Legend of Ling Tian

: East changes

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Yu Bingyan suddenly lost her face, ah, exclaimed, her hands covered her red lips hard, her eyes were full of horror, her cute little head was fiercely fierce, and she said: "Tiange rest assured, I will eat on time Medicine, will never let Tiange you take a little risk for Bingyan. "

Then, Yu Bingyan's face was flushed, her head lowered, and she said indifferently: "Yan'er is already owned by the king. Naturally, he hopes to have a white head with Heavenly Brother ... to grow old and not leave." Speaking of the last few In a word, the little princess who always had a tender face finally shyly hid her face in Ling Tian's arms.

Ling Tian chuckled, and Yu Bingyan, who was leaning on his chest, could clearly feel the vibration of his chest, and only listened to Ling Tian ’s indulgent words: "Yan'er, have you ever thought about it, after thirty and fifty years, we We could n’t walk anymore, and then we sat in a chair alone in the sun, counting the other ’s heads, and how many black hairs were left? Laughing and watching our children and grandchildren playing in front of us, that ’s what Husband and wife stay together for the highest level. "

Yu Bingyan shyly shouted, could not help but fascinated, looked up secretly at Ling Tianjunxiu's face, could not help but secretly said: If you can stay with Tiange for a lifetime, white head to old ... This will be one What a happy thing? Even if it is a fairy for me, I will not change!

Yu Bingyan was happily dreaming on one side, and her slim fingers were gently drawing circles on Ling Tian ’s chest, and her face was full of tenderness. The two were snuggling with each other, and they both felt so peaceful at this moment. Such satisfaction, such happiness ...

Ling Tian nodded with a smile. For this girl who loves herself wholeheartedly, Ling Tian is a heartfelt love. From the perspective of Yu Bingyan, Ling Tian is also very accurate in guessing. If he does not say so serious, I am afraid that this girl is in When taking Dahuandan, there are still gains and losses. Now Ling Tian first caused Yu Bingyan to care about herself, let her connect her condition with Ling Tian herself, and then portray Yu Bingyan with a bright future prospect, which greatly aroused Yu Bingyan ’s Life and desire to live. I believe that in this way, the girl will definitely take the medicine without any trace, and Ling Tian can also be relieved.

After three months, Yu Bingyan's body can be adjusted to the best state, and Ling Tian will be able to remove the cold poison in one fell swoop! Especially now that there is one more Li Xue, it is naturally a little more sure! Originally, Ling Tian was thinking of pulling out Yu Bingyan's Xuanyin divine veins today, but under internal force detection, he finally discovered that he underestimated this strange disease. So Ling Tiancai doubled the amount of Yu Bingyan's Dahuandan medicine again.

But in this way, when removing the cold poison, you must sort out the medicine of Dahuandan in the meridians, otherwise, the medicine of Dahuandan is also terrifying. Yan, with her current low-level cultivation behavior, can't bear the powerful medicine of Da Huan Dan!

After March! Ling Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Three months later, it was the winter that had just arrived, and the weather would not be too cold. However, in these three months, it still needs to do something.

Ling Tian thought about it. I don't know how long. Just waiting to stand up. Only discovered that Yu Bingyan didn't know when she was asleep in her arms. You Zihang hung with a sweet and contented smile of happiness. The sleeping area is incredibly sweet. Watching this quietly sleeping face. Ling Tian has an impulse to care for himself with his whole life. He understood. Why is Yu Bingyan sleeping in his arms during the day? Can't help thinking. In the months since I left the place. I do n’t know how many nights this girl can really sleep at night? Now he has finally returned safely. Yu Bingyan, who had been in charge for four months, finally fell down. So that I slept like this ...

Ling Tian's heart rose. So quietly holding Yu Bingyan soft and light body. Sitting motionless. Quietly around. There is no sound ...

time. A few days have passed silently. These few days. After taking the medicine, Yu Bingyan worked tirelessly. Li Xue went further to understand and straighten out the power of other institutes. Xiao Yanxue was scorched for the chaotic financial situation of Lingfu ’s courtyard. Early in the morning. It is also almost untouched. Only Ling Dashao. Life is very easy. Everything has been arranged. He doesn't need to do it himself. Ling Tian, ​​who has always been able to sit and never stand, naturally enjoys being lazy ... practicing exercises during the day. Look at the book. In the evening, I hug some love in the early morning. natural. Do something else. Life is very easy.

Until this day ...

It is among the four major intelligence networks in the southeast, northwest of Lingfu Bieyuan. Ling Jiu, who was in charge of Oriental Intelligence, was entangled in Lingfu Bepyuan. Anxious. Sweaty.

Shortly afterwards, in the early morning with a sullen face, he quickly walked into Ling Tiandi's room: "Son, I'm afraid that something happened to the East."

"Oh? What happened to the East?" Ling Tian looked up, "Ling Jiu's news?"

"Yes, as early as three days ago, Ling Jiu did not receive the news from ~ [City, and to this day there is still no news from ~ [City; and the news from the neighboring cities was in the past three days. It has been transmitted at least four times. "The voice of Chen Chen was a little dignified. It was the first time such an incident had occurred since the establishment of the intelligence system of the Lingfu Bepyuan, especially before the war.

