Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 126: The request of the Emperor Tianlong (on)

The two big light bulbs finally left, and the wind suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the eyes became lustful again: "Yaoer, Xiruo, soft, what should we play with a man and a woman?"

"What the young master wants to play is to play." The water softly whispered, but the eyes flashed unconsciously.

I tried hard not to think about the other meaning of this sentence. I said to Feng Xia and Xi Xi, who was reddish in this face: "I still have to hand over the task first. You should wait here for me and come back soon." After returning to the stars and white, he ran out of the wind building and ran to the Dragon Palace.

"Soft sister, what's wrong with you?" I noticed the softness of the water, and Feng Yao asked.

"I don't know... I don't know why I feel a little uncomfortable. I feel like there is something important to lose."

The Tianlong Palace has always been guarded by strictness, but today it seems to be overkill. Both the guards and the patrolling officers and men have more than doubled, indicating that there seems to be something big to happen in the palace. It was so popular that it was in the middle of nowhere, and it quickly reached the Imperial Study Room. What surprised him was that the royal study was empty at this time. The guard at the door told him that the Emperor Tianlong was on the main hall of the Tianlong.

Upward? Is it time for the last dynasty? I was so embarrassed to look at the time. At this time, the Emperor Tianlong should be in the Imperial Study Room.

The wind quickly turned and ran to the royal study room, and secretly guessed it all the way.

"Wind brother, the Emperor of Tianlong may be dead." Xuanyuan said very calmly, a word that is not surprisingly endless.

"What!?" The footsteps of the wind are hard to stop. He never doubts Xuanyuan's words.

"When you saw him last time, I learned from his memory that he did not take the blood of the unicorn, but took it to the Princess of the Water Moon. The Emperor Tianlong arranged everything in order to keep his mind clear. , using an overdraft of banned drugs. According to time, his life span should be these days." Xuanyuan explained.

"How could this be... oh, why didn't you tell me earlier?" The wind suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. He suddenly realized that he seemed to be reluctant to hang up.

"Wind brother...because I don't understand it, I really don't understand why my father can be so great, even can abandon his life for his daughter, why is it the same father...why..." Xuanyuan's voice is getting more and more Weak, and finally sobbed.

"Father...all are great, no fathers and no children who love themselves." The wind stunned the righteous father who devoted himself to Yao and his life, and his heart filled with bitterness. Although he is not a biological person, he is better than his own, and he has no chance to repay himself.

"No... Father doesn't love his children... It's not like this, it's not like this!" Xuanyuaner suddenly cried a hysterical cry, and there was no more voice.

"Hey? What's wrong with you?" Xuanyuan's strangeness made the wind wake up from the memory, but did not answer his voice.

"What the **** is going on... Is there a father? Is it true that she has said that she belonged to the realm of the gods, and later turned into a sword spirit... turned into a sword spirit... Is it related to his father?"

Emperor Tianlong, he was the emperor of the entire Tianlong Dynasty, but he was a father first and a great father. If there is any way to make him not die, even if there is no reward, I will go to desperately to find this method - just to be soft.

The wind slammed his head and rushed to the main hall of Tianlong.

Tianlong main hall.

The Emperor of Tianlong sat on the golden dragon chair, his eyes closed slightly, not a word, accumulating the remaining strength, but the majesty on his face did not decrease. On both sides of the palace, hundreds of cultural relics ministers face each other and dare not speak. The changes in the guards in the palace made them clearly smell some strange smell. The emperor summoned them again at this time, and even made them a little uneasy, secretly guessing.

"The emperor, Tianlong secretly asked the spirit to see..."

The little **** has not finished, and the wind has already rushed up. At the same time, the Emperor Tianlong slowly opened his eyes that had been closed slightly.

"Wind Soul Warrior, you are coming, huh, huh, it seems that the task has been successfully completed." Tianlong Emperor said with relief.

"The emperor, this is the ice grass." The wind smashed out a transparent herbal plug to the little **** to let him present, and then waved his hand to stop the emperor who wanted to talk: "Leave no attention to what the territory is. Emperor, can you The way to save your life, say it, I must do it!"

When the words of this wind came out, the Tianlong main hall was suddenly silent, the needles were audible, and the Wenwu Baiguan was all there.

"Wind Soul Warrior, why do you say this... Emperor, this... What the **** is this?" The right-hander reacted first, and asked with a look of fear, he had already vaguely realized what.

The Emperor of Tianlong was surprised first, then smiled bitterly: "You already know it. Yes, the purpose of calling everyone today is to pass on the emperor's life. The life of the embarrassment ends today."

a bolt from the blue!

The curtain behind the Emperor of Tianlong was suddenly smashed up. The Princess of the Water Moon slammed out in the exclamation of two palace ladies: "Father! What are you talking about? Are you cheating on the water, right? You are the emperor. Can't lie."

The weak voice is with grief, and the crystal tears have been left uncontrollably.

The Tianlong main hall suddenly made a mess, like a blasting pot, crying and screaming one after another.

In the morning, the emperor who was in the spirit of the early morning, how come...

"Everyone is quiet! Quiet!" Right-handedly tried to stop the chaotic situation, and the war-torn archer asked: "The emperor, what the **** is going on, your illness is not...not..." The voice of the right-handed man trembles Finally, I saw a glance at the wind, and the meaning is self-evident.

Emperor Tianlong did not answer, sighed and said to the wind: "The spirit of the warrior, I feel your sincerity, but the disease has been deep into the internal organs, even if the holy drug is also back to heaven. You last saved the emperor Life, you are already hard to repay."


Princess Shuiyue fainted to the ground.

The savvy minister of civil and military can not hear the cause and effect in the emperor's words, and they cried to the ground.

"You are in love with the Qing, you are the pillars of my Tianlong dynasty. After the trip to the west, I hope that the people can fully support the emperor's water moon..." The Emperor of Tianlong turned to the wind: "The soul of the wind, about the reward The things in your territory will let Fang Aiqing accompany you to start, as long as you level up to 5o, and get the 'Building City Token', whether it is a town, an island or a mountain forest, which one you value, it can belong to you."

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