Legend of the Asura

: Shura 52 full attribute

Character Name: Wind Soul

Occupation: Shura, Demon Warrior, Dragon Stolen, Storm Ripper

Gang: no

Rating: 52

Reputation: 17990 gold coins update super fast

Basic attributes: strength: 920, physique: 769, agility: 1395, spirit: 116,

Fixed attribute: Lucky: 72, Perception: 50

Life: 27903

Magic: 3262

Attack: 5991

Magic Attack: 2729

Defense: 200

Hit: 3095

Avoidance: 1954

Shot speed: ordinary

Movement speed: 13

Reaction: 147

Pet: none

Contract Call: Nethered Five Elements St. Qilin small, Yin Yang Magic Star Dragon Star.

Mount: Ziyun Yunyihu

Fire resistance: 155%, water resistance: 0% 105%, wind resistance: 75%, lightning resistance: 155%, soil resistance: 45%, light resistance: 75%, dark Resistance: 75%, death resistance: 65%.

Automatic life recovery: 1474, automatic magic recovery: 1701


The Eye of the Soul: The ancient soul that has been lost is magical. It is now in an awake state and can only emit a part of the effect.

Effect: Open the eye of the sky: gain insight into all the situations around you, gain insight into the basic attributes of monsters, players, and n that are not above level 30, and have a chance to find weaknesses. No magic consumption.


The hand of Shura: Passive skills, primary. Shura is skilled at using any weapon and turning it into his own weapon of killing. Effect: Attacks +20% when using any weapon.

The body of Shura: passive skills, primary. Shura can wear any professional equipment and increase its resilience with the power of Shura. Effect: Defense +20% when wearing any equipment.

Shura’s return to heaven: passive skills, primary. Effect: Automatically restores life and magic every second, the amount of recovery is equal to physical strength and spirit.

The Eye of Shura: The ancient soul is a variant of the magical 'eye of the soul' that is integrated into the power of Shura. It has a strange ability. Effect: With the eyes of Shura's killing, the eyes of the arrogant and intimidating eyes are reduced, and the defense of all monsters in the field of vision is reduced by 10%, and there is a certain probability of falling into a state of fear, and the use of the player makes it fall into an "endless fear" state.

Despair Abyss: Repairing Luoji. Shura, who is desperate, will lose all his strength in exchange for a powerful attack. After the exhibition, it will enter the state of 'Red Desire'. The six attributes of life, magic, defense, magic attack, dodge and hit are all converted into attack power. The time is maintained for 1 minute. The six attributes in 1 minute all become 1 and use. Skills don't consume magic.

Shura has broken his own soul: Shura's exclusive skills. In the face of powerful enemies that cannot be countered, Shura will burn his vitality and end up with the enemy with the impact of vitality. Effect: Exploding 90% of life, causing all enemies within 10 meters around them to be equal to 90% of their own fixed damage. Forced hits when launching, ignoring all defenses, life less than 90% can not be launched, no skill cooling time.

Magical martial arts:

Binghuang broken: the water system is a high-level magic martial arts. The ice that is condensed by the force of the blasting water is used to attack all enemies in front. Attack power 200%, attack range 5 meters in front, with 200 water damage, 15% frozen effect, consumption magic 0, no skill cooling time.

Shuizhihua: Advanced water system passive assistive skills, water-based energy around the body to enhance the user's ability. Effect: Life +15%, Magic +15%, Magic Attack +15%, Life Recovery Speed ​​+15%, Magic Recovery Speed ​​+15%, Water Resistance +15%, Frozen Resistance +30%, Cold Resistance + 45%.

Wind mad dance: Wind is a high-level magic martial art, with a huge blade of wind in the hands to kill a straight enemy, damage 250%, with 200 wind damage, 15% chance to add sleep, 30% chance to blow. The attack range is a linear range of 20 meters long and 3 meters wide, consuming 90 magic and 10 seconds of skill cooldown. It takes one second to start accumulating wind elements before starting.