It is even more abnormal.

Ling Tian's fingers lightly tapped on the table and slowly asked: "~ [City? It's the one on Xiao Fengyang's marching line ~ [City?"

"Yes. ~ [City is the eastmost barrier of our Chengtian. If it is ~ [City falls, then Mengjun, Zhoukou, and Quxian will be completely exposed to Xiao Fengyang ’s army and break through these. The Chengchi is only less than one hundred and fifty miles away from the Chengtian capital. Moreover, there are only a flat road along the way, and there are no more dangerous passes to guard. "In the morning, there was some worry.

"It seems that the Xiao family can't help but want to start with us first.

Ling Tian smiled softly, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "I wanted to drag Nan Zheng again, dragged to the East Thunder to have a certain strength, and then hit Xiao Fengyang from three sides, I didn't expect this old fox to start. And it was attacked when the lone army attacked ~ [City? This is a little bit of Xiao Fengyang's style. "

Early in the morning, he nodded thoughtfully and said, "Son, do you want to send someone to take a look now?"

Ling Tian chuckled and said, "Chen'er, I haven't come back yet. Naturally, it's up to you to be the master. I want to do whatever I want. I'll take a good look at Chener's strategy, okay?"

"The young man came to tease me again." Waking up in the early morning, he twisted his body. Immediately said: "Although the information of ~ [City is temporarily interrupted, the surrounding three cities are still as usual, so I guess that the enemy found ~ [City only attacked this place, and the surrounding three cities actually did not Unaffected, it seems that they have not forced out any questions from our population. Otherwise, the intelligence of the surrounding three cities will be uprooted. "

The glory of wisdom flashed in Ling Chen's eyes, analyzing: "According to the news from the surrounding three cities, there is no specific news of Xiao Fengyang's army movements, so the attack on ~ [City should be the elite master of Xiao's small stocks. It ’s not the movement of the army. Their main purpose should be to get rid of our eyes and ears in the city. If so, there are only two possibilities. ”

Ling Tian smiled and listened to the analysis of Chen Chen, and was very satisfied. It seemed that Chen Chen had made too much progress during his absence. Now her thinking has a rudiment of a shrewd commander. This made Ling Tian feel very pleased.

Only listen to the early morning and continue to say: "First, Xiao Fengyang was ready to win in one fell swoop ~ [City, and then forced me to inherit the hinterland; the second purpose should be to cut off the intelligence in our east, and then the Xiao army was converted to other parties. Two possibilities, no matter which one, can't wait to be taken lightly. "

"Then, in your opinion, what is the possibility?" Ling Tian narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile.

Ling Tian's relaxed attitude calmed the mood a little bit chaotically in the early morning. He sat down slowly in the early morning and frowned, thinking for a while, then he was unsure: "Chen Er believes that it should be the second possibility. Much more. After all, the solitary army is in danger of annihilation. It seems unlikely that Xiao Fengyang will do this! "

Ling Tian smiled approvingly, and then asked, "If it is the second possibility, which one might Xiao Fengyang move to?"

At the end, Ling Tian smiled and said: "One side is the father's 200,000 army, which is facing Nanzheng; on the other, it is General Shen Da's 150,000 army, which is pressed against the border between Chengtian and Dongzhao. If Xiao Fengyang has other actions, he will inevitably choose one of the two parties. The distance between the two armies is now about the same as Xiao Fengyang's troops. "Ling Tian smiled:" Do you think which Xiao Fengyang will choose? "

Suddenly stunned in the early morning, Nana said: "This ... is quite difficult to judge."

Ling Tian Renjun couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Does the military master know this?"

Early morning said: "Before I came, I had sent someone to notify the military division to come here to discuss things, and it should be coming soon."

Before the words fell, Meng Lige opened the curtain slowly and walked in. The elegant and elegant salute sat down slowly. Ling Tian found out that, in the hands of the great military master, he was still carrying a small and exquisite teapot, and the heat was curling, exuding the light and fragrant tea aroma, which seemed to have a bitter bitter taste.

"Mister would enjoy it." Ling Tian couldn't help laughing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Meng Lige narrowed his eyes and squeezed his long beard with a smile: "For the general, guard against arrogance and impetuosity; before the war, major events At the beginning, the first must be meditation. If the heart is chaotic, the battle situation will be chaotic; meditation with the tea ceremony is a habit of singing. "

"This is a good habit." Ling Tian praised: "Well, the tea in the hand of Mr. is actually a dried lotus heart?"

"It's Yin Qianlian's heart." Meng Lige said with some consternation: "The son is really a fellow in the same way, and he recognized it at the first glance, but it made Li Ge surprised."

Ling Tian smiled and said mildly: "Yin dried lotus heart has a bitter taste, and if it is fried, although it is still light, it does not have this bitter taste. It is like May sour plum, which is a little bit less green; but it is exactly this green Astringency is the most valuable part of Lianxin. "

"The son is so wonderful!" Meng Lige applauded and laughed.

In the early morning, I looked at the two men in a disappointed manner. The matter was already in a hurry, and people were about to come to the door. When the two men met, they didn't mention the matter at all. Instead, they discussed tea, which was really incomprehensible. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit wwwm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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