Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 129: Life and death barrier

Jun Tianli said coldly, a flash of white light, a snorting sound, the sword line trembling from the long sword, unbiased and slowly swaying, his figure swayed, and jumped to the wounded soldier to give save.

The originally closed gate of the Lingfu Bieyuan suddenly opened, and numerous cavalry infantry screamed and rushed in, rushing towards the Lei family.

Ling San and Li Lin of the gusty wind gangsters were wearing red towels on their heads, their expressions were stubborn and fierce, followed by a group of gangsters in various clothes, shouting and screaming. The carbon-like guy held up a big hammer and screamed and rushed up. It was the eight hundred dozen iron children led by Ling Wuyi. The force of these people is not very high, but the power is absolutely equal every day. Almost immediately after contact, it caused a killing.

The middle team is more special, there are men and women, there are old men, and the staff is uneven, but all the clothes are more gorgeous. The beauty of the beginning is the owner of Cheng Tianming Yanlou, Gu Xiyan; on her left and right sides are the two uncles of Gu Xiyan; it is worth mentioning that when seeing these killing scenes, Gu Xiyan The murderous, sturdy and violent sudden rise of this weak woman in the eyes of others is actually far from the vast majority of big men ...

Li Xue and Ling Jian were like two full-powered military tanks suddenly broke into the slums. The two martial arts masters madly opened the killing ring, and launched a ruthless slaughter of this group of Lei family who had been fighting for the night!

Under the deterrent force that sent Jun Tianli to the extreme, although the Warrior Lei knew that the high-ranking figures in the Lingfu Bieyuan behind him basically had no resistance at all, they could be easily removed as long as they rushed over Head, but no one dared to do so.

Such a fierce battle, such a life-and-death battle, but only because of the existence of one person has caused such a weird scene!

This is the world's first master! Jiangshan ordered the Lord to send him to heaven!

The shallow scratches drawn on the ground with swords turned into insurmountable mountains and barriers of life and death! If you want to climb the past, you must pay the price of life. Maybe sending Jun Tianli can't stop all people, maybe as long as one person is willing to try to break through the so-called line of life and death, but most people are bound to die under the sword. Everyone wants to be the lucky one, but everyone does not want to be the dead bodies on the ground, at least they don't want to be the first.

Under the absolute advantage, no one dared to rush to the weak enemy!

Everyone would rather choose to fight harder and later reinforce the army. Even Ling Jian, Li Xue, Ling Tian ...

Almost everyone is an action: a turn. Ling Xiang is rushing in to support his family.

Send Jun Tianli to the face. If there is a sneering polar smile. Looking at the Lei family's eyes. It's like a **** dragon arrogant to the sky. Looking down at a large group of sheep lambs on the ground. That is naked contempt!

Ling Tian flickered. Walk freely under the siege of the three masters. I still did not forget to applaud loudly: "Jiangshan Lingzhu. Worthy of being the first person in the world. Sure enough it is awesome!" Think about it and add a sentence: "Like an ant king facing a group of male soldier ants. The real king Style. "

Jun Tianli, who was being rescued, almost jumped up at him.

Listening to the previous sentence is still very useful. The next sentence ... is that also called human speech? Well known. Ants have no kings but only queens. And is specifically responsible for spawning offspring. As for male ants. That is the place exclusively responsible for mating with the queen ...

Tianli ’s wonderful hand for salvation is almost no longer determined. This is something that has not happened in decades. Good boy, I ’m working to help you save your hands and feet. You dare to ridicule me so much. I will give you a good greeting when you look back. Your ass, feel the joy of the hand, you wait!

In the distance, Li Xue was murderous with murderous intentions, and he almost laughed and threw the sword in his hand after hearing this sentence ...

Depression to send Jun Tianli did not last long, because someone actually rushed over to him.

Who was the first to eat crabs? !

Lei Zhenpeng was sent to Jun Tianli to slap him out, and the boss was dizzy on the ground for a while before he recovered. Then he found that his teeth had actually been less than one and a half, and his mouth was full of blood. This reminded me of the scene just now, suddenly burst into turbulence! What a shame!

Lei Zhenpeng screamed with great resentment and jumped from the ground, carrying his five hundred soldiers and horses, and rushed towards Tianli just like a barbarian.

Kill and send Jun Tianli, wash Xue's own shame! Lei Zhenpeng is really a little crazy. I am in the northwest, and I am also a stomping discolored person. How can people be so humiliated? What about Jiangshan Lingzhu? What about the world's first master? Shishi can not be humiliated!

The irritated Lei Er, just hit the moment that sent Jun Tianli depressed to the extreme.

