Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 92: Lige

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"Secondly, in the battle of Nanzheng confrontation, we have to take the lead in disseminating rumors, saying that the Xiao family has formed an alliance with the Ling family to prepare for the division of Nanzheng; in this section, there is the Xiao family owner Xiao Fenghan and the old man. Make a foundation for the relationship and work harder on the rumors. If you have more than 50% certainty, you will succeed; at worst, it will make the people of Nanzheng unstable. You can completely cut off the possibility of the Xiao family forming an alliance with Nanzheng, at least. Let them guess each other. "

Meng Lige showed a cunning look on his face, saying: "Then the Xiao family started to move, we also spread the news at the same time, saying that Prince Ling Tian had already killed Jiang Shan and sent the Lord to send Tian Tianli, if the Xiao family did not Spread the rumors, and if the spread is successful, the two messages will cancel each other out; if the Xiao family avoids and does not fight, the reputation of the son of Ling Tian will definitely shock the world and increase the reputation of the Ling family. "

In the early morning, her eyes glowed and nodded vigorously. She was also a smart person. Meng Lige started her head, and she naturally had a follow-up thought. She was already thinking about how to implement these two plans perfectly. If the plan proposed by Meng Lige can really be implemented smoothly, then the Ling family will not be damaged, but will be more powerful. Unexpectedly, I heard some terrible and terrible news after I heard it, which was broken by Meng Lige's understatement, and would even further expand the Ling family's power; at this moment, Chen Chen was no longer loyal to Meng Lige's wisdom.

"Third, to gather the strength of horse thieves in the East, as far as I know, should there be two forces gathering in the east? Each force should be around 3,000?" Meng Lige said here, asking with some uncertainty. These scattered forces, like the Crystal Tower, are all Ling Tian's secret forces and the biggest secret of the Lingfu Bieyuan. Meng Lige only vaguely knew that there were such people in all parties, but the specific situation of these strengths was not recorded in the Lingfu Bieyuan, so next, I just guessed and asked.

"There is only one share, and the number is not very large, there are only more than a thousand people. But it is all elite. The original local team of people let me transfer to the area where General Shen Da is located, and cooperate with General Shen Ruhu's actions at any time. In addition, ten thousand There is a change in an Eastern Thunder, and that team is the most important amount of contact stress, and it must not be moved lightly. "Ling Tian explained with a cry.

"Oh;" Meng Lige closed his eyes slightly: "If this is the case, my original food looting plan is only afraid of changes. But this elite team of more than a thousand people cannot be used to rob food. Coming to harass Grain Dao can also receive the effect of a surprise soldier. If Xiao Fengyang does not move, this team will naturally not need to move, but as long as Xiao Fengyang moves, this team must immediately start harassing operations, or killing people, or setting fire, or To ruin the road, in short, to cause problems for the Xiao family's army's grain road, even if it only delays the Xiao family's grain and grass for a few days, it must be done.


Meng Lige smiled and said: "As long as the Xiao family stays with the army for more than three days late, we can spread rumors during this time, saying that the Xiao family's granary has been destroyed. In short, the army in which the Xiao family is acting is also panic-stricken. "

"Miao!" Ling Tian clapped his hands. "If the hearts of the army are floating, we can use assassination and arson to cause mutiny."

"Exactly." Meng Lige laughed. Dao: "Also. Thrilled the Eastern Thunder in any case during this time. It started a hostile action with the Dongzhao royal family. In this way, even if the Xiao family had the intention to alliance Dongzhao. Dongzhao had no power at all. We launched military operations. Not to mention General Shen Bing Chen Bing 150,000. Enough to let Dong Zhao dare not act rashly under internal and external troubles! "

"In addition. You can send envoys to Wu Guojiao with great fanfare." Meng Lige laughed in a haughty manner: "Just send some silk cloth. There is no need to do anything else. I believe it is enough to make Nan Zheng and Xiao's family believe. Halfway. Wait until this step is completed. You can really sit back and relax! By then. We can start to fight back against the Xiaojiadi team. "

"The elders and Ling Jian each have elaborate manpower. The iron heads in the other courtyard are dispatched together. The soldiers are divided into three groups. If the Xiao family really sent in small elite soldiers in batches, then we let them come and go. Xiao Fengyang Don't move. If there is any action, we can take advantage of this opportunity. Drive Xiao Fengyang back to his hometown in the southeast! "

"It seems that after all, Meng Junshi still refused to let me go. Did it make me sleep peacefully for a few days and caused such annoyance? I hollowed my heads and drove me out again?" Ling Tian smiled playfully . Jokingly.

"The son is the one who can work hard." Meng Lige smiled with a smile: "Use the son to fight against the land to make the master's ability. Today's world. Who else can get the son? Meng Mou is naturally relieved about the son." Said to here. Meng Lige's eyes flashed. Smiled: "If the son does not want to go out. As long as the son immediately tells the world. Ascend to the throne as an emperor; naturally, there is no need to go out." He laughed loudly: "Since ancient times. I have never heard of a The emperor went to the assassination ground. "

"Then let me go." Ling Tian smiled bitterly: "Grandpa and father are still strong

Mr. Meng asked me to take the throne as emperor, didn't he want to put me on the fire to say, just this disrespectful filial piety is enough to attack me all over the world. "

"I really can't understand your family." Meng Lige shook his head and sighed: "With a ready-made throne, the three generations and grandchildren are actually avoiding tigers, which is puzzling."

