Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 170: Totoro

(This chapter is a bit boring.)

"Baby, how old are you?"


"What about the baby in the last few years?"

"Years... I don't know. Mom said that I can't go to school like other children. Usually my mother teaches me at home. Mom can be amazing, anything."

"Does your mother agree that you are playing games so small?"

"I didn't want to play before. But Dad agreed to play with me, so my mother agreed."

"... baby, what is your full name?"

"Well... my full name is... Mom doesn't let anyone tell."

"Why can't you tell others that even big brothers can't?"

"Mom said that no one can tell, or I will be dangerous."

The wind is silent, this little angel, who is in his arms like a jade, is definitely not simple.

The monsters along the way are basically some strange animals, 1o-level small green snake, 13-level red snake, 15 floating rabbit, and even 1 white rabbit.

Seeing these little white rabbits, the windy face was pumping *. The most insane of his life was planted in the hands of these little rabbits. What is even more hateful is that he has not revenged until now.

"Big brother, your kitten is running fast." The baby's head was stroking the wind on the chest, and the tender lips under the mask moved as if enjoying the feeling of this new style.

The little white footsteps in Mercedes-Benz clearly stunned and finally recovered.

"Big brother, that is the cave in front, the unlovable big cat is inside." The baby stretched out a white, fat-like finger, pointing to a cave with a noticeable seal in front.

"Well, Xiaobai, go over there."

Seeing the cave that is only two meters high in front, the wind smiles, holding the baby soft to the incredible soft waist, gently taking her to jump down the white.

The baby's small head, who had never been in close contact with someone other than her mother, suddenly stopped, and she had not waited for her to react. The little hand had been picked up by him.

"Baby, let's go in, we must defeat the cat to avenge you." Feel the softness of the jade in his hand, and the wind was awkward and gently, pulling her forward.

Looking at the height can only barely pass the baby on his waist side, the wind can not help but sigh: she is still a child, but has such a charming and fascinating shape. If she was born in ancient times, she would become the origin of the wars of the nations, and countless countries would perish because of her.

"Big brother, this cave, only I can open." The baby's cheeks are reddish, and the heartbeat is no longer a lot faster. Although she was very young, she also secretly knew about some things between men and women, not to mention the warnings of her mother. But she did not break the small hand she was holding. Although it was the first time she was held by a man, she was not happy at all, but she had a feeling of being very fond of it.

The little angel's hand stretched out and gently attached to the white enchantment that sealed the hole. In a short while, the enchanting sound of the enchantment quickly disappeared.

"Big brother, I am very good." The baby did a very great thing, happy to take back the small hand, the eyes are eager to look at the big brother, hoping to get praise.

"Well, the baby is very good." The wind smacked gently on her exquisite little nose, holding her hand and walking inside.

The baby gently touched the small nose that he had just touched by his big brother. She was very happy to be praised by her big brother, and she was more happy than her mother’s compliment.

The cave is full of light and does not affect the vision. This cave is tall enough for a baby who is less than one meter tall and taller. It can be noticeable to the "big" of the wind. The protruding part of the top can touch his head from time to time.

After walking about twenty steps, the baby stopped, and some of them refused to take off the tender hand from the mastery of the wind, and took out the magic gun that was surrounded by the light.

"Big brother, I played it out, and then my big brother helped me to fight it."

The baby has failed here many times, so the tender voice is a little nervous. She took a sigh of relief, pointed at the front, and pressed a white crescent on the gun.


A huge silver-white bullet flashed white light from the muzzle, and it was incredible, and the sound of the air was sharp in this quiet cave. Then, a clear burst of sound came from inside, accompanied by a weird howl.

"Big brother, it came out!" The baby quickly hid behind the wind, and the two small hands clutched his clothes, which was not so nervous.

The apparent sound of running is getting more and more. Soon, the master of the voice appeared. The enemy in front of him was not the little girl who took the gun. He suddenly slammed and stopped. He looked at the front. "Gold" man.

The wind is also interested in watching it, the cat is right, but it is much bigger than the average cat, more than half a meter high, and the head is actually horned; the tail is even more bizarre, the whole tail looks Going up a lot longer than the body, and it seems like a dragon's tail!

My Neighbor Totoro: 1o class low-level fairy, life 6oooo. Formerly the guardian beast of the archangel, the origin of the origin is unknown, with half-dragon's blood and half cat's blood. During the Devil's War, he was severely damaged and his ability was reduced to a minimum. He was left behind by the archangels and seemed to be guarding.