Seeing that Lei Zhenpeng rushed over to others and sent Jun Tianli to his face, it seemed to be slow to deal with the injury of a wounded soldier under his control. Then he stood up and stood down. This seems to take a lot of time

But the first batch of a dozen people under Lei Zhenpeng crossed the path ~ It was completed, and the upright body of the heaven suddenly turned into a most obscure black light, which is like a dark eye that is darker than dark. ! The miracle passed by before the crowd, the sword light flashed, and the neat 17 heads fell! There was a whirling figure, and he didn't turn back, but he threw it backwards with one hand. The sword spun back like a hurricane. Nearly thirty people from the second Leijia warrior rushed were cut without exception. In two.

The cry of exclamation and screaming had not yet sounded, and Tianli stood like a sword, and began to kill the third row of Leijia warriors who crossed the line of life and death!

By the time Tianli "brushed" fell in front of Lei Zhenpeng, a full three rows of Leijia warriors were close to eighty, and they had fallen into the pool of blood, and there was no one injured, because nearly eighty people had no one to live. !

The color of terror in Lei Zhenpeng's eyes had just flashed, and other thoughts could be raised in his mind in the future, and he saw the two palms that sent Jun Tianli turned into an infinitely magnificent mountain peak. It's awkward, covering every space where Lei Zhenpeng evades from front to back, right and left!

After thumping for a while with the sandbag-like muffled sound, Lei Zhenpeng's burly and tall body was suddenly squeezed and shrunk into a **** round meat ball and flew away. ,

Under Tianli's almost venting attack, Lei Zhenpeng had to parry in the future, and even before he had the time to react, he was already beaten into flesh, crumpled into a mass, and died in desperation ...

The soldiers and horses behind Lei Zhenpeng stopped their steps, staring at the **** scene in front of them, and suddenly bent down one by one, vomiting violently!

In the distance came Lei Zhentian's sorrowful roar. He had already seen his second brother's tragic death. He had tolerated the Jiangshan commander a lot. He did not expect him to be such a killer ...

With the passage of time, after Ling Sanling, Wu Gu Xiyan and others rushed in, Lingjia soldiers from nearby counties temporarily dispatched by Ling Tian continued to come over. Although they may not be elite, they are better than others. When the number reaches a limit, it will also cause a fundamental change! The battle slowly fell from one side to evenly matched, and then to the Ling family turned to occupy the absolute upper hand.

All the warriors of the Lei family were fighting, while looking anxiously in the crowd to find the figure of the house owner: when it was all this time, how had the house owner not yet ordered to retreat? This raid has long lost any meaning. If the battle continues, it may really wipe out the whole army.

They knew there that Lei Zhentian could not retreat now ...

First the son died tragically, and then the second brother was killed. The whole plan was completely blocked. From the destruction of the Ling family, a sudden reversal occurred, and the family was destroyed by the Ling family. Such a series of changes made Lei Zhentian almost crazy. He was almost hysterical and he was looking forward to it. He looked forward to the three enshrines who could come over quickly and join hands with him to kill Ling's main brain Ling Tian. After this period of fighting, Lei Zhentian has clearly realized that Ling Tian, ​​who is not 20 years old, is really above his own martial arts, and even if he and the two elders join forces, it may not be this person. The opponent, unless it is a team of four, can win ...

With the change of the battle situation, Lei Zhentian saw another scene that made him completely discouraged: the three heads of the Lei family ’s three worships have been cut off and inserted into three long embroidered poles, and the white beard Xiao Ran When the three heads of Lei Zhentian saw it at a glance, suddenly there was a feeling of collapse and collapse!

He didn't know until now that all the master masters he brought out from the Moon God Kingdom, besides himself and the two elders beside him, and several family masters who were fighting each other, had already killed and wounded ... and that A few are now in the chaotic army and are also at risk ...

Lei's home is over!

Lei's home is over!

These four words reappeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ completely filled Lei Zhentian's mind in an instant, just like nine days thunder thundering in his ears, Lei Zhentian suddenly felt dizzy and overhead The sun seemed to suddenly reach his own eyes, irradiating himself strongly, and Lei Zhentian suddenly felt that the battlefield around him was far away from him, very far away ... Suddenly the whole mind was empty ...

"Bang!" A dark thing flew over, Lei Zhentian was not thinking about it, and slapped aside, suddenly widening his eyes: This is the head of his fourth brother Lei Zhenyu! The head rolled twice on the ground, and then countless legs and feet stepped on it, so it continued to roll ...

Lei Zhentian shivered all over ...

A ridiculous laughter suddenly sounded and banged twice. The thin body of an elder who was striking Ling Tian with Lei Zhentian was bombarded by Ling Tian with two palms in a row. It can be clearly seen that on his chest, there is a huge collapse ... Almost all his ribs have been beaten by Ling Tian's two palms ...

((To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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