Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 122: The Lei family struck

It's time for the Beppelin to come out!

When countless black masters suddenly attacked the Lingfu Bieyuan in the dark, Ling Chen was with Shui Qianrou and Yu Bingyan.

By the time the three women came out in a hurry, the entire Lingfu Bieyuan had been in a mess!

It was less than two hours after the news that Lei Jiahua had completely dived into Chengtian. Although he had already deployed his surrounding power to the best of his ability in the early morning hours, it was obvious that Chengtian City, which had already been evacuated, had little power. It can be used ... especially compared with Lei's luxurious lineup, it is even more vulnerable ...

At this time, Ling Tian had strictly ordered all kinds of ambush that must be installed in place to play a huge role ...

Lei Zhentian, the owner of the Lei family, is a very traditional person who pays attention to family etiquette. Except for family members of the same status, he is not willing to glance at his eyes, so in his heart, under the world, he is qualified and There are few people he cooperates with, but Yumanlou is not one of them, and it is the first one. He is also very satisfied with the contract signed by both parties.

At the same time, he is also a very cautious and very cautious person. He knows clearly what kind of strength he needs to be able to be regarded as an adversary by Yumanlou, and what kind of strength is needed to deal with such strength. . Therefore, this attack on the Ling family, he did not carelessly, directly ordered the entire Lei family's living forces to come out, with a total of more than 3,500 people!

A homeowner, seven elders, three enshrined, plus dozens of core children and peripheral host, etc. The power of masters alone is also close to 200. Real master!

Lei Zhentian never refused to fight the groundless battle. However, since he must fight, if the "lion fights the rabbit" momentum, Lei Zhentian is convinced that, with his own strength, even Lingjia Beyond House is still hidden Any unknown secret can definitely be wiped out.

During this time, Lei Zhentian studied the situation of the Star Continent very carefully, and also knew that the top priority was the Ling family, and it was a while to disdain the Ling family, but the true strength of this family It's another matter. The difference between them is very clear.

The upstart is generally the family Ling family. Whether in the economy or military. Or martial arts. The upstarts generally exist. and so. So many outbreaks are concentrated. It formed a most terrifying force.

Lei Zhentian always broke out. But as an opponent. But he did not dare to take it lightly. Anything related to Lingjiadi ’s intelligence. Lei Zhentian studied it carefully. Nothing is missing!

and so. Genius Lei Zhen was able to accurately grasp the time when Lingfu Bieyuan was the weakest. natural. He also used this opportunity to exchange conditions with Yumanlou.

He didn't count. Under such an opportunity. anyway. Even the harshest conditions. Yumanlou will not refuse or dare to refuse to help himself. So Lei Zhentian was very successful this time. Unexpected success.

relatively. Lei Zhentian was not afraid that Yumanlou would not admit it afterwards!

This time attacking Chengtian. In fact, it was also the first battle of the Lei family on the star continent! Simultaneously. For the Yu family. Also a shock! Since cooperation. Of course, you have to show your powerful strength. Lei Zhentian couldn't be reconciled to the fact that his mine family was just called by Yumanlou as a little pawn. As long as the Ling family is successfully destroyed. Everything in Chengtiandi will fall under the control of the Lei family. Even if the Yu family really turned around afterwards. The Lei family integrated themselves with the Ling family. The Yu family can win. It will also pay a heavy price. and so. Lei Zhentian was very at ease.

Lei Zhentian's goal is not the world's overlord, but the power, the absolute power that is unparalleled! Even if you do n’t sit on the same level as you, Yumanlou, you only have to be under you, but you live above the world!

I have such a powerful force, do you dare to let me go up? Then I can make you sleep and sleep with just one order.

In addition, Lei Zhentian is still a very sensible person. In fact, even if Yumanlou thinks that his asking price is too high, and refuses his request, Lei Zhentian will still start to attack the Ling family.

Although the Ling family is the biggest enemy of the Yu family, is it not the biggest enemy of the Lei family? Since the Lei family is on the same front as the Yu family, Ling Tian will certainly not let the Lei family pass. Once Ling Tian was relieved and released his hand, then it was an unprecedented tough battle. With Ling Tian's past record and Lei Zhentian's self-feeling, there is no certainty of victory.

This is the moment for Ling Tian ’s weakest moment, so how can such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity be missed. Do not move at this time, when should I wait?

What's more, Lei Zhentian will never allow a grass-rooted family, an upstart-like existence to be on his head! Lei Zhentian will not allow even the same name. How can the Lei family standing high above the grass roots like the Ling family?

Therefore, Lei Zhentian came sullenly.

