Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 138: Peerlessness

Of course, when Ling Tian's eyes were just cut off by the cloth curtain, the three girls came to hemp and acted at the same time ...

Thinking of the three beauties like jade flowers, the jade body is horribly obsessed, and the embarrassed face is in front of him, and Grandpa Ling can't help but be restrained! Can't help but scream bitterly in my heart: dying! How is this good? If it is at these critical moments that you ca n’t control and trigger the riot of the demon, that ’s a big deal.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Tian felt the heart beating in his chest, step by step toward the inside of the cloth curtain, Ling Xiao Gongzi under the hips had already raised his head, almost going to penetrate the thin underwear ... This unusually depressed feeling made him even hotter.

The three beauties inside also noticed that Ling Tianzheng was walking in and could not help but hold their breath one by one.

The cloth mantle moved slightly, and Ling Tian's footsteps stopped. The three women stared at the muscular figure outside the cloth mantle. They couldn't help but feel nervous, leaning together, three small heads, squeezing together Together, buried deeply ...

Such infinite shame scenes ...

At the same time, Li Chen and Li Xue both blamed Yu Bingyan and blamed you! What's wrong? Do I have to get this kind of disease that people who need to cure must take off their clothes? The tired sisters and you are in this embarrassing and embarrassing state ...

Yu Bingyan was so embarrassed, he slammed his head in front of his chest, and said in an inaudible voice: "What are you ... what ... shame ... there are no ... outsiders ..."

"Little hooves! You still take care of you!" The two women were shy at the same time, grabbing Yu Bingyan for a while, and grabbed Yu Bingyan for a while ...

In the midst of trouble, Ling Tian finally stepped in, and the three girls saw Ling Tian's majestic body at the same time screamed and shrunk into a ball.

Ling Tian also froze.

Prince Ling discovered this. There is no single guess that I have seen. It is impossible to guess the beauty of this peerless beauty anyway. In front of Ling Tian. The three beautiful bodies of Xuexue Aoshuang's beautiful body are strikingly eye-catching. The momentary beauty made Ling Tian's eyes widen. Opened his mouth. It's like being stupid.

In the early morning, Li Xue was all in a white and white clothes. But it is undoubtedly revealed. Yu Bingyan body. But there is a pink apron who blames this girl for the most. This red apron matches the white skin. It's like a red plum blossoming in the snow. The most attractive.

Three female figure. All are uneven. Peerlessly beautiful. An increase of one point is fat and thin. Tingting is shy and timid. Seeing the ground Ling Tian almost forgot everything and felt a little itchy in his nose. Reach out and touch your hands bright red ...

Nosebleed ...

Ling Tian Gongzi this vertical and horizontal flower bush. Read all the great characters in a hundred flowers. He was nosebleed by the beauty in front of him. One can imagine how fragrant it is ...

Ling Tian was greatly annoyed, and she hadn't seen the beauty, how could it be so embarrassing, is it because Xiao Ling's son has been holding back for too long? This can be an embarrassment to adults, and quickly reached out to wipe.

Seeing that Ling Tian was in a hurry, the three girls all smiled secretly with their blushes covered in their mouths, or the most intimate in the early morning, and handed a clean towel.

Ling Tian wiped two and coughed heavily, dissatisfied with his performance. Angrily glared at the other two women. The son has been running away for a month, and his body has never been released. Now seeing such a fragrant scene, what is it like to have a nosebleed? How dare you two girls make fun of this boy! When Yan Xuanyin was removed from Yan'er, the son had to clean up you one by one, and then he would have two birds with one arrow. Chen'er couldn't let it go.

The temperature inside the stone room is getting higher and higher, and Yu Bingyan, who is the weakest person, is already sweating drastically. It is Li Xueling, who has the magical skill of ice, and there are sweat stains on his face!

The time has come!

