Legend of the Asura

Vol 3 Chapter 219: Legendary Shura

"Okay, don't temper with you. I have a lot of things, go..."

"Wait... Wait a minute to repair the old man, there is something to ask you!" The wind smashed and grabbed the day to repair. .

"Quickly ask!"

"Hey... Do you know where the chaotic holy water is?" asked the wind and looked forward. This day, I have to live more than three thousand years than those who have transferred to the instructor. I should know more.

"Chaotic holy water? What are you looking for?" Tian Xiu looked at him with doubt. He naturally knows the legend about chaotic holy water, and knows that every person who cultivates magic wants it, but no one can find it, so in the end it can only be a legend.

"Do you really know? Don't worry about why I found it. If you know where it is, tell me quickly." The wind seemed to see hope, and quickly grabbed his broken, unsound black clothes, for fear that he would suddenly run. It is.

Tian Xiu thought for a moment and shook his head: "Nobody knows where it is..." Seeing the expression on the face of the wind and disappointing to the sultry expression, he said without hesitation: "But there is A legend about what it might seem to help you, you have to listen."

"Rely, less nonsense, know to say!" The wind can't wait to pick up the old man's collar.

Tian Xiu turned over and rolled his eyes, and he did not know him in general. He said slowly: "This legend also involves the scroll of the anti-sky. When the Tianzi kid sent you the scroll of the gods, I said that when the great goddess of dragons put When the seven scrolls were scattered around the Tianlong mainland, the robbers did not fall again. In fact, he was wrong, because there was a scroll that was separated from the other six, and because of its too horrible power, it attracted the **** of annihilation. mine!"

“The goddess of the dragon naturally feels the strangeness, and immediately exerts the power to find the position of the scroll at the fastest speed... but unfortunately, the anti-sky scroll has been destroyed by half due to too much thunder. At the same time, the remaining power is also dissipating very quickly."

"From the excavation of the colorful sacred stone to the distraction of its power, the seven reversals of the sky are the great goddess of the dragon who has been exhausted for nearly a thousand years before it can be cast, how can it be destroyed, so she collects in the shortest time To the most precious kind of holy water in the Tianlong continent, put the broken revolving scroll into it, to prevent its divine power from dissipating, and then hide them together in a very mysterious place - never found in tens of thousands of years. ”

"Save the holy water of the anti-day scroll is - chaotic holy water?"

"Crap! If not, what do I do with you so much!" Tian Xiu gave him a glance and continued. "Although this is only a legend, I have at least 80% confidence that it is true."

"There are a lot of people who have been searching for it for so many years, but no one has succeeded. If you really need it, just cheer on it." Tian Xiu took a black hand and patted his shoulder, ready to leave, suddenly Thinking of a thing that puzzled him for many days, he quickly turned his head and asked: "Kid, three days ago, did you have a short time to start the killing heart?"

"Killing the heart?" The wind shook his head and shook his head. "No."

"Oh... let's just say, do you have a special moment to kill people... Well, just want to kill all the people and kill them with the most **** and cruel way. It is this feeling." Tian Xiu stared His eyes asked. He can't help but care because it is related to the rise and fall of the Shura family and the future.

Feng Yao’s body trembled and thought of something. The day when the baby was concealed, she clearly felt the murderousness of his body, and let her, who loved him the most, could not help but shudder.

The wind shook his head. "Absolutely not."

When the heart of the killing of Shura is awakened, killing and cruelty will occupy the whole soul of one person, or it can be said that abandoning his inner heart and all leaving only bloodthirsty and killing. At that moment, he will no longer be himself, but become a tool for killing. When your heart is back, it is difficult to leave a clear memory of that moment, you can only remember a vague scene.

I don’t know the wind, I don’t know if I’ve never woken up the killing heart.

Seeing that he didn't seem to lie, Tian Xiu couldn't help but wonder: Is it true that his feelings have gone wrong?

"Tianxiu old man, when it comes to Shura...what is the strength of this profession?"

This is a problem that has always been confusing, because compared with the magic warrior, the dragon thief, and the storm ripper occupation, Shura is the most useless one, because it gives only a strong attack. Attributes and two skills that are rarely or even impossible to use.

