Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 181: You are challenging! ?

"Big brother, it’s almost nine o'clock."

The wind is sipping a piece of hibiscus cake that tastes a little weird. After hearing the words, his face moved.

"If you, pay attention to rest."

Yang Xiruo smiled softly: "It doesn't matter, the game is in a state of rest."

The wind nodded and said to the baby: "Baby, you should play with the two sisters here first, I have to go out."

The baby stayed a little, then picked up the small mouth: "No, I want to be with Brother Shura."

"But there will be many bad people outside. It will be dangerous."

"Don't! Shura brother said to protect me, I don't want to be separated from Shura's brother." The baby saw that he wanted to leave himself, and the grievances of tears fell. In the past few days, as long as she is on the line with her, she has already regarded him as a very close relative, and is getting more and more sticky. Even when he studies and sleeps, he always thinks of him, looking forward to getting into the game early. together with him.

The baby’s expression was so bad that she quickly picked her up. “I’m not good, I shouldn’t talk. I promise the baby to take the baby wherever I go.”

"Yeah!" The baby smiled happily, enjoying the hustle and bustle in his warm arms.

Xi Ruo and the soft smile, the same feeling.

"The charm of Feng Da Ge, really no girl can resist."

"Young masters are good or bad, so small and cute."

"If you are, soft, wait for me to come back." The wind slammed the baby and leaped into the white, and went through the door of the house. Although it may be dangerous to bring the baby, he secretly vowed that he died. Hundreds of times must not let the baby suffer a little damage.

"Baby, you may have to fight with a lot of people, you are afraid of it?"

"Not afraid, the brothers of Shura must be bad guys, and the baby will help you."

"Get these few leaves, if you are in danger, you must eat it... Don't worry, I have a lot here." The wind smashed all eight pieces of Lingmu Xianye to the baby.

"Well, there are certain things that Shura’s brother will protect me."

Tianlong Imperial City originally had only one church, but a church in the district was a joke for hundreds of millions of Chinese players. Therefore, the old man really listened to the unintentional complaints. He used to build more than 30 large and small seats in various locations in the Imperial City for a week. Although it is still crowded, it is much better than before. And the original church became the No. 1 church, the largest and the most expensive church.

At the entrance to the church, people are full of people, and people want to see the first style of the Chinese fairy. The church can accommodate thousands of people at a time, and it is necessary to hold an invitation letter from the marriage party. At this time, it is also full of stuff. The 20 VIP seats in front are also packed, most of them are the bosses of some gangs or their families.

Scorpio is full of easy-going, smiling and welcoming guests from all sides. I have to say that his dress is very tasteful, white collar shirt, slim trousers, the proportion of the body is just right, the whole person seems to give people a sense of outstanding.

The proud moon Yi people dressed in a white wedding dress, faceless, the wedding in this game, in her eyes is really just a game, or a joke. Even the beautiful wedding dress on her body gave her a feeling of long thorns.

"How can the right effect be achieved in the right place?" The wind rushed Xiaobai to run forward without hesitation. He wanted the other party to hate him infinitely, and then he could revenge him by any means, then he could Show more horse feet.

"Little white, go!"

Xiaobai turned white shadows away, leaving countless horrified passers-by.

Tianlong Church, the hand of God quietly sat on the VIP table, listening to the archbishop reading the procedural preface, seems to feel the sister's sorrow. He sighed helplessly.

"Dad! Why do you want your aunt to marry that person." Duanmu wrinkled the eyebrows that had not yet grown, and the man named Tianzhuyun gave him a very uncomfortable feeling. Moreover, he clearly felt the aunt's dissatisfaction.

Upon receiving the whisper of Duanmu, the hand of God sighed: "This is your grandfather's decision, and I can't stop it."

"If you want to use your aunt as a bargaining chip in exchange for the help of Scorpio, you may really have to miscalculate. The eyes of the scorpio tell me that he is definitely not a person who can change his position for a virtual wedding. Maybe, you will lose your aunt but you won't get any benefit... For example, with your aunt's personality, you will inevitably resist at some point. Isn't that the best excuse? Maybe you will be beaten again!"

The eyes of Duanmu’s eyes shimmered with wisdom, and each of his words seemed to hit the heart of God’s hand like a hammer. He vaguely felt that his son said the word was not bad.

