Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 87: 8 errors

He laughed and said, "Chener, what is experience? The experience of others, or just a story; only when you encounter something that is suddenly realized and practical, is it really called experience! Any experience, There is a process, not that I told you that you can use it! All I can give you is to suggest a direction, which is already too much. If I simply say it, instead The effect will be even more! This is the so-called truth that can only be understood and cannot be told! "

Hehe smiled, Ling Tian looked at the fight between the two in the field, and said meaningfully: "Like what I told you just now, if you really encounter such a situation, can you at the most suitable time? Is it applicable? I ’m afraid I ca n’t? Because I told you in advance, when you met that opportunity, the first thing you remembered was not how to do it, but the thought of me, and then I thought of what to do, and then only Will go to implement; but it is these two and then, it has already delayed too much time! The master has passed the trick, and the moment of life and death will leave you so much time there! "

"Experience is subconscious and can be done without going through the brain for the first time. That is called real experience. And such an experience is hard to say what kind of understanding you have without going through the dangers of mortal life."

"Kung Fu, outside the poem." Ling Tian said.

In the early morning thoughtful thought, Xiumei frowned, as if digesting what Ling Tian said. I have to say that Ling Tian's words undoubtedly opened a brand new door in front of the morning, and she suddenly saw an area that she had never dreamed of before.

"And such empiricism can only let you know that martial arts have reached a certain point, if you are indifferent in skills and blindly pursuing skills, you will fall behind; any experience should still be based on strength, Li Xue. The reason why she can create such an environment that is conducive to her is precisely from this! "Tian finally summed up a sentence and stopped talking.

During the period when the two were talking, the situation in the field changed dramatically again!

The time is gone, Li Xue no longer keeps his hands, his body swipes back and forth like lightning, and the ice magical power is launched with all his strength, covering the whole site in the thick white fog with his fingers out of sight, and everyone only sees the white fog outside Continuously turned violently, but even the figures of the two people inside could not be seen.

The sound of the thumping fists and feet in the field didn't sound. The electric surface of Ling Chiling Leiling in the corner was as earthy, and the eyebrows were beating. Every time there was a violent blow, the bodies of the three people shivered suddenly, as if The blow hit me in general.

Ling Jian's mumbling voice grew from many to many, from sparse to dense, and finally became a piece.

Sigh in the early morning. Dao: "A Jian is really pitiful. This way. Sister Xue doesn't mean mercilessly at all."

With her words. It seems to be talking back to her. Ling Jiandi roared in the field. Then there was a clang. A long sword flew out of the white mist. Coincidentally it happened to be right next to Ling Chi. Right hand extended from Ling Chi. It was only a few centimeters apart.

It turned out that Ling Chi couldn't bear Ling Jian being abused. Secretly use his own pure Yang internal force to heat the subway pot. I don't know if it has just happened before it happens. The long sword that suddenly fell from the sky almost scared him away.

The white mist turned more and more powerful. The sound of bang inside was also directly connected. However, the shots are obviously extremely decent. There was no drop of blood on the ground. This shot effort to grasp the truth to the point of perfection.

Ling Tian sighed. Ling Jian was really unlucky. Originally, this pointing could be carried out peacefully. However, Li Xuedi was angered by his cleverness. So much so. I believe that when it comes out. It is estimated that Ling Chi would not easily recognize him as that ...

suddenly. Ling Chiling Lei Lingdian also hurriedly cried loudly. Just like a cat that stepped on its tail suddenly: "Water boiled, water boiled ... Stop it! Stop it soon!"

When the white shadow flashed, Li Xue's posture flew out unusually beautifully, Ling Ling made a turning point, and fluttered down beside Ling Tian. Jade's hand gently pulled the messy hair from the temple to his ear. With a sigh of relief, he said something that made Ling Tian blow his scalp: "It's really enjoyable! It's so cool, it's not so cool!"

Ling Jian, on the other side of the decisive battle, showed no movement ...

Bai Wu was quickly dispelled by Ling Chi, and when he saw the situation of Ling Jian in the field, Ling Chi and Lei Lingdian, including Ling Tian, ​​could not help but stunned. Xiang Lixue's eyes looked like a demon suddenly emerged from hell, especially Ling Chi and others, and even a strong killing intention flashed in his eyes!

Ling Jian is actually very complete. Of course, this "integrity" means that the whole body has neither broken skin nor flesh, and even that black suit is still so clean and neatly worn on the body. The reason why it is so clean is definitely inseparable from the two people's previous "dusting"!