In his imagination, this action happened to be the weakest moment of the other party, and it was definitely a one-sided slaughter. The main characters of the other party are all absent, especially their main body is absent, and the rest of the old and weak are not easy to clean up? The lineup of Lei's family this time is luxurious, and almost came out to deal with the inadequate Lingfu Bieyuan, which is simply to kill the chicken with a knife.

Therefore, Lei Zhentian directly divided into two groups. On the way, his second brother Lei Zhenpeng led a small group of people to attack the Ling Family Courtyard in Chengtian City, while the other team was all composed of Lei ’s top masters. The luxurious lineup, led by Lei Zhentian himself, went straight to Lingfu Bepyuan!

However, although the current Lingfu Bieyuan does not have a third of its defense force on weekdays, it is still impossible for the Lei family to win in one fell swoop!

What Lei Zhentian didn't think of was that, just after entering the first pass of the Lingfu Bieyuan, he encountered extremely great trouble. Almost just at the beginning, nearly 20 top experts were dispatched to solve the opponent's city gate guards, and they rushed in, and they were shocked in the future. With a slight bell ringing at the foot of the hapless ghost, the entire Lingfu Bepyuan suddenly turned into a sea of ​​bells, and all the bells rang wildly.

Lei Zhentian felt that his team had simply entered a swamp pool.

And this swamp is one of the bloodiest bite devils!

He never expected Ling House

There are so many traps in the surface, and they are so arranged ~

Leng Jian swishes steadily, and I do n’t know where I ’m flying, I ’m flying, I ’m going to fly with steel needles, iron needles and other hidden weapons It ’s all right, but when passing a few big trees, suddenly a thick poisonous smoke was sprayed from the tree ...

Seeing that his elite men were extremely heavy and damaged in a moment, Lei Zhentian felt extremely distressed and was furious! This is all the foundational power for gaining a firm foothold in the future. In the first wave of attack, nearly 200 elite disciples were killed, and the price in exchange was only dozens of guards, and a large number of traps ambushed. Not to mention that there are hundreds of wounded and poisoned people!

Lei Zhentian screamed and issued an order to turn nearly 3,000 people into a ten-blade battle array. Each team had more than three masters in the forefront, leading the troops to quickly pass through this horrible blood-eating area.

However, this method is indeed effective. Under the leadership of a group of top experts, the trap of Lingfu Bieyuan is basically no more useless. Only arrows shot from all directions can cause some damage, but as the Lei Jia master approaches, it gradually loses its effectiveness.

Because it was a raid at night, all came from masters, and the sentry guards had been killed off in an instant. Most of the Lei family concentrated on breaking in, allowing Ling Tian to install on the wall of the Lingfu Bieyuan. The Shoucheng crossbow didn't have time to function. Otherwise, the powerful defensive crossbow alone can also cause a considerable number of casualties to the Lei family, at least leaving 30% of their men and women.

After the Lei family successfully broke through the first line of defense, and the local people in the Lingfu Beyuan also reacted completely, this is not because the local people in the Lingfu Beyuan responded too slowly, but the Lei family's raid was really It was too sudden, and the strength was exceptionally strong, which caused the current situation. Lingfu Bieyuan people shouted horses everywhere, making a mess, countless torches were lit and thrown everywhere. However, Ling Tian had anticipated this when the Lingfu Bieyuan was constructed. All the rooms were almost entirely made of bluestone and mud bricks, so they were not afraid of fire attacks, but just added a bit of confusion.

Suddenly, when the third courtyard was attacked, a sharp whistle sounded suddenly, and the Ling Family Guard, who had been fighting with the Lei family, suddenly retreated. At the same time, the surrounding light was shining, and more than hundreds of torches ignited at the same time, which only illuminated the huge courtyard as bright as day.

A cold voice said softly: "I don't know who is the guest, come to Lingfu Bieyuan to make trouble, but have the courage to sign up for the name?" The voice was calm and unsullied, the voice was soft, with a touch of coldness.

With the words, on the roof in front of me, a stunning woman with picturesque eyes and white clothes wins the snow, like a fairy in the cold, Chang'e in the moon suddenly came to the world, with a spotless holy temperament all over him, faint Looking at the masters of the Lei family below. Yefeng gently blows her snowy robe, it seems that she will go to Fengxian at any time.

Everyone in the Lei family was photographed by her peerless Fenghua, but she was speechless for a while, even the owner Lei Zhentian was no exception.

Everyone feels that not to kill such a beautiful woman, even speaking loudly, it is a kind of blasphemy.

