Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 159: Duanmu (on)

The windy expression was light, but his eyes were cold, and a black shadow flashed on his body.


Miss, miss, miss, miss...-69o,-581,-566,+68o...

After performing the phantom, the breakthrough of two thousand evasions caused almost all the physical attacks to have misses. Although the wind is trying to avoid, but countless magic skills are still hitting him, reducing most of his life. At this time, countless gangs waiting for the opportunity to flock to the top, want to share a piece of cake.

"I rely! This group of scum! Boss, I will help you!" Xiao Tian took out the golden wolf tooth sword, roared and prepared to rush, but was caught by Chen Bing, biting his teeth and shaking his head.

Xiao Tian’s hateful struggle has been two times and finally endured. He knows that rushing with himself and Xiaobing's strength will not only help the wind, but will distract him to protect them. Because they know that their boss will never let their brothers get hurt.

"Ice blocks! Can we just drag the boss's hind legs like this?" Xiao Tian said with some self-deprecation. Chen Bing did not speak, and the ice in his hand was generated once and then, and then he was smashed to the ground.

"Ice, let's go! Let's go leveling and find our hidden profession, we must be strong!"

Chen Bing nodded, and he took a look at the wind and left with Xiao Tian. Although worried about him, they believe him more. Because he is their boss, and they are the ones who are the bosses of the world.

"Absolute time field!"

After the time was fixed, the wind sump almost empty, and the wind was not in a hurry. He grabbed the star that was sleeping and threw it into the air.

"Stars, look at you!"

The stars opened their dark eyes, accompanied by a slightly tender dragon, in a group of flickering light, incarnation into a five-meter-long dragon!

Black and white dragon scales, three white and two black dragon claws, above the dragon, a dazzling star flashes with multicolored light, it is the skill of the star level 30 comprehension - true dragon change.

The crowd outside the time field looks at the scene in front of it, because all the people are in a static state except for a light-faced Shura, and once someone or skill enters the area around Shuro 2o, it will be completely still. .

This is... what kind of skill!

"Dragon! It is a dragon!"

"God, really a dragon!" countless people screamed.

"...is the sacred and sacred star dragon on the pet list!"

The stars that turned into real dragons in the air overlooked the crowd attacking the master below, and the body rushed up. After two seconds, the time field was lifted, and the power of the dragon's dragon source was also saved. A huge red net cover turned to the bottom. space.

Enchanted enchantment: Dragon exclusive magic magic. Take all the elements in a certain range with the power of Longyuan, so that both the enemy and the enemy in the range can not use magic. Consumes magic 2ooo, 1oo meters around the range itself, and the ability to cast a skill requires two seconds of magic savings, duration 1 minute, skill cooldown 3 days.

"One minute, enough!" The wind slammed the stars back. The next moment, the performance has been shown in the group of magicians behind the shield guard, an ice breaks with a few mournings, accompanied by a clang The item fell.

God's hand does not change color, and calmly directs the distribution of his men: "His attack is too powerful, all people are scattered, do not give him the opportunity to attack, the main attack power is the magician, the warrior shield is in front. And be ready to add it up and don't let him approach, be sure to protect the magician!"

However, at this time the scene has already been completed, and all the big gangs have been mixed together. But they are surprisingly not in conflict with each other, aiming at the Shura being attacked.

"Master, it's not good! I don't know why, all the magicians can't cast magic!" A magician ran over sweating, his face scared and incredible.

"What!" God's hand frowned, tempted to cast a "running spell", but was prompted by the system to cast magic!

God's hand is in a hurry, because the scene in front of it has already revealed its own range of knowledge.

In the dense crowd, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed, followed by a violent tornado of white light, slamming in the crowd, except for a few lucky shields, all the players who encountered this tornado were spiked. For a time, mourning and screams continued.

In just five seconds, more than twenty players lost their lives under the light cross. And everyone's attack on Shura is almost all miss!

"Iyi, let's go, this Shura is too strong! I still underestimated his strength." God's hand helplessly summoned his mount, wise people will not blindly pursue what they would rather die. In the face of unpredictable results, blind resistance is the behavior of cowards, and preserving strength is the most important.