But the whole person is very different. The most striking thing is that the black dress that was very well-fitted suddenly becomes unfit. It can be clearly seen that this suit has become too small and too thin. In other words, Ling After the sword fight, the whole person blessed from head to toe ...

As for the face, it's hard to say. Two eyes, like a giant panda, put on a pair of darkest sunglasses, the thin faces on both sides also bulged like Maitreya Buddha, and their lips were particularly prominent, as if they were tasting bright red sausages, the top of the head, thick The black hair did not cover the seven or eight "newborn", brightly red sarcomas. At this moment, Ling Tian suddenly thought of the head of Buddha Shakyamuni.

It can be said that Li Xue's starting was very decent, but the muscles of Ling Jian's body were swollen as much as possible, almost to a very exaggerated point, but he did not hurt any muscles or bones, and did not cause any internal injuries. After letting Ling Chi and others see clearly, they were angry and admired in their hearts. This precise mastery ability really made these killers out of reach. Don't talk about them, even Ling Tian will be amazed!

"It's all skin and flesh wounds. It's okay to raise for two days." Li Xue blinked and said: "Unlock his acupuncture point and let his own internal force run once again, it can also reduce swelling, not hinder, can't delay drinking Nine bowls of Huanglian soup.


Ling Tian glared at her bitterly, dare not know when she had restrained Ling Jian, clicked his acupuncture point, and treated him as a sandbag until now. No wonder she can control her power so well, fight an enemy who doesn't fight back

Do you want to play as much as you want, how to play as you please? I ca n’t wait to use the white mist to completely fill up the venue. I did n’t want to let others wait for it to be stopped in advance.

The witch is worthy of being a witch, not convinced!

However, this guy Ling Jian is too stupid, and the calculations of others have fallen into a situation where he can't fight back and be beaten up! Ling Tian sighed and pointed out. Solved the acupuncture point for him.

Ling Jian roared loudly and jumped up from the ground, followed by a sizzle in his mouth, barely opening his swollen eyes, looking at Li Xue angrily, roaring: "Li Xue! Dare to humiliate me so much, I will never die with you! "

"Enough!" Ling Tian tweeted and scolded: "Never die !? People can beat you like a sandbag. What can you do with others? If you really want to divide life and death, think about it yourself, just now. After a while, how many times do you have to reincarnate ?! If you lose, you lose. If you want to gamble, you must lose! If you do n’t think about why you will lose, you will be ashamed here, Ling Jian. You are too disappointing! "

Ling Jian's bloated face instantly turned gray, standing there properly, daring not to say a word.

Ling Tianyu said in a furious way: "With your martial arts level, even though Li Xue is now stronger than you, but it is impossible to beat you so easily. If you fight life and death, you may still have the strength to die with her. But Now you are so defeated so easily, don't you think of something? "


Ling Jian's face anger gradually disappeared, frowning and thinking. Thinking about it, suddenly sweating.

Ling Tian looked at him coldly and asked, "Want to understand?"

Ling Jian was an agitated spirit, straightened his body, and ashamedly said, "Yes, it's my enemy who is too light. I didn't even think of Miss Li's martial arts, which was so clever, almost above all the strong enemies I have experienced I did not anticipate this at all. Instead, I looked down on the body of Miss Li ’s daughter, which led to the defeat. I believe this is the main reason for my failure. "

"Yes, this is indeed one of the reasons, but is it just that? Is there no other place?" Ling Tian looked at Ling Jian and asked deeply.

Ling Jian was silent for a while, and said: "Also, I am too eager to avenge my revenge. I am very eager to achieve success. My mood is also unstable, which should be one of the reasons for the defeat."

Ling Tian laughed coldly and said, "So you only found these two reasons. Wrong! Wrong mistake! In this battle, you made at least seven mistakes! Any one is enough. Deadly, enough to affect the final result! And the 'main reason' you just mentioned is only two of them. And the two are the most insignificant. "

"Seven mistakes? How could this be possible?" Ling Jian asked with incredulous eyes. As a top-level killer in battle, how can one not know how serious a mistake is in a battle? Even if there is only one place, it is enough to endure the disaster, not to mention that there are as many as seven places?

Ling Tian looked at him and said mercilessly: "The first mistake, the enemy is unknown, completely ignorant of the opponent's details, he challenged without authorization, and just for a fight of opinion. Is this not wrong for you?"

Ling Jian lowered his head and said, "Yes."

