Legend of Ling Tian

Chapter 71: Teach martial arts

Reluctantly expelled these annoying thoughts, Ling Tian looked at the people in front of him, and asked another question again: "When will the kingdom's army conquest begin?"

Everyone was stunned again, Feng Mo said: "Zheng Ding? What Zheng Ding?"

Ling Tian froze for a while, and said, "Aren't the military recruiting new recruits?"

The people shook their heads together, Feng Mo said: "The kingdom is very peaceful right now, what are the recruits doing?"


Ling Tian was dumbfounded: "Doesn't the world be too peaceful?"

Everyone took it for granted: "Generally, the recruitment of soldiers is once every five years. Last year, the army just recruited new soldiers, and now it does not fight anymore. The army does not lack people and does not need to recruit soldiers. Unless it is to fight, or it is the old and weak in the army The number of sick and disabled will increase, and then it will begin to collect. Add a part to enter. "

Feng Mo also said: "I have been in the army for more than ten years, but I have only seen two new recruits."

Do not recruit troops without fighting? Recruit every five years? ! Ling Tian stroked his forehead, speechless to the extreme! Fuck, no wonder the dynasties of this world change so frequently, no wonder there are seven countries on one continent! Grandma's original reason is here! It is a strange thing to manage the army in such a way that the country does not die.

Always have no trouble! What do these kings and ministers eat? Have you settled down to live and work in peace? sit back and relax? You do n’t even have a sense of worry? Ling Tian felt that his thinking could not keep up.

The original wishful thinking of Ling Tian was: With the opportunity of the kingdom to conquer, with Ling's influence, he would unknowingly withhold a batch, and then he would train himself to become his family's private soldier. Now this plan is completely aborted! Every five years! How can Ling Tian wait? It's hard to say that the strategy will change.

Looking at Feng Mo and others, they said, "Lingfu Bieyuan is about to be completed in three months. My design can accommodate at least ten thousand people to practice at the same time. The kingdom will not be conquered. This part of people will go to you. Recruitment. It is required to be over fifteen and under twenty-five, how much can be recruited. This is your first task. Feng Mo, you are responsible for arranging this matter and how to operate it. But, After recruiting people, they must be brought silently into the other courtyard, and the wind cannot be revealed. "After thinking about it, Ling Tian said:" The goal of recruiting enough people at one time is too large and can be divided into several batches. This degree is also up to you. . "

Feng Mo stood up and clenched his fists: "Yes! Just follow the order of the son."

Ling Tian thought about it again and said, "Feng Mo, you pick out two more people to take over the gang of gusts. Within three years, be sure to turn all the underground forces in the entire capital into our world! Others Brother, you can help at any time! If you have anything, you can make your own decisions without asking me. Oh, yes, do n’t move the Blood Flower Hall. Leave it to Ling Jian! "

Ling Jian stood up excitedly: "Thank you son!"

Ling Tian nodded, stood up, and said, "We have been out for activities for so long in the house."

Everyone couldn't help but feel happy, knowing that Ling Tian was about to start teaching martial arts to everyone, and a lot of swarms poured out.

The snow is snowy, and the moonlight is like water.

Ling Tian stood leisurely in the courtyard, holding a single sword in his hand and said: "Your so-called martial arts, there is no one-point move at all, but only a lot of hardening on the battlefield, and naturally formed his own set. However, This alone is far from enough to cross the frontier and stand up for life. Watch carefully. "

Ling Tian stood alone, then pointed diagonally toward the sky. The whole person suddenly exhaled an awe-inspiring breath, and the crowd watching suddenly felt that breathing was stagnant.

With a single knife slanting down, with this action, the entire set of swordsmanship was completely revealed, and the cold waves rolled over suddenly, and the knife was emptied; although the opposite was only a person and a knife, but the feeling of 36 iron guards Here, it seems to be back on the battlefield, and feels the savage murderousness like thousands of horses and thousands of soldiers shouting to kill!

Shot with a knife, everyone was captured!

Soon, Ling Tian closed his sword and stood, looking at the dazzling faces of everyone, smiling: "This set of swordsmanship is called 'Thousand Arms Slash'! Born out of the battle battle, it is most suitable for confrontation between the two armies, It is used to fight the enemy when there are few enemies. In the future, I will teach you this set of knives, and there is also a set of mental methods, which I will teach you. "

The expression of ecstasy appeared on everyone's face at the same time! Thanks at the same time. If such a mighty knife technique is learned, then everyone's strength will not be improved by a little bit! What's more, listening to the son's words ~ www.readwn.com ~ also has a set of special mental methods. Everyone knows that the so-called mental method is the secret method of cultivation. When I think of myself, I can become a legendary strongman. Can't help but stretch blood.

After waving away, everyone looked at Ling Jian and Ling Chen with their eyes, Ling Tian couldn't help but laugh, "Look at me for what? Haha, don't worry, come with me for your benefit."

After Ling Tian passed the recipe of Ling Jian Jinglong's Divine Skill, and after passing it to Ling Chen Hanbing's Divine Skill, Ling Tian guided the two to run through the body again with inner force. I couldn't help laughing, and I didn't sleep all night, but all three were energetic and not tired at all.

Eased his lazy waist, Ling Tian strolled out of the room, squinted, and looked at the rising sun of the East Sky, a bright smile appeared on his face.

The rising sun also added a lot of golden light to Ling Tian's small body ......

Behind them, Ling Jian and Ling Chen looked at Ling Tian bathed in the sun, their eyes full of admiration.

Finally wants to grow up, Feng Ling can't wait for Ling Tian to grow up in one sentence. This period of time is really a torment. A lot of subsequent plots have outlined the outline, but they cannot start. It means that there is a room full of banknotes in front of him, but he can't spend a point. The depressed Fengling almost looks up to the sky.

Everyone can see that the two chapters 70 and 71 are badly written by Feng Ling. I really want to skip these two chapters. But there are some things to explain again, alas, helpless, helpless! Grudge, grudge! It will be wonderful next, everyone will wait and see.

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