Time is pressing, everyone no longer delays, Yu Bingyan, according to Ling Tian's instructions, first sat cross-legged in front of him, in the early morning sitting at a foot behind Yu Bingyan, Li Xue was behind him again. Behind Li Xue, there is a relatively wide space. The ventilation hole of the stone room set by Ling Tian is in this position! This only discouragement. It is also the only cold spot in the stone room. It needs the second-highest skill, and the skill of the ice **** is deep, Li Xue is competent.

Four people looked cautiously at the same time.

Under Ling Tian's indication, Dahuan Dan was immediately taken out in the morning, and Yu Bingyan was given a piece of clothing. Then Ling Tian's hand on Yu Bingyan's shoulder slowly output a pure Yang Pure internal force.

Almost immediately Da Huan Dan entered the abdomen, and Yu Bingyan's Dan Tian Qi was suddenly lifted by Ling Tian. Lightning greeted the airflow transformed by Dahuandan's medicine and entering the meridians, Yu Bingyan only felt a shock inside her body and couldn't help but groan, and a trace of blood flowed from her pretty nose.

Ling Tian controlled this air flow and passed through the Yubingyan meridian. After passing the mud pill palace above the head, he suddenly turned sharply and rushed to Dantian. He whirled twice inside the Dantian. Ling Tian has been temporarily transformed into the heat of pure Yang.

In the process, Ling Tian is trying to control not to touch any point where the Xuanyin Divine Veins are. So now Yu Bingyan's body has completely formed the bizarre situation of ice and fire, two opposing sides.

The whole body is red, and the heat is almost to bake every trace of water in the body from the inside out, but the heart is cold and cold, and the internal force is suppressed. The Xuanyin Shenmai naturally wants to expand its territory naturally, and has spontaneously Is up and running.

This is the rebound phenomenon formed under long-term suppression, and the momentum is extremely huge.

Yu Bingyan's head and body were covered with white hot air, but a small layer of crystal ice coagulated on her chest, exuding a hint of coldness, and the entire chest had become faintly black. Moreover, this piece of green and black has a momentum of continuous development.

Xuanyin Divine Vein just bounced back, and the power of Dahuandan could no longer stop its spread!

Ling Tian's eyes no longer have a little bit of reverie in a clear and calm way, he said in his mouth: "Li Xue! Neidan!"

Li Xue flashed quickly, squeezed Yu Bingyan's jaw in her left hand, lifted her scales in her right hand after opening her mouth, a silver needle was gently pierced, carefully in Yu Bingyan's mouth Three drops.

A fragrance smelled from Yu Bingyan's mouth and fell into the abdomen, passing by. After a while of cooling, the heat that suddenly was about to burn out suddenly dispersed in the meridian like a gas bomb in the body, look It seems flat, and suddenly the explosive force runs along the body

Instantly spread to all parts of the body.

Yu Bingyan groaned and bit her lips tightly. The raging fanatic air flowed all over the body and meridians of Yu Bingyan. Even from the surface of Yu Bingyan's skin, he could see the ups and downs, which seemed to be white. Under the skin like jade, there are still unknown creatures walking through the blood, the situation is extremely strange!

Yubingyan ’s temples also bulged slowly with green tendons, and the delicate pores around the body gradually showed a little blue gas ...

Under such circumstances, it is entirely possible to imagine the extent to which Yu Bingyan is suffering! But this stubborn girl actually bit her lip and couldn't say anything, her face worked hard to show calm!

The long-term torture has made this delicate woman's body have endurance many times more than ordinary people for pain! In front of the sweetheart, she showed her strongest side and didn't want her pain to affect him in front!

Ling Tian took a sip, and the power of the pure sun sinking in Yu Bingyan's Dantian struck like lightning. When the scale armor dragon Neidan's power, Ling Tian's internal force will instantly change its attributes, turning into the soft power to wrap it, and then slowly transforming back to the original pure Yang power, turning this violent power Melt and refine into one.