"The second mistake, I think too much, I only know myself, I do n’t know anyone, right? Thirdly, Li Xue blows up the dust and lays a trap, and you do n’t know the intention of the other party at all. A trap. "Ling Tian looked like a sword, slowly said.

"Trap?" Ling Jian raised his head in surprise.

"Yes, the trap. You know, Li Xue is practicing the ice **** skill, and the cultivation is especially in the early morning. You should know the special effects of the ice **** skill? You are not jumping into the trap with your eyes open. What, convince ?! "

"Oh." Ling Jian suddenly realized.

"The most serious mistake is the fourth mistake. Li Xue fought hard with you as soon as he started the war, and tied it with you. At this time, the **** self-esteem in your heart could not stand it, and chose to jump out of the battle circle. Start with the strongest offensive first. From this moment on, your heart has floated and has been angered by Li Xue ’s tactics. That is to say, Li Xue ’s intended purpose has been fully achieved. If you continue to fight hard, Li Xue After all, she is a woman, with inherent weakness, and her physical strength cannot always be compared with that of a man. Over time, it will inevitably be that she starts to think of other ways first. At that time, you will take the initiative. But you did not! Am I right? "

Ling Jian was dripping with sweat.

"The fifth mistake, when Li Xue launched the Ice Magic, you should have realized that that is her true strength, but why did she not launch until then? That is because the traps she laid have already succeeded , You jumped foolishly, so you chose to start at that moment. And you obviously did not take this into consideration, and even took the lead in entering the area covered by the ice magic of the other side, and actively launched the attack. This point, in the middle She was pregnant. "

"Sixth mistake. You once had experience fighting early in the morning, and you know how the ice **** is not easy to deal with; while Li Xue provokes white fog, you should immediately fly away and choose to attack remotely or swim. Fight. But you still haven't! You still chose to fight each other in the white mist without knowing it. This is tantamount to sending your own neck to someone else's butcher's knife! A typical self-seeking way, can you be undefeated? "

"The seventh mistake is that you are in the wrong position! Even if you are facing enemies like yours, you should not stand facing the sun; not to mention facing a strong enemy with cold magic skills? You It should be known that the ice ’s refracting power to the sun ’s rays is enough to make a martial arts master dazzled. But when you know all this, you did n’t think about it, or still stupidly maintained the previous position, even when the other side You do n’t know when you turn to the backside, you only know to attack the other party. You are completely led by the other party.

Based on your standards, you still want to stay with you, do you think you are qualified? ! "

Ling Tian gasped, glanced like a sword, glanced at Ling Jian: "Li Xue's own strength and realm are already higher than you, and so many traps have been arranged, which has more than 90% of the combat power, almost Time and place are all used once! Under this trade-off, your gap is like a difference between heaven and earth. If you are undefeated, you have no reason! "

Ling Jian sweated, almost nothing: self-contained.

These errors, no matter which one occurred between two opponents with equal strength, are enough to make one party hate. Wan Wan did not expect that he had all offended.

Today's defeat is indeed unjust.

"In addition, there is an eighth

"Li Xue on the side said with a smile:" Your winning heart is really too important to show your progress in the most recent period in front of Tian Ge; so you simply ca n’t wait to beat me with a single blow, so you I am happy to use this kind of mentality. "

Ling Jian's swollen face suddenly looked like purple eggplant, and he dropped his head ashamedly, trying to put a face into his crotch.

Eight mistakes! God!

At this moment, Ling Jian almost has the urge to pull his sword to slap himself!

Ling Chi Linglei and others were also dumbfounded! Can't speak with open mouth. They did not see any mistakes in it. How could they know that there were eight fatal mistakes in the eyes of the son and Li Xue! Ling Tian hummed and said, "Don't think you are okay anymore. The eight mistakes just made, you can at least make more than six or seven places if you go up! At your current level, even if it is a three enemy One, it may not be Li Xue's opponent, you know ?! "In a word, several little guys blushed and lowered their heads, Ling Tian said angrily:" The top killer on the first floor? Hehewei , How did you get it? Such carelessness can make me rest assured that you can do big things? In the future, our enemies will become stronger and more difficult. Do you just keep going so hard? "

On the side of the morning, Wen Wen's mouth smiled and persuaded: "After the guidance of the son, they must have made a similar error. A Jian they will not make it. In this way, Sister Li Xue's hard work today is absolutely Not in vain. This is a big good thing. "

Ling Tian snorted heavily and said, "It was a good thing!" But he didn't reprimand any more. Ling Jianlingchi and the four others looked at the morning with a little more gratefulness.