Spirit of the Wind: Passive assistive skills of the advanced wind system, summoning the spirit of the wind with the ability of the wind system to enhance the user's various abilities. Effect: Avoid +15%, hit +15%, move speed +15%, wind resistance +15%, sleep resistance +30%.

Blazing Flames: High-level magic martial arts: single attack, the weapon that injects the energy of fire instantly smashes the enemy four times, each attack power is 100% of the normal attack, and comes with 200 fire damage, 15% The burning effect consumes 90 magic and no skill cooldown.

Fire inflammation: Advanced fire system passive assistive skills, forming a fire dragon around the body with fire energy, enhancing the user's various abilities. Effect: Attack +15%, fire resistance +15%, burning resistance +30%, heat resistance +45%.

Enchantment Resor: Advanced lightning system magic martial arts. During the exhibition, the force of lightning is used to spur the weapon in hand, and a ray is wound around a single enemy, so that it cannot escape, and there is a certain probability to pull it to the close, causing 300 damage per second during the winding process, and there are 15 The probability of % is added to the 'paralysis' state, and the 100% probability causes the speed of the shot to drop by one level. Winding can last up to 10 seconds and can be interrupted at any time. Magic 90 is consumed, and the cooldown is 10 seconds.

Lei Zhibi: Advanced lightning system passive assisting skills, forming a lightning enchantment with lightning energy to enhance users' various abilities. Effect: 15% rebound, +15% lightning resistance, +30% resistance to paralysis.

Earthquake: Earth's high-level magic martial arts, hitting the ground with weapons in hand, triggering a massive explosion of earthen energy in the world, with an attack power of 250%, with 200 soil damage and 100% flying effect, attack range 10 meters around itself, consumes 90 magic, and cools the skill for 20 seconds.

The barrier of the soil: the passive assisting skills of the high-grade soil system, the soil energy is used to shield the soil around the body, enhancing the user's various abilities. Effect: +15% defense, soil resistance +15%, petrochemical resistance +30%, repelling, hitting, blowing resistance +45%.

Ring of Light: Advanced Light is a passive assisting skill that illuminates a ring of light around the body with the energy of the light, enhancing the user's various abilities. Effect: Life automatically responds +150, magic automatically returns +150, life recovery speed +15%, magic recovery speed +15%, light system resistance +15%, full abnormal state resistance +15%.

Holy Light Reincarnation: High-level light magic martial arts. When you display, you can form a bright tornado with yourself as the center. Rotate yourself to attack all the enemies within 3 meters. You can move freely. The attack power is 130 for normal attacks. At the same time, 200 light attribute damage is added. The Holy Light Tornado can last up to 5 seconds. The same enemy damage is not cumulative, consumes 90 magic, no skill cooldown.

Ring of Darkness: Advanced Darkness is a passive assistive skill that transforms a dark ring around the body with dark energy to enhance the user's abilities. Effect: 7% cursed state is added during attack, darkness resistance is +15%, curse resistance is +45%, and bloodthirsty state is invalidated.

Curse effect: Cursed Lucky-20. Almost all players, n and monsters are caught in a terrible doom state. The duration of the curse is 1 hour. Can not be lifted. The specific effect of bad luck is: no monsters, no money, no equipment. The probability of being cricted is greatly increased, and the probability of i is greatly increased. The frequency of monsters using tricks has risen sharply, the success rate of all-life skills has become zero, and it is easy to fall into various traps.

Dark madness: advanced dark magic martial arts. At the time of the exhibition, the weapon is given the power of dark bloodthirsty, and the attack absorbs the enemy's life and magic. Effect: Single attack, attack power is 250% of normal attack, plus 200 dark damage and % curse effect, and convert 50% of damage into their own life and magic. Magic 30 is consumed, and the cooldown is 10 seconds.

Ring of Death: Advanced Death is a passive assistive skill that uses the energy of death to place a ring of death around the body, enhancing the user's various abilities. Effect: The attack probability is +3%, the death resistance is +15%, that is, the death resistance is +30%, and the loss resistance is +70%.

Prayer of Life: Advanced Death is a passive assistive skill that will receive the prayer and blessing of the goddess of life after the exhibition. Effect: Life +750, life +15%, life auto-recovery +150, full abnormal state resistance +15%.