In this way, Ling Tian's internal force is not very large, just a small amount of internal force instructs Yu Bingyan's internal force to run, but Ling Tian's spirit is extremely expensive! At this time, there is no tolerance for even a slight slip, so from the beginning, Ling Tian needed to concentrate on it, while looking at himself, randomly changing the rigid and soft mind, and also watching the changes in Yu Bingyan ’s body to control internal force. To avoid accidentally destroying the healthy meridians in the body.

Now Ling Tian, ​​all his mind has been immersed in it. Now I am afraid that even if thousands of horses and horses are fighting together beside him, Ling Tian will be deaf to it!

By the time that the inner power of the three drops of scale armor dragon was turned over, Ling Tian ’s control of the dragon-striking mind had been changed back and forth 24 times! Such a change, in the view of anyone in this world, every time is enough to make a martial arts master with a meridian chaos, even if he sends Jun Tianli, it may not be able to withstand this frequent change, and the meridian will certainly make a mess. of!

However, Ling Tian, ​​with his amazing dragon skills, is a ever-changing feature.

The powerful internal force returned to Yu Bingyan's Dantian again. In this process, Ling Tian still did not touch the area where the Xuanyin Divine Vessel is located.

And the pores of Yu Bingyan's whole body have shown blue and black marks, and the chest has become purple and black, and even frost marks are faintly visible. His lips were blue and his eyes were dull, but in addition to the chest, neck, lips, and other places, it was still steaming and steaming.

Ling Tian did not panic and stabilized Yu Bingyan's true temperament again. With a sudden change of heart, she split up a small needle-like internal force and gently toward the mysterious vein of Yu Bingyan's heart. Rushed!

A tentative rush!

Yu Bingyan had a spasm ...

Ling Tian's small internal force quickly withdrew and returned. Xuanyin's veins were still immobile. Although they rebounded a bit, those were just superficial coldness, which did not matter at all. It seems that these medicines are not enough to shake the Xuanyin Shenmai!

Ling Tian slowly gathered all the breath, Shen Ning, in Dan Bingyan's Dantian, regained his mind, and then controlled his body, only to find that he had already sweated a long time ago.

Shen Sheng shouted: "Scale Armor Dragon Neidan, three times the amount!" The amount of three drops is obviously not enough, Ling Tian will immediately increase the dose! But in any case, judging by the endurance of Yu Bingyan's meridians, even with Ling Tian's full support, I'm afraid I will only endure these.

This is also the maximum dose that Yu Bingyan's body can bear! For the last time! After this time, it will be a time when Chunyang's internal force and the Xuanyin Divine Vessel are in frontal battle! Thorough stimulation stimulates Xuanyin Shenmai!

Li Xue did not dare to be indifferent, immediately following Ling Tian's instructions, dripping nine drops of scale armor dragon inner pill juice into Yu Bingyan's mouth again, three times the dose just now.

After Ling Tian said that sentence again and waited for Li Xue to answer, his mind sank into Yu Bingyan's Dantian again, running energy slowly, walking around circle by circle!

Huo Ran!

Nine drops of scale armor dragon's inner power suddenly exploded. The power of this power was even unexpected for Ling Tian. The current situation is equivalent to suddenly dumping ten barrels of water into a large tank that can only hold one barrel of water!

If it's really a water tank, it can't accommodate at most but it's just overflowing, but the current container is the meridian of Yu Bingyan! This has completely exceeded the ability of Yu Bingyan meridian itself! If it really overflows, Yu Bingyan will inevitably disappear within a very short time, and the body's meridians burst and die!

Ling Tian did not panic, closed his eyes, calmly made a strain to turn the gas in Yu Bingyan's Dantian for a while, condensed into a spiral, and greeted it abruptly!


Two powerful forces collided within Yu Bingyan's meridians, and even Li Xue and Ling Chen on one side clearly felt this strong shock!