Li Xue smiled softly and said a bit mischievously: "However, I still want to thank Ling Jian. I didn't really use his one-step kill, and it was kind of merciful to my men. However, you must be treated quickly. Governance is okay, and I blame me. The shot is too heavy. Well, Ling Chi, they just cooked up the medicine. Hurry up and drink it. It ’s good for your injury. "

Ling Jianling, Lei Ling, Chi Lingdian ’s faces became strange and strange at the same time. Look at the iron pan still bubbling with bubbles, and all four were sick at the same time ...

Li Xue was proud of Ling Tian: he blinked, turned and walked out, and said: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you drink it or not, it's just a gamble. Forget it, let's do it, just when you drink it, I did n’t see it with my own eyes, I ’m leaving now. "

Ling Tian was so angry! Are you persuading people not to drink? This is simply pushing Ling Jian to nowhere!


"Stop!" Ling Jian came out angrily: "I would like to gamble to lose! I am not afraid to lose if I dare to gamble. I will drink it for you now. I will do what I say, but I am not a fat man. "" As he said, he approached the iron pan with enthusiasm, and the nine big sea bowls slipped away, all of which were filled with water. Hesitated for a moment, closed his eyes, picked up a bowl and drank it ...

Very tragic!

Very tragic!

Very tragic!

Seeing Ling Jian drinking the bowl of Huanglian water in a "magnificent" bowl, a crowd of people and others frowned. With three bowls of Coptis chinensis, Ling Jian's expression on his face is extremely wonderful. What is it? What is self-reliance? What does it mean to lift a stone and hit my foot?

All of this can be clearly seen from Ling Jiandi's face now.

Is it a good place for a large bag of Huanglian collected by Ling Jian to boil water? These Coptis are all fine! Ling Jian's wrinkled face has long become a concentrated mass ...

Li Xue sighed sympathetically, mourning the heavens with mercy: "It is still possible for heaven to do evil, but it is impossible to live by self-inflicted evil."

Ling Jian's eyes looked at Li Xue's back as if he were going to fire, and poured the last bowl of Huanglian soup into his mouth ...

Ling Tian stood there with a sullen face and holding his arms, looking at Ling Jian to drink it bowl by bowl, his expression froze. The three Ling Chi stood next to them with javelins, and the atmosphere did not dare to show a sip. Until Ling Jian finished drinking nine large bowls of Huanglian soup and returned to stand in front of Ling Tian, ​​Ling Tian still did not say a word.

Ling Chen carefully looked at Ling Tian's complexion and said timidly, "Son ..."

Ling Tian looked coldly at the four people in front of him, slowly extended two fingers, made an "eight" gesture, and said coldly: "In the future, these eight mistakes, I don't want to be there when you are against the enemy. Appeared on you! You must keep in mind today's battle! Ling Jian's mistakes must be completely discarded. Li Xue's computing power and ability to use all the conditions around him to win, we must learn and learn! "

Ling Tian glanced around the faces of the four people and asked, "Do you know why I agreed to this fight today? Why did Li Xue do so much and I didn't say anything?"

Ling Jian shook their heads together.

Ling Tianhong said: "In this world, all eight of Ling Jian's faults can be forced out, only two people can do it, one is me and the other is Li Xue! No one else can, even if it is Jiangshan Let the Lord send Jun Tianli, all he can do is kill you in an instant, but he can't force you to have these problems! And when you face me, you can't exert your fighting power at all, so if I spend a lot of money on Zhou Zhang The ability is forced, but it cannot be as thorough as Li Xue now! And what Li Xue showed ~ www.readwn.com ~ is exactly what you lack most. If you can use everything including sunlight, air, dust and shadow, etc. Use the things to fight, your lethality will increase by multiples! By then, even in the face of sending Jun Tianli, you also have the ability to survive and escape! Go back and think about it for yourself. "

"This battle today is one of your coaching lessons. What you have learned will be the biggest barrier to your life in the future! Our enemies will not give you any opportunities, but opportunities are everywhere, depending on whether you can Seize it! This lesson is how to seize these opportunities! "

After finishing this passage, Ling Tian took up the waist in the early morning and walked back.

Behind him, all four thoughtfully.

For Ling Jian, this battle will really become a watershed! As long as Ling Jian can really absorb the essence of this battle, he will truly step into the ranks of the best masters in the world!

And Li Xue's pressure and humiliation on Ling Jian will be the catalyst to promote Ling Jian to achieve this goal faster.

This point, Ling Tian has absolute confidence. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in mm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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