Beside Lei Zhentian, a young boy in black straightens his eyes, and his face is full of color and soul, and the soul is turned upside down. How to call it? "

Lei Zhentian and others next to him were almost stunned by a word. This time against Lingfu Bieyuan, although you have full confidence to win, but you will surely form Ling Tian, ​​an extremely difficult enemy. Originally, the Lei family had made up their minds and kept quiet. Before the last resort, they would never reveal their identity. At that time, even if Ling Tian was pregnant with his family, there was no real evidence. Even if there was a real situation, it could still be pushed to the Yu family. Unexpectedly, his son was so unsatisfied that he was dizzy when he saw the beauty, and he was so stupid that he burst out of the house. Seeing that, he could not wait to explain all three generations of his ancestors. And it ’s too shameful to talk about it. With so many people present, it is possible to defeat and defeat, but it is impossible to kill them all!

Ling Tian, ​​this extremely dangerous enemy, is completely settled!

Including Lei Zhentian, the best player of Lei's family, Lingfu Bieyuan, led by the early morning, which is not a master of the world, but no one found it, just above a towering tree in Lingfu Bieyuan, off the ground Among the dense foliage of a dozen or so people, a man in black was quietly invisible here. Upon hearing this sentence, the cold corner of his mouth ticked, and he said quietly to himself: "The world is indeed nothing strange, really there is This kind of obsessed little character is so fast. This Lei family's little **** can be considered a different kind. "

Suddenly, he sighed again, frowned, and said softly: "Laozi was originally looking for Ling Tian to settle the account, but he didn't find the **** Ling Tian, ​​but he ran into such a thing. It does n’t make sense, but it ’s too cheap to intervene, Ling Tian, ​​that **** kid! "

Shaking his head, the hesitant man in black sighed and narrowed his eyes.

Under the tree, the girl in white looked coldly at the distant waves, and looked at Lei Xiaosong. Seeing the fascination of his face, he felt a disgust in his heart and said coldly: "Are the masters of the Lei family arrived? The Lei family and my Ling family have always been innocent and unrequited, and they have no ties. Why did they commit crimes for no reason? Please give a reason! "

The girl in white was in the early morning, and after hearing the raid again, she did not rush out to meet the enemy in the early morning. She wanted to arrange everything. In the early hours of the morning, the first decision was made, which was to send Xiao Yanxue and Meng Lige to send them into the dense cave of the mountain. Although the two strongly opposed, but under the order of early morning, they were simply put in.

In the heart of early morning, even if Lingfu Bieyuan is not available, it must not be without Meng Lige and Xiao Yanxue. These two men are in charge of the military and one is in charge of finances, even if there is no Lingfu Bieyuan, but as long as these two people are safe, Ling Tian will be able to reintegrate the Ling family's forces in the shortest time and rebuild glory!

Therefore, these two people must not be in trouble.

When we wanted to push Ling Chi, who was seriously injured, into the secret cave in the early morning, he found that the experienced young killer had disappeared from the healing room. Although no one knew his whereabouts, but

Can guess what he is going to do ...

As for Yu Bingyan, the girl who is usually soft and weak at the moment, has shown a rare determination, threatened with death, vowed to die, and must stay with early morning. Helpless in the early morning, had no choice but to promise. At the same time secretly instructed Shui Qianrou, if the situation is not right, rather stun Yu Bingyan would take her first.

Early morning did not even think about what would happen to him. As soon as she saw the enemy's momentum, she already knew that this moment was the critical moment when Lingfu Bepyuan was the weakest to guard since its establishment, and it would also be the inevitable battle of life and death in Lingfu Beppel! The enemy is far more powerful than all the previous enemies. Even when it is in full strength, it may not be a dare to say victory. Not to mention that it is now that the Lingfu Bieyuan is absolutely incapable of confrontation.

Starved camels are bigger than horses, but Lingfu Bieyuan is not a place for people to ravage at will! In the early morning, the eyes were murderous, and the heart was boiling, if you want to destroy my other courtyard, you will have to pay the price!

As the hostess of the Lingfu Beyond House, in the early morning, she had made up her mind. Even if you fight for your life, you must defend your foundation for your lover!

With her instigation, the only few masters left in Lingfu Beyond Courtyard, Ling Feng Ling Yun Ling Leiling Ling Ling 22, these five unknown but famous killers, have secretly chosen to assassinate each Position and assassinate the target. The early morning command has only one item: no matter which target is selected, it must be completely destroyed in one blow! But be sure to ensure your own safety and vitality, and do n’t take yourself by assassinating someone!

Ling Liuling, Seven Ling, Eight Ling Jiu and others were lurking behind them in the early morning, and they ordered the four people very seriously in the early morning: in any case, they must first save their lives! Because, they must not die. In the hands of the four of them, they control Ling Tian ’s intelligence network covering the world ... This is Ling Tian ’s eyes and ears, and it is also a vital basic force!