Magic Wu stunt: Yuehua Tianzhu: Advanced magic Wu stunt, the element of the explosion of the seven-line energy formation Yuehua attacks all enemies within 30 meters around itself, the attack power is 1500% of the ordinary attack, and 500 water damage is added, 500 Fire damage, 500 wind damage, 500 raid damage, 500 soil damage, 500 light damage, 500 dark damage, 100% probability with a silent effect, consumes magic 5000, cooldown 1 hour.

Flying Dragon:

Dragon's Claw: Passive ability, giving the user the tearing power of the dragon's claws, increasing the attack by 10%, increasing the critical strike by 10%, and the +10% chance of tearing the wound.

The dragon explores the cloud: the god-level stealing technique was created by the Baro thief Li Hankong. The skill person seems to have an invisible hand, and he can do whatever he wants, and he can do anything. Effect: Single stealing: 1 to 5 items can be stolen at random. The success rate depends on the level and grade of the opponent. The higher the item level, the lower the success rate of stealing. The basic success rate is lucky x5. Knowing the stealing success rate of items is doubled, and the probability of not being discovered when stealing is lucky x5. Consumes magic 10, no skill cooldown.

The dragon's rushing hand: God's stealing skills, the secret skills of the dragon thief, only the highly savvy dragon thief can understand, is said to be the stealing skills that can make countless masters frightened. Effect: Single stealing. Directly forcibly stealing the equipment being used by the other party, the success rate depends on the level and grade of the opponent. At the same time, the higher the item grade, the lower the success rate of the theft, the base success rate is equal to the lucky, and the probability of not being discovered when stealing is lucky. . It is rumored that this technology can sometimes even steal the other's backpack. Consumes magic 20, no skill cooldown.

The shadow: the god-level speed-up technique, the dragon thieves exclusive escape skills, the speed will be raised to the extreme. Effect: It consumes 30% of the magic, and the moving speed instantly becomes 1000% of the original. It can be carried by people, lasting 30 seconds, and can be displayed three times a day.

Chasing: The dragon thief is the ultimate restraint skill, and the enemy's figure is used to make it nowhere to be seen. Effect: Instantly moves to the position of the specified target shadow. Conditions of use: The other party is in a shadow state. The range is 10 meters. Consumes magic 50, no skill cooldown.

Phantom: Li Hankong's own illusion, it is said that only the savvy is extremely high to comprehend. After the show, the ghostly body can be arbitrarily shuttled into the enemy's sword and sword without being hurt. Effect: Avoid +70%, duration 3 minutes, skill cooldown 1 hour.

Shadowless: The dragon steals the exclusive stealth technique, and can hide the body shape at will. After the rumor, the monsters below the fairy beast can't detect the trace. Effect: Stealth, invisible process can display an active skill without showing body shape, stealth process consumes 100 magic per second, moving speed -20%, stealth state automatically disappears when attacked or magic is insufficient, skill cooldown time is 1 hour .

Fixing: The dragon thief's ultimate escape skill, the savvy person can understand, with the deep understanding of the film technology, you can throw the short edge of the hand to hold the shadow of the other party, making it impossible to move. Effect: Throw the short knife in the hand to fix the shadow of the enemy unit, so that it can not move, and the short knife is not subject to the 3-second time limit of replacing the weapon. Conditions of use: The other party is in a shadow state, and the duration depends on the ability of the opponent, at least five seconds. Consumes magic 00, no skill cooldown.


Storm Arrow: After launching, the storm-like arrow is shot by the force of the storm. The legend is that the fastest speed of the Tianlong mainland history is the fastest speed. The launch speed is enough to make the heavens and the earth eclipse, and the ghosts and gods are shocked. Even the goddess of the dragon does not dare to face it. . Due to the lack of strength of the storm, only partial effects can be achieved at present.

Effect: 10 arrows per second to attack the enemy, each arrow attack power is equal to the normal attack, while adding 30% of the repel and 20% of the penetration effect, can concentrate the attack can also sweep the attack, can be hit Hit the ground, hit the water, and consume 1000 magic per second after launching.

