard and agreed. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit wwwm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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