In the early morning, his cold eyes fell on Lei Zhentian, and he slowly said: "Lei Zhen head, Lei Zhentian face to face !?" Although the words are doubtful, the tone has been determined.

That's right, we only have one purpose in the early hours of the morning, which is to delay the time, as long as possible. This is Chengtian, after all, it is the land of the Ling family. Every minute of delay will increase the possibility of reinforcement.

Lei Zhentian only felt a bit bitter in his mouth, but he didn't expect the girl in white to have such a sharp eye, and pulled himself out at a glance. At this moment, Lei Zhentian suddenly felt a feeling in his heart. For myself, this is almost the first time Lei Zhentian has felt this way in his life. Even in the face of Yumanlou, the owner of Yujia, there is no such feeling of absolute disadvantage!

But the girl in white seems to have the power of the whole world, so that such characters as Lei Zhentian can't help but feel ashamed in front of her!

After coughing twice, Lei Zhentian said lightly: "This seat is the Lei Zhentian of the Lei family. May I ask who is the girl? What is your position in Lingfu Bieyuan?"

Ling Chen glanced at him faintly, his eyes unperturbed and angry, and said, "This morning, this is the owner of the Lingfu Bieyuan."

"Are you the owner of Lingfu Bieyuan? This ... so, are you the woman who is the young thief Ling Tian?" Lei Zhentian hasn't spoken yet, the son Lei Xiaosong next to him has cried, in his voice, It was full of sadness and anger, and extremely strong jealousy.

Ling Chen glanced at him contemptuously and said proudly: "The owner of the Lingfu Bieyuan is naturally the son of Ling Tian Gongzi."

Lei Xiaosong yelled furiously, almost vomiting blood, and shouted: "Kill! Kill them! One doesn't stay! ..." As soon as this guy saw the morning, he was already overwhelmed by the peculiar appearance of the morning. The woman is pure and holy, the country is heavenly and fragrant, her mind has already made up her mind, this woman must be in her own pocket. Where did she think that she did not shy away from admitting that she was Ling Tian's woman. This made Lei Xiaosong suddenly jealous!

"I don't want Lei to have two homeowners." Early morning's eyes clearly shot a disdainful look, contemptuously said: "When the homeowner is talking, someone can give orders on behalf of the homeowner. Lei's homeowner is really a good tutor, no I know whether I listen to my son or my son.


This morning teasing made everyone in the Lei family look hesitant. The Ling family suddenly laughed and mocked whistles.

Lei Zhentian's face sank, and he said: "Who is the master of Lei's house, or how to teach? It's not up to the girl to worry. It's the girl's plan to delay the time, or get rid of it as soon as possible. Before tomorrow morning , There will never be half of the reinforcements. And this period of time is enough for me to level the Lingfu Beyond! "

At this time, several other people from the Lei family also gathered here. Everyone's swords were shining and their faces were fierce.

In the early morning, I looked at the Lei Jia masters at the bottom of my feet, and said coldly: "In this case, please introduce the masters of the Lei family to your masters. It also allows us juniors to die to understand which one is in the hands of the master. , So as not to get the Yincao Difu, but also to be a confused ghost. "

Lei Zhentian's eyes flashed with rage and shouted: "Cheesy maid! How dare you still want to delay time?"

A wave of the palm shouted, "Kill!"

If you wait for Lei Zhentian to introduce her own team, even if you only introduce the core strength of Lei's family, it will take at least two quarters of time, and at the same time in the morning, you can still pull up countless topics ...

So Lei Zhentian took the opportunity to make a decisive decision ~ www.readwn.com ~ In the early morning, he said coldly: "Slow! I still have something to say."

Lei Zhentian stood in the palm of his hand and said, "Don't you want to surrender?" Lei Xiaosong, who was next to him, was full of joy. If this beauty actually surrendered, then you can just ...

A hint of smile appeared on the cold face in the early morning, just like the holy snow lotus suddenly blooming, everyone looked at it all the time.

At this moment, a word came out violently in the mouth of early morning: "This place is the Lingfu Beyuan, the visitor is the guest, and the guest is free to the Lord. If you want to kill, there should be me! Kill me!"

Since it is hands-on, then I want to take the initiative! In the morning, Chen Chen was very excited to think that under such a great opportunity created by himself, the actions of Ling Feng and others were much more convenient.

Before the sound fell, five figures shot out in the shadows, and almost at the same time, the screams of five consecutive sounds rang out in the field! (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in mm, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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