Yu Bingyan and Ling Tian's body shivered at the same time, and Yu Bingyan's mouth and nose suddenly blew out blood! It was spraying on Ling Tian's thick chest, and there was a trace of bright red blood on the corner of Ling Tian's mouth, hanging down quietly!

Both Lingchen and Lixue only felt a heart jump into their throat, and their hearts were full of anxiety, and they were ready to shoot when they stared at them intently.

Ling Tian's cheeks twitched slightly, his eyes closed tightly, and the two forces were hedged, but after all, they were homologous. As long as the assimilation succeeded, they could once again be transformed into danger, but it was never easy to control this force later. !

a long time!

Within Yu Danyan's Dantian, it has gradually gathered up into a huge cyclone. Ling Tian's mind immersed in it can even feel the sound of this cyclone actually making a "boom" sound ...

Not too late!

The red light flashed on Ling Tian's face. He had already raised ten percent of the dragon's magical powers, all of which were transformed into the internal force of the pure Yang attribute. Hao Haoran rushed into the jade ice Yan's Dantian, and instantly dissolved with the cyclone One! Now this force is no longer the weight that Yu Bingyan's Dan Tian can hold and bear. In fact, such a force cannot be accommodated by anyone's body meridians! Yu Bingyan is not allowed, early morning and Li Xue are not allowed, not even Ling Tian itself!


A big return to Dan, the twelve drops of medicine are better than the whole body internal force of Ling Tian in the millennium scale armor of the big return to Dan! Such a huge power, even if injected into the world's first master to send Jun Tianli body, can instantly support him!

Ling Tian tried his best to control, and walked around Yu Bingyan's body meridian for a week, and suddenly turned his heart across and backed up!

Yu Bingyan shook all over with a bang, and the only obscene clothing that covered her body suddenly burst into a thread and filled the air.

Ling Tian still underestimated this power after all!

Under his control, this force finally reached the verge of being out of control, so Ling Tian did not do anything endlessly, simply controlled this force, and rushed towards the second pulse of Ren Bingyan of Yu Bingyan!

This is no way out of the law! Even if you ca n’t use this to break through Yu Bingyan ’s second leg of Ren Du, you can temporarily set aside the strength of this force for Ling Tian ’s control; Relieving the urgent need, Ling Tian can use this buffer to direct the internal force to the mysterious veins of Xuanyin! In that way, the power of Ren Du's second pulse will be increased, and it will be more sure!

What Ling Tian did not expect was that Ren Ermai, under the impact of this huge force, was almost directly broken like a desolation |! This huge impact certainly opened up Yu Bingyan's second leg of Ren Du, which also caused his meridians to be very seriously damaged!

Yu Bing at this time is a veritable blessing in disguise! If it is able to sustain the removal of Xuanyin God's veins and be safe, Yu Bingyan's martial arts will directly enter the ranks of the world's first-class masters!

Breaking through the second vein of Ren Du, this is what all the warriors want, and it is also a huge watershed between the real master and the general warrior! Countless people can't do Yu Bingyan for a lifetime, but Ling Tian rushed away while healed and cured ...

Ling Tian is not surprised at this moment. He used his internal force to quickly walk through the second vein of Ren Du, and did not return to Dantian again. Instead, he pulsed directly towards the mysterious **** beside Yu Bingyan ’s heart. Ling Tian gave out a gentle force and firmly protected Yu Bingyan's heart!

This shock will be an unprecedented fierce madness. If Yu Bingyan ’s heart is not protected strongly, I am afraid that Yu Bingyan ’s heart will be cut off before the stubborn disease is exhausted Thing!

As if a nuclear bomb exploded in Yu Bingyan's body, the two people who were connected with their hearts and spirits spurted blood at the same time. Both Ling Chen and Li Xue were taken aback, but now Ling Tian and Yu Bingyan's minds are tightly connected, and they are helpless to the outside world.