He still knows more about the style of Scorpio, a sinister and sinister person, and he is as unscrupulous as his father.

He began to regret not discussing with his son beforehand. It’s just... the wedding has started and can’t stop. Otherwise, the family must bear the reputation of betrayal, not to mention the fact that no one is sitting in the VIP seat.

"Does Dad want his aunt to marry him?" Duanmu turned his head and looked at him with a burning gaze.

"Your aunt, she doesn't want to... Dad naturally doesn't want to, just now..." God's hand shook his head, and his heart was slightly uneasy.

"I have a way!" Duanmu turned his head. "But I need the cooperation of my father."

The hand of God was gazing and did not say anything. The uneasiness in the heart disappeared in an instant without a trace. He knows the meaning of his sentence. The method he said must be a true strategy. He must have thought of all the consequences and countermeasures that can be cited.

"Mr. Tianyun Fengyun, you are willing to marry Miss Ai Yue Yiren's wife. Whether you are poor or rich, sick or healthy, are you willing to stay with her forever?" The marriage process of Tianlongda 6 and the modern West Almost exactly the same. The Archbishop slowly finished the oath and looked at the reaction of the two. With his experience and wisdom, how to see that this pair is barely combined. It is only that he has no right to interfere with the freedom of others, but only to perform his duties step by step.

"I am willing." Tianyi Fengyun smiled and answered, elegant words, excellent elegance and temperament made countless girls outside the church could not help but scream.

"Mrs. Ai Yue Yi, you are willing to marry Mr. ‘Scorpio Fengyun’, whether you are poor or rich, sick or healthy, are you willing to stay with him forever?”

"I am willing." The sound is very crisp and very cold.

"So, are there any people in the room who oppose their union!" The Archbishop's eyes aimed at the crowd in the church.

"I oppose! I oppose!" A childish voice sounded in a quiet church, letting people know that the age of the sound is absolutely five years old.

Scorpio Fengyun just wanted to be angry, but looking at the owner of the sound, suddenly burst into laughter.

"I don't want my aunt to marry that person, or no one will accompany me." Duanmu's face is full of innocence and grievances, and people can't help but raise the heart of love and compassion.

The proud moon Yi people grateful to him, she knows that this wise little emperor wants to help her, but this situation is not the same as the three-year-old child in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Oh, children, it’s a coincidence, I’m against it."

With a peaceful voice and a cluttered exclamation, a huge white tiger jumped directly into the center of the church, standing there in a mighty manner, while not forgetting a majestic roar.

No one doesn't know this white tiger because it is the mount of Shura!

On the back of the white tiger, Shura is still a golden giant sword in his hand, the strange mask covers his face, and there are new signs - the cold black armor!

Shura’s left hand gently held a small white body in his arms. It was a little girl in a white princess dress. The eyes under the mask of the small butterfly quietly looked around, no fear, only curiosity and excitement.

"Sura! Is it that Shura has appeared?"

"Is he messing around?"

"Who is that little girl, is it his daughter?"

"Oh, have a good show, open the camera."

"The place where Shura appeared has never been lacking in excitement..."


Duanmu's gaze stayed on him for the moment he came in, his eyes flashing a complex light that was completely incompatible with his age. For a long time, his mouth was exposed with innocence and simple smile, and his prepared words were also completely absorbed by him.

"It seems that I can get rid of it without my aunt."

This is the first time that the wind has seen the sky and the sky. Although he does not want to admit it, he has to say that this is indeed a person who looks and looks good. The image at this time is perfect, as if it is a castle. The prince who came out of the middle. It was only the calmness and hidden haze in his eyes that made him very uncomfortable.

The wind is very annoying to people who are handsomer than him. Later, after numerous gropings, he is not a man who can do this, so the object he hates directly changes into all the long and handsome people. Of course, except for Xiao Bing.

Therefore, he hates the scorpio in front of him.

"Sura, how did you come in, and, are you provoking?" After the initial surprise, the face of Scorpio quickly floated on the usual cold and calm, and at the same time, the first time the secret voice of the Tianyu shadow began to lay out. manpower.

How come in? The windy and disdainful pouting. With the Tianlong secret order, dare not let him go in the door?

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