Rainstorm Arrow: Launches countless arrows to the sky with the force of the storm. The falling arrows will tear all the enemies around. Due to the lack of strength of the storm, only partial effects can be achieved at present.

Effect: The following arrows attack all enemies within 20 meters of their own, attack power is 300%, it takes 3 seconds to launch an arrow into the air before launching the skill, and the skill cools down for 10 minutes.

Invisible Arrow: When the Storm Ripper launches an attack, it automatically forms an arrow with the force of the storm according to the mind. Each arrow has an attack power of 100.

傀儡 傀儡 : : 追 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : After the show, he summons a substitute within 30 meters of his own to attract the attention of the enemy. The substitute can't move, can't attack, life and all defense attributes are equal to the user, and can be summoned 10 times a day.


Sealed Xuanyuan Sword: Grade is unknown, use requirements: None. Attack speed: normal. Has been recognized, can not be traded, can not be dropped, can not be discarded, can not be stolen. The golden sword of the golden age, the legend is that the gods of the heavens gave Xuanyuan the Yellow Emperor to defeat the sword of the world. There is an infinite force in it, which is the sword of the demon slayer, now in the state of seal, has been unsealed: 27.

Effect: Attack +00, attack +20%, life +00, magic +00, four basic attributes +0, lucky +10, hit +20%, 15% block, 5% break, 5% broken, 5% That is to die, 15% destroyed, and the strength of destruction is increased.

Skills: Xuanyuan Shengyan: Auxiliary skills, Xianxian, burning the user's fighting spirit with the sacred Xuanyuan inflammation, greatly improving the user's ability within a certain period of time. Effect: Attack power +100%, crit +100%, defense +100%, hit +100%, duration 40 seconds, the first 4 seconds the user will be invincible defense state. It can be used once a day.

The king of the world: the Xuanyuan three-style style, the power of the hegemony of the hegemony, ignoring the heavens and the earth, devastating attacks on the enemy in the face of the king. Effect: Single attack, ignoring defense, attack power 5000%. The moment of the move caused a 1 second deterrent to the enemies in the surrounding 10 meters, making it impossible to move and unable to attack. It can be used once a day. Due to lack of user ability, after use, it will enter a weak state of 3 hours, and life, magic, attack, defense, avoidance, and hit drop by 50%.

Fighting to the stars: Xuanyuan three-style trans, holy defensive counterattack skills. With the power of Xuanyuan, the bounce enchantment that blocks everything around the body will hit all the damage absorbed in the enchantment, and will give a five-fold rebound with the powerful Xuanyuan. The enchantment lasts for one second. It can be used twice a day.

Shura Magic: Artifact, use requirements: Shura occupation. Formerly the magical mask of the magical mask of Luojia, after the baptism of 10,000 people blood and killing, gradually evolved into the magical face of the artifact Shura.

Effect: Life +100%, Magic +100%, four basic attributes increase level x3, movement speed +10. The death rate is +3%. Bad state resistance +30%, death resistance +30%, lucky-3. 50% damage bonus to the enemy.

Skills: Soul Absorption: Passive skills, automatically absorb the killed souls of the enemy, and seal in the Shura illusion, absorption limit: 50.

Wraith: Summon and command the souls of the sorrows of the sorcerer to attack. You can focus on the attack and spread the attack. Each attacker's attack power is equal to twice the attack power of the user. Each time you can summon a level of 5 souls at the same time, you can summon the number of souls: 3550.

Shura Mongol Wave: Active skill, launching Hell's Pluto wave to attack nearby enemies, causing 100% of enemies within a certain range to fall into at least one bad state of poisoning, blindness, fear, confusion, dizziness, paralysis, freezing, sleep, petrification, Duration depends on the enemy's ability, consumes 300 spells, and attacks range player level 2, which can be used twice a day.

Shura counter: artifact, use requirements: Shura occupation. Formerly Luojia's fairy dragon scales gloves, after the literary blessing of 10,000 people blood and killing, gradually evolved into the inverse scale of the artifact Shura.