Weakness: Fear of darkness and death are attacks.

Talent: The body of light: resists 4o% of light damage.

Skills: cat and cat boxing, bright bullets, light healing, light dragon incarnation.

Actually it is only a low-level fairy! No wonder the baby's talents and skills are not dead.

The wind is cautious, the mind is fretting, the repairing illusion, the blood wolf armor appears on the body at the same time, the Xuanyuan golden light in the hand is slightly flashing, with a slight momentum.

Actually let me let the little angel behind me feel sad, you are a messy relationship, the little fairy is dead!

"The stars will come out to meet your family."

The stars jumped out of the contract space with excitement, and the magic star shimmered, and the slightly dark caves were also faintly shimmered.

At the moment when the stars appeared, the wind became noticeable. The eyes of the Totoro’s hostile drama changed dramatically, and they changed into surprise and fear. They could not help but step back two steps.

"Hey, because you summoned the pet 'Yin and Yang Magic Star Dragon', the Totoro, which was judged as the enemy, was forced by the magic star, and fell into a 'fear' state, not afraid to attack, while attack and defense fell by 5o%. ”

"Sure enough!" Although the stars are only pets, the more the potential of the holy beast and the dragon's supreme momentum are indelible. The tortoise with half of the dragon's descent will instinctively show fear under the pressure of the magic star. And the heart of surrender.

"Hey baby, hit it... Don't worry, it doesn't dare to come over." The wind smashed the baby's soft body to the front and pointed to some of the tortoises that shivered.

The baby believed his words very hard, nodded hard, and corrected the magic gun in his hand. A "burst bomb" slammed into the big cat in front.



Although the baby's attack is far less perverted than the wind, it is already much stronger than the average player. And all her skills, even ordinary attacks, can be a through attack of a straight line 5o meters long, or a parabolic bombardment within a small area of ​​a selected area within 5o meters.

The magical skills attached to the magic gun, the power of his new moon is seven.

God punishment. The sky weeping bomb: the skill of the trick. Use the magic gun to shoot 13 thundering bombs in the air to the ground for a devastating blow. Effect: Thirteen combos, each hit is equal to 13o% of normal attack damage, with a 3o% destruction effect. Attack range: A circular range of 100 meters in diameter around three hundred meters. Dynamic conditions: Over 30 meters above the sky, it takes 5 seconds of magic to save before the move. The full attribute drops to 1 within 5 hours after use, consumes magic 3ooo, and can be used once a day.

Under the pressure of the Magic Star Dragon, the attacking Totoro did not dare to resist, and even did not dare to escape. The baby is obviously happy: "Big brother, you are so powerful, it really does not dare to come over! Hey, let it always bully me, I must bully back!"

The baby's glare bombs, magic bombs, and bursting bombs are blasted one by one. Every time they hit, they will cheer gently. The delicate voice is a very sweet enjoyment in the wind.

The baby's attack has a fatal flaw - slow, slower than the gun warrior, only two seconds to attack. The little star yawned on one side and finally couldn't stand it. A dark breath spit to the Totoro.


"Wow! Big brother, your pet is very good!" The baby made a lovely voice, so the wind couldn’t help but sigh.

The Totoro mourned, and the fear in the eyes was even stronger. It fell to the ground and gave a poor call.

Seeing the poor look of the Totoro's pity and pleading, the baby's heart was soft, put down the magic gun in his hand, and grabbed the big hand of the wind and said: "Big brother, I have been bullied back, we went out, okay."

Touching the head of the little angel: "Well, just let it surrender the things it guards, let us let it go."

"Yeah!" The baby seemed to understand, but nodded hard and went to the Totoro.

The wind just wanted to reach out and block, but quickly took it back and watched the Totoro carefully, preventing it from suddenly attacking.

The baby walked to the side of the totoro, and carefully touched it with some trembling body. After seeing it was not angry, he said very seriously: "Kitty, give me something that you hide, so We won't hurt you."

The Totoro was originally a cute and cute kitten in her eyes, but after she was bullied by it, she became very unappealing, but when she saw it poorly, she could not bear it.

The petite body leans forward slightly, and the long head half covers the delicate face to the extreme. The white and tender little hand gently touches the tortoise's hair. The cute expression is soft and serious, and the white and lovely princess dress follows her. The movement of the movement slightly swayed her beauty to the extreme.

It’s crazy to watch again.

The next chapter notice: Totoro surrender, and the next stop of the baby mission, is actually the capital of Vulcan!

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