The proud moon Iraqi eyes looked at Shura in a complicated way, and hated to leave.

Looking at the two people who fled, the eyes of the wind flashed disdain. If you really want to kill her, he has at least one hundred ways to make her die.

"Grounding the waves!"


Xuanyuanjian hit heavy on the ground, the yellow earth system ability exploded with the roar of the earth, and all the players within seven meters were shot and turned into corpses, and a small area appeared around the wind. vacuum.

"The Lord is gone, don't play with these boring guys! The new moon is seven!"

The seven colors of light illuminate, and the wind lifts the radiant Xuanyuan sword, chooses the orientation, and slams it with force.

A huge energy wave with a crescent moon shape is mixed with seven kinds of rays, and it sweeps forward in an instant.


The huge numbers of suffocating numbers are floating in the air, and no one hidden in these figures is standing. When people finally recovered from the huge shock, the horrible Shura has disappeared completely, and he can no longer be seen around him.

"Rely, almost hung up!" Looking at himself with a little **** skin, the wind was depressed. Although 8o% of the attacks are misses, the combination of hundreds of attacks is noisy.

"It seems that I am still not strong enough!" The wind stroking the Xuanyuan sword. The hope of becoming stronger is all on it. Without strong power and gang support, the lone line has decided that he must work harder than others to stand higher.

"Start tomorrow, look for Suzaku."

The wind smashed out of the hall, and two girls laughed and laughed in the back yard. The wind was warm and whispered into the backyard.

"Young Master, when are you coming back!" The soft and pleasant surprise ushered in.

The wind squeezed the soft face and turned to the eve if he said: "If we go down, we haven't treated you today."

"Yeah!" Yang Xiruo promised.


"Big Brother, do you really think that Shura can deal with so many people?" Ao Yueyi said quietly, the cold voice mixed with a hint of hatred.

God's hand shook his head: "No! With the increase of the ranks, Shura's advantage began to weaken significantly. Previously his ordinary attack can kill the shield, but today, but can't. But I think he can safely escape, otherwise He will not be so arrogant to appear there."

The woman frowned: "Why is he targeting me!"

"I don't know, I am also very confused. At least you are seeing him for the first time. Moreover, he can actually unveil your veil, incredible... well. We are here."

This is a private mansion of the player in the south of Tianlong Imperial City. It is less than an hour away from the center of Tianlong Imperial City. It is a very good location. The hand of the last day saw the hand of God come back, and quickly greeted him, but did not ask about Shura, but whispered in his ear: "Big brother, the blind man out of the novice village, just arrived here."

The surprises in the eyes of God's hand are fleeting, and faintly said: "Let's go in."

The eyes of the two men collided together, but did not collide with the warmth and sparks of any husband and wife, because the autumn water alum was only indifferent, cold to the indifference in the bones.

"You are here!" The hand of God revealed Wenxi's smile.

"Yeah!" The woman promised, no longer looking up at him.

This woman looks very beautiful, even under the proud moon, the thin silk can not hide the perfect curve, every inch of skin exposed is not only exquisite to the extreme, looking at China, it is difficult for women to match it. God's hand sighs that if his beloved wife enters the game before the list, there may be more than three people in the goddess list.

Although she does not love herself, the hand of God has always believed that she is the goddess given to him by God. From the first sight of her, she has fallen into an infatuable obsession.

A two- or three-year-old child ran out of the interior, saw the hand of God, shouted "Dad" with a tender voice, and then plunged into the woman's arms.

Looking at the child, the indifference in the woman's eyes was completely replaced by warmth. She gently picked up the little boy and asked softly: "Hey, is it fun here?"

The little boy nodded hard: "Well! It's exactly the same as in real life."

In order to prevent young people from ruining their studies, Chinese citizens under the age of 16 are not allowed to use gaming equipment, but this regulation is only empty talk in some powerful families.

The next chapter notice: What is the concept of 8oo IQ? Is it human? Or is it God? However, this horror is enough for everyone to shudder at the number of three-year-old children.

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