Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 150: Shura's inverse scale (top)

"Hey, there are calls from outside, are you answering?"

"It should be a phone call from Xiaotian. Let's go offline."

Feng Yao nodded and disappeared with his brother in two white lights...

Due to the time difference, when the wind came out of the game cabin, Xiao Tian’s phone had already been hung up automatically. The wind quickly picked up the phone and gave Xiao Tian a call.

"Boss, what old mysterious task you are busy with recently, how can you not contact you in the game?"

"Oh, a hidden task, just say it is scared to scare you, and then tell you when you go out. Yes, I may not be able to return to the building for a long time, remember to talk to my family softly, let her not allow Too worried... forget it, let the eve say it, your boy is not safe."

Did not wait for Xiao Tian to complain, the wind hangs up directly.

The limit of Shennong Ding trial is how many gold bosses.

Later, will there be other trials?

One door a day, this upgrade should not be too shocking... just pity your own little softness, but also to be independent.

"Brother, go out shopping with me!" Feng Yao ran out with joy, the whole body has been changed, the light t-shirt clings to the upper body, the tight jeans outline the proud long legs, compact white High-heeled sandals are set against the crystal-clear jade.

The wind slammed in front of the eyes, just can't help but admire the fascination of a few charms, and Feng Yao, who was forced to wait, hugged his arms and pulled out.

"Yao, I haven't changed clothes yet..."

"Don't change it, my brother is the best looking."

"But I haven’t said anything yet..."

"I said it, if my sister went to the game to accompany you to be soft and gentle, I don't want to think about you in these few days. I don't want to think about your softness. I only want to be alone." Feng Yao holds him. The arm's hand was tight and then a large sunhat was worn.

The wind stunned in my heart. Women have their own careful eyes, even the most gentle and considerate Yao in the world is no exception.

Walking into the bustling commercial street, the long-lost and noisy atmosphere made him quite uncomfortable. Although Fengyao covers most of her face, her perfect body still attracts countless male animals, and the collision of the hurdles on the road has never stopped.

"Brother, a lot of beautiful women are peeking at you!" Feng Yao is somewhat proud, and some tasteful,

"No way, the charm is big like this." The wind smugly looked proud, and a few small sisters who were secretly watching him on the side of the road smiled, and suddenly they were dizzy.

"The narcissistic brother... Brother, let's go and buy some clothes for the sister of Xi Ruo." Feng Yao took the wind and walked quickly to the opposite "glamorous woman".

"Yes... but this is a women's underwear store..."

A woman in a plaid dress looked at the direction in which the wind and back disappeared, and suddenly screamed: "The man is popular, it is popular!"

Her partner looked at her reaction strangely and asked curiously: "Who is the wind?"

"The prince of the wind, the most popular prince in the history of Jinghua University, although he left Jinghua University four years ago, but now almost all the girls' bedroom in Jinghua University is hanging his photos... When he left Jinghua, he did not know how many girls I cried all night, I didn’t expect that I actually met him today..."

"Wow, it's so powerful, isn't it a level?"

"It’s a long handsome. When I go home, I will show you the videos that are stored in my computer, the violent grade director, one person who has fallen into the school’s rogue, and one person who singles out the entire basketball of Huaxia University. The team won a big victory..."

The plaid dress girl has been chasing forward in a hurry, but in the crowd of people, I can no longer see him.

"Little kid, spring?"

"Hey, what's the matter, I tell you..." The girl named "Little" said a word gently in her ear, then smirked and ran away.

"Ah~~ You are going to die, so you can say it!"


The summer vacation at Jinghua University is short-lived and fixed. August 6th is the annual start date of Jinghua University. On the early morning of this morning, Feng Feng sent Feng Yao to the school early. When the two separated, there was no sorrow, only a warm smile.

During this time, apart from sleeping in a room, the two were almost not separated by a half, and life was simple and warm. Their feelings have long been melted, and the geographical barriers can't affect them.

Moreover, when entering the game, they can be together.

Although the actual game time is less than ten minutes per day, the level of the wind is still growing at an alarming rate. After solving 16 gold bosses yesterday, his rank rose to the second hate level four, and those who practiced The level of madman is stunned, and I want to break my head and I don’t want to understand why this Shenlong is not seen or finished. Fengyao also rose to level 35, almost entering the ranking list, the small rose to 39, Xiaobai 37, the stars 35.

The long-lost system prompts tell him that the next level is the end of the trial, and that is to face 17 gold bosses!

When the wind came home, it was already noon. If the sun was lying quietly in the game compartment, the wind seemed to see her beautiful picture of the flowers.

When Yao Yao left, what can I do for lunch? I can’t let you eat instant noodles like me every day... and take a shower... change clothes... comb your hair... go to the bathroom...

One of the first two big winds of the wind, let Feng Yao drop out of school. In the end, I had to put down the problem for a while and drilled into the game compartment to continue the final trial.

Looking at the gorgeous gold boss team in front of him, the wind was first professionally took a photo of them, and then a scroll smashed past.

Thunderbolt explosion skill volume.


At the moment when the reel was thrown out, the green world became completely purple, and countless strong and powerful lightnings formed a huge thunder and hell. The huge roar was deafening, mixed with the sound of mourning and The smashing items fell for ten seconds and then gradually dispersed.

The windy Zhang’s mouth was difficult to close, and the brain was full of shocks.

This is the power of the curse... and it's just a low-level curse.

What a shock to the intermediate and advanced curse.

"Hey, you kill 4o gold boss 'dark blood wolf', reputation +4o..."

"Hey, you kill 4o gold boss..."



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