Effect: Defense +200, four basic attributes increased by 20%, attack +20%, hit +50%, attack speed increased by one level, death resistance +30%, attack with 30% tear wound, 3% The effect of death.

Skills: Hands of No Life: Auxiliary skills, black death gas gathers in the hands, and brings enemies into the abyss of death when attacking. Effect: The attack probability increases by 30%, lasts 15 seconds, consumes 1000 spells, and cools the skill for 1 hour.

Undead thorn: You can launch the Shura slash in the back of the Shura attacking enemy at any time. The attack power of each Shura thorn is equal to the normal attack. The attack distance is 10 meters, and the attack direction is specified by the mind. The maximum number of slashes that can be fired per minute is level 5, which consumes 20 spells per launch.

Xue Ling Cloak: Advanced Fairy, Conditions of Use: None. The cloak of the golden snow wolf skin, which is integrated into the power of Xuanyuan, contains an unparalleled power of agility.

Effect: Defense +0, Agility +300, Agility +20%, Life +300, Strength +30. Movement speed +10, wind resistance +20%, lucky +3. A 100 wind damage is added to the attack, and a 10% probability of attack triggers the sleep effect.

Skills: Smart Wind: Speed ​​up the user's movement speed with the force of the wind. After the display, the movement speed is increased by 50%, the duration is 1 minute, the magic 40 is consumed, and the skill cooldown time is 30 minutes.

Smart Dance: The user's body is floated by the force of the wind. After being cast, it can float freely in the air below three meters. It lasts for 30 seconds, consumes 100 magic, and cools the skill for 1 hour.

Wind Barrier: Summon Wind Spirit covers the user's face, making it impossible for people to see their appearance, and at the same time invalidating all the knowledge of other people's insights. It consumes 50 magic and can be used three times a day.

Tianshui Ling lead belt: 50 level fairy equipment, use requirements: 50 grades any occupation. Containing the headband of Tianshui Yuhuang's power, it exudes the power of lightness. Effect: Defense +200, physical strength +30, agility +30, life +300, movement speed +5, avoidance +10%, water resistance +20%.

Additional Skills: Blue Wave Water Pattern: Increases defense by 10% after the cast, and deals 10% of the damage of the enemy.

Shuihuang armor armor + war pants: 50 level fairy equipment, use requirements: 50 grades any occupation. The armor of Tianshui Yuhuang is full of powerful water energy. Effect: Defense +600, physical strength +100, strength +100, spirit +100, life +600, magic +600, movement speed +10, water resistance +20%. A 5% probability of complete immune attack.

Additional Skills: Destruction of Aqua Blue: The skill of the squad, the water energy in the blast armor attacks all enemies within 30 meters of itself, and the water magician profession can be used. Skill cooldown for 10 hours.

Water spirit boots boots: 50 level fairy equipment, use requirements: 50 level any occupation. The boots that contain the spirit of Tianshui Yuhuang are incomparably light. Effect: defense +10, life +300, agility +50, avoidance +100, the speed of the moving speed is invalid, the movement speed is +10, the water resistance is +20%.

Additional Skills: Water Spirit Dance: You can walk on the water.

Tianlong secret: special items, has been bound to the owner: wind soul. Not tradeable, can't be dropped, can't be stolen. The tokens given by the Tianlong Emperor to the people who made the merits are distributed every 30 years, and this token will receive great honor and power.

Effect: The right to secretly: Hold the token in the various shops in Tianlong Imperial City for free 5 times of service. After that, all services will be 50% off.

The prestige of the secret order: Lucky +5, the token can be arbitrarily captured in the city without being caught by the guards, killing does not increase the value of sin; it can kill the traitor rebellious and receive the reward of the Tianlong dynasty.

The prestige of the secret order: reputation +1000, once a day to have an army of no more than 1,000 people in the city to assist in the battle.

Guardian Chain: Spirit, can automatically protect the player, so that the attribute does not fall when the level drops for any reason, can be used once, completely damaged after use.

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