Ling Tian smiled bitterly. The old lady Ling Zhan was old, and he didn't have any idea in this regard. Naturally, he would not sit up; his father Ling Xiao's temperament, even if he was sitting on the throne, I might be angry. Shang and the minister came for a martial art; besides, the emperor wanted to have a concubine. This alone, the mother Chu Ting'er held it, even if he lent another hundred guts to his father Ling Xiao, he would not dare to sit on the throne. And there are two generations of old people on his own. If he sits up on his own, does it mean cursing his grandfather and father to die early? Such taboos can never be violated. So for the time being, the throne is empty in the air ...

"Er, Mr. Meng, you continue to say you." Ling Tiangan laughed twice and wiped his sweat. Besides sitting on the throne, there is no freedom. Ling Tian is still thinking about Xiaoyao for a few years ...

"Haha ..." Meng Lige looked at Ling Tian, ​​and Ren Jun laughed more than once. Then he settled his mind and thought for a moment, a hint of insight smiled from the corner of his mouth: "As long as the son and others will Xiao The elite men and women who came in from the homeland succeeded in blocking the success. Under various actions, Xiao Fengyang sang all around, letting him do everything he could, but he had no choice but to retreat his soldiers. By then, the son's plan for the place, Nanzheng's plan, you can take this opportunity immediately Put it into practice. Lightning attack on Nanzheng. In other words, without any foreign aid, Nanzheng should have the surname without the tenth month. As long as Nanzheng is received, Dongzhao will be shocked by the East, Our two armies quickly gathered together and devoured Dong Zhao, leaving only the decisive battle with the Xiao family. In this way, half of the country was at your fingertips.


"Military division means that if we have the opportunity to wipe out Xiao Fengyang in one fell swoop this time, we can still die? But even if we leave? Is there any suspicion that the tiger will return to the mountain?" If the plan is carried out, even if it defeats Xiao Fengyang's army in one fell swoop, it is not impossible, but Meng Lige's plan does not mention this link at all.

"Good!" Meng Lige glanced approvingly in the early morning and explained: "Xiao Jia Nai is a world chaebol, with great strength, and the heavens and heavens in the three hidden doors to help him. It is not the right time to fight against them. Not to mention the fact that their 300,000-strong army has come under pressure. If we rush to defeat Xiao Fengyang ’s Chinese army, it will inevitably cause the Xiao family to fight back. By that time, even if we can win, we will inevitably be a terrible victory, but it is not worth the loss And it will also affect the planning arrangements for Nanzheng and Dongzhao; even if Nanzheng and Dongzhao take the opportunity to participate, we may still be defeated. At that time, it was difficult to deal with all sides, so this is by no means the best way to deal with Xiao Fengyang. Good time; even if we have swallowed him, we must spit it out again. "

Meng Lige took a deep and meaningful breath and said, "The situation changes instantly. We can't expect him too much from the Eastern Thunder. If the situation is not good for us, the Eastern Thunder will always fight back at any time. And our front has been pulled. If the Yu family annexes Wu Kingdom, it is necessary to resolve Nanzheng. This is the current first priority! If the Yu family succeeds in one step, we will take our enemies back, and we are the most powerful enemies in the world. Don't worry about this section! "

"Sir is good." Ling Tian looked at the early morning ~ www.readwn.com ~ The corner of his mouth slightly touched, and said: "There is another point, now, since I made up my mind to ask Xiao Yanxue, then treat the Xiao family , You need to carefully consider one or two. Especially the main characters of the Xiao family, or ... ca n’t kill without killing, since she is already my woman, I ca n’t let her wash her face with tears all day long She was caught between the family and me, and that kind of taste was really uncomfortable. Not only the Xiao family, but also the Yu family in the future. "

"Yu family can be destroyed! Xiao family can be destroyed! But Yu Bingyan and Xiao Yanxue, I have to give them an account. Just as they chose me between the family and me, since they made With these choices, then I have an obligation to make my woman happy. "Ling Tian said deeply:" So we need to grasp some points. "

"As for other things, I do exactly what the military division said. I don't have any opinions or supplements. The military layout has been perfected. I am very satisfied." Ling Tian looked at Meng Lige and smiled.

"Thank you, Master." Meng Lige stood up and gave a polite gesture. Ling Tian sideways sideways and sincerely said: "If the military division is out of sight, why should I keep the military division here if I don't believe in the military division? If I believe in the military division, then no matter what decision the military division makes, I won't have the slightest thoughts "Ling Tianzheng looked at Meng Lige:" Even if it's wrong, never! "(To be continued, if you want to know the future, please visit wwwm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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