Legend of Ling Tian

: Power expansion

Watched Ling Jiu panic and went away, Ling Tian's face behind the sky suddenly turned like a river and thawed, and he burst out laughing: "Son, today you scared this little monkey."

Ling Tian smiled, suddenly sat up, stretched out with one hand, and took Ling Chen's beautiful body into his arms, smiling and said: "I didn't scare him, I think it was the cold face of my morning child that frozen the kid Now. "

Ling Chen's face was red, but he snuggled snuggly in Ling Tian's arms, twisting for a while, and grunted: "The son came to tease people again."

Ling Tian laughed, leaned in his ears, and said softly: "Chen'er still remembers the thing I touched for you that year? You caused me to be beaten hard by my dad. I can't get out of bed for a few days, bitter wow. "

In the early morning, when he mentioned this old-age story, he couldn't help but giggled again, struggling to get up from his arms, and stomping his feet: "The son will be exaggerated, but he hasn't gotten out of bed for two days, it's still a son's outfit . "

Ling Tian smiled and said, "Huh, you girl still remember, I was spanked so badly for your son, do you want to make some compensation for your son?"

Early in the morning, he was very angry and funny: "Son, think about it yourself, how much compensation have you given me for carrying this matter over the past few years? How can this debt be paid back and forth again and again, and it will never end?" ? "

"Uh!" Ling Tian could not help but stagnate, and then smiled and said: "Otherwise, Chen'er, I'll touch your bones to see if you are still suitable for practicing magic skills?"

In the early morning, Huarong lost his color, struggling and fled away, standing still, shy and sullenly said: "The son has been thinking of these bad ideas all day, and Chener is not coming."

Ling Tian rubbed his hands, salivating his face, and said: "Good morning, just once, is it good?"

In the early morning, it was a pretty stomping foot, the small nose bridge slightly upturned, and hummed: "Son, you have said this at least twenty times once."

Lingtian laughed, stood up, and asked, "Morning, how old is your ice god?"

I heard his topic change in the early morning, asked this serious question, and finally slowly returned to him to sit down and said: "Just entered the fifth floor, Chen'er is really stupid, it took so long to practice."

Lin Tian smiled, "You are not satisfied yet? Someone who has practiced this ice magic skill is to spend his whole life and may not be able to break through the fifth floor. How old are you?"

Linchen also laughed, and blinked again: "But last time Ling Jian's guy came back, he even beat me! I'm so angry."

Ling Tian smiled again and said: "Ling Jian's guy makes you. If you really fight against life and death, you are not his opponent now, but the people below Ling Jian, including Ling Chi, are no longer your opponents. "

Said in the early morning, "I know that Ling Jian didn't give his full strength last time, but I still didn't carry the fifth level of ice magic skills. What did the son say I am not his opponent?"

Ling Tian thought for a while and said, "Ling Jian's martial arts are not suitable for head-to-head combat, nor are they suitable for discussion; Ling Jian is a murderous martial art! You are now in contact with Ling regardless of reaction or internal force Swords are comparable, but if you fight to death, even if your martial arts are higher than Ling Jian, you will inevitably die under his sword. "

Blew his mouth in the early morning and said, "I don't believe it!"

Ling Tian looked at her and suddenly said seriously: "Chener, I know you have always refused to obey Ling Jian, but, do you know? Under Ling Jian's sword, there are at least thousands of lives, but you, never No one has killed anyone. If you two are fighting each other, you ca n’t stand Ling Jian ’s murderousness alone. "

In the early morning when I saw the seriousness of Ling Tian's words, I couldn't help but lowered my head and yelled softly.

Seeing her look lost, Ling Tian couldn't help but hold her in his arms again, and said with a chuckle: "But ah, Chener, I found that your ice **** has changed since you entered the fifth floor. .

In the early morning, his face turned red, and he said, "Where has it changed? It hasn't changed."

Ling Tian looked at her with a smile, but did not speak.

In the early morning, he was so embarrassed by his hope that a pretty face was deeply buried in his arms, and he dared not lift it again. Just said in a mosquito-like voice: "I don't know how, since I practiced this laozi child's ice magic, I saw other men feel disgusted from the bottom of my heart, even Ling Chi and Ling Jian, so ... "Only ..." Speaking of which, almost even the neck started to burn, and the sound was even inaudible, even Ling Tian's hearing was unclear.

Lin Tian laughed and said, "Is it only my son ... Well?"

In the early morning, his small head drilled two drills in his arms, twisting his body and saying, "The son is bullying again." Although the phrase is lascivious, it seems to be humming from the nose. Ling Tian laughed.

In the past ten years, Ling Tian ’s power has been secretly expanding rapidly. The number of private soldiers in the Lingfu of the other courts has reached 20,000. Ling Tian specifically ordered that the status quo be maintained and no more staff will be added. Speaking of the 20,000 people, almost 36 iron-blooded guards were exhausted, and they were recruited a dozen times. Each time, Ling Tian was eliminated by the vast majority. Now, these 20,000 private soldiers are already elite. Elite!

As for the gang of winds secretly controlled by Ling Tian, ​​it is now well-deserved to become the largest gang of Chengtian City. In the capital, no matter what happens, it will be transmitted to Lingfu Beyuan in the first time. This is beneficial for Lingtian to grasp the dynamics of Beijing.

Three years ago, a mysterious killer organization suddenly appeared on the Star Continent. Since the "first floor", all the assassination missions received on the first floor, the targets that were entrusted with assassination were all killed within half a month. Whether it is a martial arts hero or a member of various countries, without exception! Everyone in the world is looking for the whereabouts of the first floor, but no one can find even a little bit of clues.

The first floor ~ www.readwn.com ~ has become one of the most terrifying existence in the Star Continent! Of course, the assassination price is also rising, and the highest assassination price has reached an astronomical point. But no matter what the task, the first floor has never missed! The family of Fei's family in Nan Zhengguo once set a trap and ambushed hundreds of masters in the first floor where they received information. They were going to catch someone who forced them to question the whereabouts of the first floor so that they could be wiped out in one fell swoop. However, the result was that the family of Fei's family, which had dominated Nanzheng for nearly a century, disappeared overnight, and none of the entire family of more than 2,000 people escaped!

The incident shocked the whole world! All the families on the first floor who were eager to succumb to each other, and no longer dared to make this plan.

Corresponding to this, the name of Duke Lingtian ’s dude is also popular, not only from the Kingdom of Heaven, but also from people in other seven countries, and rarely has he heard of the name of Daddy Ling ’s dude. of. Among the three sons of Chengtian, Prince Ling Tian ranked first. After ten years, no one can shake his reputation as the first dude! After seeing Ling Tian, ​​the great Confucian Confucian scholar said with a sigh: "There are not many dudes that Kong Mou has seen, but like Master Ling, he has never seen it in the world. It can be said that there is no ancient man before, no one coming after "" This sentence, scored three points.

This remark came out and became popular all over the world. Grand Master Ling is well-known, and it's only a moment! Even Mr. Kong Zhishu's sentence "No one before, no one after" has become a famous saying that has been passed down through the ages!

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