In Ling Tian's perception, he was like driving a group of unusually violent elephants and hit a crazy galloping train!

It seems that the equatorial volcanic magma hit the iceberg that collapsed in the Arctic, Ling Tian's mind was almost lost at this moment!

The power of the Xuanyin Divine Vessel in Yu Bingyan was finally loosened by this collision, and even the stubborn cold like the Xuanyin Divine Vein was disintegrated under this powerful force of Peiran Moyu. With the disintegration of the shell of Xuanyin, the qi of the Yin to the cold rushed out like a tide and the real power of Zhiyang to the heat controlled by Ling Tian was like a sharp steel cone spirally pierced into Xuanyin. The core of Divine Vein!

The bluish black of Yu Bingyan's chest diffused towards the jade-like skin at a speed that could be discerned by the naked eye. It was only a moment's time that Yu Bingyan's whole body skin was already covered with a layer of bluish gray, beautiful Above the hair, a layer of hoarfrost has been faintly caged, and under Yu Bingyan, a layer of hoarfrost spreads rapidly at the speed seen by the naked eye.

At this moment, the temperature in the stone room has already exceeded the highest temperature of the sauna bath room. In the feeling of Li Xue, the temperature here is at least forty or fifty degrees! The surrounding charcoal is still burning, constantly emitting new heat, adding to the air, Ling Tian ’s dragon-dragon power is fully launched, transformed into the power of the hottest sun, filled with Yu Bingyan ’s Among the meridians.

In this case, it still can not immediately contain the full explosion of the Xuanyin Divine Vein! Yu Bingyan's body still began to condense ice beads, and the frost on the ground underneath gradually gathered. The temperature in the air suddenly seems to have entered the ninth winter, and the burning charcoal around it seems to have no effect at all!

The cold air and hot air violently collided in the air, and a thick cloud of white mist rose up. Within a short time, the stone room had become out of reach!

The power of Xuanyin Divine Vein has actually reached such a point!

With Ling Tian's vigorous urging, Xuanyin Shenmai completely exploded in Yu Bingyan's body. The fierce cold poison even spread to Ling Tian's body with Ling Tian's arm. Covered with a touch of pale gray ...

Finally, the sound of Ling Tianyaguan's knot sounded in the thick fog: "Ling ... morning ... beginning!"

I took a deep breath in the morning, and she and Li Xue practiced the magic of ice. This temperature not only did not feel uncomfortable, but felt very comfortable. After hearing Ling Tian's words, the hands of early morning accurately resisted jade Bing Yan's smooth back, the ice magical power is launched with all its strength, like a cold vortex, sucked into the body in the early morning!

The target is naturally like the tide ~ www.readwn.com ~ the yin to cold raging in Yu Bingyan!

The coldness of the silk from the body of Yu Bingyan rushed into the body early in the morning. The hair of Yu Bingyan, except for the position where the night pearl is located, has been completely dyed to silver white by frost.

Ling Tian exhaled quietly. At the beginning of the morning, Ling Tian immediately felt that the pressure caused by the boundless cold had finally eased. Although the situation was still extremely subtle, Ling Tian took a breath and let He recovered his consciousness in time, and the dragon-dragon power in his body worked at full strength to resolve the cold air coming from Yu Bingyan. At the same time, he was continuously input into Yu Bingyan. Now, Yu Bingyan is like Xuan Bing. Cold, even stiff! All relying on Ling Tian's dragon-sharpening magical skills to protect his heart a little warmth, so as not to be outrageous on the spot!

Xuanyin Divine Vein has no solution in this world!

If there is no Ling Tian, ​​I am afraid to send Jun Tianli this generation of medical sage, the world's first master of martial arts, if you use the pure Yang internal force to expel Yu Bingyan's veins for Yu Bingyan, I am afraid that it will end in a hatred , Together with Yu Bingyan, become an immortal Xuanbing zombie! (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in m, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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