If it wasn’t for the original request of Tian Xiu, the wind would not mind to open up his career as a storm ripper or a dragon thief.

"The power of Shura is far beyond your imagination. When Roga alone made the whole continent fear and tremble. At that time, everyone on the mainland said that Roga would feel cold and gray, and Roga Wherever it is, it is scared that everyone can not close the door. Thousands of guards and soldiers are even more enemies, and they are trembled, but no one dares to arrest him... This is powerful, can you understand? ?? Tian Xiu’s eyes showed a yearning.

"Just, the Shura that awakens the heart of Shura is the real Shura. The original me and the present you are just ordinary people who have inherited some of the power of Shura. In fact, they are not worthy of being called Shura." Unfortunately, I shook my head and looked at the Fengyao, who was close to him. She shook her head and said: "As for your kid, the dog is constantly carrying, and there are such beautiful people, you can't open the heart of Shura in this life. ""

"Fortunately, your boy is very savvy and should be able to comprehend many skills that can be launched only with the power of Shura. Otherwise, I will not pass Shura to you, this greedy and shameless boy who does not respect the elders!"

"The heart of Shura..." The wind whispered twice, and there was a trace of yearning in my heart. Indeed, the power of Luo Jia’s level is something he dare not imagine, and all men are yearning for it.


"Heaven old man, what do you mean by the past? Are you not Shura now?"

Tian Xiu can't wait to smash this kid with a knife. He said with a look of disgust: "You are not nonsense! There can only be one Shura in the whole continent. After three days of transfer to Shura, my Shura’s power will be dissipated. It!"

"Oh... this way." The wind stunned and suddenly asked another strange question: "Then why are you so powerful... and look at you, it looks like an assassin."

"My profession doesn't always mean that my property is gone! The property that Laozi has cultivated for three thousand years is not a dry meal... and your kid is not mistaken. Some time ago, I met the old guy who was inflamed and asked him for an assassin. Professional play, it is still easy." Tian Xiu's face turned into a black knife.

Inflammatory? The first master of the Tianlong Continental except the glass fairy is endless?

The more I contacted Tian Xiu, the more I felt that the old man was not simple. Not only can you be unscrupulous in front of the Emperor Tianlong, but the relationship with the first master seems to be good.

I don’t know the strong winds of Shura. I don’t know, every inheritor of Shura is not easy to provoke. Bloody memories and lessons tell people that once the sleeping Shura awakens, it will be a nightmare and disaster for the entire continent.

When it comes to inflammation, the wind has thought of a person, but also thought of a doubt he had just made.

When the old man was watching Feng Yao, he didn’t show much reaction... Is this old man a homosexual, or...

"Have you seen this person in the glass fairy?" asked the windy and cold.

Tian Xiu’s body trembled and lost his mind for a long time before he shook his head. “That is a person I want to forget, but I can never forget.”

The wind was once again shocked by the charm of the glass fairy, and could not help but ask: "What is the ratio with my family Yao?"

Tian Xiu looked at Feng Yao and said faintly: "The woman around you is comparable to the second beauty of the Tianlong mainland, regardless of temperament. If I have not seen her, I will definitely think that this is the ultimate beauty. .but……"

Tian Xiu did not say anything, he already said very clearly. From his indifferent expression, the wind has already understood what he meant - far less.

"Hey, go, look for the old man of Yandi... When I think of her, I will panic in my heart and blame you for this stinky boy."

The sound of Tian Xiu is getting farther and farther, until the black figure disappears completely into sight.

"Brother... Is there really such a beautiful person in the world?"

Feng Yao never shows off her beauty, but she understands her charm. If someone can surpass her far, it will be an incredible woman.

"Of course there will be no." The wind swayed her charm enough to pour the country into the city, and said softly: "Yao Er is always the most perfect woman in the world in my heart, even if someone is really strong." Ten thousand times, in my heart, I can’t get a millionth of Yao’s.”

"Well... I know, I always know!" Feng Yao's heart is full of happiness, she knows her position in his heart, she knows his position in his heart.

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